/BCO-DMO/Diatom_Silicification/photosynthetic_data --cruise_id eq OC1504A-- Level 1

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# Photosyntheticdata from OC1504a (MUSiCC)
#   K. Thamatrakoln and M. Brzezinski, PIs
#   Version 28 July 2016
CTD      date_local  
CTD03    4/20/15     
CTD05    4/21/15     
CTD06    4/23/15     
CTD09    4/24/15     
CTD10    4/25/15     
CTD13    4/26/15     
CTD16    4/27/15     
CTD17    4/28/15     
CTD19    4/29/15     
CTD21    4/29/15     
CTD22    4/30/15     
CTD23    4/30/15     
CTD24    5/1/15      
CTD25    5/1/15