along_vel |
Along channel current velocity in meters per second. Ebb direction is positive
meters per second |
curr_speed_abs |
bin_range |
Distance from ADCP transducer to center of measurement bin in meters
meters |
no_bcodmo_term |
corr_bm1 |
ADCP beam 1 correlation value (0-255 scale)
unitless |
no_bcodmo_term |
corr_bm2 |
ADCP beam 2 correlation value (0-255 scale)
unitless |
no_bcodmo_term |
corr_bm3 |
ADCP beam 3 correlation value (0-255 scale)
unitless |
no_bcodmo_term |
corr_bm4 |
ADCP beam 4 correlation value (0-255 scale)
unitless |
no_bcodmo_term |
cross_vel |
Cross channel current velocity in meters per second. Right-hand coordinate system used with thumb pointing in up direction
meters per second |
curr_speed_abs |
cruise_id |
Official cruise identification
unitless |
cruise_id |
cruise_name |
Cruise name as given by PI
unitless |
cruise_name |
curr_dirT |
Direction of current travel in degrees true (Oceanographic convention)
degrees |
curr_dir_abs |
curr_spd |
Current magnitude (speed)
meters/second |
curr_speed_abs |
day |
Day of month
dd |
day |
deploy_id |
Deployment identification string
unitless |
deployno |
depth |
Depth in meters to center of measurement bin; determined from water depth estimate from ADCP pressure sensor (if available) or ADCP acoustic surface tracking.
meters |
depth |
dudz |
Resultant vertical velocity shear [s-1]. Used in Richardson Number calculation
per second |
no_bcodmo_term |
east_vel |
Easterly current velocity in meters per second. Negative values mean westerly directed current component
meters per second |
U |
elev |
Elevation in meters of center of measurement bin above seabed
meters |
altitude |
ensemble |
ADCP ensemble number. Each recorded profile has a unique ensemble number. Ensembles were recorded at 1 second intervals. Mean current data represents average of 300; 1 Hz ensembles each; therefore from one avg ensemble to the next jumps by 300.
unitless |
no_bcodmo_term |
error_vel |
Error velocity from ADCP in meters per second
meters per second |
no_bcodmo_term |
heading_M |
ADCP heading in degrees magnetic from internal compass
degrees |
heading |
heading_T |
ADCP heading in degrees true. Local magnetic variation applied to Heading_M (mv=-11.2)
degrees |
heading |
hr_UTC |
Hour in UTC time base (same as GMT)
HH |
hour_gmt |
intens_bm1 |
ADCP beam 1 echo intensity
decibels |
no_bcodmo_term |
intens_bm2 |
ADCP beam 2 echo intensity
decibels |
no_bcodmo_term |
intens_bm3 |
ADCP beam 3 echo intensity
decibels |
no_bcodmo_term |
intens_bm4 |
ADCP beam 4 echo intensity
decibels |
no_bcodmo_term |
ISO_DateTime_UTC |
UTC time; ISO formatted,yyyy-mm-ddTHH:MM:SS[.xx]
ISO_DateTime_UTC |
julian_day |
Numeric time in Julian day for year in UTC time base
unitless |
julian_day |
lat_start |
Latitude geographic coordinate of site in decimal degree format
decimal degrees |
lat_start |
lon_start |
Longitude geographic coordinate of site in decimal degree format. Minus indicates western hemisphere
decimal degrees |
lon_start |
min |
Minutes of hour
MM |
minute_gmt |
month |
Calendar month
mm |
month |
north_vel |
Northerly current velocity in meters per second. Negative values mean southerly directed current component
meters per second |
V |
percent_good |
Percent good pings from internal ADCP quality checks
percent |
no_bcodmo_term |
pitch |
ADCP pitch from internal tilt sensor
degrees |
pitch |
princax |
Direction of principal axis in degrees true
degrees |
no_bcodmo_term |
roll |
ADCP roll from internal title sensor
degrees |
roll |
sec |
Seconds of minute
SS |
seconds_gmt |
temperature |
Water temperature at ADCP transducer
degrees Celsius |
temp |
time_UTC |
UTC time; formatted as HHMM
time_utc |
total_depth_echo |
Total water depth in meters from ADCP acoustic surface tracking estimate. This method can be unreliable under certain environmental conditions and is generally used as back-up if pressure sensor is unavailable
meters |
depth |
vert_vel |
Vertical (+ up) current velocity in meters per second
meters per second |
curr_vtvel |
year |
Calendar year
year |