
Name Acronym
North Pacific Research Board NPBR
Agencia Nacional de Promoción Científica y Tecnológica
Agouron Institute AI
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Sloan
Alfred Wegener Instituite for Polar and Marine Research AWI
Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre ACECRC
Australian Antarctic Sciences Program AASP
Australian National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy NCRIS
Australian Research Council ARC
Boston College
Bureau of Ocean Energy Management BOEM
California Department of Fish and Wildlife CDFW
California Sea Grant CASG
Centro de Investigacao Marinha e Ambiental CIMAR
Chemical, Bioengineering, Environmental and Transport Systems CBET
Coastal Ocean Observing and Analysis COOA
Connecticut Sea Grant CTSG
David and Lucile Packard Foundation Packard
Defence Science and Technology Laboratory DSTL
Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Canada DFO
European Commission Horizon 2020 Framework Programme H2020 - 2014-2020
European Commission Marie Curie Actions Program EC - Marie Curie Actions
European Commission Seventh Framework Programme FP7-ENV-2010
Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Trustees Council EVOSTC
Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission FWC
Florida Institute of Oceanography FIO
Fondo Nacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación of Venezuela FONACIT
Fulbright Foundation Fulbright
Fund for Advanced Research in Priority Areas FONDAP (Centers of Excellence) FONDAP
Fundacion Andes Fundacion Andes
Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation GBMF
Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation: Marine Microbiology Initiative MMI
Great Lakes Observing System GLOS
Gulf Research Program of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine GRP
Hawaii Undersea Research Laboratory HURL
International Geosphere Biosphere Programme IGBP
International Research Co-Fund Collaboration Program of QU IRCC
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology KAUST
Maine Department of Marine Resources Maine DNR
Marine Science and Technology Foundation MSTF
Minnesota Sea Grant MN Sea Grant
NASA Astrobiology Science & Technology for Exploring Planets NASA-ASTEP
NASA Ocean Carbon and Biogeochemistry Program NASA OCB
National Aeronautics & Space Administration NASA
National Commission for Science and Technology (CONICYT), Chile CONICYT
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation NFWF
National Geographic Soceity NatGEO
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences NIEHS
National Institute of Standards and Technology NIST
National Institutes of Health NIH
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NOAA
National Science Foundation NSF
National Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada NSERC
Netherlands Geosciences Foundation GOA
Netherlands Marine Research Foundation SOZ
Netherlands Organization of Scientific Research NWO, The Hague, The Netherlands
New Hampshire Sea Grant NHSG
New Zealand Foundation for Research, Science and Technology FRST
New Zealand International Science and Technology Fund ISAT
New Zealand National Institute for Water and Atmospheric Research NIWA
NMFS/Northeast Fisheries Science Center NOAA NEFSC
NOAA Center for Sponsored Coastal Ocean Research Coastal Ocean Program NOAA/CSCOR/COP
NOAA Ocean Exploration
NOAA Oceanic and Atmospheric Research (OAR) Climate Program Office NOAA OAR Climate Program
NOAA/National Marine Fisheries Service NOAA/NMFS
North Atlantic Treaty Organisation NATO
NorthEast Consortium NEC
NSF Antarctic Sciences NSF ANT
NSF Arctic Sciences NSF ARC
NSF Division of Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences NSF AGS
NSF Division of Biological Infrastructure NSF DBI
NSF Division of Earth Sciences NSF EAR
NSF Division of Environmental Biology NSF DEB
NSF Division of Integrative Organismal Systems NSF IOS
NSF Division of Molecular and Cellular Biosciences NSF MCB
NSF Division of Ocean Sciences NSF OCE
NSF Division of Polar Programs NSF PLR
NSF Division of Research, Innovation, Synergies and Education RISE
NSF Divsion of Integrative and Collaborative Education and Research NSF ICER
NSF Emerging Frontiers Division NSF EF
NSF Ocean Sciences Ocean Drilling Program NSF OCE-ODP
NSF Ocean Sciences Research Initiation Grants NSF OCE-RIG
NSF Office of Integrative Activities NSF OIA
NSF Office of International Science and Engineering NSF OISE
NSF Office of Polar Programs (formerly NSF PLR) NSF OPP
Ocean Frontier Institute OFI
Office of Naval Research ONR
Pelagic Fisheries Research Program PFRP
Research Grant Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, China RGC
Schmidt Ocean Institute SOI
Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research SCOR
Simons Foundation Simons
Slocum-Lunz Foundation
Sultan Qaboos University Sultan Qaboos U.
Swiss National Science Foundation SNSF
The European Community - CARUSO CARUSO
The European Community - ORFOIS ORFOIS
The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine NAS
U.S. Department of Energy's Genomic Science program (formerly Genomics:GTL) DOE GTL Program
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Program USFWS WSFR
U.S. Food and Drug Administration FDA
United Kingdom Natural Environmental Research Council NERC
United States Naval Research Laboratory Navy/NRL
Universidad de Buenos Aires
University of Maine UMe
US Department of Agriculture USDA
US Department of Energy DOE
US Department of Energy - Joint Genome Institute DOE-JGI
US Environmental Protection Agency US EPA
US Geological Survey USGS
WHOI WHOI - internal
WHOI Access to the Sea Fund Access to the Sea
WHOI Ocean Life Institute WHOI OLI
Woods Hole Sea Grant WH Sea Grant