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#   sand dollar settlement - bootstrap, Fig.7
#   B. Gaylord (UC-Davis)
#   version: 2016-03-15
#   These data result. - n Hodin et al (2015) Royal Soc. Open Sci Fid was 50teote: spin speed was 500 rpm
spin_time_sec  replicate  cue  num_in_couette  time_out_of_couette  time_in_cue  target_score_time  time_scored  hrs_in_cue  num_transferred  num_juvs  num_recovered_in_well  num_settled  proprtn_settled  comment  
UMC            1          NI   NA              NA                   2148         0348               0346         6           11               1         11                     2            0.09             nd       
180            1          NI   23              2141                 2151         0351               0353         6           10               1         10                     4            0.10             nd       
UMC            2          NI   NA              NA                   2210         0710               0658         9           23               3         23                     4            0.13             spilled some of well at 5.5 hr, prob lost larvae  
180            2          NI   23              2204                 2211         0711               0710         9           20               3         15                     7            0.20             spilled some of well at 5.5 hr, prob lost larvae  
180            3          NI   24              2226                 2234         0734               0742         9           18               4         17                     2            0.24             nd       
180            4          NI   23              2241                 2247         0747               0753         9           23               3         19                     7            0.16             nd       
UMC            3          NI   NA              NA                   2259         0759               0757         9           24               2         23                     4            0.09             nd       
UMC            4          NI   NA              NA                   2300         0800               0800         9           22               2         21                     5            0.10             nd