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# Oyster juvenile growth - Experiment 2
#  Growth at day 7 post-settlement under four larval-to-juvenile ocean acidification transitions in the laboratory
# PI: Brian Gaylord (Bodega Marine Laboratory)
# Co-PIs: Tessa Hill & Eric Sanford (Bodega Marine Laboratory), Ann Russell (UC Davis)
# Version: 16 Sept 2016
pH_nominal_larval  pH_nominal_juv  avg_size_at_settlement  avg_juv_growth  avg_juv_growth_rate  
8                  8               0.05281                 0.49556         0.070794643          
8                  8               0.05222                 0.63126         0.090180084          
8                  8               0.05329                 0.55309         0.079013445          
8                  8               0.04940                 0.71027         0.101466667          
8                  8               0.05271                 0.49200         0.070285714          
8                  8               0.05377                 0.55411         0.079158151          
8                  7.8             0.05265                 0.49165         0.070235294          
8                  7.8             0.05163                 0.60842         0.086917311          
8                  7.8             0.05424                 0.61476         0.087823529          
8                  7.8             0.05141                 0.66000         0.094285714          
8                  7.8             0.05300                 0.40282         0.057546218          
8                  7.8             0.05088                 0.45882         0.065546218          
7.8                7.8             0.05075                 0.41575         0.059392857          
7.8                7.8             0.05327                 0.39347         0.056209524          
7.8                7.8             0.05020                 0.44293         0.06327619           
7.8                7.8             0.05191                 0.41824         0.0597485            
7.8                7.8             0.05016                 0.46621         0.066600762          
7.8                7.8             0.05145                 0.42340         0.060485714          
7.8                8               0.05310                 0.47115         0.067307143          
7.8                8               0.05407                 0.44827         0.064038095          
7.8                8               0.05269                 0.54240         0.077485714          
7.8                8               0.05513                 0.42667         0.060952381          
7.8                8               0.05455                 0.42059         0.060083714          
7.8                8               0.04955                 0.39863         0.056947143