/BCO-DMO/Mariana_Perspectives/CFU --cruise_id eq FK141215-- Level 0

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#   Colony forming units (CFUs) per mL of water samples at different sampling locations based on media type and incubation method
#   Mariana and Keradec Trenches, 
#   D. Bartlett (UCSD)
#   version: 2018-01-11
#       NOTE: sample RG10 in this dataset is equivelent to RG09 in the event log, due to at-sea recording error. 
Trench      Collection_method    Media_type    Bulb_CFUs_mL_LoPress    Bulb_CFUs_mL_LoPress_stdev    Plate_CFUs_mL_LoPress    Plate_CFUs_mL_LoPress_stddev    Bulb_CFUs_mL_HiPress    Bulb_CFUs_mL_HiPress_stdev    Depth    Latitude        Longitude       Type     cruise_id  cruise_name  STATION  LANDER  local_or_UTC  DATE_DEPLOYED  TIME_DEPLOYED  DATE_RECOVERED  TIME_RECOVERED  LATITUDE_log  LONGITUDE_log  MULTIBEAM_DEPTH  
Mariana     Lego1                2216          5338                    5390                          1640                     831                             0                       0                             10920    11.3664         142.4326        Water    FK141215   nd           nd       Leggo1  local         20141216       900            20141216        1926            11.36639      142.432555     nd