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# Attack rates and handling time of prey based on prey density in Moorea, French Polynesia
# PI: Shance Geange
# Co-PI: Adriean Stier, Jeffery Shima
# Version: 2017-10-05
Date       OBS      bin  initial_alg  final_alg  delta_mass  pred_ttt  aplysia  initial_aplysia  final_aplysia  prop_surv  
20080523   SWG;ACS  1    90.54        35.04      55.5        present   present  10               0              0          
20080523   SWG;ACS  2    62.14        21.03      41.11       present   present  10               2              0.2        
20080523   SWG;ACS  3    66.65        0.38       66.27       present   present  10               5              0.5        
20080523   SWG;ACS  4    62.79        6.36       56.43       present   present  10               4              0.4        
20080523   SWG;ACS  5    67.93        25.81      42.12       present   present  10               5              0.5        
20080523   SWG;ACS  6    71.61        13.91      57.7        present   present  10               5              0.5        
20080523   SWG;ACS  7    68.72        0          68.72       present   present  10               6              0.6        
20080523   SWG;ACS  8    58.69        0          58.69       present   present  10               7              0.7        
20080523   SWG;ACS  9    89.79        0          89.79       absent    present  10               10             1          
20080523   SWG;ACS  10   66.95        0          66.95       absent    present  10               10             1          
20080523   SWG;ACS  11   88.92        0          88.92       absent    present  10               10             1          
20080523   SWG;ACS  12   99.31        0          99.31       absent    present  10               10             1          
20080523   SWG;ACS  13   72.54        0          72.54       absent    present  10               10             1          
20080523   SWG;ACS  14   101.44       4.89       96.55       absent    present  10               10             1          
20080523   SWG;ACS  15   89.96        0          89.96       absent    present  10               10             1          
20080523   SWG;ACS  16   74.62        0          74.62       absent    present  10               10             1          
20080523   SWG;ACS  17   77.64        56.23      21.41       present   absent   0                0              na         
20080523   SWG;ACS  18   74.7         51.88      22.82       present   absent   0                0              na         
20080523   SWG;ACS  19   80.95        54.55      26.4        present   absent   0                0              na         
20080523   SWG;ACS  20   96.56        57.56      39          present   absent   0                0              na         
20080523   SWG;ACS  21   91.19        65.28      25.91       present   absent   0                0              na         
20080523   SWG;ACS  22   70.18        42.09      28.09       present   absent   0                0              na         
20080523   SWG;ACS  23   68.37        60.2       8.17        present   absent   0                0              na         
20080523   SWG;ACS  24   65.61        55.2       10.41       present   absent   0                0              na         
20080523   SWG;ACS  25   75.03        71.43      3.6         absent    absent   0                0              na         
20080523   SWG;ACS  26   88.04        73.2       14.84       absent    absent   0                0              na         
20080523   SWG;ACS  27   66.1         60.72      5.38        absent    absent   0                0              na         
20080523   SWG;ACS  28   57.85        58.17      -0.32       absent    absent   0                0              na         
20080523   SWG;ACS  29   89.47        59.41      30.06       absent    absent   0                0              na         
20080523   SWG;ACS  30   82.74        56.04      26.7        absent    absent   0                0              na         
20080523   SWG;ACS  31   76.55        49.54      27.01       absent    absent   0                0              na         
20080523   SWG;ACS  32   101.8        60.29      41.51       absent    absent   0                0              na