Dataset: Haloptilus longicornis SRA
Deployment: JC079

H. longicornis SRA, accessions, collection info
View Data: For data, See Dataset Metadata Page:
Principal Investigator: 
Erica Goetze (University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa, SOEST)
BCO-DMO Data Manager: 
Nancy Copley (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, WHOI BCO-DMO)
Basin-scale genetics of marine zooplankton (Plankton Population Genetics)
Deployment Synonyms:
 AMT22,  Atlantic Meridional Transect Cruise 22

This data submission consists of specimen collection information and next-generation sequencing data (Illumina MiSeq v3 - 300bp PE reads) from pooled DNA libraries of three putative Haloptilus longicornis clades that have sympatric distributions in the North Atlantic Ocean. Specimens were collected during the 2010 Atlantic Meridional Transect cruise (AMT20). 113 total H. longicornis were pooled into three clades as defined by reciprocal monophly and fixed differences in mtDNA cytochrome oxidase c subunit II. The aim of this project is to utilize reduced representation genomic data to assess whether there is concordance between the three putative H. longicornis clades demarcated with mtCOII and clades determined using other regions of the genome. Earlier work indicates only two clades are detected using microsatellite loci, and this project will broaden the genomic scope of that investigation.

The sequences are archived at NCBI, BioProject PRJNA369182 []

The publisher requires that this item is embargoed until 2018-01-01. Please check back after 2018-01-01.

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