
Dataset Project Validated Version
Cruise Track Amundsen Sea Polynya International Research Expedition (ASPIRE) Yes 18 November 2014
Stations - Proposed Amundsen Sea Polynya International Research Expedition (ASPIRE) No 01 December 2010
Shipboard Standard Underway Amundsen Sea Polynya International Research Expedition (ASPIRE) 18 November 2014
Underway pCO2 and dissolved oxygen concentrations and fluxes Amundsen Sea Polynya International Research Expedition (ASPIRE) 18 November 2014
Trace Metals Amundsen Sea Polynya International Research Expedition (ASPIRE) 14 October 2015
Chlorophyll a Amundsen Sea Polynya International Research Expedition (ASPIRE) Yes 29 January 2015
DAP CTD Data from the Puerto Rico Trench An Autonomous Ocean Profiling and Water Sampling System for 0 to 11 km of Water Depth (DAP Test PR Trench) No 1
16S rRNA gene from DNA An In-Depth analysis of the subvent biosphere within Okinawa Backarc Basin (IODP 331, Iheya North Hydrothermal Field) sediments (Subvent_Biosphere_Sediments) Yes 1
16S rRNA gene from RNA An In-Depth analysis of the subvent biosphere within Okinawa Backarc Basin (IODP 331, Iheya North Hydrothermal Field) sediments (Subvent_Biosphere_Sediments) Yes 1
Metagenome An In-Depth analysis of the subvent biosphere within Okinawa Backarc Basin (IODP 331, Iheya North Hydrothermal Field) sediments (Subvent_Biosphere_Sediments) Yes 1
Vent_CSP_SAG An Integrated Study of Energy Metabolism, Carbon Fixation, and Colonization Mechanisms in Chemosynthetic Microbial Communities at Deep-Sea Vents (Microbial Communities at Deep-Sea Vents) Yes 3
Incubation in diffuse flow vent fluids - Crab Spa An Integrated Study of Energy Metabolism, Carbon Fixation, and Colonization Mechanisms in Chemosynthetic Microbial Communities at Deep-Sea Vents (Microbial Communities at Deep-Sea Vents) Yes 2
Vent fluid chemistry: AT26-10 and AT26-23 An Integrated Study of Energy Metabolism, Carbon Fixation, and Colonization Mechanisms in Chemosynthetic Microbial Communities at Deep-Sea Vents (Microbial Communities at Deep-Sea Vents) Yes 1
vent chemical composition-Crab Spa An Integrated Study of Energy Metabolism, Carbon Fixation, and Colonization Mechanisms in Chemosynthetic Microbial Communities at Deep-Sea Vents (Microbial Communities at Deep-Sea Vents) Yes 2014-10-01
Chemosynthetic biofilm diversity An Integrated Study of Energy Metabolism, Carbon Fixation, and Colonization Mechanisms in Chemosynthetic Microbial Communities at Deep-Sea Vents (Microbial Communities at Deep-Sea Vents) Yes 2015-02-10
16S rRNA sequence and collection data An Integrated Study of Energy Metabolism, Carbon Fixation, and Colonization Mechanisms in Chemosynthetic Microbial Communities at Deep-Sea Vents (Microbial Communities at Deep-Sea Vents) Yes
Jason-II sample log AT26-10 An Integrated Study of Energy Metabolism, Carbon Fixation, and Colonization Mechanisms in Chemosynthetic Microbial Communities at Deep-Sea Vents (Microbial Communities at Deep-Sea Vents) Yes 1
CTD - Downcasts An integrated theoretical and empirical approach to across-shelf mixing and connectivity of mussel populations (MuLTI-2) Yes 2
Gonad Index (GI) An integrated theoretical and empirical approach to across-shelf mixing and connectivity of mussel populations (MuLTI-2) Yes 1
MuLTI-2 Mussel Station List An integrated theoretical and empirical approach to across-shelf mixing and connectivity of mussel populations (MuLTI-2) Yes
Gonad Index Sampling Information An integrated theoretical and empirical approach to across-shelf mixing and connectivity of mussel populations (MuLTI-2) Yes 1
Coastal Gulf of Maine model output An integrated theoretical and empirical approach to across-shelf mixing and connectivity of mussel populations (MuLTI-2) No 3
Settlement An integrated theoretical and empirical approach to across-shelf mixing and connectivity of mussel populations (MuLTI-2) Yes 1
Density An integrated theoretical and empirical approach to across-shelf mixing and connectivity of mussel populations (MuLTI-2) Yes 1
ADCP Transects An integrated theoretical and empirical approach to across-shelf mixing and connectivity of mussel populations (MuLTI-2) Yes 2
Size Frequency An integrated theoretical and empirical approach to across-shelf mixing and connectivity of mussel populations (MuLTI-2) Yes 1
Mytilus Elemental Fingerprints An integrated theoretical and empirical approach to across-shelf mixing and connectivity of mussel populations (MuLTI-2) Yes 2
Size Frequency Sampling Information An integrated theoretical and empirical approach to across-shelf mixing and connectivity of mussel populations (MuLTI-2) Yes
Settlement Sampling Information An integrated theoretical and empirical approach to across-shelf mixing and connectivity of mussel populations (MuLTI-2) Yes
CTD - Stations An integrated theoretical and empirical approach to across-shelf mixing and connectivity of mussel populations (MuLTI-2) Yes
Goby data geolocations An Integrative Investigation of Population Connectivity Using a Coral Reef Fish (Elacatinus Dispersal I) Yes 1
Goby abundance and morphology An Integrative Investigation of Population Connectivity Using a Coral Reef Fish (Elacatinus Dispersal I) Yes 1
Model outputs An Integrative Investigation of Population Connectivity Using a Coral Reef Fish (Elacatinus Dispersal I) Yes Final
Drifter data An Integrative Investigation of Population Connectivity Using a Coral Reef Fish (Elacatinus Dispersal I) Yes 1
Aligned mtDNA haplotypes An Integrative Investigation of Population Connectivity Using a Coral Reef Fish (Elacatinus Dispersal I) Yes 1
Micro-satellite genotypes 2012 An Integrative Investigation of Population Connectivity Using a Coral Reef Fish (Elacatinus Dispersal I) Yes 1
Goby parentage An Integrative Investigation of Population Connectivity Using a Coral Reef Fish (Elacatinus Dispersal I) Yes 1
Goby distribution and abundance An Integrative Investigation of Population Connectivity Using a Coral Reef Fish (Elacatinus Dispersal I) Yes 1
Goby genotypes An Integrative Investigation of Population Connectivity Using a Coral Reef Fish (Elacatinus Dispersal I) Yes 1
Micro-satellite genotypes 2011 An Integrative Investigation of Population Connectivity Using a Coral Reef Fish (Elacatinus Dispersal I) Yes 2
Data from fish genotyped at 14 and 20 loci An Integrative Investigation of Population Connectivity Using a Coral Reef Fish (Elacatinus Dispersal I) Yes 1
Goby_Sibship_2018 An Integrative Investigation of Population Connectivity Using a Coral Reef Fish (Elacatinus Dispersal I) Yes 1
Mangrove disease survey An interdisciplinary approach to elucidating the causes of widespread mangrove die-off (Mangrove Die-off) Yes 1
Live area and NDVI measurements An interdisciplinary approach to elucidating the causes of widespread mangrove die-off (Mangrove Die-off) Yes Final
Herbivore exclusion experiment An interdisciplinary approach to elucidating the causes of widespread mangrove die-off (Mangrove Die-off) Yes 1
Simulated grazing experiment An interdisciplinary approach to elucidating the causes of widespread mangrove die-off (Mangrove Die-off) Yes 1
Noble gas observations and model runs An Inverse and Forward Global Modeling Synthesis of Noble Gases to Better Quantify Biogeochemical Cycles (Noble gas modeling) Yes
coral growth dye experiment An Investigation of the Role of Nutrition in the Coral Calcification Response to Ocean Acidification (OA Nutrition and Coral Calcification) Yes 1
coral growth isotope spike experiment An Investigation of the Role of Nutrition in the Coral Calcification Response to Ocean Acidification (OA Nutrition and Coral Calcification) Yes 1
pteropod shell dissolution An Investigation of the Role of Nutrition in the Coral Calcification Response to Ocean Acidification (OA Nutrition and Coral Calcification) Yes 1
Oculina coral OA expt An Investigation of the Role of Nutrition in the Coral Calcification Response to Ocean Acidification (OA Nutrition and Coral Calcification) Yes 1
Palau carbonate chemistry An Investigation of the Role of Nutrition in the Coral Calcification Response to Ocean Acidification (OA Nutrition and Coral Calcification) Yes 1
carbonate chemistry and corals expt An Investigation of the Role of Nutrition in the Coral Calcification Response to Ocean Acidification (OA Nutrition and Coral Calcification) Yes 1
coral diversity and richness An Investigation of the Role of Nutrition in the Coral Calcification Response to Ocean Acidification (OA Nutrition and Coral Calcification) Yes 2
juvenile coral calcification An Investigation of the Role of Nutrition in the Coral Calcification Response to Ocean Acidification (OA Nutrition and Coral Calcification) Yes 2014-01-31
ECOTRAN code and static scenarios Analysis of Continental Shelf Ecosystems: Food Web Structure and Functional Relations (Food Webs and Physical Contexts) Yes 2
Chemistry - May 2007 Anammox, denitrification and nitrogen fixation in the Black Sea (Anammox Black Sea) Yes 20 June 2011
Chemistry - October 2007 Anammox, denitrification and nitrogen fixation in the Black Sea (Anammox Black Sea) Yes 20 June 2011
Chemistry - July 2008 Anammox, denitrification and nitrogen fixation in the Black Sea (Anammox Black Sea) Yes 20 June 2011
nutrients and ARBS sponge disease Aplysina Red Band Syndrome: Investigating the etiology, pathogenesis, and ecology of an emerging marine disease (Etiology of ARBS sponge disease) Yes
Calanus finmarchicus transcriptomics Application of transcriptomics to investigate organism-environment relationships in marine zooplankton (CFINTRANSCRIPT) Yes
active surface bacteria Are abundant bacteria more active than rare bacteria in the Sargasso Sea? (Active bacteria in surface waters) Yes
Sargasso Sea surface bacteria accession numbers Are abundant bacteria more active than rare bacteria in the Sargasso Sea? (Active bacteria in surface waters) Yes 2014-04-23
Coral health status and DNA concentration Are coral diseases contagious? (Contagious coral diseases?) No 1
Sample numbers and associated data for bacteria sequence mapping Are coral diseases contagious? (Contagious coral diseases?) No 1
Coral Diseases and thermal history Are coral diseases contagious? (Contagious coral diseases?)
Coral pyrosequencing data Are coral diseases contagious? (Contagious coral diseases?) No 1
Coral disease mapping and site information Are coral diseases contagious? (Contagious coral diseases?) No 1
Mapping information and signs for individual diseased corals Are coral diseases contagious? (Contagious coral diseases?) No 1
Raw mapping data for sequencing Are coral diseases contagious? (Contagious coral diseases?) No Final
Data and sequence information from analysis pipeline Are coral diseases contagious? (Contagious coral diseases?) No 1
Coral Biopsy Sample Log Are Eastern Tropical Pacific reefs becoming more resilient to ENSO? (Response of ETP to ENSO) No 1
Dissolved organic Fe-binding ligand data from the FRidge (GA13) expedition Are strong ligands and dissolved iron tightly coupled in hydrothermal systems? (organic iron ligands in hydrothermal systems) Yes 1
ISPP14C Synthesis ARLINDO Circulation, A Study of the Indonesian Ocean Circulation and Mixing (ARLINDO) Yes 1
YSI Flowthrough Data Assessing the Ecophysiological and Biogeochemical Response to Deliberate Nutrient Loading in the Southern California Bight (SoCalPlumeEx2012) 04 November 2014
Stations Assessing the Ecophysiological and Biogeochemical Response to Deliberate Nutrient Loading in the Southern California Bight (SoCalPlumeEx2012) 04 November 2014
Bottle Data Assessing the Ecophysiological and Biogeochemical Response to Deliberate Nutrient Loading in the Southern California Bight (SoCalPlumeEx2012) 04 November 2014
Nerissa CTD Data Assessing the Ecophysiological and Biogeochemical Response to Deliberate Nutrient Loading in the Southern California Bight (SoCalPlumeEx2012) 04 November 2014
WireWalker Moorings Assessing the Ecophysiological and Biogeochemical Response to Deliberate Nutrient Loading in the Southern California Bight (SoCalPlumeEx2012) 21 January 2015
PAM Fluorescence Data Assessing the Ecophysiological and Biogeochemical Response to Deliberate Nutrient Loading in the Southern California Bight (SoCalPlumeEx2012) 04 November 2014
SCW pH Data Assessing the Ecophysiological and Biogeochemical Response to Deliberate Nutrient Loading in the Southern California Bight (SoCalPlumeEx2012) 04 November 2014
WaveGlider C3 Assessing the Ecophysiological and Biogeochemical Response to Deliberate Nutrient Loading in the Southern California Bight (SoCalPlumeEx2012) 04 November 2014
WaveGlider CTD Assessing the Ecophysiological and Biogeochemical Response to Deliberate Nutrient Loading in the Southern California Bight (SoCalPlumeEx2012) 04 November 2014
YellowFin CTD Data Assessing the Ecophysiological and Biogeochemical Response to Deliberate Nutrient Loading in the Southern California Bight (SoCalPlumeEx2012) 04 November 2014
Diatom Matrix NMR Assessing the Movement of Carbon Currencies Between Marine Microbes (Carbon Currencies Microbes) Yes 1
Diatom Matrix Mass Spectrometry Assessing the Movement of Carbon Currencies Between Marine Microbes (Carbon Currencies Microbes) Yes 1
HPLC Photopigment Data for Bioassays Assimilation rates of dissolved organic carbon by photomixotrophic estuarine phytoplankton (Photomixotrophy) Yes 1
HPLC Photopigment Data for Bioassays - Detection Limits Assimilation rates of dissolved organic carbon by photomixotrophic estuarine phytoplankton (Photomixotrophy) Yes Final
Nutrient Concentrations in Seawater Atmospheric Deposition Impacts on Marine Ecosystems (ADIMA) 1
Chlorophyll a Concentrations in Seawater Atmospheric Deposition Impacts on Marine Ecosystems (ADIMA) 1
Seawater Nutrient Concentrations from China incubation experiment April 2011 Atmospheric Deposition Impacts on Marine Ecosystems (ADIMA) Yes 1
Trace Metal Concentrations in Seawater Atmospheric Deposition Impacts on Marine Ecosystems (ADIMA) 1
Lake Tahoe Pb Isotopes Atmospheric Deposition Impacts on Marine Ecosystems (ADIMA) Yes 1
Flow Cytometry Results Atmospheric Deposition Impacts on Marine Ecosystems (ADIMA) 1
Lake Tahoe TSP Ions Atmospheric Deposition Impacts on Marine Ecosystems (ADIMA) Yes 1
Lake Tahoe TSP Metals Atmospheric Deposition Impacts on Marine Ecosystems (ADIMA) Yes 1
Lake Tahoe TSP Nutrients Atmospheric Deposition Impacts on Marine Ecosystems (ADIMA) Yes 1
Lake Tahoe Water Metals Atmospheric Deposition Impacts on Marine Ecosystems (ADIMA) Yes 1
Seawater Trace Metal Concentrations from China incubation experiment April 2011 Atmospheric Deposition Impacts on Marine Ecosystems (ADIMA) Yes 1
Seawater Pb in WPS Atmospheric Deposition Impacts on Marine Ecosystems (ADIMA) Yes 1
