analysis_lab |
a number indicating which lab the analyses were performed in. 1 = University of Victoria, 2 = Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 3 = Scripps Institution of Oceanography, 4 = University of Washington.
unitless |
laboratory |
Arsat |
Saturation anomaly of Ar in percent. 0% indicates that the Ar concentration is equal to that expected at equilibrium for the potential temperature and salinity of the water. ie. Arsat = (Ar/Areq - 1) *100 The Ar saturation anomaly is calculated relative to the solubility curve of Hamme, R.C., S.R. Emerson (2004) "The solubility of neon, nitrogen and argon in distilled water and seawater", Deep-Sea Research I, 51(11), p. 1517-1528. These saturation anomaly values are from individual samples. Where a duplicate from the same Niskin was collected and analyzed, the duplicate's value is listed in the second column with the same label appended with "2".
unitless (percent) |
no_bcodmo_term |
Arsat2 |
Saturation anomaly of Ar in percent (duplicate value)
unitless (percent) |
no_bcodmo_term |
Arsat_secondary |
same as for Arsat but data is from independent samples collected from the same cruise and analyzed in a second laboratory
unitless (percent) |
no_bcodmo_term |
Arsat_secondary2 |
same as for Arsat2 but data is from independent samples collected from the same cruise and analyzed in a second laboratory
unitless (percent) |
no_bcodmo_term |
Ar_conc |
dissolved Ar concentration in umol/kg. These concentration values are from individual samples. Where a duplicate from the same Niskin was collected and analyzed, the duplicate's value is listed in the second column with the same label appended with "2".
micromoles per kilogram (umol/kg) |
diss_noble_gas_conc |
Ar_conc2 |
dissolved Ar concentration in umol/kg (duplicate value)
micromoles per kilogram (umol/kg) |
diss_noble_gas_conc |
Ar_conc_secondary |
same as for Ar_conc but data is from independent samples collected from the same cruise and analyzed in a second laboratory.
micromoles per kilogram (umol/kg) |
diss_noble_gas_conc |
Ar_conc_secondary2 |
same as for Ar_conc2 but data is from independent samples collected from the same cruise and analyzed in a second laboratory.
micromoles per kilogram (umol/kg) |
diss_noble_gas_conc |
cast |
number of the cast at an individual station that the water samples were drawn from. Cast is used when multiple casts occurred at a given station number.
unitless |
cast |
cruise_name |
a string consisting of: the EXPO number is listed first, followed by a colon, followed by colloquial cruise names, followed by a colon, followed by the ship name.
unitless |
cruise_name |
CTDsal |
salinity measured by the CTD, expressed on the PSS-78 scale.
unitless |
sal |
CTDtemp |
in situ temperature measured by the CTD in degrees C on the ITS-90 Temperature Scale.
degrees Celsius |
temp |
Date |
Date in format YYYY-MM-DD
unitless |
date |
day |
day; together the year, month, and day columns are the date that samples were collected.
unitless |
day |
depth |
depth in meters
meters (m) |
depth |
event |
number of the event that the water samples were drawn from. Event is used when each cast in a cruise has its own unique number.
unitless |
event |
Hesat |
Saturation anomaly of He in percent. 0% indicates that the He concentration is equal to that expected at equilibrium for the potential temperature and salinity of the water. ie. Hesat = (He/Heeq - 1) *100 The He saturation anomaly is calculated relative to the solubility curve of Weiss, R.F. (1971) "Solubility of Helium and Neon in Water and Seawater", Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 16(2), 235-241. These saturation anomaly values are from individual samples. Where a duplicate from the same Niskin was collected and analyzed, the duplicate's value is listed in the second column with the same label appended with "2".
unitless (percent) |
no_bcodmo_term |
Hesat2 |
Saturation anomaly of He in percent (duplicate value)
unitless (percent) |
no_bcodmo_term |
He_conc |
dissolved He concentration in umol/kg. These concentration values are from individual samples. Where a duplicate from the same Niskin was collected and analyzed, the duplicate's value is listed in the second column with the same label appended with "2".
micromoles per kilogram (umol/kg) |
diss_noble_gas_conc |
He_conc2 |
dissolved He concentration in umol/kg (duplicate value)
micromoles per kilogram (umol/kg) |
diss_noble_gas_conc |
Krsat |
Saturation anomaly of Kr in percent. 0% indicates that the Kr concentration is equal to that expected at equilibrium for the potential temperature and salinity of the water. ie. Krsat = (Kr/Kreq - 1) *100 Kr saturation anomaly is calculated relative to the solubility curve of Weiss, R.F., and T.K. Kyser (1978) "Solubility of Krypton in Water and Seawater", Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 23(1), 69-72. These saturation anomaly values are from individual samples. Where a duplicate from the same Niskin was collected and analyzed, the duplicate's value is listed in the second column with the same label appended with "2".
unitless (percent) |
no_bcodmo_term |
Krsat2 |
Saturation anomaly of Kr in percent (duplicate value)
unitless (percent) |
no_bcodmo_term |
Kr_Ar |
dissolved Kr/Ar ratio with no units. These ratio values are from individual samples. Where a duplicate from the same Niskin was collected and analyzed, the duplicate's value is listed in the second column with the same label appended with "2".
unitless |
diss_noble_gas_conc |
Kr_Ar2 |
dissolved Kr/Ar ratio with no units (duplicate value)
unitless |
diss_noble_gas_conc |
Kr_Arsat |
Saturation anomaly of Kr/Ar ratio in percent. 0% indicates that the Kr/Ar ratio is equal to that expected at equilibrium for the potential temperature and salinity of the water, ie. Kr/Arsat = ((Kr/Ar) / (Kreq/Areq) - 1) * 100. Kr/Ar saturation anomaly is calculated relative to the Ne solubility curve of Hamme, R.C., S.R. Emerson (2004) "The solubility of neon, nitrogen and argon in distilled water and seawater", Deep-Sea Research I, 51(11), p. 1517-1528 and the Kr solubility curve of Weiss, R.F., and T.K. Kyser (1978) "Solubility of Krypton in Water and Seawater", Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 23(1), 69-72. These saturation anomaly values are from individual samples. Where a duplicate from the same Niskin was collected and analyzed, the duplicate's value is listed in the second column with the same label appended with "2".
unitless (percent) |
no_bcodmo_term |
Kr_Arsat2 |
Saturation anomaly of Kr/Ar ratio in percent (duplicate value)
unitless (percent) |
no_bcodmo_term |
Kr_conc |
dissolved Kr concentration in umol/kg. These concentration values are from individual samples. Where a duplicate from the same Niskin was collected and analyzed, the duplicate's value is listed in the second column with the same label appended with "2".
micromoles per kilogram (umol/kg) |
diss_noble_gas_conc |
Kr_conc2 |
dissolved Kr concentration in umol/kg (duplicate value)
micromoles per kilogram (umol/kg) |
diss_noble_gas_conc |
latitude |
the latitude of the station in degrees North.
decimal degrees |
lat |
longitude |
the longitude of the station in degrees East. Negative numbers indicate degrees West.
decimal degrees |
lon |
month |
month; together the year, month, and day columns are the date that samples were collected.
unitless |
month |
N2Arsat_secondary |
same as for N2_Arsat but data is from independent samples collected from the same cruise and analyzed in a second laboratory.
unitless (percent) |
no_bcodmo_term |
N2Arsat_secondary2 |
same as for N2_Arsat2 but data is from independent samples collected from the same cruise and analyzed in a second laboratory.
unitless (percent) |
no_bcodmo_term |
N2_Ar |
dissolved N2/Ar ratio with no units. These ratio values are from individual samples. Where a duplicate from the same Niskin was collected and analyzed, the duplicate's value is listed in the second column with the same label appended with "2".
unitless |
diss_noble_gas_conc |
N2_Ar2 |
dissolved N2/Ar ratio with no units (duplicate value)
unitless |
diss_noble_gas_conc |
N2_Arsat |
Saturation anomaly of N2/Ar ratio in percent. 0% indicates that the N2/Ar ratio is equal to that expected at equilibrium for the potential temperature and salinity of the water, ie. N2Arsat = ((N2/Ar) / (N2eq/Areq) - 1) * 100. N2/Ar saturation anomaly is calculated relative to the solubility curves of Hamme, R.C., S.R. Emerson (2004) "The solubility of neon, nitrogen and argon in distilled water and seawater", Deep-Sea Research I, 51(11), p. 1517-1528. These saturation anomaly values are from individual samples. Where a duplicate from the same Niskin was collected and analyzed, the duplicate's value is listed in the second column with the same label appended with "2".
unitless (percent) |
no_bcodmo_term |
N2_Arsat2 |
Saturation anomaly of N2/Ar ratio in percent (duplicate value)
unitless (percent) |
no_bcodmo_term |
N2_Ar_secondary |
same as for N2_Ar but data is from independent samples collected from the same cruise and analyzed in a second laboratory.
unitless |
diss_noble_gas_conc |
N2_Ar_secondary2 |
same as for N2_Ar2 but data is from independent samples collected from the same cruise and analyzed in a second laboratory.
unitless |
diss_noble_gas_conc |
Nesat |
Saturation anomaly of Ne in percent. 0% indicates that the Ne concentration is equal to that expected at equilibrium for the potential temperature and salinity of the water. ie. Nesat = (Ne/Neeq - 1) *100 The Ne saturation anomaly is calculated relative to the solubility curve of Hamme, R.C., S.R. Emerson (2004) "The solubility of neon, nitrogen and argon in distilled water and seawater", Deep-Sea Research I, 51(11), p. 1517-1528. These saturation anomaly values are from individual samples. Where a duplicate from the same Niskin was collected and analyzed, the duplicate's value is listed in the second column with the same label appended with "2".
unitless (percent) |
no_bcodmo_term |
Nesat2 |
Saturation anomaly of Ne in percent (duplicate value)
unitless (percent) |
no_bcodmo_term |
Ne_Ar |
dissolved Ne/Ar ratio with no units. These ratio values are from individual samples. Where a duplicate from the same Niskin was collected and analyzed, the duplicate's value is listed in the second column with the same label appended with "2".
unitless |
diss_noble_gas_conc |
Ne_Ar2 |
dissolved Ne/Ar ratio with no units (duplicate value)
unitless |
diss_noble_gas_conc |
Ne_Arsat |
Saturation anomaly of Ne/Ar ratio in percent. 0% indicates that the Ne/Ar ratio is equal to that expected at equilibrium for the potential temperature and salinity of the water, ie. Ne/Arsat = ((Ne/Ar) / (Neeq/Areq) - 1) * 100. Ne/Ar saturation anomaly is calculated relative to the solubility curves of Hamme, R.C., S.R. Emerson (2004) "The solubility of neon, nitrogen and argon in distilled water and seawater", Deep-Sea Research I, 51(11), p. 1517-1528. These saturation anomaly values are from individual samples. Where a duplicate from the same Niskin was collected and analyzed, the duplicate's value is listed in the second column with the same label appended with "2".
unitless (percent) |
no_bcodmo_term |
Ne_Arsat2 |
Saturation anomaly of Ne/Ar ratio in percent (duplicate value)
unitless (percent) |
no_bcodmo_term |
Ne_conc |
dissolved Ne concentration in umol/kg. These concentration values are from individual samples. Where a duplicate from the same Niskin was collected and analyzed, the duplicate's value is listed in the second column with the same label appended with "2".
micromoles per kilogram (umol/kg) |
diss_noble_gas_conc |
Ne_conc2 |
dissolved Ne concentration in umol/kg (duplicate value)
micromoles per kilogram (umol/kg) |
diss_noble_gas_conc |
niskin |
number of the niskin bottle or rosette position that the water samples were drawn from.
unitless |
bottle |
potential_temp |
Potential temperature in degrees C and referenced to the surface.
degrees Celsius |
potemp |
press |
pressure in dbar
decibars (dbar) |
press |
secondary_analysis_lab |
for cruises where Ar concentration or N2/Ar ratio were measured in more than one lab, this number indicates which lab the analyses listed in the "secondary" columns were performed in. 1 = University of Victoria, 2 = Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 3 = Scripps Institution of Oceanography, 4 = University of Washington.
unitless |
laboratory |
sequence |
a sequential numerical identifier for each cruise, unique to this database.
unitless |
cruise_id |
sigma_theta |
Potential density of the seawater expressed in sigma units and referenced to the surface.
sigma units |
sigma_theta |
station |
number of the station that the water samples were drawn from. Station is used when each station (location) in a cruise has its own unique number but multiple casts occurred at a given station number.
unitless |
station |
Xesat |
Saturation anomaly of Xe in percent. 0% indicates that the He concentration is equal to that expected at equilibrium for the potential temperature and salinity of the water. ie. Xesat = (Xe/Xeeq - 1) *100 The Xe saturation anomaly is calculated relative to the solubility curve of D. Wood and R. Caputi (1966) "Solubilities of Kr and Xe in fresh and sea water", U.S. Naval Radiological Defense Laboratory, Technical Report USNRDL-TR-988, San Francisco, CA, pp. 14. These saturation anomaly values are from individual samples. Where a duplicate from the same Niskin was collected and analyzed, the duplicate's value is listed in the second column with the same label appended with "2".
unitless (percent) |
no_bcodmo_term |
Xesat2 |
Saturation anomaly of Xe in percent (duplicate value)
unitless (percent) |
no_bcodmo_term |
Xe_conc |
dissolved Xe concentration in umol/kg. These concentration values are from individual samples. Where a duplicate from the same Niskin was collected and analyzed, the duplicate's value is listed in the second column with the same label appended with "2".
micromoles per kilogram (umol/kg) |
diss_noble_gas_conc |
Xe_conc2 |
dissolved Xe concentration in umol/kg (duplicate value)
micromoles per kilogram (umol/kg) |
diss_noble_gas_conc |
year |
year; together the year, month, and day columns are the date that samples were collected.
unitless |
year |