BCO-DMO Publications, Presentations, and Posters

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Ontology Design Patterns: Bridging the Gap Between Local Semantic Use Cases and Large-Scale, Long-Term Data Integration, Shepherd, Adam, Arko Robert, Krisnadhi Adila Alfa, Hitzler Pascal, Janowicz Krzysztof, Chandler Cynthia, Narock Thomas, Chetham Michelle, Schildhauer Mark, Jones Matthew, et al. , Geophys. Res. Abstr., Volume 17, (2015)
Linked Data + Drupal for Oceanographic Data Management, Shepherd, Adam, and Corlosquet Stephane , 6/4/2014, Austin, TX, (2014)
Video on You Tube; duration: 56:24
Semantic Entity Pairing for Improved Data Validation and Discovery, Shepherd, Adam, Chandler Cynthia, Arko Robert, Chen Yanning, Krisnadhi Adila Alfa, Hitzler Pascal, Narock Thomas, Groman Robert C., and Rauch Shannon M. , 4/29/2014, (2014)  (3.62 MB)
Maintaining scientific community vocabularies in Drupal through consumption of linked open data, Shepherd, Adam, Leadbetter Adam, Arko Robert, and Maffei Andrew R. , 12/7/2012, (2012)  (8.4 MB)
Sustainable Software Decisions for Long-term Projects, Shepherd, Adam, Groman Robert C., Chandler Cynthia, Gaylord D., and Sun M. , 12/11/2013, (2013)  (17.28 MB)
Ontology Design Patterns: Bridging the Gap Between Local Semantic Use Cases and Large-Scale, Long-Term Data Integration, Shepherd, Adam, Arko Robert, Krisnadhi Adila Alfa, Hitzler Pascal, Janowicz Krzysztof, Chandler Cynthia, Narock Thomas, Cheatham Michelle, Schildhauer Mark, Jones Matthew, et al. , (2015)  (2.16 MB)
Linked Data: Forming Partnerships at the Data Layer, Shepherd, Adam, Chandler Cynthia, Arko Robert, Jones Matthew, Hitzler Pascal, Janowicz Krzysztof, Krisnadhi Adila Alfa, Schildhauer Mark, Fils Douglas, Narock Thomas, et al. , American Geophysical Union, 12/14/2015, (2015)