
Project Acronym Start Datesort descending End Date
Real time assessment of ocean acidification proxies and their incorporation in the marine sediment record pH_proxies 2010-09 2014-08
Biogeochemical Impact and Fate of Non-phosphorus Membrane Lipids in the Sargasso Sea SargassoSeaLipids 2010-09 2013-08
Boundary Sources and Sinks of 230Th, 232Th and 231Pa in the NW Pacific Sources-Sinks Th-Pa 2010-09 2013-08
Trophodynamics of Myrionecta rubra and cryptophyte algae Ciliate-Cryptophyte Dynamics 2010-09 2013-08
Plankton Community Composition and Trophic Interactions as Modifiers of Carbon Export in the Sargasso Sea Trophic BATS 2010-10 2014-09
Horizontal and Vertical Distribution of Thecosome Pteropods in Relation to Carbonate Chemistry in the Northwest Atlantic and Northeast Pacific OAPS 2010-10 2013-09
Mechanisms of nutrient input at the shelf margin supporting persistent winter phytoplankton blooms downstream of the Charleston Bump Long Bay Wintertime Bloom 2010-10 2015-09
Constraining Thermal Thresholds and Projections of Temperature Stress on Pacific Coral Reefs Over the 21st Century: Method Refinement and Application Thermal Thresholds and Projections 2010-10 2014-09
U.S. GEOTRACES North Atlantic Transect (GA03) U.S. GEOTRACES NAT 2010-10 2013-08
Significance of nitrification in shaping planktonic biodiversity in the ocean Nitrification and Marine Planktonic Biodiversity 2010-10 2015-09
A mechanistic understanding of the impacts of ocean acidification on the early life stages of marine bivalves Mechanisms of bivalve response to acidification 2010-10 2014-09
Will high CO2 conditions affect production, partitioning and fate of organic matter? OA - Effects of High CO2 2010-10 2014-09
Seasonal and decadal changes in temperature drive Prochlorococcus ecotype distribution patterns POWOW 2010-10 2014-09
Connectivity in western Atlantic seep populations: Oceanographic and life-history processes underlying genetic structure SEEPC 2010-10 2015-09
Discovery of viruses infecting marine Copepoda Viruses in Copepods 2010-10 2013-09
An Investigation of the Role of Nutrition in the Coral Calcification Response to Ocean Acidification OA Nutrition and Coral Calcification 2010-10 2013-09
Quantitative importance and trophic role of Noctiluca blooms in the Arabian Sea Arabian Sea Noctiluca 2010-10 2012-10
Dimensions: Uncovering the novel diversity of the copepod microbiome and its effect on habitat invasions by the copepod host CopepodMicrobiome 2010-11 2015-10
Ocean Acidification-Category 1- Impact of ocean acidification on survival of early life stages of planktonic copepods in the genus Calanus in the northern OA Calanus Survival 2010-11 2013-10
Does the strength of the carbonate pump change with ocean stratification and acidification and how? Carbonate_pump_change_OA 2010-11 2014-10
Functional diversity of infaunal burrowers: Towards a mechanistic understanding of animal-sediment interactions Burrowing polychaete mechanics 2010-12 2014-11
Impact of the 2010 Caribbean Coral Bleaching Event: Assessing Changes in Coral Immune Function Climate_Corals_Bleach_Disease 2010-12 2012-11
Activity and abundance of photoheterotrophs fueled by photochemically-produced substrates PAPI: Photochemistry and Photoheterotroph Interactions 2011-01 2014-12
Dimensions: The Role of Viruses in Structuring Biodiversity in Methanotrophic Marine Ecosystems Viruses in Methanotrophic Marine Ecosystems 2011-01 2014-12
RUI: Ocean Acidification- Category 1- The effects of ocean acidification on the organismic biology and community ecology of corals, calcified algae, and coral reefs OA_Corals 2011-01 2014-12
Fecal Pellets of Doliolids and Copepods: Two Different Microworlds? Micropellet 2011-01 2014-12
Observation and Prediction of Ocean Acidification in the Western Arctic Ocean - Impacts of Physical and Biogeochemical Processes on Carbonate Mineral States OA - Western Arctic 2011-01 2014-12
Biological Controls on the Ocean C:N:P ratios Biological C:N:P ratios 2011-01 2015-12
Climatological Mean Distribution of pH in Surface Waters in the Unified pH Scale and Mean Rate of changes in Selected Areas Climatological Mean Distribution of pH 2011-01 2012-12
Impact of Climate Warming and Ocean Carbonation on Eelgrass (Zostera marina L.) Impact of Climate on Eelgrass 2011-02 2015-02
Lipid lubrication of oceanic carbon and sulfur biogeochemistry via a host-virus chemical arms race NA-VICE 2011-03 2014-02
EAGER: Subterranean Ground Water Discharge (SGD) in the Arctic as a Source of Atmospheric Methane? A Proof of Concept Study Groundwater Discharge Methane 2011-03 2016-02
Studying genomic and population biology of dehalogenating Chloroflexi in deep sea sediments by single cell sorting and single cell genome amplification Chloroflexi in deep sea sediments 2011-03 2013-02
Turbulence and Suspension Feeding - a New Approach using the Lobate Ctenophore Mnemiopsis Leidyi Mnemiopsis feeding in turbulence 2011-03 2015-02
Effects of Predator Diversity on the Strength of Trophic Cascades in an Oceanic Benthic Ecosystem GMR Trophic Cascades 2011-03 2015-02
Investigations into the Physiological State of DHAB Metazoans DHAB Metazoans 2011-03 2013-02
Biogeochemical implications of marine phage: Roseophage as a relevant and tractable model Roseophage as a Model 2011-04 2015-12
The role of calcifying algae as a determinant of rocky intertidal macrophyte community structure at a meta-ecosystem scale ACIDIC 2011-04 2014-03
Relative Influence of Turbulence and Waves on Larval Behavior Turbulence and Larval Behavior 2011-04 2016-03
Understanding the nitrogen isotopes of planktonic foraminifera: A modern Sargasso Sea study N Isotopes Foraminifera 2011-04 2016-03
Collaborative Research: Effects of Marine Algal Sterols on Zooplankton Growth and Reproduction PhytosterolsZooplank 2011-04 2016-03
Do interactions between vertically and horizontally transported particles measurably affect particle composition and flux to the sediments? A mechanistic approach. BaRFlux 2011-04 2014-03
Increased Connectivity in a Polar Desert Resulting from Climate Warming: McMurdo Dry Valley LTER Program Polar Desert Connectivity 2011-04 2017-09
World-wide exploration of microbial eukaryote diversity and activity in the marine subsurface Microbial Euk Div Mar Subsurface 2011-05 2013-04
Chemical and Biological Characterizations of Phosphonate and Polyphosphate Dynamics in Marine Phytoplankton Phosphonate and Polyphosphate 2011-05 2014-04
Identifying Adaptive Responses of Polar Fishes in a Vulnerable Ecosystem polar_fish_adapt 2011-05 2015-04
Establishing Radionuclide Levels in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans Originating from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Facility Fukushima Radionuclide Levels 2011-05 2012-04
Metagenomic signatures in seafloor rocks and subsurface sediments: East Pacific Rise and Loihi Seamount EPR and Loihi basalt genomes 2011-06 2013-05
Development of geochemical proxies to evaluate larval pH-exposure history OA_Proxies 2011-06 2013-05
Collaborative Research: Characterization of Microbial Transformations in Basement Fluids, from Genes to Geochemical Cycling North Pond Microbes 2011-06 2015-05
The Effect of Methane on Microbial Community Distributions in the Ulleung Basin Methane_Microbes 2011-06 2011-07
Genetic diversity and distribution of microbes colonizing igneous minerals and glasses incubated in IODP Hole 1301A on the eastern flank of the Juan de Fuca Ridge Microbe Diversity & Distribution JdFR 2011-06 2013-05
Participation in October 2011 US GEOTRACES North Atlantic Zonal Section Continuation Cruise NAT_Continue 2011-06 2013-06
Population ecology of Salpa thompsoni based on molecular indicators Salp_Antarctic 2011-06 2014-05
Food web dynamics in an intact ecosystem: the role of top predators in McMurdo Sound McMurdo Predator Prey 2011-06 2016-11
The effects of ocean acidification and rising sea surface temperatures on shallow-water benthic organisms in Antarctica OA_Antarctic_organisms 2011-06 2015-05
Examining Impacts on Squid Paralarval Development, Behavior, and Survival OA Squid Rearing 2011-06 2011-08
EAGER: Harnessing the power of short-read technology to investigate unexplored microbial communities in the deep euphotic zone EAGER Deep Prochlorococcus 2011-07 2015-06
Cell to cell communication in marine phytoplankton: population density control of cellular processes PhytoplanktonQS 2011-07 2013-12
The seasonal dynamics of CO2, primary production, and DMS in the Western Antarctic Peninsula: Measurements of pools and processes using mass spectrometry Phytoplankton Seasonal Dynamics 2011-07 2015-06
Processes Regulating Iron Supply at the Mesoscale - Ross Sea PRISM-RS 2011-07 2014-06
Development of a Stable Isotope Probing Metagenomics Approach to Elucidate Physiological Traits Associated with Thermophilic Chemolithoautotrophy Chemolithoautotrophy Metagenomics 2011-07 2013-12
RAPID: Time Series Sampling for Radionuclide and Biogeochemical Fluxes at F1 Time-series Station, Offshore Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Facility Fukushima Sediment Radionuclides 2011-07 2014-01
RAPID: Continuation of U.S. GEOTRACES North Atlantic Section: CFC and SF6 Measurements GT NAT RAPID CFC SF6 2011-07 2013-06
Investigating a mysterious ammonium flux and its relation to the microbial community CDEBI_NH4FLUX 2011-08 2013-08
Spatial Realism in the Mussel Bed Disturbance Paradigm Mussel Bed Disturbance 2011-08 2016-07
Proteomic profiling of neutrophilic, iron-oxidizing Mariprofundus ferrooxydans, strain PV-1 Proteomic profiling of Mariprofundus ferrooxydans 2011-08 2013-08
Genetic connectivity and biogeographic patterns of Antarctic benthic invertebrates Antarctic Inverts 2011-08 2016-07
Microbe - Metazoan Interactions in an Antarctic Infaunal Community McMurdo Benthos 2011-08 2015-07
Autotrophic carbon fixation at a shallow-water hydrothermal system: Constraining microbial activity, isotopic and geochemical regimes Hydrothermal Autotrophic Carbon Fixation 2011-08 2011-10
Are blue crab declines leading to a trophic cascade and massive loss of U.S. southern marshes? marsh trophic interactions 2011-08 2014-08
Deep phylogenetic and metagenomic analysis of microbial diversity associated with ferromanganese nodules collected from the South Pacific Gyre Microbial Diversity SPG 2011-08 2013-08
Modeling the Effects of Heterogeneity in Water Quality on Cholera Disease Dynamics Cholera_Disease_Dyn 2011-08 2016-07
Cascading effects of an invasive seaweed on estuarine food webs of the southeastern US Gracilaria effects 2011-08 2016-07
Historic freshwater input and hypoxia effects on zooplankton populations of the northern Gulf of Mexico Hypoxia effects on zooplankton populations 2011-08 2013-07
Gene Expression Patterns in High CO2-Adapted Trichodesmium Trichodesmium in High CO2 2011-08 2013-03
Reproductive and Geographic Evidence for Source-Sink Dynamics in Deep-Sea Benthic Communities Deep Sea Benthic Dynamics 2011-09 2016-08
Cascading interactions of herbivore loss and nutrient enrichment on coral reef macroalgae, corals, and microbial dynamics HERBVRE 2011-09 2015-08
Quantifying larval behavior to reconcile genetic connectivity with biophysical model predictions PLDvFST 2011-09 2016-07
Understanding microbial manganese-oxidizing communities and physiological mechanisms in metal oxide-rich hydrothermal sediments using a metagenomic and metatranscriptomic approach Vent Mn-Fe Microbes 2011-09 2015-08
Discovery, sampling, and quantification of flows from cool yet massive ridge-flank hydrothermal springs on Dorado Outcrop, eastern Pacific Ocean Dorado Outcrop 2011-09 2014-08
Linking Propulsive Morphology, Swimming Behavior and Sensory Perception by Marine Planktonic Protists to their Trophic Roles within Marine Food Webs Protist Behavior and Imposed Flow 2011-09 2014-08
Microbial associations in zooplankton: significance for the marine nitrogen cycle Microbial associations in zooplankton 2011-09 2016-08
An Inverse and Forward Global Modeling Synthesis of Noble Gases to Better Quantify Biogeochemical Cycles Noble gas modeling 2011-09 2016-08
Synergistic Effects of Iron, Carbon Dioxide and Temperature on the Fate of Nitrate: Implications for Future Changes in Export Production in the Southern Ocean Ross_Sea_Microb_Ecophys 2011-09 2015-08
Functional gene diversity and expression in ocean crust microbial communities NP Functional Gene Div 2011-09 2013-07
Evolution of Deep Sea Molluscs II Ev Deep Sea Molluscs II 2011-09 2014-08
Beyond maternal effects: Transgenerational plasticity in thermal performance ThermalTGP 2011-09 2016-08
History and Future of Coastal Upwelling Modes and Biological Responses in the California Current California Current upwelling modes 2011-09 2013-05
Spatial patterns of coral-vermetid interactions: short-term effects and long-term consequences Vermetids_Corals 2011-09 2015-08
Habitat fragmentation as a process: how habitat context influences the effects of eelgrass loss on epifaunal community structure Eelgrass Hab Fragmentation 2011-09 2014-08
Will rising pCO2 levels in the ocean affect growth and survival of marine fish early life stages? OA Fish 2011-09 2015-02
Exploratory application of single-molecule real time (SMRT) DNA sequencing in microbial ecology research PacBio sequencing in microbial ecology 2011-09 2014-08
Controls on Hadal Megafaunal Community Structure: a Systematic Examination of Pressure, Food Supply, and Topography HADES 2011-09 2015-08
Collaborative Research: Interwoven biogeochemical cycles and biological transformations of mercury and selenium in the upper ocean Mercury and Selenium 2011-09 2015-08
Linking Variation in Metabolic Processes as a Key to Prediction Variation in Metabolic Processes 2011-09 2016-08
Linking Single-Cell Growth Rates and Genomics Bacterioplankton single-cell growth 2011-09 2016-12
Collaborative Research: The Role of Sponges in the Coastal Nitrogen Cycle Sponge N Cycling 2011-09 2015-08
Interactions of bacteria, viruses and bloom-forming diatom genus Pseudo-nitzschia bacteria, virus, diatom interactions 2011-09 2014-06
Chemical Defenses in a Toxic Dinoflagellate: Mechanisms and Constraints Chemical Defenses 2011-09 2015-08
