Dataset: GP15 Dissolved Ba Cd Cu Ga Mn Ni and Pb Leg 2
Deployment: RR1815

Dissolved concentrations of Ba, Cd, Cu, Ga, Mn, Ni, and Pb from US GEOTRACES GP15-Leg 2 ("PMT") from the Hawaii to Tahiti along 152 W.
View Data: For data, See Dataset Metadata Page:
Principal Investigator: 
Alan M. Shiller (University of Southern Mississippi, USM)
BCO-DMO Data Manager: 
Shannon Rauch (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, WHOI BCO-DMO)
Deployment Synonyms:
 GP15,  GP15 Leg 2,  33RR20180918,  PMT,  US GEOTRACES PMT
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