Workshop Description
Articulating Cyberinfrastructure Needs of the Ocean Ecosystem Dynamics Community
The EarthCube Water Column Domain End-User Workshop to be held October 7-8, 2013 at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and hosted by the Biological and Chemical Oceanographic Data Management Office (BCO-DMO). The workshop is designed to solicit the cyber infrastructure needs of the ocean ecosystem dynamics community in order to provide valuable input into the NSF’s EarthCube effort.
Ocean Ecosystem Dynamics encompasses a broad array of disciplines, seeking to increase our understanding of the interplay between physical and biological processes in the ocean. It is fundamentally an interdisciplinary science, incorporating the biological, physical and chemical oceanographic sciences with atmospheric and geologic sciences. By its nature, this field produces highly diverse data types that pose unique challenges for management, integration, and analysis. Yet the ability to discover, access and synthesize high quality data from various disciplines is crucial to ocean ecosystem sciences.
EarthCube is a NSF initiative to advance Earth sciences, such as ocean ecosystem dynamics, through creation of a robust cyber infrastructure enabling cross-disciplinary science. EarthCube’s goal is to create a well-connected, transparent system for sharing data and knowledge that is both derived and governed by the community. It will connect the many facets of data and information management, from data and metadata discovery and access, to data curation and management, through interface building that enables analysis and knowledge creation.
The workshop, planned for October 7-8, 2013, will gather approximately 50 professionals in the domain of oceanic ecosystem dynamics (established and early career researchers, graduate students, postdocs, data managers and cyber-related individuals) to explore and document the community’s cyberinfrastructure needs from a user’s view point. Results will serve as input to NSF to help shape the development of EarthCube. The workshop is open to everyone. Participants can attend in person or participate via the Web, however in-person participation is limited. Please consider participating to contribute your knowledge about current and anticipated data needs to this important effort. Early career professionals are encouraged.
The online registration form will be available shortly.
Workshop Planning Committee
Danie Kinkade, WHOI
Cyndy Chandler, WHOI
Dave Glover, WHOI
Bob Groman, WHOI
Jon Hare, NMFS
David Kline, UCSD
Jasmine Nahorniak, OSU
Todd O’Brien, NOAA
Mary Jane Perry, UMaine
Jamie Pierson, UMCES
Peter Wiebe, WHOI
This workshop is supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation, OCE-1338892.