fish_table_id |
unique identifier of fish observation
unitless |
event |
anem_table_id |
unique identifier of observation event (whole number): links to the anemones table
unitless |
event |
fish_spp |
species code of fish; can be APCL = Amphiprion clarkii; APOC = A. ocellaris; APPE = A. periderion; APSA = A. sandaracinos; APFR = A. frenatus or A. melanopus; APPO = A. polymnus; APTH = A. theillei; PRBI = Premnas biaculeatus
unitless |
taxon_code |
size |
size of the fish - either estimated by eye or measured with calipers
centimeters |
length |
fin_id |
tissue sample id: series begins with 1 at the beginning of the field season; reflects the number of tissue samples collected and the order except for 2015_05 field season where the last 6 digits of the pit tag were used for fish that were tagged and clipped.
unitless |
sample |
sample_id |
tissue sample id including species of fish and year collected
unitless |
sample |
color |
tail color code: can be O = a tail containing any orange color; YP = a tail that is yellow and pointed; YR = a tail that is yellow and rounded; W = a tail that contains white; B = tail that contains black; BW = a tail that is black and white
unitless |
no_bcodmo_term |
recap |
indicates if the fish had a PIT tag when scanned: can by Y if tag was present or N if tag was not present; fish have only been scanned since 2015; previous years are null. The fish captured during Patrick's pilot study are only listed once and the recapture/size info is in their notes because there are not dive/anem_table_ids for these recapture events.
unitless |
flag |
tag_id |
tag number (including city) of PIT tag injected into fish
unitless |
tagid |
fish_notes |
any notes pertaining to this fish
unitless |
comment |
fish_collector |
intials of person who filled out data sheet for this observation
unitless |
person |
fish_correction |
Y indicates that a correction has been made to the data since data entry from the data sheet
unitless |
flag |
fish_corr_date |
the date of the most recent correction
unitless |
date_local |
fish_corr_editor |
the editor of the most recent correction
unitless |
person |
fish_corr_message |
comments on which field was changed from what old value to what new value and reason and based on what evidence. If another correction was already present then amend the message to include the date and correction editor of previous corrections
unitless |
comment |
fish_obs_time |
the time that the fish photo was taken or the fish was scanned with the pit scanner; recorded in the Asia/Manila time zone
unitless |
time_local |
sex |
the sex of the fish with possible values of M = male F = female and J = juvenile
unitless |
sex |