
Dataset Project Validated Version
trichodesmium_growth Changing Phytoplankton Trace Metal Requirements in a High CO2 Ocean (PhytoTM_in_HighCO2) Yes 14 Nov 2012
CTD - Profiles Characterizing a refractory DOC sink in the deep northern North Pacific (North Pacific RDOC) Yes 1
CTD - Bottle - TOM and Nutrients Characterizing a refractory DOC sink in the deep northern North Pacific (North Pacific RDOC) Yes
Cruise Track Characterizing a refractory DOC sink in the deep northern North Pacific (North Pacific RDOC) Yes 29 August 2014
Cellular trace elements from TN280 Characterizing biological function across a persistent oceanographic "hotspot" in the NE Pacific Ocean (GeoMICS Bio) Yes 1
Dissolved and particulate elements Characterizing biological function across a persistent oceanographic "hotspot" in the NE Pacific Ocean (GeoMICS Bio) Yes 16 Nov 2016
Radiocarbon in methane at ocean margins Characterizing Ocean Acidification and Atmospheric Emission Caused by Methane Released from Gas Hydrate Systems along the US Atlantic Margin (Gas Hydrate Methane) Yes 1
Guaymas Basin 2014 Organic Matter del15N Characterizing subseafloor life and environments in the Guaymas Basin (C-DEBI Guaymas Subseafloor Life) Yes 1
Guaymas Basin 2014 DIC Characterizing subseafloor life and environments in the Guaymas Basin (C-DEBI Guaymas Subseafloor Life) Yes 13 October 2016
Guaymas Basin 2014 Organic Matter del13C Characterizing subseafloor life and environments in the Guaymas Basin (C-DEBI Guaymas Subseafloor Life) Yes 1
Guaymas Basin 2014 Methane Characterizing subseafloor life and environments in the Guaymas Basin (C-DEBI Guaymas Subseafloor Life) Yes 14 October 2016
Guaymas Basin 2014 Organic Matter C:N Ratio Characterizing subseafloor life and environments in the Guaymas Basin (C-DEBI Guaymas Subseafloor Life) Yes 1
Guaymas Basin 2014 Sulfate Characterizing subseafloor life and environments in the Guaymas Basin (C-DEBI Guaymas Subseafloor Life) Yes 14 October 2016
Guaymas Basin 2014 Sulfide Characterizing subseafloor life and environments in the Guaymas Basin (C-DEBI Guaymas Subseafloor Life) Yes 14 October 2016
Guaymas Basin 2014 TOC Characterizing subseafloor life and environments in the Guaymas Basin (C-DEBI Guaymas Subseafloor Life) Yes 1
Guaymas Basin 2014 Si Characterizing subseafloor life and environments in the Guaymas Basin (C-DEBI Guaymas Subseafloor Life) Yes 1
Mass spectrometry proteomics data Characterizing the contribution of bacteria from the SUP05 clade to autotrophic and heterotrophic carbon cycling across ocean gradients (SUP05 Activities) No 1
Sulfate reduction energetics Characterizing the distribution and rates of microbial sulfate reduction at Middle Valley hydrothermal vents (Middle Valley Vents) Yes 1
Middle Valley Chimney 16S Sequencing Data Characterizing the distribution and rates of microbial sulfate reduction at Middle Valley hydrothermal vents (Middle Valley Vents) Yes 17 November 2015
Sulfate reduction rates Characterizing the distribution and rates of microbial sulfate reduction at Middle Valley hydrothermal vents (Middle Valley Vents) Yes 1
Middle Valley Chimney Sulfate Reduction Rates Characterizing the distribution and rates of microbial sulfate reduction at Middle Valley hydrothermal vents (Middle Valley Vents) Yes 13 November 2015
Picocyanobacteria and picoeukaryote growth under different HOOH concentrations Characterizing the effects of exogenous reactive oxygen species on marine microbial ecosystem dynamics (ROS and Microbial Dynamics) Yes 1
Global Noble Gases Characterizing the Formation, Nature, and Export of Weddell Sea Bottom Water using Noble Gases and Transient Tracers (Weddell Sea Tracers) Yes 2
Chemical Defenses-1: Flores et al. 2012 Chemical Defenses in a Toxic Dinoflagellate: Mechanisms and Constraints (Chemical Defenses) Yes 1
Chemical Defenses-2: Senft-Batoh et al. 2015 (L&O) Chemical Defenses in a Toxic Dinoflagellate: Mechanisms and Constraints (Chemical Defenses) Yes 1
Chemical Defenses-3: Senft-Batoh et al. 2015 (Harmful Algae) Chemical Defenses in a Toxic Dinoflagellate: Mechanisms and Constraints (Chemical Defenses) Yes 1
Chemical Defenses-4: Griffin et al. 2019 Chemical Defenses in a Toxic Dinoflagellate: Mechanisms and Constraints (Chemical Defenses) Yes 1
Chemical Defenses-5: Park and Dam 2021 Chemical Defenses in a Toxic Dinoflagellate: Mechanisms and Constraints (Chemical Defenses) Yes 1
Survey site descriptions Chemical ecology of sponges on Caribbean coral reefs (Sponge Chem Ecology) Yes 1
Sponge species and occurrence Chemical ecology of sponges on Caribbean coral reefs (Sponge Chem Ecology) Yes 1
Spongivorous species abundance Chemical ecology of sponges on Caribbean coral reefs (Sponge Chem Ecology) Yes 1
Benthic cover Chemical ecology of sponges on Caribbean coral reefs (Sponge Chem Ecology) Yes 1
Barbados-Bermuda Th-232 Th-230 Chief Scientist Training Cruise (Barbados-Bermuda, May 2014) (NSF Chief Sci Training Barbados-Bermuda) Yes 2016-02-22
clarke-bumpus_copes Clarke-Bumpus Georges Bank (CBGB) Yes 20100329
EUROWINTER2-US-2012-SemibalanusBrooding Climate Change and Biogeography: Effects of Extreme Events (EUROWINTER2) Yes 2016-01-29
UK_Barnacle_Surveys Climate Change and Biogeography: Effects of Extreme Events (EUROWINTER2) Yes 2016-01-29
UK_Semibalanus_recruitment Climate Change and Biogeography: Effects of Extreme Events (EUROWINTER2) No 1
Monthly Cumulative Upwelling Index Climate Change and Upwelling -- Comparative Analysis of Current and Future Responses of the California and Benguela Ecosystems (CalBenJI) Yes 1
Benguela Current Ecosystem path analysis Climate Change and Upwelling -- Comparative Analysis of Current and Future Responses of the California and Benguela Ecosystems (CalBenJI) Yes 1
AOGCM-derived upwelling data Climate Change and Upwelling -- Comparative Analysis of Current and Future Responses of the California and Benguela Ecosystems (CalBenJI) No 27 June 2016
Physical indicators Climate Change and Upwelling -- Comparative Analysis of Current and Future Responses of the California and Benguela Ecosystems (CalBenJI) Yes 1
LDEO surface gridded carbon parameters Climatological Mean Distribution of pH in Surface Waters in the Unified pH Scale and Mean Rate of changes in Selected Areas (Climatological Mean Distribution of pH) Yes
LDEO global surface ocean carbon Climatological Mean Distribution of pH in Surface Waters in the Unified pH Scale and Mean Rate of changes in Selected Areas (Climatological Mean Distribution of pH) Yes
Triple oxygen isotopes of respiration and photo-oxidation of DOC Clumped Oxygen Isotope Signature of Marine Dissolved Oxygen (Microbial isotope effects) No 1
The influence of reactive oxygen species on "‘respiration" isotope effect Clumped Oxygen Isotope Signature of Marine Dissolved Oxygen (Microbial isotope effects) No 1
SBE37 - El Rosario and Natividad CNH: Enhancing Resilience of Coastal Ecosystems and Human Communities to Oceanographic Variability: Social and Ecological Feedbacks (CNH-Baja Pacific) Yes 13 September 2017
Aanderaa - Natividad CNH: Enhancing Resilience of Coastal Ecosystems and Human Communities to Oceanographic Variability: Social and Ecological Feedbacks (CNH-Baja Pacific) Yes 14 November 2017
SEAFET - Natividad CNH: Enhancing Resilience of Coastal Ecosystems and Human Communities to Oceanographic Variability: Social and Ecological Feedbacks (CNH-Baja Pacific) Yes 19 October 2017
MiniDOT - El Rosario and Natividad CNH: Enhancing Resilience of Coastal Ecosystems and Human Communities to Oceanographic Variability: Social and Ecological Feedbacks (CNH-Baja Pacific) Yes 04 October 2017
Crocosphaera watsonii WH0003 cell diameter P-light-CO2 expt CO2 control of oceanic nitrogen fixation and carbon flow through diazotrophs (Diaz N2-Fix in High CO2) No 29 Oct 2013
Crocosphaera watsonii WH0003 light experiment CO2 control of oceanic nitrogen fixation and carbon flow through diazotrophs (Diaz N2-Fix in High CO2) No 09 Sept 2013
Crocosphaera watsonii WH0003 cellular growth rates expt CO2 control of oceanic nitrogen fixation and carbon flow through diazotrophs (Diaz N2-Fix in High CO2) No 11 Sept 2013
Crocosphaera watsonii light experiment CO2 control of oceanic nitrogen fixation and carbon flow through diazotrophs (Diaz N2-Fix in High CO2) No 1
Crocosphaera watsonii WH0003 CO2 and gross N2 fixation CO2 control of oceanic nitrogen fixation and carbon flow through diazotrophs (Diaz N2-Fix in High CO2) No 12 Sept 2013
Crocosphaera watsonii WH0003 P-uptake and cellular P CO2 control of oceanic nitrogen fixation and carbon flow through diazotrophs (Diaz N2-Fix in High CO2) No 13 Sept 2013
Crocosphaera watsonii CO2 experiment CO2 control of oceanic nitrogen fixation and carbon flow through diazotrophs (Diaz N2-Fix in High CO2) No 12 June 2013
Crocosphaera watsonii CO2 and light experiment CO2 control of oceanic nitrogen fixation and carbon flow through diazotrophs (Diaz N2-Fix in High CO2) No 13 June 2013
cyanobacteria N2 fixation CO2 control of oceanic nitrogen fixation and carbon flow through diazotrophs (Diaz N2-Fix in High CO2) No 13 June 2013
Crocosphaera watsonii WH0003 cellular P use efficiency CO2 control of oceanic nitrogen fixation and carbon flow through diazotrophs (Diaz N2-Fix in High CO2) No 13 Sept 2013
Crocosphaera watsonii WH0003 cell diameter light expt CO2 control of oceanic nitrogen fixation and carbon flow through diazotrophs (Diaz N2-Fix in High CO2) No 28 Oct 2013
Temporal Comparison of Mussel (Mytilus californianus) Shell Thickness Coastal mosaics of local adaptation and the eco-evolutionary dynamics of a marine predator-prey interaction (Coastal Adaptation) Yes 1
Nucella canaliculata Morphology and Drill Hole Data Coastal mosaics of local adaptation and the eco-evolutionary dynamics of a marine predator-prey interaction (Coastal Adaptation) Yes 1
Effects of early-life diet on mortality of juvenile Nucella canaliculata Coastal mosaics of local adaptation and the eco-evolutionary dynamics of a marine predator-prey interaction (Coastal Adaptation) Yes 1
Shell thickness of mussel recruits Coastal mosaics of local adaptation and the eco-evolutionary dynamics of a marine predator-prey interaction (Coastal Adaptation) Yes 1
Effects of early-life diet on Nucella canaliculata drilling phenotype Coastal mosaics of local adaptation and the eco-evolutionary dynamics of a marine predator-prey interaction (Coastal Adaptation) Yes 1
Percent cover measure of mussel bed succession on rocky shores due to intra-population variation in dogwhelk drilling Coastal mosaics of local adaptation and the eco-evolutionary dynamics of a marine predator-prey interaction (Coastal Adaptation) Yes 1
Effect of phenotypic variation on dogwhelk morphology during eco-evolutionary field experiment Coastal mosaics of local adaptation and the eco-evolutionary dynamics of a marine predator-prey interaction (Coastal Adaptation) Yes 1
Effects of intra-population variation in dogwhelk drilling on the abundance and size of Mytilus californianus mussels Coastal mosaics of local adaptation and the eco-evolutionary dynamics of a marine predator-prey interaction (Coastal Adaptation) Yes 1
Underway Chl Coastal Ocean Carbon Cycling during Wintertime Conditions (CCAW) Yes 1
Underway POM Coastal Ocean Carbon Cycling during Wintertime Conditions (CCAW) Yes 1
Larval Transport Model Coastal SEES Collaborative Research: Oyster fisheries in the Chesapeake Bay: Integrating stakeholder objectives with natural system models to promote sustainable policy (Chesapeake Bay Oyster Fisheries) Yes 1
Connectivity Matrix Coastal SEES Collaborative Research: Oyster fisheries in the Chesapeake Bay: Integrating stakeholder objectives with natural system models to promote sustainable policy (Chesapeake Bay Oyster Fisheries) Yes 1
Oyster Population Model Estimates Coastal SEES Collaborative Research: Oyster fisheries in the Chesapeake Bay: Integrating stakeholder objectives with natural system models to promote sustainable policy (Chesapeake Bay Oyster Fisheries) Yes 1
Report of the consensus recommendations of the OysterFutures Stakeholder Workgroup Coastal SEES Collaborative Research: Oyster fisheries in the Chesapeake Bay: Integrating stakeholder objectives with natural system models to promote sustainable policy (Chesapeake Bay Oyster Fisheries) Yes 4
Nutrient and metabolic fluxes on oyster reefs Coastal SEES Collaborative Research: Oyster fisheries in the Chesapeake Bay: Integrating stakeholder objectives with natural system models to promote sustainable policy (Chesapeake Bay Oyster Fisheries) Yes 1
OysterFutures simulation model Coastal SEES Collaborative Research: Oyster fisheries in the Chesapeake Bay: Integrating stakeholder objectives with natural system models to promote sustainable policy (Chesapeake Bay Oyster Fisheries) Yes 1
cruise_report Cobalt, Iron and Micro-organisms from the Upwelling zone to the Gyre (GAc01) (CoFeMUG) Yes 10 February 2009
Dissolved Nitrous Oxide Cobalt, Iron and Micro-organisms from the Upwelling zone to the Gyre (GAc01) (CoFeMUG) Yes 1
INVENTORY Cobalt, Iron and Micro-organisms from the Upwelling zone to the Gyre (GAc01) (CoFeMUG) Yes 3 September 2009
Pigments Cobalt, Iron and Micro-organisms from the Upwelling zone to the Gyre (GAc01) (CoFeMUG) No 18 May 2011
Nitrate isotopes Cobalt, Iron and Micro-organisms from the Upwelling zone to the Gyre (GAc01) (CoFeMUG) Yes 1
nutrients and metals Cobalt, Iron and Micro-organisms from the Upwelling zone to the Gyre (GAc01) (CoFeMUG) Yes 2
event_log Cobalt, Iron and Micro-organisms from the Upwelling zone to the Gyre (GAc01) (CoFeMUG) Yes 2
nutrients metals and ctd Cobalt, Iron and Micro-organisms from the Upwelling zone to the Gyre (GAc01) (CoFeMUG) No 0
combined CTD Cobalt, Iron and Micro-organisms from the Upwelling zone to the Gyre (GAc01) (CoFeMUG) No 0
16S rRNA clone library Cobalt, Iron and Micro-organisms from the Upwelling zone to the Gyre (GAc01) (CoFeMUG) No 10 March 2011
Metaproteome Cobalt, Iron and Micro-organisms from the Upwelling zone to the Gyre (GAc01) (CoFeMUG) No 1
Dissolved iron speciation - CoFeMUG KN192-05 Cobalt, Iron and Micro-organisms from the Upwelling zone to the Gyre (GAc01) (CoFeMUG) Yes 2
BioLog Eco-plates experiment - 14C-labeled uptake Coccolithophore Mixotrophy (Cocco-Mix) Yes 2
EN616 Underway Coccolithophore Mixotrophy (Cocco-Mix) Yes 1
EN616 Coccolithophore DOC uptake and scintillation counts Coccolithophore Mixotrophy (Cocco-Mix) Yes 1
FlowCAM imaging cytometer data from EN616 cruise Coccolithophore Mixotrophy (Cocco-Mix) Yes 1
EN616 CTD hydrography Coccolithophore Mixotrophy (Cocco-Mix) Yes 1
Radiolabeled DOC kinetic and pulse-chase experiments Coccolithophore Mixotrophy (Cocco-Mix) Yes 1
Data for ambient concentrations of three DOC compounds (acetate, glycerol, mannitol) Coccolithophore Mixotrophy (Cocco-Mix) Yes 1
Coccolithophore birefringence from polarized microscopy Coccolithophore Mixotrophy (Cocco-Mix) Yes 1
BioLog Eco-plates experiment - Metabolic potential Coccolithophore Mixotrophy (Cocco-Mix) Yes 2
EN616 Discrete Data Coccolithophore Mixotrophy (Cocco-Mix) Yes 1
Coccolithophore survival in darkness Coccolithophore Mixotrophy (Cocco-Mix) Yes 1
Underway Data Coccolithophores of the Patagonian Shelf 2008 (COPAS08) Yes 28 June 2010
