Parameter: haul_factor

Master parameters information
Short Name:
Short Description:
Official Name:
No Data Value:

haul factor, used to calculatue displacement volume, 100/volume filtered (m3)

Dataset-parameters information
Supplied Name: 
Supplied Units: 
100/volume filtered (m3)
Conversion Necessary: 

haul factor.
A standard haul factor (SHF) was calculated for each Bongo net tow to make them comparable
and to allow estimation of areal abundance. The SHF is calculated by the formula:
SHF = 10D/V

where D = depth of haul = cosine of the average angle of stray of the towing cable
multiplied by cable length (m)

V = total volume of water (m3) strained during the haul.

V = R * a * p

where R = total number of revolutions of the current meter during the haul

a = area (m2) of the mouth of the net

p = length of the column of water needed produce one revolution of the current meter