/BCO-DMO/EAGER_DNA_BioPump/NBST_flux ---- Level 0

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#   NBST flux measurements
#   C, bSi, and mass fluxes from NBST deployments in the North Pacific on R/V Falkor FK170124 in Jan-Feb 2017
#   PI: M. Estapa (Skidmore)
#   version: 2019-04-22
station    depth    date_start    time_start    date_end      time_end    date_recovery    time_recovery    lat_deploy    lon_deploy    lat_recover    lon_recover    deploy_length    TC_f    TC_f_err    TC_f_replicates    PIC_f     PIC_f_err    PIC_f_replicates    POC_f    POC_f_err    bSi_f    bSi_f_err    bSi_f_replicates    Mass_f    Mass_f_err    Mass_f_replicates    
1          150      2017-01-28    18:05:00      2017-01-31    15:00:00    2017-02-02       04:42:00         22.3288       -151.9033     21.5918        -151.7792      2.87             1.8     0.7         6                  56        2            2                   1.7      0.7          24       8            2                   39        5             4                    
2          170      2017-02-05    16:24:00      2017-02-08    13:00:00    2017-02-08       18:45:00         27.7120       -139.5138     27.7308        -139.7155      2.86             1.3     0.8         6                  190       nd           1                   1.1      0.8          22       14           2                   34        27            4                    
3          150      2017-02-12    04:36:00      2017-02-14    13:00:00    2017-02-14       17:15:00         34.6768       -123.4767     34.4224        -123.5456      2.35             2.2     0.6         7                  510.09    0.03         2                   1.7      0.6          373.0    0.9          2                   113       6             4