
Datasetsort descending Project Validated Version
alongtrack Population ecology of Salpa thompsoni based on molecular indicators (Salp_Antarctic) Yes 30 May 2012
alongtrack Census of Marine Zooplankton-2004-2010 (CMarZ_2004-2010) Yes 1
alongtrack Seasonal and decadal changes in temperature drive Prochlorococcus ecotype distribution patterns (POWOW) Yes 2
alongtrack Lipid lubrication of oceanic carbon and sulfur biogeochemistry via a host-virus chemical arms race (NA-VICE) Yes 05 Oct 2012
alongtrack U.S. GLOBEC Georges Bank (GB) Yes 1
Alongtrack Data NBP10-02 Possible climate-induced change in the distribution of Pleuragramma antarcticum on the Western Antarctic Peninsula Shelf (Antarctic_micronek) Yes 14 January 2014
alongtrack New Horizon 2000 U.S. GLOBEC Northeast Pacific (NEP) Yes 1
alongtrack SJ9505 U.S. GLOBEC Georges Bank (GB) Yes 1
alongtrack SJ9507 U.S. GLOBEC Georges Bank (GB) 2005-09-15
alongtrackel U.S. GLOBEC Georges Bank (GB) Yes 1
alongtrackoc U.S. GLOBEC Georges Bank (GB) Yes 1
alongtrack_AT15-61 RAPID: Synechococcus diversity and Fe stress and the relationship to dissolved metals in the Eastern Tropical South Pacific (Syne_ETSP) Yes
alongtrack_lmg0602 Salpa Thompsoni in the Southern Ocean: Bioenergetics, Population Dynamics and Biogeochemical Impact (SouthernSalps) Yes
alongtrack_PS Census of Marine Zooplankton-2004-2010 (CMarZ_2004-2010) Yes
alongtrack_RHB_d Census of Marine Zooplankton-2004-2010 (CMarZ_2004-2010) Yes
alongtrack_RHB_m Census of Marine Zooplankton-2004-2010 (CMarZ_2004-2010) Yes
alongtrack_RHB_w Census of Marine Zooplankton-2004-2010 (CMarZ_2004-2010) Yes
Alteromonas ancestor Impacts of Evolution on the Response of Phytoplankton Populations to Rising CO2 (P-ExpEv) Yes 1
Alteromonas macleodii MIT1002 replete proteome C-CoMP Model Bacteria Physiological Studies (C-CoMP Model Bacteria) Yes 1
Alvin Dive Log (preliminary) Collaborative research: Quantifying the biological, chemical, and physical linkages between chemosynthetic communities and the surrounding deep sea (Costa Rica Seeps) No 12 Sept 2017
Alvin dive plans - reports - sample sheets Collaborative Research: Environmental Drivers of Chemoautotrophic Carbon Production at Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vents - Comparative Roles of Oxygen and Nitrate (vent O2 NO3 roles) Yes 1
Alvin dive sites Collaborative Research: Environmental Drivers of Chemoautotrophic Carbon Production at Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vents - Comparative Roles of Oxygen and Nitrate (vent O2 NO3 roles) Yes 1
Alviniconcha gill transcriptomes Collaborative Research: Ecosystem dynamics of Western Pacific hydrothermal vent communities associated with polymetallic sulfide deposits (Eco Dyn W Pacific Vents) 0
Amazon Plume Radium-2018 Collaborative Research: Impact of the Amazon River Plume on Nitrogen Availability and Planktonic Food Web Dynamics in the Western Tropical North Atlantic (Amazon River Plume Nitrogen) Yes 1
Amazon Plume Radium-2019 Collaborative Research: Impact of the Amazon River Plume on Nitrogen Availability and Planktonic Food Web Dynamics in the Western Tropical North Atlantic (Amazon River Plume Nitrogen) Yes 1
Amino acid d13C values of diatoms and bacteria The Use of Nitrogen Isotopes of Amino Acids To Understand Marine Sedimentary 15N Records (Amino Acid Sediment 15N) Yes 1
Amino acid d13C values of Thalassiosira weissflogii The Use of Nitrogen Isotopes of Amino Acids To Understand Marine Sedimentary 15N Records (Amino Acid Sediment 15N) Yes 1
Amino Acid d15N transfer Resolving the trophic connection between protistan grazers and mesozooplankton in marine food webs using amino acid-specific stable isotope analyses (CSIA-AA Mesozooplankton TP) Yes 17 May 2017
Amino Acid Enantiomeric Ratios The Microbial Nitrogen Pump: Coupling 14C and Compound-specific Amino Acids to Understand the Role of Microbial Transformations in the Refractory Ocean DON Pool (DON Microbial Nitrogen Pump) Yes 1
Amino acid isotopes from mussels The Use of Nitrogen Isotopes of Amino Acids To Understand Marine Sedimentary 15N Records (Amino Acid Sediment 15N) Yes 1
Amino Acids CAMEO 2009 - A novel tool for validating trophic position estimates in ecosystem-based fisheries models (CAMEO_Trophic_Position) Yes 19 May 2015
amino_acids U.S. JGOFS Equatorial Pacific (EqPac) Yes January 2, 2002
amino_acids_susp U.S. JGOFS Equatorial Pacific (EqPac) Yes November 28, 2001
amino_acids_tow U.S. JGOFS Equatorial Pacific (EqPac) Yes December 12, 2001
amino_core U.S. JGOFS Equatorial Pacific (EqPac) Yes December 17, 2001
Ammonia and Urea-derived-N Oxidation Rates Collaborative Research: New Approaches to New Production (N-SPOT) Yes 2
Ammonia oxidation rate profiles Significance of nitrification in shaping planktonic biodiversity in the ocean (Nitrification and Marine Planktonic Biodiversity) Yes
Ammonia-nitrite-nitrate assays Quantifying the role of Group I Crenarchaeota in the marine nitrogen cycle using cultures and environmental monitoring of ammonia oxidation, 16S rRNA genes and lipid biomarkers (Marine Nitrogen Cycle) No 24 March 2011
ammonium U.S. JGOFS Equatorial Pacific (EqPac) Yes December 21, 1994
ammonium Seasonal and decadal changes in temperature drive Prochlorococcus ecotype distribution patterns (POWOW) Yes 2
ammonium U.S. JGOFS Arabian Sea (Arabian Sea) Yes final
ammonium removal by seaweeds The Role of Regenerated Nitrogen for Rocky Shore Productivity (Regenerated Nitrogen) Yes 2014-11-04
ammonium_urea U.S. JGOFS Antarctic Environment and Southern Ocean Process Study (AESOPS) Yes final
Amplicon sequencing of ammonia oxidizing archaea amoA gene Significance of nitrification in shaping planktonic biodiversity in the ocean (Nitrification and Marine Planktonic Biodiversity) Yes
AMT22 Population Samples Basin-scale genetics of marine zooplankton (Plankton Population Genetics) Yes 01 May 2017
AN10-12 Surface pCO2 and Chl a Amazon iNfluence on the Atlantic: CarbOn export from Nitrogen fixation by DiAtom Symbioses (ANACONDAS) Yes 1
AN10/KN197-08 CTD Nutrients and Particles Amazon iNfluence on the Atlantic: CarbOn export from Nitrogen fixation by DiAtom Symbioses (ANACONDAS) No 2
AN10/KN197-08 Underway Nutrients and Particles Amazon iNfluence on the Atlantic: CarbOn export from Nitrogen fixation by DiAtom Symbioses (ANACONDAS) 2
AN12/AT21-04 CTD Nutrients and Particles Amazon iNfluence on the Atlantic: CarbOn export from Nitrogen fixation by DiAtom Symbioses (ANACONDAS) No 2
AN12/AT21-04 Underway Nutrients and Particles Amazon iNfluence on the Atlantic: CarbOn export from Nitrogen fixation by DiAtom Symbioses (ANACONDAS) No 2
Anaerobic Peru Margin 2002 World-wide exploration of microbial eukaryote diversity and activity in the marine subsurface (Microbial Euk Div Mar Subsurface) Yes 05 November 2015
Anaerobic Sediment 18S rRNA amplicons Genomic analyses and microbial cultivations in unexplored sub-seafloor ridge flank and continental margin environments (Subseafloor Microbial Ecology) No 02 Dec 2015
Anchovy data of Chesapeake Bay Hypoxia in Marine Ecosystems: Implications for Neritic Copepods (DeZoZoo) No working
Anderson & Rynearson 2020: Skeletonema CHN Dimensions: Collaborative Research: Genetic, functional and phylogenetic diversity determines marine phytoplankton community responses to changing temperature and nutrients (Phytoplankton Community Responses) Yes 1
Anderson & Rynearson 2020: Skeletonema thermal growth Dimensions: Collaborative Research: Genetic, functional and phylogenetic diversity determines marine phytoplankton community responses to changing temperature and nutrients (Phytoplankton Community Responses) Yes 1
anemone observations log RAPID: Mega-typhoon impacts on the metapopulation resilience of coral reef fishes (Reef Fish Resilience) Yes 1
Angola weekly cholera incidence at the province level Modeling the Effects of Heterogeneity in Water Quality on Cholera Disease Dynamics (Cholera_Disease_Dyn) Yes
Annual Mussel Growth Collaborative Research: Mechanisms of resistance and resilience to system-wide loss of a keystone predator in an iconic intertidal community (Keystone Species Loss)

LTREB: Testing tipping points in a model rocky intertidal meta-ecosystem – Climate-change, increasing variances, and response mechanisms (LTREB Intertidal Tipping Points)
No 1
ANOVA means Influence of organism-scale turbulence on the predatory impacts of a suite of cnidarian medusae (jellyfish predation in turbulence) Yes
Antarctic ACROBAT data Collaborative Research: Physical Mechanisms Driving Food Web Focusing in Antarctic Biological Hotspots (Project SWARM) No 1
Antarctic Biological Model Output Collaborative Research: Elucidating Environmental Controls of Productivity in Polynas and the Western Antarctic Peninsula (Western Antarctic Polynas) Yes 1
Antarctic Coral Flabellum impensum metabolism Possible climate-induced change in the distribution of Pleuragramma antarcticum on the Western Antarctic Peninsula Shelf (Antarctic_micronek)

Micronekton of the Cariaco Basin: Adaptation to a severe oxygen minimum (CARIACO-micronek)
No 17 January 2014
Antarctic dFe model dyes Collaborative Research: Elucidating Environmental Controls of Productivity in Polynas and the Western Antarctic Peninsula (Western Antarctic Polynas) Yes 2
Antarctic krill schooling: 3D trajectories Collaborative Research: Individual Based Approaches to Understanding Krill Distributions and Aggregations (Krill Aggregation) No 1
Antarctic krill schooling: Rotation order parameters Collaborative Research: Individual Based Approaches to Understanding Krill Distributions and Aggregations (Krill Aggregation) No 1
Antarctic krill schooling: Speed and nearest neighbor distances Collaborative Research: Individual Based Approaches to Understanding Krill Distributions and Aggregations (Krill Aggregation) No 1
Antarctic_benthic_organisms The effects of ocean acidification and rising sea surface temperatures on shallow-water benthic organisms in Antarctica (OA_Antarctic_organisms) Yes 2014-09-11
Antillogorgia americana Branch Variation Collaborative Research: Pattern and process in the abundance and recruitment of Caribbean octocorals (Octocoral Community Dynamics)

Effects of Vegetative Reproduction on the Distribution and Abundance of Benthic Marine Invertebrates (Invertebrate vegetative reproduction)
Yes 1
Antillogorgia americana Monthly Surveys Collaborative Research: Pattern and process in the abundance and recruitment of Caribbean octocorals (Octocoral Community Dynamics)

Effects of Vegetative Reproduction on the Distribution and Abundance of Benthic Marine Invertebrates (Invertebrate vegetative reproduction)
Yes 1
AOGCM-derived upwelling data Climate Change and Upwelling -- Comparative Analysis of Current and Future Responses of the California and Benguela Ecosystems (CalBenJI) No 27 June 2016
APA Bioassay Experiments Collaborative Research: Assessing the role of compound-specific phosphorus hydrolase transformations in the marine phosphorus cycle (P-hydrolase) No 1
APA In-situ Experiments Collaborative Research: Assessing the role of compound-specific phosphorus hydrolase transformations in the marine phosphorus cycle (P-hydrolase) No 1
Apparent Quantum Yields Collaborative Research: Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Recycling of Refractory Dissolved Organic Carbon in Seawater (Refractory DOC Recycling) Yes 1
AQMET Air quality and meteorological measurements Collaborative Research: Impacts of atmospheric nitrogen deposition on the biogeochemistry of oligotrophic coastal waters (DANCE) Yes 1
Aquaculture N Cycle Microbial Regulation of Greenhouse Gas N2O Emission from Intertidal Oyster Reefs (Oyster Reef N2O Emission) Yes 1
Aquaculture treatments Collaborative Research: The Role of Larval Orientation Behavior in Determining Population Connectivity (Elacatinus Dispersal II) Yes 1
AR16 Experiment Chl a Collaborative Research: Defining the biogeochemical drivers of diatom physiological ecology in the North Atlantic (North Atlantic Diatoms) No 0
AR16 in situ Chl a Collaborative Research: Defining the biogeochemical drivers of diatom physiological ecology in the North Atlantic (North Atlantic Diatoms) No 0
AR16 Water column nutrients Redox Cycling of Phosphorus in the Western North Atlantic Ocean (Phosphorus Redox Cycling) Yes 1
AR16_Bottle Redox Cycling of Phosphorus in the Western North Atlantic Ocean (Phosphorus Redox Cycling) Yes 1
AR16_CTD Redox Cycling of Phosphorus in the Western North Atlantic Ocean (Phosphorus Redox Cycling) Yes 1
AR16_Water_Column Redox Cycling of Phosphorus in the Western North Atlantic Ocean (Phosphorus Redox Cycling) Yes 1
Arabian Gulf Carbonate System Chemistry Carbonate System Chemistry in the Arabian Gulf (Arabian Gulf CO2) Yes 1
Arabian Sea phytoplankton Quantitative importance and trophic role of Noctiluca blooms in the Arabian Sea (Arabian Sea Noctiluca) Yes 2013-05-22
Arctic Nitrogen Fixation Rates Does competition for nitrogen between autotrophs and heterotrophs control carbon fluxes in the western coastal Arctic? (ArcticNITRO) Yes
Arctic water column 7Be Collaborative Research: Defining the Atmospheric Deposition of Trace Elements Into The Arctic Ocean-Ice Ecosystem During The Year-Long MOSAiC Ice Drift (MOSAiC) Yes 1
AREAL Summary Southern Ocean Iron Release Experiment (SOIREE) Yes 18August2009
areal_sum U.S. JGOFS Arabian Sea (Arabian Sea) Yes September 10, 1999
Arenicola marina hydraulics Linking infaunal hydraulic activities, porewater flow and biogeochemical processes in marine sediments (Infaunal Hydraulics) Yes 17 May 2013
Argo SCVs CAREER: Multiple Scales of Nitrogen Cycle in Oxygen Minimum Zones (Multiple Scales of Nitrogen Cycle in the Ocean)

Collaborative Research: Understanding the distribution and biogeochemical role of anaerobic microenvironments in the ocean (Ocean Particles and Microenvironments)
Yes 1
ARISA bin taxonomy Pattern and Process in Marine Bacterial, Archaeal, and Protistan Biodiversity, and Effects of Human Impacts (Bacterial, Archaeal, and Protistan Biodiversity)

Marine viral dynamics and incorporation into microbial association networks (Marine Viral Dynamics)
No 2014-11-05
ARISA relative abundances Pattern and Process in Marine Bacterial, Archaeal, and Protistan Biodiversity, and Effects of Human Impacts (Bacterial, Archaeal, and Protistan Biodiversity)

Marine viral dynamics and incorporation into microbial association networks (Marine Viral Dynamics)
Yes 2014-11-05
ARK27-3: Bulk FLA hydrolysis rates Latitudinal and depth-related contrasts in enzymatic capabilities of pelagic microbial communities: Predictable patterns in the ocean? (Patterns of activities) Yes 1
