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#  Chemistry and cell counts of formation fluids from North Pond
#  PI: Julie Huber
#  Version: 2019-11-19
sample              bioproject_id  collection_date  description                                 lat    lon     depth_minimum  depth_maximum  Cell_counts  confidence_level_95pcnt  O2       NO3   Si   
1382A               PRJNA280201    2012-04-25       formation fluids from IODP borehole U1382A  22.78  -46.09  90             210            14000        600                      244 ± 1  21.1  56   
1382A               PRJNA391950    2012-08-06       formation fluids from IODP borehole U1382A  22.78  -46.09  90             210            11000        1000                     nd       nd    nd   
1382A               PRJNA391950    2012-10-05       formation fluids from IODP borehole U1382A  22.78  -46.09  90             210            8100         1100                     nd       nd    nd   
1382A               PRJNA391950    2012-12-04       formation fluids from IODP borehole U1382A  22.78  -46.09  90             210            9200         8300                     nd       nd    nd   
1382A               PRJNA391950    2013-02-02       formation fluids from IODP borehole U1382A  22.78  -46.09  90             210            nd           nd                       nd       nd    nd   
1382A               PRJNA391950    2013-04-03       formation fluids from IODP borehole U1382A  22.78  -46.09  90             210            15000        6900                     nd       nd    nd   
1382A               PRJNA391950    2013-06-02       formation fluids from IODP borehole U1382A  22.78  -46.09  90             210            6200         5000                     nd       nd    nd   
1382A               PRJNA391950    2013-08-01       formation fluids from IODP borehole U1382A  22.78  -46.09  90             210            18000        11000                    nd       nd    nd   
1382A               PRJNA391950    2013-09-30       formation fluids from IODP borehole U1382A  22.78  -46.09  90             210            5100         2500                     nd       nd    nd   
1382A               PRJNA391950    2014-04-05       formation fluids from IODP borehole U1382A  22.78  -46.09  90             210            28000        380                      233 ± 1  21.9  73   
1383C_Shallow       PRJNA280201    2012-04-30       formation fluids from IODP borehole U1383C  22.80  -46.05  70             146            20000        700                      216 ± 1  21.8  125  
1383C_Shallow       PRJNA391950    2013-04-09       formation fluids from IODP borehole U1383C  22.80  -46.05  70             146            nd           nd                       nd       nd    nd   
1383C_Shallow       PRJNA391950    2013-07-08       formation fluids from IODP borehole U1383C  22.80  -46.05  70             146            7700         980                      nd       nd    nd   
1383C_Shallow       PRJNA391950    2014-04-02       formation fluids from IODP borehole U1383C  22.80  -46.05  70             146            11000        1000                     202 ± 2  22.3  146  
1383C_Middle        PRJNA391950    2013-04-09       formation fluids from IODP borehole U1383C  22.80  -46.05  146            200            5600         300                      nd       nd    nd   
1383C_Middle        PRJNA391950    2014-04-08       formation fluids from IODP borehole U1383C  22.80  -46.05  146            200            nd           nd                       185 ± 2  21.9  123  
1383C_Deep          PRJNA280201    2012-04-20       formation fluids from IODP borehole U1383C  22.80  -46.05  200            332            21000        800                      213 ± 1  21.8  120  
1383C_Deep          PRJNA391950    2013-04-09       formation fluids from IODP borehole U1383C  22.80  -46.05  200            332            5000         400                      nd       nd    nd   
1383C_Deep          PRJNA391950    2013-03-31       formation fluids from IODP borehole U1383C  22.80  -46.05  200            332            28000        380                      187 ± 1  21.7  158  
Bottom water (CTD)  PRJNA280201    2012-04-26       bottom seawater from CTD sampler            22.80  -46.05  4350           4350           21000        500                      ~250     21.1  48   
Bottom water (CTD)  PRJNA391950    2014-04-10       bottom seawater from CTD sampler            22.80  -46.05  4350           4350           19000        800                      ~250     21.1  55