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# Weekly coral calcification rates in the CO2 manipulation experiment
# PI: Anne Cohen (WHOI)
# Contact: Hannah Barkley (WHOI)
# Version: 27 June 2017
week  CO2_treatment  reef_omega_AR  calc_rate  calc_rate_se  
3     Low            3.7            3.953      1.369         
4     Low            3.7            2.198      2.602         
5     Low            3.7            11.318     1.367         
6     Low            3.7            10.062     1.506         
7     Low            3.7            10.555     2.277         
8     Low            3.7            10.169     1.163         
3     Low            2.3            -2.047     2.689         
4     Low            2.3            -0.333     2.898         
5     Low            2.3            13.143     2.805         
6     Low            2.3            6.691      1.943         
7     Low            2.3            10.185     1.86          
8     Low            2.3            11.088     1.832         
3     Mid            2.3            -0.04      1.207         
4     Mid            3.7            2.646      2.463         
5     Mid            3.7            7.913      1.955         
6     Mid            3.7            4.455      1.321         
7     Mid            3.7            7.055      1.837         
8     Mid            3.7            8.211      1.274         
3     Mid            2.3            -2.867     1.876         
4     Mid            2.3            1.411      3.405         
5     Mid            2.3            4.909      2.603         
6     Mid            2.3            3.742      1.728         
7     Mid            2.3            3.975      1.715         
8     Mid            2.3            5.344      2.095         
3     High           3.7            -0.42      1.908         
4     High           3.7            4.098      3.468         
5     High           3.7            7.239      2.277         
6     High           3.7            6.164      1.496         
7     High           3.7            8.207      1.684         
8     High           3.7            7.412      0.996         
3     High           2.3            -1.904     1.992         
4     High           2.3            4.321      1.516         
5     High           2.3            8.559      2.448         
6     High           2.3            0.259      2.64          
7     High           2.3            5.796      2.911         
8     High           2.3            4.618      2.61