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#  Aerosol Nitrate (NO3)
#   US GEOTRACES Arctic cruise, HLY1502
#  PI: Meredith Hastings (Brown University)
#  Co-PI: Julie Granger (UConn)
#  Version date: 17 Jan 2019
deployment_number  filter_type  GEOTRC_EVENTNO  GEOTRC_SAMPNO  Dates_of_collection  Date_Start  Date_End     UTC_Start  Latitude_Start  Longitude_Start  UTC_End  Latitude_End  Longitude_End  Collection_Time  Total_air_filtered  Extraction_Volume  NITRATE_A_SML_CONC_HIVOL  NITRATE_15_14_A_SML_DELTA_HIVOL  NITRATE_18_16_A_SML_DELTA_HIVOL  Comments                                                                                                                         
1                  QMA          6060            nd             8/10-8/17            2015-08-10  2015-08-17   17:53      56.0743         -170.5090        17:15    69.9257       -167.6877      80.00            451.9               30.0               2.269                     -1.82                            72.38                            Problems with power. Accurate pump run-time (and volume air filtered) not known. Motor not working by end of sampling period.    
2                  GFF          6123            10903          8/20-8/23            2015-08-20  2015-08-23   05:34      75.5665         -170.7498        18:12    79.9968       -174.9528      28.83            157.8               30.0               0.190                     -3.23                            55.00                            (Motor replaced before sampling began)                                                                                           
3                  GFF          6149            10973          8/23-8/27            2015-08-23  2015-08-27   19:21      80.0018         -174.9595        16:19    83.5722       174.7305       45.54            251.0               30.0               0.129                     -3.54                            59.29                            nd                                                                                                                               
4                  GFF          6168            11077          8/27-8/30            2015-08-27  2015-08-30   20:49      83.7577         175.0430         21:40    86.2438       170.6542       19.41            106.6               30.0               0.331                     3.57                             44.89                            nd                                                                                                                               
5                  GFF          6197            11215          8/30-9/04            2015-08-30  2015-09-04   23:57      86.3617         171.6882         02:42    88.3993       176.6365       11.01            60.6                30.0               nd                        nd                               nd                               Some snow on filters                                                                                                             
6                  GFF          6236            11349          9/04-9/08            2015-09-04  2015-09-08   10:02      88.4088         176.7522         04:34    89.9447       -97.8478       46.14            253.0               30.0               0.167                     0.22                             47.16                            Potential contamination by Polarstern stack on morning of 7th(?)                                                                 
7                  GFF          6267            11464          9/08-9/12            2015-09-08  2015-09-12   06:05      89.9413         -104.1900        03:45    87.3515       -149.4303      20.07            110.1               30.0               nd                        nd                               nd                               nd                                                                                                                               
8                  GFF          6304            11600          9/12-9/16            2015-09-12  2015-09-16   06:13      87.2708         -149.0443        04:30    85.1450       -149.8545      12.27            68.0                30.0               nd                        nd                               nd                               Some snow on filters                                                                                                             
9                  GFF          6347            11749          9/17-9/20            2015-09-17  2015-09-20   00:20      85.1632         -150.3953        22:13    82.2587       -149.3772      17.45            97.3                30.0               nd                        nd                               nd                               Some snow on filters                                                                                                             
10                 GFF          6387            11864          9/21-9/26            2015-09-21  2015-09-26   01:10      82.1005         -150.8110        03:05    78.9737       -148.5010      54.99            305.3               30.0               0.346                     -1.21                            57.03                            A little snow on each filter                                                                                                     
11                 GFF          6424            12058          9/26-9/29            2015-09-26  2015-09-29   04:38      78.8035         -148.0932        19:34    75.0467       -150.1755      20.37            110.9               30.0               nd                        nd                               nd                               nd                                                                                                                               
12                 GFF          6444            12181          9/29-10/03           2015-09-29  2015-10-03   20:31      75.0602         -150.2147        16:25    73.4260       -156.7932      36.76            202.3               30.0               0.300                     -1.74                            41.16                            nd                                                                                                                               
13                 GFF          6487            12310          10/03-10/07          2015-10-03  2015-10-07   18:41      73.3972         -156.7658        17:33    71.9983       -162.5618      25.75            144.7               30.0               nd                        nd                               nd                               Motor failed between 01:50 and 09:33 on 7th Oct (UTC), but timer kept working - run time and air filtered shown represent maximum possible. Minimum possible values are 13.48 hours and 73.3 m3.  
14                 QMA          6495            12317          10/07-10/09          2015-10-07  2015-10-09   18:40      72.0043         -162.5603        23:50    65.9503       -168.4485      15.60            96.1                30.0               1.168                     5.92                             41.28                            nd