Acartia tonsa survival data for transgenerational ocean warming and acidification data

Data Type: experimental
Version: 1
Version Date: 2023-09-07

» Collaborative Research: Response of marine copepods to warming temperature and ocean acidification (Copepod Response to Warming Temp and OA)
Dam, Hans G.University of Connecticut (UConn)Principal Investigator
Baumann, HannesUniversity of Connecticut (UConn)Co-Principal Investigator
Finiguerra, MichaelUniversity of Connecticut (UConn)Co-Principal Investigator
Pespeni, MelissaUniversity of Vermont (UVM)Co-Principal Investigator
Brennan, ReidUniversity of Vermont (UVM)Scientist
deMayo, JamesUniversity of Connecticut (UConn)Student, Contact
Park, GihongUniversity of Connecticut (UConn)Student
Norton, LydiaUniversity of Connecticut (UConn)Technician
Soenen, KarenWoods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI BCO-DMO)BCO-DMO Data Manager

These data include survivorship measurements collected for Acartia tonsa during multigenerational exposure to ocean warming (OW), ocean acidification (OA), and combined ocean warming and acidification (OWA) including a benign ambient condition temperature and CO2 control (AM). These data were collected every third generation between F0 and F15 and at F25 for all treatments. Data was collected as the proportion of surviving individuals on any day (x) relative to the starting number of individuals for an single experiment.

Dataset Description

These data are part of at multigenerational experiment of Arcatia tonsa exposure to ocean warming (OW), ocean acidification (OA), and combined ocean warming and acidification (OWA) including a benign ambient condition temperature and CO2 control (AM). These data were collected every third generation between F0 and F15 and at F25 for all treatments.

Methods & Sampling

Survival was measured from nauplius 1 (N1) stage to copepodid 6 (adult) stage. For a given generation, all adults from the previous generation were removed from the culture and allowed to lay eggs in food-replete media for 48 h. Resulting nauplii were chosen for tracking survival. Unhatched eggs and any nauplii not chosen for survival analysis were returned to their respective replicate cultures for continued population maintenance. To measure survival for all generations where life-history traits were evaluated, three 250-mL beakers for each replicate culture were supplied with 25 randomly chosen N1 nauplii each and housed in the plexiglass enclosure described above (n = 21 per treatment). Copepods were checked every 48-72 h. The number of dead, live, and missing copepods were logged for each beaker along with general stage (i.e. nauplius, copepodite, adult female, or adult male). Nauplii were grown with media at levels of 500 μg C L-1 to prevent overgrowth of phytoplankton and allow for adequate nauplii grazing. Following the naupliar stages, copepods were grown with food-replete (800 μg C L-1) media as described earlier. Food was replaced with fresh media on monitoring days. The target (actual ± standard deviation) conditions were as follows: ambient (AM) temperature = 18 °C (18 ± 0.34, N = 330), AM pCO2= 400 μatm (379 ± 36, N = 18; pH = 8.26 ± 0.1, N = 330); high temperature = 22 °C (22 ± 0.81, N = 336); and high pCO2= 2,000 µatm (2,301 ± 215, N = 18; pH = 7.55 ± 0.08, N = 330). AM target levels represented extant conditions for this species in northeast Atlantic estuaries.

Data Processing Description

The fraction of survived individuals (lx) was calculated as nx/ni where nx represents the number of live individuals on day x, and ni represents initial individuals. Average survival was calculated per each replicate culture at each generation measured. Differences in day-specific survival between replicates and treatments was assessed using the ‘survival’ package in R.

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Data Files

(Comma Separated Values (.csv), 117.58 KB)
Primary data file for dataset 906222

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Related Publications

Dam, H. G., deMayo, J. A., Park, G., Norton, L., He, X., Finiguerra, M. B., Baumann, H., Brennan, R. S., & Pespeni, M. H. (2021). Rapid, but limited, zooplankton adaptation to simultaneous warming and acidification. Nature Climate Change, 11(9), 780–786.

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Related Datasets

deMayo, J., Dam, H. G., Park, G., Norton, L., Finiguerra, M., Baumann, H., Brennan, R., Pespeni, M. (2023) Acartia tonsa body size data for transgenerational ocean warming and acidification experiments. Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office (BCO-DMO). (Version 1) Version Date 2023-09-07 doi:10.26008/1912/bco-dmo.906342.1 [view at BCO-DMO]
Relationship Description: Dataset is part of same experiment.
deMayo, J., Dam, H. G., Park, G., Norton, L., Finiguerra, M., Baumann, H., Brennan, R., Pespeni, M. (2023) Acartia tonsa development time for transgenerational experiment. Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office (BCO-DMO). (Version 1) Version Date 2023-09-07 doi:10.26008/1912/bco-dmo.906188.1 [view at BCO-DMO]
Relationship Description: Dataset is part of same experiment.
deMayo, J., Dam, H. G., Park, G., Norton, L., Finiguerra, M., Baumann, H., Brennan, R., Pespeni, M. (2023) Acartia tonsa egg production rate and egg hatching success for transgenerational exposure to ocean warming and ocean acidification. Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office (BCO-DMO). (Version 1) Version Date 2023-09-07 doi:10.26008/1912/bco-dmo.906780.1 [view at BCO-DMO]
Relationship Description: Dataset is part of same experiment.

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The corresponding generation when survival was measured.


The corresponding treatment evaluated.


The target temperature in Celsius for each treatment.

degrees Celsius(°C)

The pH for each treatment


The biological culture replicate for each treatment.


The replicate 25mL beaker used in survival assays.


The number of days after the start of the experiment.


The number of surviving individuals.


The proportion of surviving individuals remaining.


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Dataset-specific Instrument Name
Olympus SZH-ILLD stereoscope
Generic Instrument Name
Microscope - Optical
Generic Instrument Description
Instruments that generate enlarged images of samples using the phenomena of reflection and absorption of visible light. Includes conventional and inverted instruments. Also called a "light microscope".

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Project Information

Collaborative Research: Response of marine copepods to warming temperature and ocean acidification (Copepod Response to Warming Temp and OA)

Coverage: North western Atlantic ocean; Gulf of Maine, coastal and estuarine habitats

NSF Award Abstract:
Over time, our oceans are becoming both warmer and higher dissolved carbon dioxide. The latter condition is called ocean acidification. The consequences of these simultaneous changes for populations of marine organisms are not well understood. For this project, the investigators will conduct a series of laboratory experiments to determine how two closely-related, common species of Acartia copepods will respond to the interactive effects of warming and acidification and also how well these species can adapt over multiple generations to changing ocean conditions. Since these copepods are key species in coastal food webs, results will have important implications for understanding and predicting how marine ecosystems may respond to future climate change. The investigators will share results from the research through traditional print media, case studies, and video mini lectures. The goal will be for educators of all levels to easily access material on climate change and ocean acidification to include in teaching curricula, in alignment with recommendations for universal design for learning. The project is a collaborative effort between an established professor at the University of Connecticut and an early-career female scientist at the University of Vermont. It will provide training and opportunities for collaborative, interdisciplinary research for two postdoctoral investigators, two graduate students and an undergraduate student.

The project's main goals are: 1) to test the simultaneous effects of temperature and carbon dioxide under current and future conditions on life history traits throughout the life cycle for two key copepod species, warm-adapted Acartia tonsa and cold-adapted Acartia hudsonica; 2) to test for adaptive capacity of both copepod species to a warmer and carbon-dioxide-enriched ocean; 3) to measure the genetic and maternally-induced changes across multiple generations of experimental selection in future conditions in both copepod species, and to identify the genes and pathways responding to selection. The investigators will use experiments encompassing current and projected temperature and carbon-dioxide conditions, will determine the roles of each variable and their interaction on traits that affect the fitness of both copepod species. They will also determine which life stages are most sensitive to individual or simultaneous stress conditions. Through multigenerational selection experiments, the investigators will identify and characterize the mechanisms of copepod evolutionary adaptation. Finally, they will measure genomic changes across the generations under all four experimental conditions to quantify the relative contributions of genetic and maternally-induced change in the physiological and life history traits of copepods in response to near-future climate conditions.

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Funding SourceAward
NSF Division of Ocean Sciences (NSF OCE)
NSF Division of Ocean Sciences (NSF OCE)

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