These are e-mails regarding LTRANS v.2b that report bugs and solutions. Many thanks to the contributors! **************** FROM Romain Watteaux, 3/2014*************************** ******* Problem with Passive Behavior (Behavior = 0) ***************** Dear Elizabeth, I actually found what was the problem: it is necessary to initialize Xbehave,Ybehave and Zbehave to 0.0d0 in Ltrans.f90 instead of in the subroutine behave, because otherwise for a passive scalar behave=0 and you don't go into the routine behave, and X,Y,Zbehave take the RAM value. At least this fixed the problem on my computer. Best regards, Romain Watteaux a écrit : > Dear Elizabeth, > > I am writing to you concerning your code LTRANS. I am Romain Watteaux, > a freshly arrived research associate at the Stazione Zoologica Anton > Dorhn in Naples, and work with Daniele Iudicone on various projects. We > just started a project on eggs and larvae tracking in the Tyrrhenian > sea, and decided to use your code to do so. > > I seek some help too since I encounter a problem. I found a bug that > may come from the code (if not from my computer). I donwloaded your > code from It runs perfectly > when I launch it as it is, but when I change in the > behavior to 0, the code gives NaNs. It seems to be a memory problem > related to ix or perhaps any parameter next to it in the RAM, because > when I added "write(*,*) 'ix',ix" right after "call update_particles" > in Ltrans.f90 (I was doing few checks), the code works and does not > give NaNs. Any chance you have an idea what the problem is ? > > Best regards, > > Romain Watteaux ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ *************** From Elizabeth North, 6/13/12 ****************************** This is not a bug, but a precaution to users. In the file, if you have SphericalProjection set to '.TRUE.' (I would recommend this), then it is important to adjust the following variables to match the hydrodynamic model domain: latmin = 36 ! Minimum longitude value, only used if SphericalProjection is .TRUE. lonmin = -77 ! Minimum latitude value, only used if SphericalProjection is .TRUE. To do this, find the minimum longitude and minimum latitude in the entire model domain, the set latmin and lonmin to the nearest whole number less that the minimum latitude and longitude (i.e., if the minimum longitude in the hydrodynamic model domain is -75.666, then set lonmin to -76). If your numbers for latmin/lonmin in your file don't correspond to your model domain, your particles could go the wrong way. ****************************************************************************** ************************************************************************ ********************* From Annalisa Bracco, 6/23/15***************************** Problem: We were "able to successfully run the test case, but when we turn the behavior parameter to zero, then the execution of the test hung at stepf 5 despite all attempts to change other parameter settings (no apparent error. The code simply does not move forward)." Solution: "The problem is that the update due to behavior is done for all Behavior values. The solution (and yes, happy to share) is to change line 1153 !Update due to Behavior newZpos = NewZpos + ZBehav into !Update due to Behavior if(Behavior.NE.0)then newZpos = NewZpos + ZBehav endif Annalisa Bracco, Professor School of Earth and Atmospheric Science Georgia Institute of Technology" ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************