
Project Acronym Start Datesort descending End Date
Metagenomic analysis of microbial CpG methylation in Delaware estuarine riverbank sediment Microbial CpG Methylation
IODP Expedition 336- Mid-Atlantic Ridge Microbiology Mid-Atl Ridge Microbio
A new marine sediment sample preparation scheme for solution 31P NMR analysis Marine Sediment Analysis 31P NMR
The ProteOMZ Expedition: Investigating Life Without Oxygen in the Pacific Ocean ProteOMZ (Proteomics in an Oxygen Minimum Zone)
Southern Ocean Climate Process and Modeling Team SO-CPT
Lau Basin low temperature geomicrobiology Lau Basin Geomicrobio
Biowatt Experiment: Bioluminescence and Optical Variability of the Sea (Biowatt I) Biowatt I
ORI-Historical ORI_Historical
North Pacific Surface Carbon, Oxygen and Isotope Measurements from Container Ships (2008-) NPac Cont Ship
Collaborative Research: The Role of Iron-oxidizing Bacteria in the Sedimentary Iron Cycle: Ecological, Physiological and Biogeochemical Implications SedimentaryIronCycle
Phosphorus cycling in ridge-flank sediments Marine sediment phosphorus cycling
Microbial activity in the crustal deep biosphere Slow Life in Crust
Characterizing the distribution and rates of microbial sulfate reduction at Middle Valley hydrothermal vents Middle Valley Vents
Environmental drivers of coral and reef-scale calcification in the North Atlantic Coral Calc
Microbiology and biogeochemistry of Juan de Fuca Ridge flank borehole fluids microJdFR
A new center for ultrahigh resolution mass spectrometry in the geosciences ultrahigh res mass spec
Characterization of microbial communities and carbon metabolisms within interstitial fluids of the Nankai Trough Nankai Trough Enrichments
Collaborative Research: Defining the role of the pan genome in Emiliania huxleyi ecology and biogeography ECO-PAN-EHUX
Ocean Frontier Institute Seed Fund Grant: Bedford Basin 2019 Bedford Basin 2019
A study of the sensitivity of Sub-Antarctic Zone waters to global change SAZ-SENSE
EPR 9 North Plume Particles RESET06
Ecology and Oceanography of Harmful Algal Blooms EcoHAB
The Atlantic Meridional Transect (AMT) programme AMT
Primary Production Model Intercomparison: Primary Production Algorithm Round Robin 4 PPARR4
Narragansett Bay Long-Term Plankton Time Series NBPTS
Nishida-Pacific-Oithona Nishida-Oithona
Oceanic Basement Subsurface Ecosystem: Research on Viral Ecology and Diversity OBSERVED
Australian Integrated Marine Observing System Facility-Southern Ocean Time Series IMOS-SOTS
Clarke-Bumpus Georges Bank CBGB 1939-09 1941-06
The Panulirus Hydrographic Stations (Hydrostation S) Hydrostation S 1955-01 2027-02
International Indian Ocean Expedition IIOE 1960-01 1965-01
Concentrations and ratios of particulate organic carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus in the global ocean Global POM 1971-01 2011-12
Northeast Fisheries Science Center Ichthyoplankton Collection NEFSC Ichthyoplankton 1977-01 2008-12
Northeast Fisheries Science Center Bottom Trawl Survey NEFSCBottomTrawl 1977-01 2008-12
Hydrography Hydrography 1977-01
EcoMon Zooplankton EcoMon Zooplankton 1977-02
Vertical Transport and Exchange VERTEX 1982-01 1987-01
Coordination and Logistics For the Prpoos Program. Planktonic Rate Processes in the Central Oligotrophic Oceans PRPOOS logistics 1982-04 1984-09
A Tracer Kinetics Approach to the Production Ecology of Oligotrophic Oceans (PRPOOS) PRPOOS Tracer Kinetics 1982-04 1987-07
Benthic Ecology of Soft Sediments Associated with Hydrothermal Vents Vent Benthos 1984-01 1988-02
Plankton Rate Processes in the Oligotrophic Oceans (PRPOOS) - Organismic Group PRPOOS 1984-03 1986-08
Ecological Effects of the 1982/83 El Nino-Associated Disturbance to Eastern Pacific Coral Reefs EPac Corals 1982/83 El Nino: I 1985-02 1988-07
Skidaway River Monitoring Program SRiMP 1986-08 2012-03
Multitracers to Predict Paleoproductivity in the California Current System from Sediment and Sediment Trap Materials Multitracers Sediment Traps 1987-04 1990-09
Effects of the 1982-83 El Nino Event on Tropical, Eastern Pacific Coral Reefs: Disturbance, Recovery and Retrospective Analyses EPac Corals 1982/83 El Nino: II 1988-01 1991-12
[Current] Hawaii Ocean Time-series (HOT): 2023-2028; [Previous] Hawaii Ocean Time-series (HOT): Sustaining ocean ecosystem and climate observations in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre HOT 1988-07 2028-12
Biogenic Chemical Records in Deep-Sea Sediments and Their Application to Paleo-Oceanographic Study Biogenic Chemical Records 1988-08 1991-01
Bermuda Atlantic Time-series Study BATS 1988-10 2023-07
Piimary Production Measurements for the 20-West Program (NABE) JGOFS NABE Primary Prod 20W 1989-02 1990-01
Marine Light-Mixed Layer Experiment ML-ML 1989-04 1991-09
U.S. JGOFS North Atlantic Bloom Experiment NABE 1989-04 1989-07
Multitracers to Predict Paleoproductivity in the California Current System Multitracers Paleoproductivity 1989-09 1990-08
Multitracers II - Wintertime Particle Production, Transport and Sedimentation Multitracers II 1990-01 1992-12
Effects of Vegetative Reproduction on the Distribution and Abundance of Benthic Marine Invertebrates Invertebrate vegetative reproduction 1990-08 1993-07
Palmer Station Antarctica Long Term Ecological Research site PAL LTER 1990-10
U.S. GLOBEC Georges Bank GB 1991-01
Effects of the 1982-83 El Nino Event on Tropical Eastern Pacific Coral Reefs: Disturbances, Causes, Recovery and Retrospective Analyses EPac Corals 1982/83 El Nino: III 1991-04 1995-03
U.S. JGOFS Equatorial Pacific EqPac 1992-01 1992-12
Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center - Global Ocean CO2 CDIAC Ocean CO2 1993-08
Iron Experiment I IronExI 1993-10 1993-11
Primary Production in the Arabian Sea Arabian Sea Primary Prod 1994-05 1998-10
El Nino Impacted Coral Reefs In The Tropical Eastern Pacific: Secondary Disturbances, Recovery and Modeling of Population and Community Responses. EPac Corals 1982/83 El Nino: IV 1994-06 1997-05
U.S. JGOFS: Response of Arabian Sea Phytoplankton Biomass, Pigmentation, Growth Rates, and Community Structure To Seasonally Varying Physically Forcing Arabian Sea Phyto Seasonality 1994-06 1997-05
Photo-Ecological Investigations in the Arabian Sea Arabian Sea Photo-Ecology 1994-06 1998-05
U.S. JGOFS Arabian Sea Arabian Sea 1994-09 1996-01
Iron Experiment II IronExII 1995-05 1995-06
CARIACO Ocean Time-Series Program CARIACO 1995-11
Primary Production in the Southern Ocean AESOPS Primary Production 1996-06 2001-05
ARLINDO Circulation, A Study of the Indonesian Ocean Circulation and Mixing ARLINDO 1996-06 2000-11
U.S. JGOFS Antarctic Environment and Southern Ocean Process Study AESOPS 1996-08 1998-03
U.S. GLOBEC Northeast Pacific NEP 1997-01
Biowatt Experiment: Bioluminescence and Optical Variability of the Sea (Biowatt II) Biowatt II 1997-02 1997-11
Gas Tracers of Net Biological Oxygen Production in the Subtropical Pacific Ocean Gas Tracers O2 Prod Subtropical Pacific 1997-02 2000-01
El Nino Impacted Coral Reefs in the Tropical Eastern Pacific: Secondary Disturbances, Recovery and Effects on Community Diversity and Reef Growth EPac Corals 1982/82 El Nino: V 1997-09 2000-08
U.S. JGOFS Synthesis and Modeling SMP 1998-05 2005-10
Disaster and recovery in kelp forest communities: the effects of El Niño Southern Oscillation events in the Northeast Pacific ENSO impacts on giant kelp forests 1998-07 2000-06
Plum Island Ecosystems Long Term Ecological Research site PIE LTER 1998-07
Trace Metal Limitation of Phytoplankton Productivity: Combined Immunological, Geochemical and Growth Assay Approaches in Lake Superior IRONMAN 1998-07 2001-07
Remote Real-Time Profiling of Surface Seawater CO2 at the LEO-15 Site LEO-15 1998-08 2002-07
Northeast Consortium: Cooperative Research NEC-CoopRes 1999-01
Northeast Consortium: Project Development NEC_ProjDev 1999-01
Southern Ocean Iron Release Experiment SOIREE 1999-01 1999-03
Net Biological Oxygen Production at the Japanese JGOFS Time-Series Station Net Bio O2 Prod JGOFS 1999-03 2001-02
The Biological Carbon Pump in the Subtropical North Pacific Ocean: Mechanisms of Nutrient Supply C Pump in Subtropical N Pacific 2000-01 2003-12
Scope and Consequences of Variability in the Early Life History Traits of a Caribbean Coral Reef Fish FK Fish Recruitment 2000-04 2003-03
Santa Barbara Coastal Long Term Ecological Research site SBC LTER 2000-04
Georgia Coastal Ecosystems Long Term Ecological Research site GCE LTER 2000-05 2018-11
Florida Coastal Everglades Long Term Ecological Research site FCE LTER 2000-05
El Nino-Southern Oscillation 1982-83 and 1997-98 Impacted Coral Reefs in the Equatorial Eastern Pacific Region: Effects, Recovery and Inter-ENSO Comparisons EPac Corals 1982/82 El Nino: VI 2000-09 2005-08
GLOBEC: Sea Ice Microbial Communities Sea Ice Microbes 2000-09 2005-08
Foraging Ecology of Crabeater Seals (Lobodon Carcinophagus) Crabeater Seal Foraging 2000-09 2004-08
GLOBEC: Winter Distribution and Success of Southern Ocean Krill Southern Ocean Krill 2000-10 2005-09
European Iron Enrichment Experiment EISENEX 2000-10 2000-12
Chemo-Denitrification Reactions in Suboxic Environments Suboxic Black Sea 2000-10 2005-09
U.S. GLOBEC Southern Ocean SOGLOBEC 2001-01
Biocomplexity of Aquatic Microbial Systems BAMS 2001-01 2004-12
Interannual Variability in the Antarctic-Ross Sea (IVARS): Nutrients and Seasonal Production IVARS 2001-04 2006-03
Subarctic-Pacific Iron Experiment for Ecosystem Dynamics Study I SEEDS I 2001-06 2001-08
Effects of Demography and Genetics on Extinction in Small Populations: Experiments with an Exploited Kelp Experiments with an Exploited Kelp 2001-11 2006-10
Southern Ocean Iron Experiment SOFeX 2002-01 2002-03
