/BCO-DMO/SEEPC/larval_collections_MOC --cruise_id eq AT26-15-- Level 1

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#   Deep larval collections, 2012, 2014, 2015
#     MOCNESS collections of invertebrate larvae throughout water colureti   near methane seep sites: Barbados Accretionary Prism, 2012
#                              Gulf of Mexico, 2014
# 			      BlakeRidge, CapeFear 2013
#                              Western Atlantic Margin, 2015
#   CM Young & S. Ma3 [added EN53)
#   version: 2017-02-13 [added EN531 collection data]
#           replaces version: 2016-09-30
cruise_id  year  
AT26-15    2014  
date        site                  lat        lon         
2014-05-22  MC853                 28.12420   -89.14140   
2014-05-23  AT340                 27.6446    -88.36300   
2014-05-26  BP                    27.72370   -91.28770   
2014-05-30  AC601                 26.31970   -94.51500   
2014-05-31  AC645                 26.35470   -94.47600   
2014-05-31  Sentry                26.35470   -94.47600   
2014-05-31  AC645                 26.35470   -94.47600   
2014-06-02  GB907                 27.09190   -92.61900   
2014-06-03  GB648                 27.33890   -92.36070   
2014-06-06  DC583                 28.38480   -87.38890   
2014-06-07  DC583                 28.39810   -87.38890   
2014-06-11  Florida_escarpment    26.02940   -84.91090