/BCO/EastSiberianArcticShelf/Spring2012_Sed_StableIsotopes ---- Level 0

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#  East Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS)
#  Spring 2012  d13C and d2H Stable Isotope Compostion
#  PIs: Joye, et al
#  Version: 20 April 2016
Station       Collection_Type  Date          Latitude   Longitude   
45            PWS              Mar/Apr2012   nd         nd          
69            GrabCore         Mar/Apr2012   nd         nd          
13            PWS              Mar/Apr2012   72.00512   130.13475   
5             PWS              Mar/Apr2012   72.33328   130.12183   
8             PWS              Mar/Apr2012   72.76034   130.13475   
8             GravityCore      Mar/Apr2012   72.76034   130.13475   
DrillSite     DrillCore        Mar/Apr2012   72.76034   130.13475