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Deployment: PacFlux_II_cruise_2

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End Date: 
Equatorial Pacific

PacFlux II/cruise 2, 12/11/91 to 1/31/92

The cruise track data were taken from the single data set contributed as ancillary JGOFS data.

The University of Southern California research vessel (R/V) John V. Vickers transited westward along the equator from 103 to 139°W for PACFLUX II investigations of the Joint Global Ocean Flux Studies (JGOFS) program. A model T4 expendable bathythermograph (XBT),
which recorded temperature at 728 sequential times or "counts" between the surface and 460 m, was launched at integral longitudes.
The 103°W-XBT was launched on 27 December 1991 and the temperature profile at 139°W was recorded on 13 January 1992. The Vickers remained on station near 0°, 124°W for 6 days beginning 4 January. All XBT observations were intended to be transmitted on the Global
Telecommunications System (GTS) and to be used in the NMC weekly hindcast. However, the XBT-to-GTS technique performed successfully only between 130° and 139°W or from 12-13 January. No Vickers' XBT data were assimilated between 130 and 103°W. Fortunately, the XBT
recorder on the Vickers stored all the XBT data measured from 103 - 139°W. However, none of those data were contributed to the US JGOFS DMO.