BCO-DMO Publications, Presentations, and Posters

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Introduction to Data Management for Ocean Science Research, Chandler, Cynthia , 11/12/2009, (2009)  (722.79 KB)
BCO-DMO: Improving Data Discovery and Access for Ocean Science Research, Chandler, Cynthia, Groman Robert C., Shepherd Adam, Allison Molly D., Copley Nancy J., Gegg Stephen R., Glover David M., Kinkade Danie, McKee Theresa, Rauch Shannon M., et al. , 2/27/2014, (2014)  (3.23 MB)
BCO-DMO: Southern Ocean Marine Ecosystem Data and more …, Chandler, Cynthia L., Groman Robert C., Wiebe Peter H., Glover David M., Allison Molly D., Copley Nancy J., Gegg Stephen R., Kinkade Danie, Rauch Shannon M., and Shepherd Adam , 08/22/2016, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, (2016)  (2.75 MB)
Data Management for 21st Century Ocean Research, Chandler, Cynthia , 4/24/2015, Ocean Acidification PI Workshop, WHOI, (2015)  (5.5 MB)
Vocabularies, Ontologies and Ocean Biogeochemistry Data Matching and Mapping, Chandler, Cynthia , 1/24/2011, (2011)  (1.18 MB)
Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office, Chandler, Cynthia, Kinkade Danie, Shepherd Adam, Wiebe Peter H., Allison Molly D., Copley Nancy J., DuBois David, Gegg Stephen R., Glover David M., and Rauch Shannon M. , 5/27/2015, (2015)  (173.69 KB)
Management of NSF Funded Ocean Research Data, Chandler, Cynthia L. , 06/15/2016, 2016 US CLIVAR Process Study and Model Improvement Panel Annual Meeting; 14-16 June 2016, Woods Hole, MA, (2016)  (1003.08 KB)
Improving Access to Ocean Research Data Throughout the Data Life Cycle, Chandler, Cynthia, Groman Robert C., Allison Molly D., Wiebe Peter H., and Glover David M. , 12/6/2012, (2012)  (3.73 MB)
BCO-DMO: Managing Large-Scale Community Oceanographic Data, Chandler, Cynthia , 8/21/2013, Santa Catalina Island, CA, (2013)  (1.62 MB)
BCO-DMO & GeoLink: Improving Data Discovery and Access for Ocean Science Research Results, Chandler, Cynthia, Shepherd Adam, Wiebe Peter H., Kinkade Danie, Allison Molly D., Copley Nancy J., Gegg Stephen R., Glover David M., Groman Robert C., Rauch Shannon M., et al. , 5/22/2015, (2015)  (2.01 MB)
U.S. GEOTRACES Pacific Transect Data Management, Chandler, Cynthia , 4/26/2013, (2013)  (1.3 MB)
Opportunities and Challenges for Marine Data Management to Support Future Ocean Research, Chandler, Cynthia , 10/20/2015, Oostende, Belgium, (2015)  (1.78 MB)
Better Practices for Shipboard Data Management, Chandler, Cynthia , 11/12/2009, (2009)  (1.66 MB)
One Approach to Ensuring Long-term Access to Ocean Research Data, Chandler, Cynthia, Groman Robert C., Allison Molly D., Wiebe Peter H., and Glover David M. , 2013/09/25, (2013)  (1.9 MB)
Persistent Identifiers and Linked Ocean Data, Chandler, CL, Shepherd A, Arko RA, and MB Jones , 11/9/2016, Reykjavik, Iceland, (2016)  (81.68 KB) (2.21 MB)
Biodiversity Vocabulary Management at BCO-DMO, Copley, Nancy J., Allison Molly D., Chandler Cynthia, Groman Robert C., Shepherd Adam, Wiebe Peter H., and Glover David M. , 10/28/2013, TDWG Annual Conference, Florence, Italy, (2013)  (1.43 MB)
Taxonomic Data at the Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office (BCO-DMO), Copley, Nancy J. , 4/13/2017, Woods Hole, MA, (2017)  (10.65 MB)