Instrument: CTD Sea-Bird SEACAT 19

Instrument Short Name: CTD SBE 19
Instrument Description:

The Sea-Bird SBE 19 SEACAT Recorder measures conductivity, temperature, and pressure (depth). The SEACAT is self-powered and self-contained and can be deployed in profiling or moored mode. The SBE 19 SEACAT was replaced in 2001 by the 19plus. more information from Sea-Bird Electronics

PI supplied instrument name: CTD Sea-Bird SEACAT 19
Dataset-specific description

HardwareData DeviceType='SBE19plus' SerialNumber='01906084'
Manufacturer Sea-Bird Electronics, Inc.
FirmwareVersion 2.0c
FirmwareDate 20 February 2008 14:10
PCBAssembly PCBSerialNum='not assigned' AssemblyNum='41054F'
PCBAssembly PCBSerialNum='not assigned' AssemblyNum='41580A'
PCBAssembly PCBSerialNum='not assigned' AssemblyNum='41056F'
PCBAssembly PCBSerialNum='not assigned' AssemblyNum='41059D'
MfgDate 11 JUN 2008