/BCO-DMO/Diatom_Silicification/chl_bact_virus --cruise_id eq OC1504A-- Level 1

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#  Bacteria and Virus Abundance
#    and Chlorophyll Containing Particles
#  K. Thamatrakoln and M. Brzezinski, PIs
#  Version 19 July 2016
station       cast    lat         lon           date_local  time_local  date_utc     time_utc  
test2-stn01   test2   43.65434    -124.48169    19-Apr-15   19:18       20-Apr-15    2:18      
2             3       41.79867    -124.39067    20-Apr-15   13:19       20-Apr-15    20:19     
3             5       41.69917    -124.32883    21-Apr-15   7:04        21-Apr-15    14:04     
4             6       38.15733    -123.1205     23-Apr-15   13:10       23-Apr-15    20:10     
5             9       37.7165     -122.93867    24-Apr-15   9:20        24-Apr-15    16:20     
6             11      37.0655     -122.503      25-Apr-15   9:32        25-Apr-15    16:32     
7             12      36.704      -122.099      25-Apr-15   16:51       25-Apr-15    23:51     
8             14      36.34167    -121.97967    26-Apr-15   8:54        26-Apr-15    15:54     
9             15      36.8895     -122.28467    27-Apr-15   8:35        27-Apr-15    15:35     
10            18      36.91583    -122.42117    28-Apr-15   9:50        28-Apr-15    16:50     
11            20      35.7175     -121.37683    29-Apr-15   9:02        29-Apr-15    16:02     
12            21      35.246      -120.94488    29-Apr-15   16:49       29-Apr-15    23:49     
13            22      35.23617    -120.92933    30-Apr-15   8:59        30-Apr-15    15:59     
14            25      34.55467    -120.81017    1-May-15    9:46        1-May-15     16:46