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The KC Pore-water pressing bench, made by KC Denmark Research Equipment, allows pore-water extraction of any kind of sediments, from sediments rich in organic material, to sandy sediments. Sediment cores are segmented and placed in the pressing house, which is closed by means of the handle on top of the house. An over-pressure is applied (fed-in) at the reduction valve and the valves of the houses in operation are opened. The resulting compression of the sediment matrix leads to expelling of the pore-water, which is sampled in containers beneath the pressing house. Operation in a glove bag prevents atmospheric contamination with, for example, oxygen, so anaerobic analysis of the pore-water is possible. The standard cylinders are made from black Polyoxymethylene (POM). However, the cylinders and all accessories are also available as AISI 316 stainless steel for special purposes. The pressing bench consists of 5 pressing houses, each 100 ml. They can hold a maximum sample diameter of 40 mm. The instrument has a maximum operating pressure of 4 bar (400 kPa).