/BCO-DMO/Costa_Rica_Seeps/pushcore_log --cruise_id eq AT42-03-- Level 1

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#    sediment push core inventory
#    RV\Atlantis AT37-13 (May/June 2017) and AT42-03 (Oct/Nov 2018) Alvin dives, methane seeps off Pacific coast of Costa Rica
#    PI: V. Orphan (CalTech)
#    version 2: 2019-09-25 - replaces version 1[2017-09-25]; Cruise AT42-03 added
Dive    Date        
AD4971  2018-10-17  
AD4972  2018-10-18  
AD4973  2018-10-19  
AD4974  2018-10-20  
AD4975  2018-10-21  
AD4976  2018-10-22  
AD4977  2018-10-23  
AD4978  2018-10-24  
AD4979  2018-10-25  
AD4980  2018-10-26  
AD4982  2018-10-28  
AD4984  2018-10-30  
AD4985  2018-10-31  
AD4986  2018-11-01  
AD4987  2018-11-02  
AD4988  2018-11-03  
AD4989  2018-11-04