lat |
latitude; north is positive
decimal degrees |
lat |
lon |
longitude; east is positive
decimal degrees |
lon |
temp_surface |
Surface temperature; observed surface temperature recorded during a CTD cast.
degrees Celsius |
temp |
temp_bottom |
Bottom temperature; observed bottom (1-2 meters off the bottom) temperature recorded during a CTD cast.
degrees Celsius |
temp |
D_geg_abund |
D. gegenbauri abundance; Average concentration of D. gegenbauri (all life phases) from 2 depth integrated oblique net tows.
individuals M-3 |
abundance |
D_geg_abund_stdev |
D. gegenbauri abundance (Stdev); Standard deviation of D. gegenbauri (all life phases) from 2 depth integrated oblique net tows.
individuals M-3 |
abundance |
depth |
depth of sample
meters |
depth |
gt8uml_phaeo_nr_bot_extr |
Greater than 8 µm phaeophytin (near bottom) chemical extracted mg m-3; Average of 3 samples of acidified acetone extracted chlorophyll a collected at depth of the chlorophyll maximum.
mg m-3 |
phaeo |
chla_surface_fluor |
Surface Chlorophyll a fluorescence; observed surface (1-5M) in situ fluorescence recorded during a CTD cast.
mg m-3 |
chl_a |
chla_bottom_fluor |
Bottom Chlorophyll a fluorescence; observed bottom (1-2 meters off the bottom) in situ fluorescence recorded during a CTD cast.
mg m-3 |
chl_a |
chla_nr_bot_extr |
Total Chlorophyll a (near bottom) chemical extracted mg m-3; Average of 3 samples of acetone extracted chlorophyll a collected at ~ depth of the chlorophyll maximum.
mg m-3 |
chl_a |
phaeo_total_nr_bot_extr |
Total Phaeophytin (near bottom) chemical extracted mg m-3; Average of 3 samples of acidified acetone extracted chlorophyll a collected at depth of the chlorophyll maximum.
mg m-3 |
phaeo |
gt8uml_chla_nr_bot_extr |
Greater than 8 µm chlorophyll a fraction (near bottom) chemical extracted mg m-3; Average of 3 samples of acetone extracted chlorophyll a collected at depth of the chlorophyll maximum.
mg m-3 |
chl_a |
POC_moles |
Water Total POC; Concentration of particulate organic carbon (near bottom); Average of 3 water samples collected at depth of the chlorophyll maximum.
moles C L-1 |
lt10um_POC_moles |
Water < 10 um POC; Concentration of particulate organic carbon (near bottom) in less than 10 micron size fraction; Average of 3 water samples collected at depth of the chlorophyll maximum.
moles C L-1 |
PON_moles |
Water Total PON; Concentration of particulate organic nitrogen (near bottom); Average of 3 water samples collected at depth of the chlorophyll maximum.
moles N L-1 |
lt10um_PON_moles |
Water < 10 um PON; Concentration of particulate organic nitrogen (near bottom) in less than 10 micron size fraction ; Average of 3 water samples collected at depth of the chlorophyll maximum.
moles N L-1 |
D_geg_nurse_15N |
D. gegenbauri (nurse). 15-Nitrogen isotopic fraction of wild caught Dolioletta gegenbauri gonozooids; Average of all animals captured per sample.
per mil vs air N2 |
d15N_bio |
D_geg_phorozooid_15N |
D. gegenbauri (phorozooid). 15-Nitrogen isotopic fraction of wild caught Dolioletta gegenbauri phorozooids; Average of all animals captured per sample.
per mil vs air N2 |
d15N_bio |
PON_15N |
Water Total PON 15N; 15-Nitrogen isotopic fraction of total particulate organic nitrogen (near bottom); Average of 3 water samples collected at depth of the chlorophyll maximum.
per mil vs air N2 |
lt10um_PON_15N |
Water < 10 um PON 15N; 15-Nitrogen isotopic fraction of less than 10 micron fraction particulate organic nitrogen (near bottom); Average of 3 water samples collected at depth of the chlorophyll maximum.
per mil vs air N2 |
D_geg_gonozooid_15N |
D. gegenbauri (gonozooid); 15-Nitrogen isotopic fraction of wild caught Dolioletta gegenbauri gonozooids; Average of all animals captured per sample.
per mil vs air N2 |
d15N_bio |
D_geg_phorozooid_13C |
D. gegenbauri (phorozooid); 13-Carbon isotopic fraction of wild caught Dolioletta gegenbauri phorozooids; Average of all animals captured per sample.
per mil vs PDB standard |
delta13C |
POC_13C |
Water Total POC 13C; 13-Carbon isotopic fraction of total particulate organic carbon (near bottom); Average of 3 water samples collected at depth of the chlorophyll maximum.
per mil vs PDB standard |
lt10um_POC_13C |
Water < 10 um POC; 13-Carbon isotopic fraction of less than 10 micron fraction particulate organic carbon (near bottom); Average of 3 water samples collected at depth of the chlorophyll maximum.
per mil vs PDB standard |
D_geg_gonozooid_13C |
D. gegenbauri (gonozooid); 13-Carbon isotopic fraction of wild caught Dolioletta gegenbauri gonozooids; Average of all animals captured per sample.
per mil vs PDB standard |
delta13C |
D_geg_nurse_13C |
D. gegenbauri (nurse); 13-Carbon isotopic fraction of wild caught Dolioletta gegenbauri nurses; Average of all animals captured per sample.
per mil vs PDB standard |
delta13C |
sal_surface |
Surface salinity ; observed surface salinity recorded during a CTD cast.
Practical Salinity Units (PSU) |
sal |
sal_bottom |
Bottom salinity; observed salinity near bottom (1-2 meters off the bottom) recorded during a CTD cast
Practical Salinity Units (PSU) |
sal |
POC_ug |
Water Total POC; Concentration of particulate organic carbon (near bottom); Average of 3 water samples collected at depth of the chlorophyll maximum.
ug C L-1 |
lt10um_POC_ug |
Water <10 um POC. Concentration of particulate organic carbon (near bottom) in less than 10 micron size fraction; Average of 3 water samples collected at depth of the chlorophyll maximum.
ug C L-1 |
PON_ug |
Water Total PON; Concentration of particulate organic nitrogen (near bottom); Average of 3 water samples collected at depth of the chlorophyll maximum.
ug N L-1 |
lt10um_PON_ug |
Water < 10 um PON; Concentration of particulate organic nitrogen (near bottom) in less than 10 micron size fraction; Average of 3 water samples collected at depth of the chlorophyll maximum.
ug N L-1 |
date_local |
local date formatted as yyyy-mm-dd
unitless |
date_local |
cruise_id |
cruise identifier; official R2R designation
unitless |
cruise_id |
alt_cruise_id |
alternate cruise identifier
unitless |
cruise_id |
cast |
cast number
unitless |
cast |