Parameter: TC_f_err

Master parameters information
Short Name:
Short Description:
 total organic Carbon
Official Name:
No Data Value:

total organic Carbon

Dataset-parameters information
Supplied Name: 
Supplied Units: 
milligrams of carbon per square meter per day
Conversion Necessary: 
Conversion Utility: 
No Data Value: 
Total carbon flux error; Uncertainties are propagated from the standard deviation of the process blanks from the five cruises (0.2 mg C) and the standard deviation or range of the two or three TC measurements per NBST deployment: TC_f_err = (STD tubes^2 + STD blanks^2)^1/2 / deployment length / trap area; For depths with only two replicate analyses the range of the TC fluxes measured in each tube is used in place of STDtubes in the above equation.