
Instrument Name Acronymsort descending Description
Cloudwater collector
PI-supplied names:
Caltech active strand cloudwater collector
HydroLab DataSonde

Hydrolab DataSonde Multiparameter Probes have sensors for temperature, conductivity, salinity, specific conductance, TDS, pH, ORP, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, chlorophyll a, blue-green algae, Rhodamine WT, ammonium, nitrate, chloride, ambient light (PAR), and total dissolved gas.

PI-supplied names:
HydroLab Datasonde 4 Multiprobe;
Hydrolab Data Sonde 3;
Hydrolab DataSondes
Laboratory Autosampler

Laboratory apparatus that automatically introduces one or more samples with a predetermined volume or mass into an analytical instrument.

PI-supplied names:
Metrohm 858 Sample Processor;
Shimadzu Instruments TOC-Vcph Total Organic Carbon Analyzer with ASI-V Autosampler and TNM Total Nitrogen Analyzer;
ASI-V Autosampler;

Costech ECS 4010 Elemental Combustion System/Zero Blank Autosampler /ThermoFinnigan MAT Conflo IV/ThermoFinnigan DeltaXP;
ASI-5000 auto sampler;
CTC PAL autosampler;
Accela Open Autosampler;
Thermo Electron SurveyorLite autosampler;
SPS4 Autosampler;
Costech zero-blank autosampler;
Liaison autosampler ;
Dionex AS-AP autosampler;
Metrohm 858 Sample Processor (2.858.0010);
Force sensor

Instrument that measures forces such as dynamic and quasistatic tensile and compression forces.  Units commonly as Newtons (N).

PI-supplied names:
Kistler 5995 charge amplifier and Kistler 9207 force sensor;
Kinlan orce sensor 9203
GM multicounter

A gas flow multicounter (GM multicounter) is used for counting low-level beta doses. GM multicounters can be used for gas proportional counting of 32Si to 32P. For more information about GM multicounter usage see Krause et. al. 2011.

PI-supplied names:
GM Multicounter;
GM 25-5 multicounter;
GM 25 Multicounters (Risø National Laboratory, Technical University of Denmark);

low-background RISO beta multi-counter;
Riso low-level GM beta multi-counter;
GM-24 Multicounter (Risø DTU National Laboratory, Denmark)
Algal Growth Chamber

A chamber specifically designed for the growth of algae in flasks. The chamber typically provides controlled temperature, humidity, and light conditions.

PI-supplied names:
Percival algal growth chambers;
Conviron growth chamber;
Percival algal growth chamber
Chemiluminescence NOx Analyzer

The chemiluminescence method for gas analysis of oxides of nitrogen relies on the measurement of light produced by the gas-phase titration of nitric oxide and ozone. A chemiluminescence analyzer can measure the concentration of NO/NO2/NOX.

One example is the Teledyne Model T200:

PI-supplied names:
T200 Teledyne Advanced Pollution Instrumentation;
NoxBox instrument;
chemiluminescent detector;

NOx analyzer ;
Thermo Scientific 42i chemiluminescent NOx;
NOx analyzer;
Antek model 7090;
Antek Instruments 7050 Nitric Oxide Detector with 745 Nitrate/Nitrite Reduction Assembly;
Antek Instruments 7050 Nitric Oxide Detector;
Antek Instruments 7050 Nitric Oxide Detector with 745 Nitrate/Nitrite Reduction Assembly ;
Teledyne 200e NOx Analyzer;
Antek 7020 NO analyzer;
Teledyne T200 NOx analyzer;
Thermo 42i NOx analyzer;
Teledyne Instruments Chemiluminescence NO/NOx Analyzer;
Teledyne Chemiluminescence NO/NOx Analyzer (Model 200E);
Teledyne chemiluminescence NOx analyzer Model T200
Soxhlet extractor

A Soxhlet extractor is a piece of laboratory apparatus designed for the extraction of a lipid from a solid material. The solid is placed in a filter paper thimble which is then placed into the main chamber of the Soxhlet extractor. The solvent (heated to reflux) travels into the main chamber and the partially soluble components are slowly transferred to the solvent.

PI-supplied names:
Custom-designed Soxhlet apparatus for Lipid/Lean analyses;
Automated Mercury Analysis System

Examples include Tekran Models 2600 and 2700 

PI-supplied names:
Tektran 2600; Tektran 2700;
Tekran 2600; Tekran 2700;
Tekran 2700 Automated Methylmercury Analysis Systems;

Tekran 2700 Automated Methylmercury Analysis System
cloud cover quantifiers

Instruments that measure the proportion of the sky covered by cloud (cloud amount) and/or the height of the cloud above the ground (cloud base). Also called ceilometers.

PI-supplied names:
Mesotech ceilometer, CBME80
centrifugal evaporator

A centrifugal evaporator is a device used in chemical and biochemical laboratories for the efficient and gentle evaporation of solvents from many samples at the same time, and samples contained in microtitre plates. 

PI-supplied names:
Savant SpeedVac SC200 centrifugal evaporator with a −60°C chiller trap
colonization substrata

Natural or artificial materials deployed in a marine or artificial environment for a given period to act as standardised, passive settlement sampling devices (e.g. settlement plates). They are used to determine the extent of colonization and/or the diversity of settled organisms.

PI-supplied names:
spore settlement plate;
terra cotta or limestone settlement panels;

specially designed recruitment modules (RMs)
CTD - profiler

The Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) unit is an integrated instrument package designed to measure the conductivity, temperature, and pressure (depth) of the water column. The instrument is lowered via cable through the water column. It permits scientists to observe the physical properties in real-time via a conducting cable, which is typically connected to a CTD to a deck unit and computer on a ship. The CTD is often configured with additional optional sensors including fluorometers, transmissometers and/or radiometers. It is often combined with a Rosette of water sampling bottles (e.g. Niskin, GO-FLO) for collecting discrete water samples during the cast.

This term applies to profiling CTDs. For fixed CTDs, see

PI-supplied names:
Conductivity, Temperature, Depth;
CTD profiler;

CTD Profiler;
YSI Castaway CTD;
YSI Castawa;
pump profiler;
SBE-25 Sealogger CTD;
SeaBird Microcat CTD;
CTD Rosette ;
YSI Castaway;
SeaBird 911+ CTD with SBE3T/SBE4C sensor system;
SonTek CastAway;
CTD Diver;
10L General Oceanics Niskin X;
SBE 9plus;
Seabird SBE3 Oceanographic temperature sensors on a CTD rosette;
CTD/Niskin rosette;
CTD Sea-Bird rosette as part of R/V Atlantis;
Sea-Bird SBE 9;
Sea-Bird 9 CTD;
CTD Seabird 911plus;
RSI MicroCTD (Rockland Scientific International, Inc.);
CTD Rosette;
CTD (Castaway, SonTek, San Diego, CA, USA);
CTD hydrocasts;
CTD with 24 bottle rosette;
CTD rosette;
Seabird SBE911 CTD;
CTD sensors;
CTD - profiler;
Hydro-Bios MWS-12 CTD sonde;
CTD rosette bottle;
Standard CTD Rosette;
Niskin CTD Rosette for seawater;
Niskin CTD Rosette for seawater collection
Inverted Microscope

An inverted microscope is a microscope with its light source and condenser on the top, above the stage pointing down, while the objectives and turret are below the stage pointing up. It was invented in 1850 by J. Lawrence Smith, a faculty member of Tulane University (then named the Medical College of Louisiana).

Inverted microscopes are useful for observing living cells or organisms at the bottom of a large container (e.g. a tissue culture flask) under more natural conditions than on a glass slide, as is the case with a conventional microscope. Inverted microscopes are also used in micromanipulation applications where space above the specimen is required for manipulator mechanisms and the microtools they hold, and in metallurgical applications where polished samples can be placed on top of the stage and viewed from underneath using reflecting objectives.

The stage on an inverted microscope is usually fixed, and focus is adjusted by moving the objective lens along a vertical axis to bring it closer to or further from the specimen. The focus mechanism typically has a dual concentric knob for coarse and fine adjustment. Depending on the size of the microscope, four to six objective lenses of different magnifications may be fitted to a rotating turret known as a nosepiece. These microscopes may also be fitted with accessories for fitting still and video cameras, fluorescence illumination, confocal scanning and many other applications.

PI-supplied names:
Zeiss ICM-405 inverted microscope;
Inverted Microscope;
Zeiss Axiovert 200 M inverted compound microscope ;

Zeiss Axiovert 200 M inverted compound microscope;
Inverted Axiovert 200 Microscope;
Inverted transmission microscope ;
Olympus CKX41;
Olympus CKX 41 inverted microscope;
dissecting microscope;
Accu-Scope 3032 inverted microscope;
Nikon Diaphot inverted compound microscope;
Olympus IX-70 inverted microscope;
Olympus CKX41 inverted microscope;
Zeiss AxioVert A1;
Zeiss Axiovert 200M inverted compound microscopy;
Olympus IX70 inverted system microscope;
Nikon Eclipse TS100;
Nikon Ti-E Inverted Microscope;
Nikon Diaphot 300;
Zeiss Axioskop S-100;
Nikon Ti-E Inverted microscope;
Inverted microscope 125X magnification;
Zeiss AxioObserver Inverted microscope;
Nikon Ti2 inverted microscope
Elemental Analyzer

Instruments that quantify carbon, nitrogen and sometimes other elements by combusting the sample at very high temperature and assaying the resulting gaseous oxides. Usually used for samples including organic material.

PI-supplied names:
DIC Automated Analyzer;
Carlo-Erba C/N Analyzer;
elemental analyzer;

Costech, ECS 4010;
Thermo Scientific CN Analyzer ;
LECO S632 Sulfur Analyzer;
Isotope Cube elemental analyzer ;
Carlo Erba NA 1500;
CE Elantech Flash EA 1112 ;
Costech elemental analyzer;
elemental analyzer (EA);
Vario ISOTOPE elemental analyzer;
MICRO cube elemental analyzer ;
Carlo Erba 1108 or a CE Instruments NC2500 elemental analyzer;
1108 Elemental analyzer;
Micro Cube elemental analyzer;
Perkin Elmer Series II 2400 CHNS/O analyzer;
Carlo Erba NA-1500 elemental analyzer;
Carbon-Nitrogen Analyzer;
CE Elantech NC2100 elemental analyzer;
Shimadzu TOC 5050 analyzer;
Costech elemental combustion system (Model 4010);
Carlo Erba CHNS-O EA1108-elemental analyzer interfaced via a ConFlo III device;
Carlo Erba CHNS-O EA1108-elemental analyzer ;
Carlo Erba NC 2500 Elemental Analyzer (Model 1108);
Temperature Conversion Elemental Analyzer (TC/EA);
Carlo Erba CHNS-O EA1108-elemental analyzer;
Thermo Flash EA 1112 Soil elemental analyzer;
PDZ Europa ANCA-GSL elemental analyzer;
Eurovector elemental analyzer;
Thermo Flash 2000 CHN Elemental Analyser;
Costech Elemental Analyzer;
Costech Elemental Analyzer ECS4010 CHNSO ANALYZER;
Combustion Elemental Analyzer;
Carlo Erba EA 1108 elemental analyzer;
CN FlashEA 1112 Elemental Analyzer;
Thermo Scientific Flash 2000 Elemental Analyzer ;
Elementar Vario Isotope Cube;
Costech Model 4010;
Thermo Scientific FlashEA 1112 Nitrogen and Carbon analyzer;
Fisons NA 1500 elemental analyzer;
Thermo Electron FlashEA 1112 C/N analyzer;
Thermo Flash Elemental analyzer ;
Perkin Elmer 2400 Elemental Analyzer.;
ThermoQuest NC 2500 elemental analyzer;
Carlo Erba Elemental Analyzer Model 1108;
440 elemental analyzer (Costech Inc., CA);
Carlo Erba 1108 elemental analyzer;
Exeter Analytical Elemental Analyzer;
• Fisons 1108 Elemental Analyzer equipped with a Costech "Zero Blank" sample carousel;
Thermo Scientific FLASH 2000 elemental analyzer;
Thermo Scientific FLASH 2000;
ThermoQuest NC2500;
Teledyne T200 NOx analyzer with a SRI Model 333 Peak Simple Chromatography Data System;
CE Instruments NC2500;
Aplkem RF300;
CN FlashEA 1112 Elemental Analyzer (Thermo Scientific, Waltham, Massachusetts);
FlashEA 1112 Analyzer; Thermo Scientific, Waltham, Massachusetts;
ThermoFinnigan FlashEA 1112 series NC Soil Analyzer;
Thermo Fisher Scientific Flash EA-Isolink CNSOH elemental analyzer;
Perkin Elmer 2400 Series II CHNS/O;
Elementar Vario EL Cube/Micro Cube elemental analyzer;
Vario Micro Cube CHNS Analyzer;
CE Elantech NC2100 combustion elemental analyzer;
PDZ Europa 20-20 isotope ratio mass spectrometer;
Elementar Isoprime;
Vario ISOTOPE select (Elementar Isoprime);
4010 Costech Elemental Analyzer ;
Costech ECS4010 CHNSO Elemental Analyzer;
Control Equipment Corporation: Model CEC 440HA;
Elementar Vario EL Cube or Micro Cube elemental analyzer;
Costech ECS 4010 Elemental Analyzer coupled with Thermo Delta V isotope ratio mass spectrometer;
Exeter Analytical CE 440;
CE Elantech NC2100 Elemental Analyzer;
Thermo Scientific Flash EA Isolink;
Thermo Fisher Scientific Flash Elemental Analyzer (EA);
Elemental Combustion System (Costech Analytical Technologies);
Europa ANCA-SL elemental analyzer;
Carlo Erba 1108;
Exeter Analytical CE440 Elemental Analyzer;
Elemental analyzer;
Spectrophotometric Elemental Analysis System (SEAS);
Thermo Flash 1000;
Costech 4010 Elemental Analyzer;
ThermoFisher Scientific EA-Isolink CNSOH element analyzer;
ThermoFisher Scientific EA-Isolink CNSOH element analyzer.;
Elementar Vario EL Cube or Micro Cube elemental analyzer (Elementar Analysensysteme GmbH, Hanau, Germany);
Elementar Vario MICRO cube;
Carlo Erba elemental analyzer ;
Thermo Scientific FlashEA 1112;
Thermo Element 2 HR-ICP-MS;
CEC440 Elemental Analyzer;
Elemental analyzer at UC Davis;
Costech (Valencia, CA, USA) elemental combustion system;
Elementar vario Isotope select;
Thermo Flash elemental analyzer;
Costech ECS 4010 Elemental Analyzer;
Elemental Analyzer (Costech);
Elemental Analyzer (EA, Costech);
Flash EA 1112 NC Soil Analyzer (Thermo-Scientific, MA);
Thermo Scientific Flash EA IsoLink CN;
GVI (now Elementar) Isoprime 1000;
PE 2400 Series II CHNS/O Analyzer;
Elemental Analyzer
Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) system

Measures 2D velocity flow fields, usually by scanning particles with a laser beam and capturing images of the illuminated particles. 

PI-supplied names:
near-infrared (IR) particle image velocimeter (IR PIV);
Tomographic particle image velocimetry
Microscope - Optical

Instruments that generate enlarged images of samples using the phenomena of reflection and absorption of visible light. Includes conventional and inverted instruments. Also called a "light microscope".

PI-supplied names:
Olympus SZX-10 dissecting microscope;
binocular microscope;

Light microscope;
compound microscope;
Light Microscope;
compound microscope;
dissecting microscope;
Leica MZ12 dissecting microscope;
Leica DMLB microscope;
Dissecting Microscope;
Dissecting Microscope;
Leica M125;
Leica DM1000;
phase-contrast light microscope;
Olympus CHA microscope;
stereo microscope;
Leica DM5500 B microscope;
Wild model M5A dissecting microscope;
Zeiss Stemi SV-11 stereomicroscope;
microscope (Steindorff SXC, New York Microscopes);
Leica stereomicroscope;
Dissecting microscope;
Nikon SMZ1500;
Olympus SZX12 stereomicroscope with an Olympus Qcolor 5 camera attachment;
Olympus SZX16 Stereomicroscope;
an Olympus Optical Company SZ-ST stereoscopeand a Leica stereomicroscope;
Leica MZ APO stereo microscopes;
ZeissAxioplan2 microscope;
Leica stereomicroscopes: models MZ12.5, MZ16.5, MZ205C or MS5;
Eclipse E800 microscope (Nikon, Tokyo, Japan);
Leica Stereoscope;
Stemi 2000-C, Axiocam 105 Color, Carl Zeiss, Germany;
SteREO Discovery.V12, Axiocam 105 Color, Carl Zeiss, Germany;
lighted stereomicroscope;
Nikon Eclipse E400 compound microscope;
Wild steromicroscope;
Zeiss Discovery V8 Dissecting microscope;
standard stereomicroscope;
Olympus BX-51;
Stemi 2000-C, Carl Zeiss;
Dissecting microscope: MZ12, Leica Microsystems;
dissecting scope;
stereo microscope (Nikon SMZ-1000);
Eclipse E800 microscope (Nikon);
Nikon eclipse 50i microscope.;
Leica dissecting microscope ;
Leica dissecting microscope;
stereo- and compound microscopes;
Nikon Eclipse E800 light microscope;
American Optical Microscope;
Stereomicroscope: Zeiss Stemi 2000-C (Carl Zeiss Microscopy, LLC);
Leica Binocular Microscope;
Nikon SMZ-1000 stereo microscope;
AmScope compound microscope with ocular micrometer;
articulating dissecting microscope;
American Optical Microscope (Spencer Lens Company, Buffalo, N.Y.) with polarization optics;
Olympus dissection microscope (model SZX16);
Leica compound microscope;
Olympus BH-2;
Olympus BX41;
Olympus Polarizing Dissection Microscope;
Leica dissection microscope;
Olympus BX-51 Compound Microscope (Olympus Scientific Solutions);
Quantitative light microscope (Olympus BH-2 microscope equipped with polarization optics) ;
Zeiss SteREO Discovery V8;
Nikon Eclipse E800;
Olympus SZH-ILLD stereo microscope;
Olympus SZH-ILLD stereoscope;
Olympus BX51 microscope;
Polarized microscopy;
Leica MZ16 microscope;
light microscopy;
Dissection microscope;
A3 microscope (Zeiss UK);
Zeiss Stemi 2000-C dissecting microscope;
Wild M-5 microscope;
Motic SMZ-171 Stereo Microscope;
Phase contrast microscope;
Leica MZ12 dissecting microscope (Leica Camera, Wetzlar, Germany;
Eclipse E800 (Nikon) light microscope;
dissecting microscope (Leica MZ12; Leica, Wetzlar, Germany);
Leica EZ4 W Compound Microscope;
Olympus SZH-ILLD Stereoscope;
Axioplan2 microscope (Carl Zeiss, Goettingen, Germany);
Leica S9i dissecting microscope;
Nikon SMZ1000 Zoom Stereo Microscope (Nikon Instruments Inc., Melville, New York);
stereoscopic microscope;
Dissection scope (AmScope SM-1TSZZ-144S-10M);
Sediment suction sampler

Devices that collect samples from the sediment layer surface using suction. The mechanism of suction can be accomplished by either vacuum, by pressure difference between the air inside the sampler and surrounding water, by pumping water directly into the sampler, or by under pressure air to elevate the sediment inside the sampler. Devices are typically diver- or remotely-operated.

PI-supplied names:
Multi Parameter Portable Meter

An analytical instrument that can measure multiple parameters, such as pH, EC, TDS, DO and temperature with one device and is portable or hand-held.

PI-supplied names:
YSI 6600V2;
YSI Professional Plus Multiparameter instrument;

YSI 556 Handheld Multiparameter Instrument;
YSI 556 MPS handheld meter;
handheld meter;
YSI 6600;
HQ30d, Hach, Loveland, Colorado, USA;
YSI 6920 multisonde;
YSI ProDSS multiparameter meter (YSI Inc. / Xylem Inc., Yellow Springs, OH, USA);
YSI 6920 V2 (YSI Inc. / Xylem Inc., Yellow Springs, OH, USA);
Orion Star A329 portable multimeter;
YSI 556 Handheld Multiparameter Instrument ;
OrionStar A329;
ProQuatro handheld multiparameter meter, YSI;
YSI multiparameter meter (YSI 556MPS);
portable multiparameter meter Thermo Scientific Orion Star A series A325;
MQ-510 Full Spectrum Underwater Quantum Meter, Apogee;
multiparameter meter (HQ40D, Hach Lange);
YSI multiparameter sonde (Model 6600 or 6600 EDS-S Extended Deployment System) ...;
Hach Handheld pH and Temperature probe (HQ2200 Multi/2 Channel)
Continuous Flow Interface for Mass Spectrometers

A Continuous Flow Interface connects solid and liquid sample preparation devices to instruments that measure isotopic composition. It allows the introduction of the sample and also reference and carrier gases.
Examples: Finnigan MATConFlo II, ThermoScientific ConFlo IV, and Picarro Caddy.

Note: This is NOT an analyzer

PI-supplied names:
ConFlo II system;
ConFlo IV (input from IRMS, output to GC);
Thermo Finnigan Delta Plus XL continuous flow mass spectrometer and ThermoFinnigan GasBench II;

Thermo-Scientific Conflo III;
Thermo Finnigan Conflo III Interface;
continuous flow interface at UC Davis;
Conflo IV ;
ConFlo IV Universal Interface;

A micromanipulator is an apparatus used to physically interact with a sample under a microscope.

PI-supplied names:
EX-MAN-1 micromanipulator (Analytical Instrument Systems, Inc.)
Electron Microscope

Instruments that generate enlarged images of samples using the phenomena of reflection and absorption of electrons behaving as waves.

PI-supplied names:
Scanning Electron Microscope;

Zeiss Supra 40VP;
Zeiss model EVO Scanning Electron Microscope;
Zeiss Supra25 field emission SEM;
Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM);
Philips CM12 transmission electron microscope (TEM);
Phillips CM12 transmission electron microscope
Alvin Slurp Sampler

Small and large capacity vacuum pump samplers. May have single or multiple chambers. See

PI-supplied names:
HOV Alvin slurp gun;

Hydrothermal Fluid and Particle Sampler (HFPS)

Bushmaster samplers are original instruments created at Penn State to collect hydrothermal vent and methane seep communities. Hydraulic rods are attached to a very fine mesh that is deployed over the tubeworm patch of interest to collect the tubeworms and associated community. Once the assemblage is enclosed, the net is cinched closed using the submersible or ROV manipulator. This allows for quantitative collections of tubeworm communities.

PI-supplied names:
Bushmaster (BM);
minnow trap

shore fishing gear

PI-supplied names:
Tekran 2500 CVAFS mercury detector

Tekran 2500 Total Mercury Analysis System (not automated; cold vapor atomic fluorescence spectrometry)

PI-supplied names:
Tekran 2500 Total Mercury Analysis System ;
Gas Chromatographic Cold Vapor Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry (GC-CVAFS) on a Tekran 2500;
Cold vapor atomic fluorescence spectrometry (Tekran 2500/2600)
Metrohm 905 Titrando potentiometric titrator

The Metrohm 905 Titrando potentiometric titrator is a modular potentiometric titrator for dynamic, monotonic, and set endpoint titrations. The device includes magnetic stirrers, rod stirrers, and a titration stand. It can be connected to various dosing units which include a buret and are attached to the reagent. Operation is carried out by means of a touch-sensitive display or with high-performance PC software. Temperature is measured by a Pt1000 or NTC. Ranges of the outputs are -13 to 20 pH, -1200 to 1200 mV, and -150 to 250 deg. C (Pt1000) or -5 ro 250 deg. C (NTC). Resolutions of the outputs are 0.001 for pH, 0.1 for mV, 0.1 deg. C for temperature. The measuring interval is of 100 ms. Works in conditions from 5 to 45 deg. C and at a maximum of 80 % relative humidity.

PI-supplied names:
Metrohm 905 Titrando;
Metrohm 905 Titrando (Metrohm, Herisau, Switzerland)
Data Logger

Electronic devices that record data over time or in relation to location either with a built-in instrument or sensor or via external instruments and sensors.

PI-supplied names:
high-precision data logger (PT-104, PICO Technology, UK);
Campbell Scientific CR1000 logger ;
LI-1400 (LI-COR, Nebraska, USA);

Onset HOBO U22 and V2 data loggers;
RBR TDR- 2050, RBR TR-1060);
Onset (HOBO);
Onset HOBO temperature logger;
HOBO 30-foot depth Titanium water level data loggers (Part # U20-001-01-Ti);
HOBO data logger;
Campbell Scientific CR800 data-logger;
Onset Hobo Pendant data logger;
Campbell CR1000 Controller / Datalogger;
Hobo water level data loggers (U20L) ;
Temperature-pressure data logger (Model XL-200, Richard Brancker Research);
Vemco Minilog Time-Depth recorder;
HOBO Conductivity/Salinity data logger (U24-002-C);
Campbell Scientific data logger
Telemetry Equipment Device

Equipment designed to transmit and receive data from a remote source using telecommunications methods.

PI-supplied names:
Vemco VR-2Tx receiver
Measuring Tape

A tape measure or measuring tape is a flexible ruler. It consists of a ribbon of cloth, plastic, fibre glass, or metal strip with linear-measurement markings. It is a common tool for measuring distance or length.

PI-supplied names:
Transect Tape;
meter tape;
transect tape;

length was determined;
steel tape measure or calipers;
distance measuring wheel;
tailor's tape;
Transect tape
Mussel Pot

The mussel pot is a 12-quart aluminium-clad stainless steel pot with a twistable handle connected to a Kevlar bag insert. It is used to sample mussel beds and associated communities. The pot is deployed over the select mussel patch using the submersible or ROV manipulator, then collects the enclosed assemblage by cinching the Kevlar bag closed by turning the handle. This method allows for quantitative analysis of deep-sea mussel bed communities.

PI-supplied names:
Mussel Pot;
Plankton sub-sampler

Various devices for sub-sampling plankton samples

Folsom splitter:

Motoda box splitter:

Hensen Stempel Pippette:

Sedgewick-Rafter Plankton Counting Chamber:

PI-supplied names:
Folsom Plankton Splitter;
Hensen Stempel Pipette

Vibracoring is a sediment sampling technology to obtain undisturbed cores of unconsolidated, sediment in saturated or nearly saturated conditions by driving sampling tubes with a high-frequency-low-amplitude vibrating device. During sediment coring, the high-frequency vibration transfers the energy to the sediment and aids in the liquefaction of the surrounding sediment. It greatly reduces the friction between the core tube and sediment and eases the core tube to penetrate into the sediment layer. Comparing to non-vibratory coring devices, such as box cores, gravity cores, and piston cores, vibracore has higher core sample recoveries. Vibracorers are effective in both shallow and deep environments. They retrieve core samples with different lengths depending on sediment lithology.

PI-supplied names:
Lachat QuikChem 8000 flow injection analyzer and Ion Chromatography (IC) system

The Lachat QuikChem 8000 can operate flow injection analysis and ion chromatography simultaneously and independently on the same instrument platform. Instrument includes sampler, dilutor, sampling pump, electronics unit, and data station. Analysis takes 20-60 seconds, with a sample throughput of 60-120 samples per hour. Measurements are in the range of parts per trillion to parts per hundred.

PI-supplied names:
Lachat QuikChem 8000 Flow Injection Analyzer;
Lachat QuikChem 8000 automated ion analyzer;
Ion Chromatograph, ThermoFisher Scientific; Lachat QuikChem 8000 automated ion analyzer Lachat In- struments;

Lachat Quikchem 8000 Series
Swimming Flume

A tool used to analyze and quantify fish swimming behavior, physiology, and performance.

PI-supplied names:
Custom designed swimming flume;

A device used for measuring or for drawing straight lines, consisting of an elongated piece of rigid or semi-rigid material marked with units for measurement.  Device that allows one or more physical dimensions of a sample or specimen to be determined by visible comparison against marked graduations in units of measurement of dimension length.

PI-supplied names:
inch ruler;
millimeter scale for photo images;

metric ruler;
meter stick;
Ruler with three red, blue, and green colored bands
Underwater Writing Slate

Underwater writing slates and pencils are used to transport pre-dive plans underwater, to record facts whilst underwater and to aid communication with other divers.

PI-supplied names:
dive slates, underwater data sheets, pencils, and erasers
3M Scotch-Brite pad PVC settlement plate

An artifical colonization substrate made of a sheet of PVC covered with 3M Scotch-Brite pads of unknown material. It is used to determine the extent of colonization and/or the diversity of settled organisms in a marine or artificial environment.

PI-supplied names:
PreSens OXY-10 Mini oxygen meter

The OXY-10 mini is a precise multi-channel oxygen meter for up to 10 'in-house' sensors, simultaneously controlling and reading them. The meter is used with oxygen sensors based on a 2mm optical fibre. The meter is compatible with sensors that are type PSt3 which has a detection limit 15 ppb, 0 - 100% oxygen.

PI-supplied names:
OXY-10 (PreSens) optical analyser;
PreSens SensorDishⓇ Reader;

PreSens SensorDish Reader
bomb calorimeter

A device for determining heats of combustion by igniting a sample in a high pressure of oxygen in a sealed vessel and measuring the resulting rise in temperature.

PI-supplied names:
Parr semimicro bomb calorimeter
bone cutter

A bone cutter is a surgical instrument used to cut bones or coral fragments. 

PI-supplied names:
Calcutta metal pliers;
Diving Mask and Snorkel

A diving mask (also half mask, dive mask or scuba mask) is an item of diving equipment that allows underwater divers, including, scuba divers, free-divers, and snorkelers to see clearly underwater.

Snorkel: A breathing apparatus for swimmers and surface divers that allows swimming or continuous use of a face mask without lifting the head to breathe, consisting of a tube that curves out of the mouth and extends above the surface of the water.

PI-supplied names:
Mask and snorkel;
scuba diver surveys;

dive gear;
Dive Gear
Grooved PVC half-pipe substrate

An artificial colonization substrate (or "settlment plate") made from PVC pipe cut length-wise and engraved with lines to roughen its surface. It is used to determine the extent of colonization and/or the diversity of settled organisms in a marine or artificial environment.

PI-supplied names:

A drill is a tool used for making round holes or driving fasteners. There are many types of drills: some are powered manually, and others use electricity (electric drill) or compressed air as the motive power. Drills with a percussive action (hammer drills) are mostly used in hard materials such as masonry (brick, concrete, and stone) or rock. Some types of hand-held drills are also used to drive screws and other fasteners.

PI-supplied names:
Shiyang-III dental drill;
underwater pneumatic drill;
submersible drill
Biospherical PAR sensor

Unspecified Biospherical PAR.  An irradiance sensor, designed to measure Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR).

PI-supplied names:
Biospherical QSP-2300 Log Scalar PAR sensor ;
Biospherical Instruments QSP-2350;
Licor PAR sensor (Biospherical Instruments) QSP-2300;

Apex cosine corrected PAR Sensor ;
MQ-510 Full Spectrum Underwater Quantum Meter, Apogee;
Biospherical OSR2100 scalar PAR sensor;
LI-COR Biospherical SPAR Sensor
cell strainer

Cell strainers are devices used for straining stem and primary cell samples to obtain uniform cell suspensions from tissues and preparation of flow cytometry samples. 

PI-supplied names:
cell strainers (70 μm mesh)
Germanium detector

Germanium detectors are semiconductor diodes having a p-i-n structure in which the intrinsic (i) region is sensitive to ionizing radiation, particularly x rays and gamma rays. Under reverse bias, an electric field extends across the intrinsic or depleted region. When photons interact with the material within the depleted volume of a detector, charge carriers (holes and electrons) are produced and are swept by the electric field to the p and n electrodes. This charge, which is in proportion to the energy deposited in the detector by the incoming photon, is converted into a voltage pulse by an integral charge sensitive preamplifier. Germanium detectors are mostly used for gamma spectroscopy in nuclear physics, as well as x-ray spectroscopy.

PI-supplied names:
Canberra Intrinsic High Purity Germanium Well Detectors;
low background germanium gamma detectors

A device that generates an intense beam of coherent monochromatic light (or other electromagnetic radiation) by stimulated emission of photons from excited atoms or molecules. 

PI-supplied names:
PIV laser;
Teledyne ATLex 300si-x 193nm Excimer laser ablation unit ;
Teledyne Cetac 213 G2+;

Self-leveling rotary laser kit, CST/berger
Confocal Laser Scanning Microscope

A laser scanning confocal microscope is a type of confocal microscope that obtains high-resolution optical images with depth selectivity, in which a laser beam passes through a light source aperture and then is focused by an objective lens into a small (ideally diffraction-limited) focal volume within or on the surface of a specimen.

The confocal microscope uses fluorescence optics. 'Confocal' means that the image is obtained from the focal plane only, any noise resulting from sample thickness being removed optically. 'Laser scanning' means the images are acquired point by point under localized laser excitation rather than full sample illumination, as in conventional widefield microscopy.

PI-supplied names:
Leica SP8 X Confocal Laser Scanning microscope
Wave recorder

Instrument that measures water column surface wave parameters including height, period, direction and energy spectra.

PI-supplied names:
MOSE Wave Motion Sensor

A scalpel, or lancet, or bistoury, is a small and extremely sharp bladed instrument used for dissection and surgery.

PI-supplied names:
Ceramic tile settlement plate

An artificial colonization substrate made of ceramic tiles. It is used to determine the extent of colonization and/or the diversity of settled organisms in a marine or artificial environment.

PI-supplied names:
ceramic tiles;
Ceramic tiles
sea level recorder

Instrument that makes smoothed measuremeants of the elevation of the sea surface relative to a fixed vertical datum. Also called a tide gauge, various types.

PI-supplied names:
water level logger
Leggo Lander

The "Leggo Lander" is a lander system that primarily relies on syntactic foam for buoyancy and uses iridium GPS, radio signal, strobe light and flag for surface recovery, and acoustics for underwater monitoring and instrument control. The lander has a timer with 5 control settings for various operations. It routinely measures pressure (depth) throughout its dive and temperature on the seafloor. The lander payloads include a pressure-retaining seawater sampler plus 2 liter Niskin bottle, and a camera/battery/light system that also includes a 30 liter Niskin bottle and a sea cucumber trap. With the camera payload it travels down or up the water column at about 39 meters per minute (~ 4.5 hours for a descent to the Challenger Deep at ~10,920 m).

(Description obtained from the R/V Falkor FK141215 post-cruise report (PDF))

PI-supplied names:
Drifter Buoy

Drifting buoys are free drifting platforms with a float or buoy that keep the drifter at the surface and underwater sails or socks that catch the current. These instruments sit at the surface of the ocean and are transported via near-surface ocean currents. They are not fixed to the ocean bottom, therefore they "drift" with the currents. For this reason, these instruments are referred to as drifters, or drifting buoys.

The surface float contains sensors that measure different parameters, such as sea surface temperature, barometric pressure, salinity, wave height, etc. Data collected from these sensors are transmitted to satellites passing overhead, which are then relayed to land-based data centers.

definition sources: and

PI-supplied names:
Drifter Buoy;
Model 121 GPS / Iridium drifters by Brightwaters Instruments (BI) ;
Microstar drifter;

drift array;
Pacific Gyre Microstars

A luminometer is an instrument that measures light and other optical properties of specimens in chemiluminescent and bioluminescent applications.

PI-supplied names:
Orion L Microplate Dual injector luminometer (Titertek Instruments Inc, Berthold Detection Systems, Pforzheim, Germany)
AUV Clio

Clio is an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) created to accomplish the dual goals of global ocean mapping and biochemistry sampling. The ability to sample dissolved and particulate seawater biochemistry across ocean basins while capturing fine-scale biogeochemical processes sets it apart from other AUVs. Clio is designed to efficiently and precisely move vertically through the ocean, drift laterally to observe water masses, and integrate with research vessel operations to map large horizontal scales up to a depth of 6,000 meters. More information is available at

PI-supplied names:
Inorganic Carbon Analyzer

Instruments measuring carbonate in sediments and inorganic carbon (including DIC) in the water column.

PI-supplied names:
Apollo SciTech infrared-based analyzer;
AIRICA (Marianda Inc.);
Automated Infra Red Inorganic Carbon Analyzer (AIRICA);

AIRICA-23 (MARIANDA, Kiel, Germany);
Apollo SciTech AS-C2 dissolved inorganic carbon analyzer;
AIRICA (Marianda);
Apollo SciTech DIC analyzer model AS-C151;
DIC instrument;
Apollo SciTech AS-C6L DIC Analyzer
CTD - fixed

A reusable instrument that always simultaneously measures conductivity and temperature (for salinity) and pressure (for depth).

This term applies to CTDs that are fixed and do not measure by profiling through the water column. For profiling CTDs, see

PI-supplied names:
Decagon CTD;
Sontek Castaway;

RBR Concerto;
SeaBird HydroCAT-EP CTD
Grooved PVC settlement plate

An artificial colonization substrate made of a sheet of PVC with engraved lines to roughen its surface. It is used to determine the extent of colonization and/or the diversity of settled organisms in a marine or artificial environment.

PI-supplied names:
PVC settlement panels;
Artificial settlement panels
Underwater Camera

All types of photographic equipment that may be deployed underwater including stills, video, film and digital systems.

PI-supplied names:
Canon Legria video cameras;
Canon Legria underwater video cameras;

Canon Legria underwater video cameras;
Olympus TG-5 ;
Sealife Micro HD;
GoPro Hero 4 (4K, 30fps);
Nikon D90 and Nikon D7000;
Sony Mavica digital camera (either MVC-7 or MVC-FD81);
Sony Mavica digital camera (either MVC-7 or MVC-FD81) ;
Canon Rebel T5i;
a camera lander with two downward-facing video cameras;
GoPro Hero 3+ camera;
Sony AX100 video camera;
GoPro Hero 4;
Ocean Imaging Systems (OIS) Model D3300 24,000 Digital Still Camera (Nikon D7100 SLR);
Digital cameras

The Benthic Ichthyofauna Net for Coral/Kelp Environments (BINCKE) is a rectangular net opened and closed by means of a rigid, hinged frame at one end and of variable size depending upon the size and behavior of targeted species. It is used for the collection of fishes from structurally complex environments (e.g., coral reefs, kelp forests.
See Anderson T.W. and M.H. Carr. 1998. BINCKE: A highly efficient net for collecting reef-associated fishes. Environmental Biology of Fishes 51:111-115.

PI-supplied names:
Vacuum centrifuge concentrator

A centrifuge that includes a vacuum chamber within which a centrifuge rotord is rotatably mounted for spinning a plurality of vials containing a solution at high speed while subjecting the solution to a vacuum condition for concentration and evaporation. Alternative names:  sample concentrator; speed vacuum; speed vac.

PI-supplied names:
Thermo Savant Speedvac; ThermoSavant DNA110 speedvac;
Thermo/Savant RVT 1505;
ThermoSavant ISS110 SpeedVac® System;

Thermo/Savant RVT 1505 vacuum centrifuge
X-Ray Microscope

An X-ray microscope uses electromagnetic radiation in the soft X-ray band to produce images of very small objects. The resolution of X-ray microscopy lies between that of the optical microscope and the electron microscope.

PI-supplied names:
Scanning Transmission X-ray Microscopy;
Scanning Transmission X-Ray Microscope
drifting subsurface profiling float

An unmanned instrumented platform drifting freely in the water column that periodically makes vertical traverses through the water column (e.g. Argo float).

PI-supplied names:
SOS-Argo Float
Sediment Porewater Sampler

A device that collects samples of pore water from various horizons below the seabed.

PI-supplied names:
Rhizon samplers;
Rhizon samplers (Rhizosphere Research Products, Wageningen, The Netherlands);

PushPoint sippers
Water Level Sensor

For measuring water level in fresh and salt water including tanks, wells, rivers, and the ocean.

PI-supplied names:
Wave Staff III
Beardsley Drifter

Beardsley Drifters are near-surface satellite-tracked drifters used for observations of circulation patterns. They are WOCE-style drifters featuring holey sock drogues. Each drifter has a small (~ 30 cm diameter) surface float with ARGOS transmitter and batteries tethered to a holey sock drogue centered at 15 m below the surface. The drogue, about 10 m tall and 1 m in diameter, is designed to "lock" itself to the water so that the surface float follows the mean water motion at 15 m depth with very little slippage even in high winds. Thus measuring the drifter's position as a function of time provides a Lagrangian measurement of the 15-m ocean current.

PI-supplied names:
Drifter Buoy
Gerard barrel

A barrel used to collect water samples in oceanography. It holds 250 liters of sea water.

PI-supplied names:
high-speed camera

A high-speed imaging camera is capable of recording rapid phenomena with high-frame rates. After recording, the images stored on the medium can be played back in slow motion. The functionality in a high-speed imaging device results from the frame rate, or the number of individual stills recorded in the period of one second (fps). Common video cameras will typically record about 24 to 40 fps, yet even low-end high-speed cameras will record 1,000 fps.

PI-supplied names:
high-speed video camera;
Photron FASTCAM Mini AX50;
Edgertronic high-speed camera;

Photron FastCam Mini Ux100;
FASTCAM Mini AX200, Photron
3D scanner

A 3D scan captures digital information about the shape of an object with equipment that uses a laser or light to measure the distance between the scanner and the object.

PI-supplied names:
Next Engine Ultra HD 3D Scanner;
3D scanner (HDI 120, LMI Technologies Inc.);

Capture Mini 3D scanner
Nortek Signature 100 Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler

A long-range current profiler designed for combined current profile and biomass measurements. The Signature100 combines a four-beam current profiler operating at 100 kHz with an optional scientific echosounder. Applications include providing insight into the dynamics of zooplankton, krill or schools of fish; current profiling; providing insight into small-scale physical processes; and upwelling and downwelling studies. The instrument is suitable for buoy mounting with internal attitude and heading reference system (AHRS). Optional centre beam with 70-120 kHz Both the current profiler and the biomass measurements have an effective range of 300-400 m. The echosounder has a velocity resolution of 0.1 cm/s, a maximum sampling rate of 1 Hz (1/2 Hz at max output power), and a standard range of 0-1500 m.

PI-supplied names:
Nortek Signature 100 Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler
microarray scanner

Microarray scanners are instruments used to detect and quantify the intensity of fluorescence of spots on a microarray slide, by selectively exciting fluorophores with a laser and measuring the fluorescence.

A microarray scanner typically consists of lasers, a special microscope, and a camera. The DNA material in the microarray is labeled with fluorescents which become excited by the lasers in the scanner. The microscope and camera work together to create a digital image of the array.

PI-supplied names:
Agilent SureScan Microarray Scanner G2600D
vacuum manifold

A device that is used for the vacuum-driven processing of multiwell strips or plates, or spin columns.

PI-supplied names:
Waters Vacuum Manifold (Agilent)
digital thermometer

An instrument that measures temperature digitally.

PI-supplied names:
certified digital thermometer;
NIST traceable thermocouples;
Used to measure temperature;

Mercury thermometer;
ThermoFisher Traceable;
Traceable High Accuracy ±0.2°C Digital Thermometer S/N 170718701;
Traceable digital thermometer (Control Company 5-077);
FisherBrand™ Traceable™; Model 5-077-8;
handheld digital thermometer: Fisherbrand Traceable Platinum Ultra-Accurate Digital Thermometer;
handheld digital thermometer: Fisherbrand Traceable Platinum Ultra-Accurate Digital ;
ExTech 39240
Picarro L1102-i Isotopic Water Liquid Analyzer

A portable analyzer designed for laboratories or field based isotope analysis. It uses Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy (CRDS) to measure the spectral signature of the molecule of interest. The instrument includes a closed-loop temperature and pressure control. The L1102-i can be used for analysis of liquid water only. It has a typical precision of 0.1 per mil for d18O and 0.5 per mil for dD.

PI-supplied names:
Picarro L1102-I Liquid Analyzer
PME miniPAR logger

A submersible instrument that logs PAR (Photosynthetically Active Radiation), temperature and tilt measurements. Data are recorded on an internal SD card. The sensor is a LI-192 Underwater Quantum Sensor, manufactured by LI-COR. The sensor uses a silicon photodiode and glass optical filters to create a uniform sensitivity to light wavelengths in the 400-700nm range. It measures PAR from all angles in one hemisphere. An anti-fouling wiper is available. The instrument can be configured to record at intervals between 1 and 60 minutes. It is submersible up to 100 metres. PAR measurement accuracy is dependent upon the stability of the sensor pointed towards the water surface.

PI-supplied names:
PME miniPAR logger;
LI-192, miniPAR

A caliper (or "pair of calipers") is a device used to measure the distance between two opposite sides of an object. Many types of calipers permit reading out a measurement on a ruled scale, a dial, or a digital display.

PI-supplied names:
Fisher Scientific Traceable Electronic Digital Caliper; manufacturer – Control Company; model # - 14-648-17, FB70250, 32599;
INOX waterproof IP54;
Fowler digital calipers;

Rexbeti 0–1” Digital Micrometer;
Vernier calipers;
Vernier digital caliper;
digital calipers;
Fowler UltraCal III digital calipers

A device used to inject fluids into or withdraw them from something; consists of a hollow barrel fitted with a plunger and a hollow needle.

PI-supplied names:
luer slip and luer lock syringes;

A square or rectangular rigid frame of known area, often home-made, that is placed on the substrate to be sampled to mark a fixed area for sampling flora or fauna.

PI-supplied names:
Van Dorn water sampler

A free-flushing water sample bottle comprising a cylinder (polycarbonate, acrylic or PVC) with a stopper at each end. The bottle is closed by means of a messenger from the surface releasing the tension on a latex band and thus pulling the two stoppers firmly into place. A thermometer can be mounted inside the bottle. One or more bottles can be lowered on a line to allow sampling at a single or multiple depth levels. Van Dorn samplers are suitable for for physical (temperature), chemical and biological sampling in shallow to very deep water. Bottles are typically lowered vertically through the water column although a horizontal version is available for sampling near the seabed or at thermoclines or chemoclines. Because of the lack of metal parts the bottles are suitable for trace metal sampling, although the blue polyurethane seal used in the Alpha version may leach mercury. The Beta version uses white ASA plastic seals that do not leach mercury but are less durable.

PI-supplied names:
Van Dorn bottle;
plastic Van Dorn sampler;
Van Dorn Beta Horizontal Bottle;

Van Dorn Beta™ Horizontal Bottle, Aquatic Biotechnology;
Van Dorn bottles;
Particle Size Analyzer

Particle size analysis, particle size measurement, or simply particle sizing is the collective name of the technical procedures, or laboratory techniques which determines the size range, and/or the average, or mean size of the particles in a powder or liquid sample.

PI-supplied names:
Elzone counter;
Multisizer 3 Particle Counter, Beckman Coulter, CA;
Beckman-Coulter laser particle size analyzer;

Beckman Coulter Multisizer 3;
Coulter ;
Malvern Mastersizer 3000
Atmospheric Gas Analyzer

In-situ instruments that can determine the proportion of one or more gaseous components of the atmosphere.

PI-supplied names:
Tekran 2537B mercury analyzer;
Tekran air speciation unit
SeaFAST Automated Preconcentration System

The seaFAST is an automated sample introduction system for analysis of seawater and other high matrix samples for analyses by ICPMS (Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry).

PI-supplied names:
SeaFAST pico;
seaFAST-pico metal extraction system ;

SeaFast PICO system (ESI);
SeaFAST system;
seaFAST Pico;
in-line separation-preconcentration system (Elemental Scientific SeaFAST SP3);
SeaFAST Automated Preconcentration System (Elemental Scientific);
Automated solid phase extraction system seaFAST-pico;
Automated solid phase extraction system seaFAST-pico (Elemental Scientific);
SC-DX seaFAST system (Elemental Scientific; M-SFS2-MG-52);
seaFAST preconcentration system (Elemental Scientific);
Elemental Scientific seaFAST-pico;
SeaFAST system (Elemental Scientific, Inc.);
SeaFAST S2 system (Elemental Scientific, Inc.);
Fukui fish trap

Fukui produces multi-species, multi-purpose collapsible or stackable fish traps, available in different sizes.

PI-supplied names:
folding Fukui fish traps;
Fukui fish traps

An instrument that measures the light intensity emitted from a sample. [Definition Source: NCI]
Photometers are used to measure iIlluminance, irradiance, light absorption, scattering of light, reflection of light, fluorescence, phosphorescence, and luminescence.
[May include luminometers]

PI-supplied names:
Turner Luminometer;
Leitz DMRX-MPVSP microscope photometer
Push Corer

Capable of being performed in numerous environments, push coring is just as it sounds. Push coring is simply pushing the core barrel (often an aluminum or polycarbonate tube) into the sediment by hand. A push core is useful in that it causes very little disturbance to the more delicate upper layers of a sub-aqueous sediment.

Description obtained from:

PI-supplied names:
polycarbonate push core;
Alvin push cores;

polyvinyl chloride (PVC) corer;
ROV Jason Push Core;
PVC core;
Polycarbonate push core (7 cm ID x 50 cm L) with beveled edges;
push cores;
Polycarbonate push cores large (20 cm I.d.) and small (2.6 cm I.d.);
Alvin pushcore;
push core ;
push corers;
ROV push cores;
Custom made stainless steel push corer
labeling tag

Passive devices attached to captured organisms to specifically identify them when recaptured after release.

PI-supplied names:
Floy Tags
GPS receiver

Acquires satellite signals and tracks your location.

This term has been deprecated. Use instead:

PI-supplied names:
Garmin GPS 76CSX;
Trimble 5800 GPS receiver;

Simrad GPS;
Garmin etrex 20;
Garmin eTrex GPS unit;
GPSMAP 76Cx (Garmin);
12 channel GPS receiver;
Garmin GPSMAP 76Cx unit;
Garmin C60X GPS;
Garmin GPSMAP 60CSx handheld GPS unit;
Garmin 72H handheld unit (Garmin International, Olathe, Kansas, USA);
Hand-held Garmin GPSmap 78;
Garmin GSP 78;
Trimble R6 GPS
LED light

A light-emitting diode (LED) is a semiconductor light source that emits light when current flows through it. Electrons in the semiconductor recombine with electron holes, releasing energy in the form of photons.

PI-supplied names:
EcoTech Radion XR30w Pro;
Al Hydra HD Full-spectrum aquarium lights;
GalaxyHydro, Roleandro;

near-infrared light-emitting diode: M730L4 730 nm, 515 mW Mounted LED, Thorlabs;
Qubit LED light;
M730L4 730 nm, 515 mW Mounted LED, Thorlabs;
near-infrared light-emitting diode (LED);
Cree XLamp;
array of blue-light emitting diodes (LEDs);
LED lights (Cree Cool White XP-G R5)

A hydrophone is a microphone designed to be used underwater for recording or listening to underwater sound. Most hydrophones are based on a piezoelectric transducer that generates electricity when subjected to a pressure change.

PI-supplied names:
Ocean Instruments New Zealand;
SoundTrap ST300;

SoundTrap 300 STD Compact recorders
Levels and staffs

Optical instruments and graduated poles used in surveying to determine the elevation of a location relative to a datum level.

PI-supplied names:
Rotary laser level
hydrogen generator

A gas generator that generates hydrogen gas.

PI-supplied names:
VWR hydrogen generator (model H2PEM-165)

Description excerpt from Hydroptic website

The ZooSCAN (CNRS patent) system makes use of scanner technology with custom lighting and a watertight scanning chamber into which liquid zooplankton samples can be placed. The scanner recovers a high-resolution, digitial image and the sample can be recovered without damage.  These digital images can then be investigated by computer processing. While the resolution of the digitized zooplankton images is lower than the image obtained using a binocular microscope this technique has proved to be more than adequate for large sample sets. Identification of species is done by automatic comparison of the image (vignette) of each individual animal in the scanned image with a library data set which may be built by the investigator for each individual survey or imported from a previous survey. The latest machine learning algorithm allows high recognition levels even if we recommend complementary manual sorting to achieve a high number of taxonomic groups.

PI-supplied names:
ZooSCAN ver. 3;
Acoustic Recorder

An acoustic recorder senses and records acoustic signals from the environment.

PI-supplied names:
SoundTrap recorder and hydrophone (Ocean Instruments New Zealand);
SoundTrap ST300 passive acoustic recorder (Ocean Instruments NZ, Inc.) ;

SoundTrap (ST-300, Ocean Instruments NZ) acoustic recorders;
DMON, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Chromium Controller

The Chromium Controller by 10x Genomics uses advanced microfluidics to perform single-cell partitioning and barcoding. Powered by Next GEM technology, the Chromium Controller enables integrated analysis of single cells at massive scale. Chromium Single Cell products can capture molecular readouts of cell activity in multiple dimensions, including gene expression, cell surface proteins, immune clonotype, antigen specificity, and chromatin accessibility. (

PI-supplied names:
Chromium Controller droplet generator, 10x Genomics (Pleasanton, CA)
circulating water bath

A device designed to regulate the temperature of a vessel by bathing it in water held at the desired temperature. [Definition Source: NCI] 

PI-supplied names:
VWR circulating water bath (model 1130S);
recirculating water bath;
temperature-controlled recirculating water bath incubator;

PCB 1500 Water Peliter System
Marine Aerosol Generator

A high-capacity marine aerosol generator deployed at sea, using near-surface seawater and purified air to create a lab-based approximation of ocean-atmosphere aerosol systems.

Example device described here: 
Frossard, A. A., Long, M. S., Keene, W. C., Duplessis, P., Kinsey, J. D., Maben, J. R., Kieber, D. J., Chang, R. Y. ‐W., Beaupré, S. R., Cohen, R. C., Lu, X., Bisgrove, J., & Zhu, Y. (2019). Marine Aerosol Production via Detrainment of Bubble Plumes Generated in Natural Seawater With a Forced‐Air Venturi. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 124(20), 10931–10950. Portico.

PI-supplied names:
High-capacity marine aerosol generator
Aerosol Sampler

A device that collects a sample of aerosol (dry particles or liquid droplets) from the atmosphere.

PI-supplied names:
Aerosol Sampler;
Tisch Environmental TSP TE5170V;

Tisch TE-5170V-BL high volume aerosol sampler;
Tisch Environmental TSP TE-5170V-BL;
Tisch Environmental high-volume aerosol samplers;
Tisch Environmental high-volume aerosol samplers ;
Tisch Series 235;
Tisch TE-5170V-BL;
High-volume aerosol sampler (Tisch 5170V-BL);
high-volume aerosol samplers;
Micro-orifice uniform deposit impactor (MOUDI);
Tisch Environmental high-volume (~1 m3 air min-1) aerosol samplers (model 5170V-BL);
Tisch Environmental, model 5170V-BL;
low-volume aerosol sampler;
Graseby Andersen TSP High Volume Sampler;
High-volume bulk aerosol sampler;
portable aerosol particle samplers;
Tisch Environmental, TE-5170V- BL;
Microorifice Uniform Deposit Impactor (MOUDI) sampler;
High-volume aerosol sampling system onboard at sea;
high-volume air sampler ;
High-volume aerosol sampler (Tisch Environmental, model 5170V-BL)
Shipboard Incubator

A device mounted on a ship that holds water samples under conditions of controlled temperature or controlled temperature and illumination.

PI-supplied names:
custom high pressure bioreactor;
Flow-through plexiglass incubator;

NORDA/USM incubation system;
Fisherbrand Isotemp BOD refrigerated incubators;
incubation bottles, deck incubators
