Chesapeake Bay 2013 cruise LOG
(R/V Sharp cruise HRS1314 - 130809GL)
Chesapeake Bay / Offshore August 9 – August 16, 2013
Methods papers used in this project
Dissolved Mn speciation parameters
Madison, A., B. M. Tebo, G. W. Luther, III. 2011. Simultaneous determination of soluble manganese(III), manganese(II) and total manganese in natural (pore)waters. Talanta 84, 374-381.
Madison, A. S, B. M. Tebo, A. Mucci, B. Sundbyand G. W. Luther, III. 2013. Abundant Mn(III) in porewaters is a major component of the sedimentary redox system. Science 341, 875-878.
Oldham, V. O., S. M. Owings, M. Jones, B. M. Tebo and G. W. Luther, III. 2015. Evidence for the presence of strong Mn(III)-binding ligands in the water column of the Chesapeake Bay. Marine Chemistry 171, 58-66.
MnOX solids
Altmann, H.H., 1972. Bestimmung von inWasser gelöstem Sauerstoffmit Leukoberbelinblau I. Fresenius' Z. Anal. Chem. 6, 97–99.
Krumbein, W. E., and H. J. Altmann. 1973. ‘A New Method for the Detection and Enumeration of Manganese Oxidizing and Reducing Microorganisms’. Helgoländer Wissenschaftliche Meeresuntersuchungen 25 (2-3): 347–56. doi:10.1007/BF01611203.
Dissolved Fe speciation parameters
Stookey L.L. 1970. Ferrozine- A New Spectrophotometric Reagent for Iron. Anal. Chem. 42, 779-781.
Lewis, B. L., B. T. Glazer, P. J. Montbriand, G. W. Luther, III, D. B. Nuzzio, T. Deering, S. Ma, and S. Theberge. 2007. Short-term and interannual variability of redox-sensitive chemical parameters in hypoxic/anoxic bottom waters of the Chesapeake Bay. Marine Chemistry 105, 296-308.
O2 and H2S, polysulfides
Luther, III, G. W., B. T. Glazer, S. Ma, R. E. Trouwborst, T. S. Moore, E. Metzger, C. Kraiya, T. J. Waite, G. Druschel, B. Sundby, M. Taillefert, D. B. Nuzzio, T. M. Shank, B. L. Lewis and P. J. Brendel. 2008. Use of voltammetric solid-state (micro)electrodes for studying biogeochemical processes: laboratory measurements to real time measurements with an in situ electrochemical analyzer (ISEA). Marine Chemistry 108, 221-235.
Luther, G. W., III, and A. S. Madison. 2013. Determination of Dissolved Oxygen, Hydrogen Sulfide, Iron(II), and Manganese(II) in Wetland Pore Waters. In: Methods in Biogeochemistry of Wetlands, R.D. DeLaune, K.R. Reddy, C.J. Richardson, and J.P. Megonigal, editors. SSSA Book Series, no. 10. SSSA, Madison, WI. p. 87-106.
Yücel, M., S. K. Konovalov, T. S. Moore, C. P. Janzen and G. W. Luther, III. 2010. Sulfur speciation in the upper Black Sea sediments. Chemical Geology 269, 364-375.
pH and inorganic carbon parameters
Gran G. 1952. Determination of the equivalence point in potentiometric titrations, Part II. Analyst, 77: 661-671.
Huang W.-J., Wang Y., and Cai W.-J. 2012. Assessment of sample storage techniques for total alkalinity and dissolved inorganic carbon in seawater. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods, 10: 711-717.
Field Papers published as a result of this project (methods included)
Madison, A. S, B. M. Tebo, A. Mucci, B. Sundbyand G. W. Luther, III. 2013. Abundant Mn(III) in porewaters is a major component of the sedimentary redox system. Science 341, 875-878.
MacDonald, D. J., A. J. Findlay, S. M. McAllister, J. M. Barnett, P. Hredzak-Showalter, S. T. Krepski, S. G. Cone, J. Scott, S. K. Bennett, C. S. Chan, D. Emerson and G.W. Luther III. 2014. Using in situ voltammetry as a tool to search for iron oxidizing bacteria: from fresh water wetlands to hydrothermal vent sites. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts 16, 2117-2126.
Findlay, A. J., A. Gartman, D. J. MacDonald, T. E. Hanson, T. J. Shaw and G. W. Luther, III. 2014. Distribution and size fractionation of elemental sulfur in aqueous environments: The Chesapeake Bay and Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta 142, 334-348.
Oldham, V. O., S. M. Owings, M. Jones, B. M. Tebo and G. W. Luther, III. 2015. Evidence for the presence of strong Mn(III)-binding ligands in the water column of the Chesapeake Bay. Marine Chemistry 171, 58-66.
Luther, G.W. III, A.S. Madison, A. Mucci, B. Sundby and V. E. Oldham. 2015. A kinetic approach to assess the strengths of ligands bound to soluble Mn(III). Marine Chemistry 173, 93-99.
Findlay, A. J., A. J. Bennet, T. E. Hanson and G. W. Luther, III. 2015. Light-dependent sulfide oxidation in the anoxic zone of the Chesapeake Bay can be explained by small populations of phototrophic bacteria. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 81(21), 7560-7569.
Findlay, A. J., A. Gartman, D. J. MacDonald, T. E. Hanson, T. J. Shaw and G. W. Luther, III. 2014. Distribution and size fractionation of elemental sulfur in aqueous environments: The Chesapeake Bay and Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta 142, 334-348.