Results of cluster analysis and gene ontology: cross-phyla clustering of non-redundant carbonate organic matrix proteins from coral, mollusk, and sea urchin grouped by hierarchical clustering; analyzed in the Falkowski lab at Rutgers from 2010-2014

Data Type: Other Field Results
Version: 1
Version Date: 2014-10-27

» The Molecular Basis of Ocean Acidification Effects on Calcification in Zooxanthellate Corals (CROA)

» Science, Engineering and Education for Sustainability NSF-Wide Investment (SEES): Ocean Acidification (formerly CRI-OA) (SEES-OA)
Falkowski, Paul G.Rutgers University (Rutgers IMCS)Principal Investigator, Contact
Rosenthal, YairRutgers UniversityCo-Principal Investigator
Schofield, Oscar M.E.Rutgers UniversityCo-Principal Investigator
Sherrell, Robert M.Rutgers UniversityCo-Principal Investigator
Rauch, ShannonWoods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI BCO-DMO)BCO-DMO Data Manager

This dataset includes the results of cluster analysis and gene ontology: cross-phyla clustering of non-redundant carbonate organic matrix proteins from coral, mollusk, and sea urchin grouped by hierarchical clustering; analyzed in the Falkowski lab at Rutgers from 2010-2014.

Dataset Description

Cluster analysis and gene ontology to compare ~1500 proteins, from over 100 studies, extracted from calcium carbonates in stony corals, bivalve and gastropod mollusks, and adult and larval sea urchins. This dataset includes information presented in Supplemental Table S1 from Drake et al. 2014. Refer to Drake, et al. (2014) for more information on methodology and results.

Methods & Sampling

Methodology described in Drake et al. 2014:
Sequences from over 100 biomineral proteome studies were grouped by hierarchical clustering using the CD-HIT suite web server (Li and Godzik, 2006; Huang et al., 2010; and assigned gene ontology (GO) terms using Blast2Go software (Conesa et al., 2005). Although 1531 proteins reduced to 1051 clusters at 30% similarity, only 64 clusters showed sequence similarity across phyla. Studies published from the 1990s through June 2013, using N-terminal and mass spectrometry COM sequencing, RT-PCR, or GO and KEGG annotation of genomic and transcriptomic data sets are included. Mass spectrometry sequences were excluded if the experimental data were compared with gene models from a different species.

This dataset includes information presented in Supplemental Table S1 from Drake et al. 2014:
Cross-phyla clustering of non-redundant carbonate organic matrix proteins from N-terminal and mass spectrometry COM sequencing, RT-PCR, or GO and KEGG annotation of genomic and transcriptomic data sets (from over 100 studies) grouped by hierarchical clustering using the CD-HIT suite web server ( The gene accession numbers are included. 1531 proteins reduced to 1051 clusters at 30% or greater similarity, although only 64 clusters showed sequence similarity across phyla. Studies published from the 1990s through June 2013 are included.  Clusters with the same name have been combined. Note: Mass spectrometry sequences were excluded if the experimental data were compared with gene models from a different species.

* indicates that non-homologous proteins with similar function were also observed.  See Table 2 in Drake et al. 2014.
** indicates a likely cellular contaminant due to location based on cellular component GO term.

Data Processing Description

* in protein_name column indicates that non-homologous proteins with similar function were also observed.  See Table 2 in Drake et al. 2014.
** in protein_name column indicates a likely cellular contaminant due to location based on cellular component GO term.

BCO-DMO Processing Notes:
- Replaced abbreviated species names with the full genus and species.
- Replaced blanks with 'nd' to indicate 'no data'.
- Created reference list (SI_Table_1_references.csv) for full references of names in the 'reference' column.

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Data Files

(Comma Separated Values (.csv), 10.74 KB)
Primary data file for dataset ID 536074

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Supplemental Files

(Comma Separated Values (.csv), 6.32 KB)
Complete reference information for "Cross-phyla clustering of non-redundant carbonate organic matrix proteins" dataset (dataset 536074; PI: Falkowski).

The "abbrev" column contains the abbreviated reference as cited in dataset 536074.
The "full_reference" column contains the complete citation for that paper.

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Related Publications

Drake, J. L., Mass, T., & Falkowski, P. G. (2014). The evolution and future of carbonate precipitation in marine invertebrates: Witnessing extinction or documenting resilience in the Anthropocene. Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene, 2.

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Name of the protein.


Name(s) of the coral species.


The accession numbers corresponding to the coral species.


Reference paper for the coral species/coral accession number. See the Supplemental File "SI_Table_1_references.csv" for full citations.


Name(s) of the mollusk species.


The accession numbers corresponding to the mollusk species.


Reference paper for the mollusk species/mollusk accession number. See the Supplemental File "SI_Table_1_references.csv" for full citations.


Name(s) of the sea urchin species.


The accession numbers corresponding to the sea urchin species.


Reference paper for the sea urchin species/sea urchin accession number. See the Supplemental File "SI_Table_1_references.csv" for full citations.


Cellular component gene ontology (GO) term.


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Dataset-specific Instrument Name
Mass Spec
Generic Instrument Name
Mass Spectrometer
Generic Instrument Description
General term for instruments used to measure the mass-to-charge ratio of ions; generally used to find the composition of a sample by generating a mass spectrum representing the masses of sample components.

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Start Date
End Date
Laboratory-based research for the project "The Molecular Basis of Ocean Acidification Effects on Calcification in Zooxanthellate Corals" were conducted at Dr. Falkowski's lab at the Rutgers New Brunswick campus: 71 Dudley Road New Brunswick, NJ 08901

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Project Information

The Molecular Basis of Ocean Acidification Effects on Calcification in Zooxanthellate Corals (CROA)

Coverage: laboratory-based in New Brunswick, NJ

From the NSF award abstract:

Ocean acidification (the decrease in seawater pH) is driven by the increase in atmospheric CO2. This is expected to have a dramatic effect on organisms that precipitate calcium carbonate. Coral reefs are formed and maintained by calcifying organisms, particularly reef-building corals. Current predictions are that coral species will be negatively impacted; however the limited number of available measurements exhibit significant variability for reasons that are not understood. This is critically important as coral reef ecosystems hold significant cultural and economic values both nationally and internationally. This program is therefore focused on the molecular basis for calcification in corals in order to understand how corals will respond to ocean acidification in the next century. Rutgers University has a state-of-art coral culture facility that will be used to simulate future ocean conditions. The work will utilize a unique set of coral tissue cultures that will allow scientists to assess the cellular biology that underlies the responses of corals to ocean acidification. The laboratory measurements will also determine how geochemical signatures of corals are affected by varying environmental conditions. These results are important because coral geochemical signatures are used to understand how corals have responded to changes in the ocean pH in the historical past. The project will be conducted by a research team at Rutgers, in collaboration with scientists in Taiwan and Israel.

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Program Information

Science, Engineering and Education for Sustainability NSF-Wide Investment (SEES): Ocean Acidification (formerly CRI-OA) (SEES-OA)

Coverage: global

NSF Climate Research Investment (CRI) activities that were initiated in 2010 are now included under Science, Engineering and Education for Sustainability NSF-Wide Investment (SEES). SEES is a portfolio of activities that highlights NSF's unique role in helping society address the challenge(s) of achieving sustainability. Detailed information about the SEES program is available from NSF (

In recognition of the need for basic research concerning the nature, extent and impact of ocean acidification on oceanic environments in the past, present and future, the goal of the SEES: OA program is to understand (a) the chemistry and physical chemistry of ocean acidification; (b) how ocean acidification interacts with processes at the organismal level; and (c) how the earth system history informs our understanding of the effects of ocean acidification on the present day and future ocean.

Solicitations issued under this program:
NSF 10-530, FY 2010-FY2011
NSF 12-500, FY 2012
NSF 12-600, FY 2013
NSF 13-586, FY 2014
NSF 13-586 was the final solicitation that will be released for this program.

PI Meetings:
1st U.S. Ocean Acidification PI Meeting(March 22-24, 2011, Woods Hole, MA)
2nd U.S. Ocean Acidification PI Meeting(Sept. 18-20, 2013, Washington, DC)
3rd U.S. Ocean Acidification PI Meeting (June 9-11, 2015, Woods Hole, MA – Tentative)

NSF media releases for the Ocean Acidification Program:

Press Release 10-186 NSF Awards Grants to Study Effects of Ocean Acidification

Discovery Blue Mussels "Hang On" Along Rocky Shores: For How Long?

Discovery - National Science Foundation (NSF) Discoveries - Trouble in Paradise: Ocean Acidification This Way Comes - US National Science Foundation (NSF)

Press Release 12-179 - National Science Foundation (NSF) News - Ocean Acidification: Finding New Answers Through National Science Foundation Research Grants - US National Science Foundation (NSF)

Press Release 13-102 World Oceans Month Brings Mixed News for Oysters

Press Release 13-108 - National Science Foundation (NSF) News - Natural Underwater Springs Show How Coral Reefs Respond to Ocean Acidification - US National Science Foundation (NSF)

Press Release 13-148 Ocean acidification: Making new discoveries through National Science Foundation research grants

Press Release 13-148 - Video - News - Video - NSF Ocean Sciences Division Director David Conover answers questions about ocean acidification. - US National Science Foundation (NSF)

Press Release 14-010 - National Science Foundation (NSF) News - Palau's coral reefs surprisingly resistant to ocean acidification - US National Science Foundation (NSF)

Press Release 14-116 - National Science Foundation (NSF) News - Ocean Acidification: NSF awards $11.4 million in new grants to study effects on marine ecosystems - US National Science Foundation (NSF)

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Funding SourceAward
NSF Emerging Frontiers Division (NSF EF)

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