
Project Acronymsort descending Start Date End Date
Characterizing the contribution of bacteria from the SUP05 clade to autotrophic and heterotrophic carbon cycling across ocean gradients SUP05 Activities 2016-02 2019-01
Superoxide Dynamics in Irradiated Seawater Superoxide Dynamics 2019-09 2022-08
Does coupling between the inner shelf and surf zone regulate larval supply to intertidal populations? Surf zone larval transport 2010-01 2014-12
RAPID: surviving climate change - the role of acclimatization in reef-building corals Surviving Climate Change 2015-01 2016-12
Evaluating the relative importance of suspended and sinking particles to the meso and bathypelagic food web in the central North Pacific SuspendSinkPart 2014-01 2016-12
Quantifying nitrogen fixation along unique geochemical gradients in the southwest Pacific Ocean SW Pac N2 fixation 2015-08 2018-07
Collaborative Research: Quantifying the atmospheric flux of bio-active trace elements to the southwestern Indian Ocean SWINGS Be-7 2020-11 2024-10
CAREER: Assessing local adaptation in the chemosynthetic symbionts of hydrothermal vent animals Symbiont adaptation 2022-09 2027-08
Collaborative Research: Assessing the changing symbiotic milieu on Caribbean coral reefs under climate change: magnitude, tradeoffs, interventions, and implications Symbiont Shifts on Reefs 2019-04 2024-09
RUI: Collaborative Research: The impact of symbiont-larval interactions on species distributions across southwestern Pacific hydrothermal vents symbiont-larval interactions 2018-09 2021-08
Ontogenic change in Cnidarian-algal symbioses: A genomic and ecologic perspective SymBioSys 2010-01 2013-12
Collaborative Research: Seasonal bloom dynamics: Synechococcus-grazer interactions as a model system Syn-Grazer 2012-09 2017-08
RAPID: Synechococcus diversity and Fe stress and the relationship to dissolved metals in the Eastern Tropical South Pacific Syne_ETSP 2009-09 2010-08
Collaborative Research: A study of the energy dissipation of the internal tide as it reaches the continental slope of Tasmania T-BEAM 2014-07 2020-06
Collaborative Research: RUI: OCE-BO: Tango in the Mat World: Biogeochemistry of diurnal vertical migration in microbial mats of Lake Huron’s sinkholes Tango in the Mat World 2021-02 2023-02
Taxon-Specific Variability of Organic Matter Production and Remineralization Potential Taxon-Specific Organic P-C-N Production 2010-04 2015-12
The Role of Temperature in Regulating Herbivory and Algal Biomass in Upwelling Systems Temperature and Herbivory 2017-08 2022-07
Collaborative Research: Transparent exopolymer and phytoplankton vertical migration as sources for preformed nitrate anomalies in the subtropical N. Pacific Ocean TEP and phytoplankton migration 2019-09 2023-08
OCE-PRF: Mechanisms of coral resistance to climate change driven stressors in the Tropical Eastern Pacific TEP coral resistance 2021-10 2023-09
Effects of physical environmental conditions on the species distribution and composition of marine fish and invertebrates along the Texas coast Texas Coastal Fish 2017-06 2020-05
The Speed, Signature, and Significance of Barium Transformations in Seawater The Three S's 2020-09 2023-08
Investigating the influence of thermal history on coral growth response to recent and predicted end-of-century ocean warming across a cascade of ecological scales Thermal History and Coral Growth 2015-03 2018-02
Constraining Thermal Thresholds and Projections of Temperature Stress on Pacific Coral Reefs Over the 21st Century: Method Refinement and Application Thermal Thresholds and Projections 2010-10 2014-09
Collaborative Research: Stability, flexibility, and functionality of thermally tolerant coral symbioses Thermally tolerant coral 2016-12 2019-08
Beyond maternal effects: Transgenerational plasticity in thermal performance ThermalTGP 2011-09 2016-08
Collaborative Research: Predicting controls of partitioning between dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium (DNRA) and dinitrogen production in marine sediments Thin_Disc_Project 2016-09 2019-08
Operation of a Community Marine-Atmospheric Sampling Facility at Tudor Hill, Bermuda THMAO 2017-09 2025-01
CAREER: Predicting ecosystem metabolism of rocky intertidal communities in warming and acidifying oceans. TIDES 2021-08 2026-07
A novel time-structured framework to account for the cryptic effects of temperature fluctuations on population dynamics Time Structured Modeling 2021-07 2024-07
Trophic linkages in eelgrass ecosystems TLEE 2016-09 2019-08
Trace-metal isotopes in Atlantic seawater and particles from Geotraces transects A03 and A10 TMI_GEOTRACES-UK 2011-09 2014-08
The true meaning of "success": Developing adaptive social-ecological frameworks for evaluation of marine protected areas TMS 2014-07 2017-06
Metagenomic and metatranscriptomic analysis of the Tonga Trench: a comparative study of microbial diversity and metabolic potential from surface waters to below seafloor Tonga Trench metagenomes 2014-10 2016-09
RAPID: Too hot to hold: Effects of unseasonable warming on the Azores nekton community and its keystone taxon Too hot to hold 2021-11 2023-10
MCA: Developing transcriptomics as a tool to investigate toxic diatom responses to ocean heatwave and upwelling events Toxic diatoms and heatwaves 2022-01 2024-12
Dissolved trace elements in the tropical Northwest Pacific Ocean Trace elements in NW Pacific 2019-09 2023-08
The Biogeochemistry of Dissolved Iron-ligands in Marine Cyanobacteria and Seawater Trace metal ligands 2014-03 2018-02
TRacing the fate of Algal Carbon Export in the Ross Sea TRACERS 2012-02 2015-06
Tracers of Biological Productivity and Gas Exchange Tracers of Bio Prod and Gas Exchange 2003-03 2007-02
Tracking Recovery from the 2014 Coral Bleaching Event in Hawaiian Waters: Water Quality Gradients, Ecological Factors, and Reef Resilience to Climate Change Tracking 2014 Hawaiian Coral Bleaching Event 2014-12 2016-11
RAPID: High-resolution sampling of plankton taxa, marine snow, and environmental variables across the north Atlantic subpolar gyre Transatlantic VPR Survey 2012-05 2013-04
Integrating field methods and numerical models to quantify the links between larval transport, connectivity, and population dynamics TRANSPORT 2008-06 2014-09
Quantification of Trichodesmium spp. vertical and horizontal abundance patterns and nitrogen fixation in the western North Atlantic Trichodesmium 2009-12 2012-11
Gene Expression Patterns in High CO2-Adapted Trichodesmium Trichodesmium in High CO2 2011-08 2013-03
Collaborative Research: Iron and phosphorus balanced limitation of nitrogen fixation in the oligotrophic ocean TriCoLim 2017-03 2020-02
Using Ocean Tritum-3He Observations to Quantify Thermocline Circulation and Biogeochemistry Tritium_circulation_biogeochem 2014-09 2017-08
Plankton Community Composition and Trophic Interactions as Modifiers of Carbon Export in the Sargasso Sea Trophic BATS 2010-10 2014-09
RAPID: Human-Driven Trophic Cascades: Mesopredator Release and Recreational Fishing in Estuaries Trophic cascades 2020-05 2022-02
Concentrations and source assessment of black carbon across tropical Atlantic air and sediment Tropical Atlantic Black Carbon 2019-09 2022-08
RAPID: Species on the Move: Tropicalization of Western Atlantic Seagrass Beds Tropicalization in seagrass 2019-02 2020-01
Collaborative Research: The tropicalization of Western Atlantic seagrass beds Tropicalization Seagrass Beds 2018-01 2020-12
Collaborative Research: Probing the Ventilation Efficiency of the Deep Ocean with Conservative Dissolved Gas Tracers in Archived Samples TTO NGs and O2 2021-09 2024-08
Relative Influence of Turbulence and Waves on Larval Behavior Turbulence and Larval Behavior 2011-04 2016-03
Turbulence-spurred settlement: Deciphering a newly recognized class of larval response Turbulence-spurred settlement 2014-02 2017-01
Twilight Zone EXplorer TZEX 2006-09 2010-08
U.S. Arctic GEOTRACES Study (GN01) U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic 2014-07 2017-06
U.S. GEOTRACES East Pacific Zonal Transect (GP16) U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT 2012-06 2015-06
U.S. GEOTRACES North Atlantic Transect (GA03) U.S. GEOTRACES NAT 2010-10 2013-08
US GEOTRACES Pacific Meridional Transect (GP15) U.S. GEOTRACES PMT 2017-08 2020-07
Breaking ground with underwater sound - unraveling elusive predator-prey interactions in marine benthic communities using novel technological approaches U/W Crunchtime 2022-04 2027-03
A new center for ultrahigh resolution mass spectrometry in the geosciences ultrahigh res mass spec
Supply and removal of trace elements in the subtropical South Pacific (GPpr09) UltraPac Trace Elements 2015-10 2016-09
EAPSI: Effects of Ocean Acidification and Eutrophication on the Green Macroalgae Ulva spp. Ulva OA-Eutrophication 2015-06 2016-05
RUI: Collaborative Research: Understanding bioerosion from individuals to ecosystems: the impacts of biotic and abiotic stressors on sponge erosion of oyster reefs. Understanding Bioerosion 2021-11 2024-10
NSFGEO-NERC: Collaborative Research: Novel imaging, physiology and numerical approaches for understanding biologically mediated, unsteady sinking in marine diatoms Unsteady diatom sinking 2021-04 2024-03
Collaborative Research: Use of Triple Oxygen Isotopes and O2/Ar to constrain Net/Gross Oxygen Production during upwelling and non-upwelling periods in a Coastal Setting UpRISEE O2 upwelling 2013-04 2017-03
CAREER: An integrated molecular and physiological approach to examining the dynamics of upwelled phytoplankton in current and changing oceans Upwelled Phytoplankton Dynamics 2018-05 2023-04
Collaborative Research: The effects of marine heatwaves on reproduction, larval transport and recruitment in sea urchin metapopulations Urchin metapopulations 2020-10 2025-09
Investigating mechanisms underlying adaptive capacity to ocean warming URO 2021-01 2024-06
Investigating coral bleaching in a changing climate: Our state of understanding and mapping opportunities to push the field forward US coral bleaching workshop 2016-06 2017-05
Collaborative Research: GEOTRACES Arctic Ocean section-Constraining Nitrogen Cycling in the western Arctic Ocean. US GEOTRACES Arctic Nitrogen Flux 2015-02 2019-01
Fingerprinting and Calibrating Low Oxygen Conditions Using Vanadium Isotopes Vanadium Isotopes 2014-08 2018-12
RAPID: Coral robustness: lessons from an "improbable" reef Varadero Reef 2016-07 2018-06
Linking Variation in Metabolic Processes as a Key to Prediction Variation in Metabolic Processes 2011-09 2016-08
Collaborative Research: Vitamin B1 Limitation and Advantageous Use of B1-related Compounds by Marine Bacterioplankton. VBLAM 2021-08 2024-07
Benthic Ecology of Soft Sediments Associated with Hydrothermal Vents Vent Benthos 1984-01 1988-02
Understanding microbial manganese-oxidizing communities and physiological mechanisms in metal oxide-rich hydrothermal sediments using a metagenomic and metatranscriptomic approach Vent Mn-Fe Microbes 2011-09 2015-08
Collaborative Research: Environmental Drivers of Chemoautotrophic Carbon Production at Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vents - Comparative Roles of Oxygen and Nitrate vent O2 NO3 roles 2016-05 2019-04
CAREER: Temporal dynamics of microbial and viral function and adaptation in hydrothermal vents Vent omics time series 2022-01 2026-12
RUI: Collaborative: The Predictive Nature of Microbial Biofilms for Cuing Larval Settlement at Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vents Vent Settlement Cues 2020-05 2023-04
Collaborative Research: Visual adaptations in hydrothermal vent shrimp and the role in feeding modalities and habitat selection Vent Shrimp Vision 2022-08 2025-07
The Underworld of Hydrothermal Vents Vent Underworld 2023-06 2026-12
Spatial patterns of coral-vermetid interactions: short-term effects and long-term consequences Vermetids_Corals 2011-09 2015-08
Vertical Transport and Exchange VERTEX 1982-01 1987-01
VERtical Transport In the Global Ocean VERTIGO 2003-07 2007-07
Collaborative Research: Extracellular vesicles as vehicles for microbial interactions in marine Black Queen communities Vesicle Interactions 2023-05 2027-04
Collaborative Research: Quantifying the role of microbial extracellular vesicles in marine dissolved organic matter production and consumption VesicleDOM 2021-09 2024-08
Collaborative research: Ecology and functional biology of octocoral communities VI Octocorals 2013-09 2018-02
Vibrio as a model microbe for opportunistic heterotrophic response to Saharan dust deposition events in marine waters Vibrio-dust deposition 2014-04 2017-03
Collaborative Research: Viral induced chemotaxis mediating cross-trophic microbial interactions and carbon flux VIC 2018-09 2021-08
Collaborative Research: VIDA Seagrass: Viral Infection Dynamics Among Seagrass VIDA Seagrass 2022-08 2025-07
Subseafloor prokaryotic and viral communities and interactions in anoxic marine basins: a case study from a 3000-year old stratigraphic succession Virus-host anoxic sediment 2017-04 2019-09
Discovery of viruses infecting marine Copepoda Viruses in Copepods 2010-10 2013-09
Dimensions: The Role of Viruses in Structuring Biodiversity in Methanotrophic Marine Ecosystems Viruses in Methanotrophic Marine Ecosystems 2011-01 2014-12
Vision-mediated influence of low oxygen on the physiology and ecology of marine larvae Vision under hypoxia 2018-10 2020-09
Putting B-vitamins on the map: to what extent do they shape phytoplankton dynamics and biogeography in the global ocean? VitaMaps 2022-08 2024-07
The role of organic and metal cofactors on the biogenic synthesis of halogenated volatile hydrocarbons Volatile_Hydrocarbons 2016-04 2019-03
RAPID: Waiting to Exhale: Quantifying Tropical Storm-Induced Increased Flux of Coastal Wetland Carbon into the Atmosphere? Waiting To Exhale 2020-11 2022-10
Quantifying Processes Driving Interannual Variability in the Biological Carbon Pump in the Western Antarctic Peninsula WAP Carbon export 2020-06 2023-05
Collaborative Research: Physical-Biological Processes of Gulf Stream Warm Core Rings: Vertical Nutrient Delivery and Ecosystem Response Warm Core Rings 2016-04 2019-03
