BCO-DMO Publications, Presentations, and Posters
Experiences of a "semantics smackdown",
, Earth Science Informatics, (2016)
Linked Data: An Oceanographic Perspective,
, Journal of Ocean Technology, 01/2014, Volume 8, Issue 3, p.7-12, (2014)
Loose Integration of Local Information to Generate Collaborative Marine Science Knowledge.,
, Collaborative Knowledge in Scientific Research Networks.IGI Global, 17/12/2014, p.238-261, (2014)
Maintaining scientific community vocabularies in Drupal through consumption of linked open data,
, 12/7/2012, (2012)
(8.4 MB)
Ocean Data Publication Cookbook,
, Manuals and Guides, Number 64, p.45 pp and annexes, (2013)