/BCO-DMO/NAtlDarkData/CCR_euph_strat_abund --cruiseid eq EN011-- Level 1

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#   North Atlantic Cold Core Rings Cruises
#   1973-1977
#    Stratified Euphausiid Abundance with Biomass and Carbon 018-08-e tows
#   PI: P. Wiebe
#   version: 2018-08-14
cruiseid  year  
EN011     1977  
tow  tow_type  month_local  day_local  time_local  ISODateTime_local         lat       lon       region                             depth_max  
77   MOC1      7            31         2225        1977-07-31T22:25:00       34.508    -71.57    Cold-Core_Ring                     1000       
78   MOC1      8            1          1700        1977-08-01T17:00:00       34.43     -71.493   Cold-Core_Ring                     1000       
79   MOC1      8            2          0910        1977-08-02T09:10:00       33.633    -73.217   Northern_Sargasso_Sea              1000       
80   MOC1      8            2          2327        1977-08-02T23:27:00       33.667    -73.15    Northern_Sargasso_Sea              1000       
81   MOC1      8            5          2023        1977-08-05T20:23:00       34.5      -70.617   Northern_Sargasso_Sea              1000       
82   MOC1      8            6          0901        1977-08-06T09:01:00       34.483    -70.967   Northern_Sargasso_Sea              1000       
83   MOC1      8            6          2052        1977-08-06T20:52:00       34.45     -71.683   Cold-Core_Ring                     1000       
84   MOC1      8            7          0800        1977-08-07T08:00:00       34.495    -71.833   Cold-Core_Ring                     1000       
85   MOC1      8            7          2052        1977-08-07T20:52:00       34.893    -71.913   Cold-Core_Ring                     1000       
86   MOC1      8            8          0122        1977-08-08T01:22:00       35        -71.933   Cold-Core_Ring                     1000       
87   MOC1      8            9          0825        1977-08-09T08:25:00       34.592    -71.917   Cold-Core_Ring                     1000       
88   MOC1      8            10         0330        1977-08-10T03:30:00       34.528    -71.825   Cold-Core_Ring                     700        
89   MOC1      8            12         2330        1977-08-12T23:30:00       34.55     -71.7     Cold-Core_Ring                     1000       
90   MOC1      8            14         0802        1977-08-14T08:02:00       34.747    -71.983   Cold-Core_Ring                     1000       
91   MOC1      8            15         0848        1977-08-15T08:48:00       37.715    -69.967   Gulf_Stream                        1000       
92   MOC1      8            15         2038        1977-08-15T20:38:00       38.312    -68.983   Slope_Water                        1000       
93   MOC1      8            16         0850        1977-08-16T08:50:00       38.512    -68.867   Slope_Water                        1000       
94   MOC1      8            16         2353        1977-08-16T23:53:00       38.983    -70.642   Warm_Core_Ring                     1000       
95   MOC1      8            17         1532        1977-08-17T15:32:00       39.035    -70.983   Warm_Core_Ring                     1000