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GCE-LTER Data Set Summary
Research Theme:
Aquatic Invertebrate Ecology (Directed Study)
Brian R. Silliman, John Griffin, Rebecca Atkins
Effects of marsh periwinkle (Littoraria irrorata) size and density on cordgrass (Spartina aterniflora) biomass and dead standing material
Marsh periwinkles (Littoraria irrorata) are common in southeastern US salt marshes, including those on Sapelo Island, GA. They are known to affect the productivity of cordgrss (Spartina alterniflora) and also contribute to its decomposition following senescence. The population struture of Littoraria, in terms of the size and densities of individuals, varies widely in space and time. No previous experiments have, however, attempted to manipulate the density and body size of populations of Littoraria and assessd the response of Spartina. We perforned such an experiment in Airport Marsh on Sapelo Island, using small experimental enclosures and measured Spartina biomass and dead standing material after 3 months (mid July - mid Oct, 2012). We assessed response variables by removing all Spartina material from plots before seperating and drying them in the lab.
Key Words:
Aquatic Invertebrate Monitoring, Littoraria, mollusks, predation, salt marshes, Spartina, speciation
LTER Core Area:
Population Studies
Research Themes:
Aquatic Invertebrate Ecology |
Study Period:
13-Jul-2012 to 15-Oct-2012
Study Sites:
Sapelo -- Sapelo Island, Sapelo Island, Georgia
Data Table: INV-GCES-1211 (Main data table for data set INV-GCES-1211, 37 records)
Access: Public (released 30-Oct-2014)
Metadata: Text (ESA FLED),
XML (Ecological Metadata Language)
Data Formats: Spreadsheet (CSV) [1.76kb], Text File [0.99kb], MATLAB (GCE Toolbox) [90.05kb], MATLAB (Variables) [61.65kb], Text Report [13.57kb]
Column List:(hide)
Column |
Name |
Units |
Type |
Description |
1 |
Plot |
none |
integer |
Unique idetifyer for each experimental plot |
2 |
Snail_density |
none |
integer |
Snail density experimental set at beginning of experiment |
3 |
Flag_Snail_density |
none |
string |
QA/QC flags for Snail density experimental set at beginning of experiment (flagging criteria, where "x" is Snail_density: x<0="I") |
4 |
Snail_size |
none |
string |
Experimentally set at beginning of experiment (S = small [5-8mm shell height], L = large [10-11mm]). |
5 |
Aboveground_Spartina_biomass |
grams |
floating-point |
Total mass of living Spartina from each plot (after drying) |
6 |
Flag_Aboveground_Spartina_biomass |
none |
string |
QA/QC flags for Total mass of living Spartina from each plot (after drying) (flagging criteria, where "x" is Aboveground_Spartina_biomass: x<0="I", x>40="Q") |
7 |
Dead_Spartina |
grams |
floating-point |
Total mass of dead Spartina from each plot (after drying) |
8 |
Flag_Dead_Spartina |
none |
string |
QA/QC flags for Total mass of dead Spartina from each plot (after drying) (flagging criteria, where "x" is Dead_Spartina: x<0="I", x>40="Q") |
Generate script code to retrieve data tables for analysis in: MATLAB, R, SAS, SPSS |
Silliman, Brian R. 2012. Effects of marsh periwinkle (Littoraria irrorata) size and density on cordgrass (Spartina aterniflora) biomass and dead standing material. Georgia Coastal Ecosystems LTER Project, University of Georgia, Long Term Ecological Research Network. http://dx.doi.org/10.6073/pasta/f928ba65fe411e6048741ade3fa2996a
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