Dataset: Underway Chl
Deployment: OC1601A

View Data: For data, See Dataset Metadata Page:
Principal Investigator: 
Miguel A. Goni (Oregon State University, OSU-CEOAS)
Co-Principal Investigator: 
Angelicque E. White (University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa, SOEST)
Emmanuel Alegria (Oregon State University, OSU-CEOAS)
Elizabeth R. Corvi (Oregon State University, OSU-CEOAS)
Katie Watkins-Brandt (Oregon State University, OSU-CEOAS)
Kylie A. Welch (Oregon State University, OSU-CEOAS)
Miguel A. Goni (Oregon State University, OSU-CEOAS)
BCO-DMO Data Manager: 
Karen Soenen (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, WHOI BCO-DMO)

These data are part of a manuscript submitted to Continental Shelf Research:

Goñi, M.A., Welch, K.A., Alegria, E., Alleau Y., Watkins-Brandt, K., White, A.E. (submitted) Wintertime Particulate Organic Matter Distributions in Surface Waters of the Northern California Current System. Continental Shelf Research.

The data are shown in figures in the manuscript (Figure 7) and in supplementary information (Figure 4S).

More information about this dataset deployment