/BCO-DMO/Tropicalization_Seagrass_Beds/TEN_fish_survey ---- Level 0

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#  Size and abundance data for fish communities 
#   across the Thalassia Experimental Network (TEN) sites
#  PI: Justin Campbell
#  Co-PIs: Andrew Altieri, Valerie Paul, Kenneth Heck, & James Douglass
#  Vers
#  NOTE: This is a large dat: This is a large dataset that may be slow to load in your browser.
site  lat_dd     lon_dd      
BOCA  9.3516     -82.2577    
CARR  16.8236    -88.1045    
CAYM  19.6707    -80.0559    
CORP  27.93      -97.0348    
CRYS  28.714     -82.819     
ELEU  25.4649    -76.6266    
PUER  20.8679    -86.8598