BCO-DMO Publications, Presentations, and Posters

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SeaView: Bringing EarthCube to the Oceanographer, Stocks, Karen, Diggs Steve, Arko Robert, Kinkade Danie, and Shepherd Adam , Ocean Science Meeting, New Orleans, LA, (2016)
SeaView IA: Bringing EarthCube to the Oceanographer, Stocks, Karen, Diggs Steve, Arko Robert, Kinkade Danie, and Shepherd Adam , 07/6/2016, EarthCube All Hands Meeting, Denver, CO, (2016)  (14.62 MB)
Supporting Citation of Subsetted Data: A Data Center’s Perspective, Rauch, Shannon M. , 07/14/2015, ESIP Summer Meeting. Pacific Grove, CA., (2015)  (13.35 MB)