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Total chlorophyll a pigment. See dataset for units of measurement; often reported in: milligrams per cubic meter (mg/m3); micrograms/liter (ug/L); nanograms/liter (ng/L).
CAUTION Within JGOFS MERGED water column products: this parameter is derived from HPLC methodology and the units are nanograms/liter; however; this parameter name is also used for a variety of water and nonwater column sampling; derived via the fluorometric method; units will also vary.
Chlorophyll-a; Acquired with WET Labs MCOMS Chlorophyll Fluorometer (excitation 470 nm/emission 695 nm). A dark offset was subtracted from the raw sensor counts and the result was multiplied by a factory-determined scale factor to obtain fluorometric chlorophyll-a concentration [ug/L]. The dark offset was computed separately for each sensor as the mean of the deep-water minima measured during all profiles between July and September 2013 at BATS (https://www.bco-dmo.org/dataset/728371). Chl [ug/L] = Scale Factor * (Output - Dark Counts)