BCO-DMO Publications, Presentations, and Posters
BCO-DMO Management of U.S. GEOTRACES Trace Element and Isotope Data,
, 2/27/2014, (2014)
(6.97 MB)
Improved Discovery and Re-Use of Oceanographic Data through a Data Management Center,
, 12/12/2013, (2013)
(2.42 MB)
Improving the User Experience of Finding and Visualizing Oceanographic Data,
, 12/11/2013, (2013)
(3.38 MB)
BCO-DMO: Supporting the Management and Sharing of Marine Trace Metal Data,
, 12/18/2015, Fall AGU. San Francisco, CA, (2015)
(2.88 MB)
Supporting Citation of Subsetted Data: A Data Center’s Perspective,
, 07/14/2015, ESIP Summer Meeting. Pacific Grove, CA., (2015)
(13.35 MB)
BCO-DMO: Providing Access to Trace Element and Isotope Data from the Atlantic Ocean and Beyond,
, Ocean Sciences Meeting. New Orleans, LA, (2016)
(2.35 MB)