Particulate trace element concentrations from the NOAA R/V Ronald H. Brown CLIVAR A16N cruise in 2013.

Data Type: Cruise Results
Version: 1
Version Date: 2017-04-26

» Collaborative Research: Trace Metal Deposition And Cycling In The North Atlantic On The 2013 CLIVAR/Repeat Hydrography A16N Expedition (A16N Trace Metals)
Resing, Joseph A.National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA-PMEL)Principal Investigator
Landing, William M.Florida State University (FSU)Co-Principal Investigator
Ake, HannahWoods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI BCO-DMO)BCO-DMO Data Manager

Particulate trace element concentrations from the NOAA R/V Ronald H. Brown CLIVAR A16N cruise in 2013.


Spatial Extent: N:63.71 E:-18.8726 S:3.1505 W:-31.0015
Temporal Extent: 2013-08-04 - 2013-09-29

Dataset Description

Particulate trace element concentrations along CLIVAR A16N in 2013.

Note that related data from 2003 are available here:

Methods & Sampling

Seawater samples were collected from the surface ocean to depths of 750–1000 m, then sub-sampled for suspended particulate matter under trace-element-clean conditions (see Measures et al., 2008 for details). Briefly, suspended particulate matter samples were collected by pressurizing GO-FLO bottles with <10 psi filtered, compressed air. Samples were filtered through acid-cleaned 0.4 um polycarbonate filters (Nuclepore) in polypropylene holders. Acid-cleaned backing filters of mixed cellulose esters were used to ensure even loading on sample filters.  Samples were rinsed while on the filter holders with 15–20 mL deionized (DI) water adjusted to pH 8 with ammonium hydroxide from the edges to the center, with a low vacuum applied to avoid loss or re-distribution of particles. Filtration was started approximately 30 to 60 minutes after water samples were collected and was generally completed within 60 minutes.

Particulate trace element concentrations were determined by energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence (ED-XRF) using a thin film technique described by Feely et al. (1991). An optical subsample of each filter was analyzed on a Thermo Fisher Quant’X equipped with a Rhodium Target X-Ray tube and an electronically cooled, lithium-drifted solid state detector. X-rays for primary sample excitation were filtered for optimum control of peak-to-background ratios. Standards for calibration consisted of commercial thin film standards (MicroMatter), geochemical reference sample material MAG-1 (Gladney and Roelandts, 1988) finely ground and loaded onto polycarbonate filters (Feely et al., 1991), and a series of standards prepared using a modification of the method reported by Holynska and Bisiniek (1976) using sodium diethyldithiocarbamate (NaDDTC) to quantitatively precipitate trace metals from a solution of known concentration. These standards were prepared using a 1% NaDDTC solution that was added to trace metal solutions at pH 4 with a ligand-to-metal ratio of 4:1. The resulting precipitate was filtered over an acid-cleaned, 0.4 um polycarbonate Nuclepore filter. Procedural blanks were made by addition of a NaDDTC solution to a sample of acidified DI water followed by filtration. MicroMatter and MAG-1 standards were used to create individual standard curves for all elements; standard curves for Fe and Mn also included NaDDTC standards. 

Four different excitation conditions, all conducted under a vacuum atmosphere, were used for sample analysis and are detailed along with minimum determination limits (MDL) in Table 1. MDLs are defined as 3 times the square root of the background intensity measured from a standard of known concentration:

MDL = ( 3 * √Ib)/(Ip/conc)    

where Ib is the background intensity, Ip is the peak intensity, and conc is the concentration of the standard. MicroMatter standards were used to calculate MDLs. 

Data Processing Description

ED-XRF output is in ng cm-2 and is reported here as seawater concentrations (nM) using the following formula for each trace element of interest.

Seawater concentration (nmol L-1) = filter concentration (ng cm-2) * filter sample area (cm2) / filtered seawater volume (L) / atomic weight (g/mol)

The filter sample collection area is 12.41 cm2. The volume of seawater filtered per sample ranged from 1 to 11 L, average 9 L.

For values below the analytical detection limit, values are indicated as “BDL” 

Quality flags are indicated as:

1 = sample drawn from bottom but measurement not received
2 = acceptable
3 = questionable
9 = no sample drawn

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Data Files

(Comma Separated Values (.csv), 120.28 KB)
Primary data file for dataset ID 699160

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SECT_IDSection ID number unitless
STNNBRStation number unitless
CASTNOCast number unitless
SAMPNOSample number unitless
BTLNBRBottle number unitless
DATEDate sample was taken; YYYYMMDD unitless
TIMETime sample was taken; HH:MM unitless
LATLatitude; E is positive decimal degrees
LONLongitude; N is positive decimal degrees
CTDPRSPressure dbar
MgParticulate trace element concentration nmol/L
Mg_FLAGFlag for particulate trace element concentration unitless
AlParticulate trace element concentration nmol/L
Al_FLAGFlag for particulate trace element concentration unitless
SiParticulate trace element concentration nmol/L
Si_FLAGFlag for particulate trace element concentration unitless
PParticulate trace element concentration nmol/L
P_FLAGFlag for particulate trace element concentration unitless
SParticulate trace element concentration nmol/L
S_FLAGFlag for particulate trace element concentration unitless
ClParticulate trace element concentration nmol/L
Cl_FLAGFlag for particulate trace element concentration unitless
CaParticulate trace element concentration nmol/L
Ca_FLAGFlag for particulate trace element concentration unitless
TiParticulate trace element concentration nmol/L
Ti_FLAGFlag for particulate trace element concentration unitless
MnParticulate trace element concentration nmol/L
Mn_FLAGFlag for particulate trace element concentration unitless
FeParticulate trace element concentration nmol/L
Fe_FLAGFlag for particulate trace element concentration unitless
NiParticulate trace element concentration nmol/L
Ni_FLAGFlag for particulate trace element concentration unitless
CuParticulate trace element concentration nmol/L
Cu_FLAGFlag for particulate trace element concentration unitless
ZnParticulate trace element concentration nmol/L
Zn_LAGFlag for particulate trace element concentration unitless
BrParticulate trace element concentration nmol/L
Br_FLAGFlag for particulate trace element concentration unitless
SrParticulate trace element concentration nmol/L
Sr_FLAGFlag for particulate trace element concentration unitless
ISO_DateTime_UTCDate/Time (UTC) ISO formatted unitless

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Dataset-specific Instrument Name
Generic Instrument Name
CTD - profiler
Dataset-specific Description
Used to collect environmental data
Generic Instrument Description
The Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) unit is an integrated instrument package designed to measure the conductivity, temperature, and pressure (depth) of the water column. The instrument is lowered via cable through the water column. It permits scientists to observe the physical properties in real-time via a conducting cable, which is typically connected to a CTD to a deck unit and computer on a ship. The CTD is often configured with additional optional sensors including fluorometers, transmissometers and/or radiometers. It is often combined with a Rosette of water sampling bottles (e.g. Niskin, GO-FLO) for collecting discrete water samples during the cast. This term applies to profiling CTDs. For fixed CTDs, see

Dataset-specific Instrument Name
GO-FLO Bottle
Generic Instrument Name
GO-FLO Bottle
Dataset-specific Description
GO-FLO bottles with
Generic Instrument Description
GO-FLO bottle cast used to collect water samples for pigment, nutrient, plankton, etc. The GO-FLO sampling bottle is specially designed to avoid sample contamination at the surface, internal spring contamination, loss of sample on deck (internal seals), and exchange of water from different depths.

Dataset-specific Instrument Name
Thermo Fisher Quant’X
Generic Instrument Name
X-ray fluorescence analyzer
Dataset-specific Description
Thermo Fisher Quant’X equipped with a Rhodium Target X-Ray tube and an electronically cooled, lithium-drifted solid state detector
Generic Instrument Description
Instruments that identify and quantify the elemental constituents of a sample from the spectrum of electromagnetic radiation emitted by the atoms in the sample when excited by X-ray radiation.

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NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown
Start Date
End Date
CLIVAR A16N 2013

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Project Information

Collaborative Research: Trace Metal Deposition And Cycling In The North Atlantic On The 2013 CLIVAR/Repeat Hydrography A16N Expedition (A16N Trace Metals)

Coverage: Eastern North Atlantic

Description from NSF award abstract:
Dr. Joseph Resing of the Joint Institute for the Study of the Atmosphere and the Ocean, Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory, University of Washington and Dr. William Landing of Florida State University have proposed an ambitious field study to conduct trace metal sampling on the CLIVAR/CO2 Repeat Hydrography section A16N in the Atlantic Ocean in 2013. This field program will provide a valuable opportunity to elucidate aerosol-water column coupling, and possible decadal variability, for selected trace metals (Fe, Al, and others) and biogenic calcium carbonate. In addition to examining important questions regarding the nature of the response of trace element distributions in the water column to external dust input, these investigators will gain further insight into the issue of temporal and spatial changes in trace metal distributions through comparison with other field programs, most notably the international GEOTRACES program. With regard to the broader significance of this study, results from this large expedition will generate multiple national and international collaborations, contribute positively to the education and training of a graduate student and a postdoctoral fellow, and be of broad interest to the ocean sciences community.

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Funding SourceAward
NSF Division of Ocean Sciences (NSF OCE)
NSF Division of Ocean Sciences (NSF OCE)

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