Ar |
Ar concentration in umol/kg determined by Ar isotope dilution with 38Ar. As discussed in the paper, the 2007 measurements follow Hamme and Severinghaus (2007) "Trace gas disequilibria during deep-water formation" Deep Sea Research I: 54(6):939-950 while the later measurements use a similar method but with a helium balance gas. Standard gases are calibrated relative to air with assumed dry mole fractions of 9.34e-3 for Ar.
micromol/kilogram |
diss_noble_gas_conc |
depth |
meters |
depth |
Kr |
Kr concentration in umol/kg determined by combining mass spectrometric Kr/Ar ratio measurements with absolute Ar concentrations by Ar isotope dilution with 38Ar. As discussed in the paper, the 2007 measurements follow Hamme and Severinghaus (2007) "Trace gas disequilibria during deep-water formation" Deep Sea Research I: 54(6):939-950; while the later measurements use a similar method but with a helium balance gas. Standard gases are calibrated relative to air with assumed dry mole fractions of 1.141e-6 for Kr.
micromol/kilogram |
diss_noble_gas_conc |
N2Ar |
N2/Ar ratio determined by mass spectrometry with no units. Samples from 2007 were analyzed at Scripps Institution of Oceanography by purification with heated copper to remove oxygen following T. Kobashi; J.P. Severinghaus and K. Kawamura (2008) "Argon and nitrogen isotopes of trapped air in the GISP2 ice core during the Holocene epoch (0-11500 B.P.): Methodology and implications for gas loss processes" Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 72 (19):4675-4686; doi:10.1016/j.gca.2008.07.006. Measurements from later years were analyzed at University of Victoria following Emerson et al. (1999) "Accurate measurement of O2, N2, and Ar gases in water and the solubility of N2" Marine Chemistry 64:337-347. Standard gases are calibrated relative to air with assumed dry mole fractions of 9.34e-3 for Ar and 0.78084 for N2.
unitless |
diss_noble_gas_conc |
sigma_theta |
Potential density of the seawater expressed in sigma units and referenced to the surface.
kilograms per meter cubed - 1000 |
sigma_theta |
press |
decibars |
press |
N2Ar_UW |
Same as for N2Ar but for data analyzed at University of Washington following a method that includes a 36Ar spike but otherwise follows Emerson et al. (1999) "Accurate measurement of O2, N2, and Ar gases in water and the solubility of N2" Marine Chemistry 64:337-347. Standard gases are calibrated relative to air with assumed dry mole fractions of 9.34e-3 for Ar and 0.78084 for N2.
unitless |
diss_noble_gas_conc |
N2Arsat_UW |
Same as for N2Arsat but for data analyzed at University of Washington.
percent |
no_bcodmo_term |
Arsat |
Saturation anomaly of Ar in percent. 0% indicates that the Ar concentration is equal to that expected at equilibrium for the potential temperature and salinity of the water. ie. Arsat = (Ar/Areq - 1) *100 The Ar saturation anomaly is calculated relative to the solubility curve of Hamme and Emerson (2004) "The solubility of neon, nitrogen, and argon in distilled water and seawater" Deep-Sea Research I: 51(11):1517-1528.
percent |
no_bcodmo_term |
Krsat |
Saturation anomaly of Kr in percent. 0% indicates that the Kr concentration is equal to that expected at equilibrium for the potential temperature and salinity of the water. ie. Krsat = (Kr/Kreq - 1) *100 Kr saturation anomaly is calculated relative to the solubility curve of Weiss and Kyser (1978) "Solubility of Krypton in Water and Seawater" Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics 23(1):69-72.
percent |
no_bcodmo_term |
N2Arsat |
Saturation anomaly of N2/Ar ratio in percent. N2/Ar ratio determined by mass spectrometry divided by the equilibrium ratio for the potential temperature and salinity of the water - 1 * 100; ie. N2Arsat = ((N2/Ar) / (N2eq/Areq) - 1) * 100. N2/Ar saturation anomaly is calculated relative to the solubility curves of Hamme and Emerson (2004) "The solubility of neon, nitrogen, and argon in distilled water and seawater" Deep-Sea Research I: 51(11):1517-1528.
percent |
no_bcodmo_term |
Nesat |
Saturation anomaly of Ne in percent. 0% indicates that the Ne concentration is equal to that expected at equilibrium for the potential temperature and salinity of the water. ie. Nesat = (Ne/Neeq - 1) *100 The Ne saturation anomaly is calculated relative to the solubility curve of Hamme and Emerson (2004) "The solubility of neon, nitrogen, and argon in distilled water and seawater" Deep-Sea Research I: 51(11):1517-1528.
percent |
no_bcodmo_term |
cruisename |
The EXPO number is listed first, followed by a more colloquial cruise name, followed by the ship name, separated by semicolons. In Matlab file, formatted as cell array of strings.
unitless |
cruise_name |
latitude |
The latitude of the station in degrees North.
decimal degrees |
lat |
longitude |
The longitude of the station in degrees East. Negative numbers indicate oW.
decimal degrees |
lon |
day |
day of sample collection
unitless |
day |
CTDtemp |
in situ temperature measured by the CTD (AR7W cruises: finalized CTD data is an average of downcasts and upcasts within 10dbar of the pressure where the niskin bottle closed;GEOTRACES cruise: finalized CTD data from rosette bottle file) in oC on the ITS-90 Temperature Scale.
degrees Celsius |
temp |
month |
month of sample collection
unitless |
month |
Ne |
Ne concentration in umol/kg determined by combining mass spectrometric Ne/Ar ratio measurements with absolute Ar concentrations by Ar isotope dilution with 38Ar. As discussed in the paper: the Ne method uses a helium balance gas but is otherwise similar to that of Hamme and Severinghaus (2007) "Trace gas disequilibria during deep-water formation" Deep Sea Research I: 54(6):939-950. Standard gases are calibrated relative to air with assumed dry mole fractions of 1.818e-5 for Ne.
micromol/kilogram |
diss_noble_gas_conc |
event |
number of the cast event that the water samples were drawn from.
unitless |
event |
niskin |
number of the niskin that the water samples were drawn from.
unitless |
bottle |
ptmp |
Potential temperature in oC and referenced to the surface.
degrees Celsius |
potemp |
CTDsal |
salinity measured by the CTD (AR7W cruises: finalized CTD data is an average of downcasts and upcasts within 10dbar of the pressure where the niskin bottle closed; GEOTRACES cruise: finalized CTD data from rosette bottle file); expressed on the PSS-78 scale.
unitless |
sal |
water_mass |
Water mass for each sample identified using potential temperature and salinity data. 1 = LSW (Labrador Sea Water); 2 = IC (Irminger Current); 3 = ISW (Icelandic Slope Water); 4 = NEADW (NorthEast Atlantic Deep Water); 5 = DSOW (Denmark Strait Overflow Water); 6 = transitional water masses.
unitless |
site_descrip |
year |
year of sample collection
unitless |
year |