13C samples | 13C-productivity measurements with rate calculations as per Legendre and Gosselin | C-MORE | depth |
14C 32Si Experimental - from RR1813 | 32Si and 14C production data (experimental) | Diatoms and carbon export | Target_Depth |
15N Rate Summary | LMG1801 15N Rate Summary | Oxidation of Urea N | Sample_Depth |
15N Uptake Rates | 15N Uptake Rates | Marine Nitrogen Cycling by Stable Isotope Probing | Depth |
15N2 samples | N2-fixation rate measurements employed the 15-N2 isotopic tracer method described by Montoya et al. | C-MORE | depth |
16S and 18S rRNA gene amplicon sequences | 16S and 18S rRNA gene amplicon sequences | HHQSignals | depth |
16S rRNA clone library | NCBI Accessions for 16S rRNA clone libraries made with bacterial 8F and 519R primers. | CoFeMUG | Depth |
16S rRNA gene sequences of bacteria from members of an Arctic clade | 16S rRNA gene sequences of bacteria including some of Arctic96BD-19/SUP05 clade | Sulfur Oxidizers | depth |
16S rRNA Sequences | 16S rRNA sequence data from venting fluids and microbial mats at Axial Seamount, 2011. | AXIAL | depth |
17D and isotopic ratios | 17D and isotopic ratios | UpRISEE O2 upwelling | depth |
1d_model_simulations | 1-dimensional data assimilative modeling results for Sta. ALOHA | C-MORE | depth |
2006-2017_summer_bottom_GoM | Bottom water measurements from the North Gulf of Mexico. | nGOMx acidification | Depth |
2017 Wire Flyer 4Hz data | 4Hz data from 12 Wire Flyer deployments in 2017 | Metabolic Index | Depth_m |
2017-2018-2019 BBL_CTD/Rosette | | BBEDOS | Depth |
2017-2019_GOM_Meta_Discrete_submission | | nGOMx acidification | Depth |
2018 Hurricane Season: Water column properties, collection information, and carbon geochemistry | | GSPS Hurricane | Water_Depth |
2018 Ross Sea Zooplankton Abundance: IKMT | 2018 Ross Sea Zooplankton Abundance: IKMT | bio-acoustic plankton surveys | Net_depth_m |
2018 Ross Sea Zooplankton Abundance: Ring net | 2018 Ross Sea Zooplankton Abundance: ring net | bio-acoustic plankton surveys | Net_depth_m |
2018 Salt Pond | Site and sampling information, infected host and dinospore count data. | Coastal Parasites | Depth |
2018 Wire Flyer 4Hz data | 2018 Wire Flyer 4Hz data | Costa Rica Seeps | Depth_m |
2019 BAIT / GApr13 Dissolved Iron Concentration and Isotopes | 2019 BAIT / GApr13 Dissolved Iron Concentration and Isotopes | Dust Ligand Interactions, BAIT | Sample_Depth |
2019 BAIT Dissolved Iron Speciation | Dissolved iron speciation results from 2019 Bermuda Atlantic Iron Time-series (BAIT) cruises | BAIT | DEPTH |
2019 BAIT Dissolved Nickel Speciation | Dissolved nickel speciation results from 2019 Bermuda Atlantic Iron Time-series (BAIT) cruises | BAIT | DEPTH |
2019 BAIT Particulate Metals | 2019 BAIT Particulate Metals | BAIT | DEPTH |
234Th | All 234Th measurements made during this study | UpRISEE O2 upwelling | def_depth, depth |
234Th - AN10 | 234Th (dpm/L) | ANACONDAS | Depth |
234Th Flux | 234Th flux in epipelagic waters of Station Aloha and the Equatorial North Pacific | SuspendSinkPart, Hg_Biogeochemistry | Depth |
32Si Profiles - from RR1813 | 32Si data from EXPORTS cruise | Diatoms and carbon export | Target_Depth |
515F-926R 16S rRNA accessions | 515F-926R 16S rRNA accessions, Mariana and Kermadec trenches, 2014 | Mariana Perspectives | Depth |
5a_field collection | Field collection data for taxa detected in nauplii guts | food limitation in copepod nauplii | depth |
Abalone Recruitment Modules | | Abalone Safe Places | depth |
ABLE Subsurface 2016-18 | Subsurface data from ABLE deployments in the upwelling region of the west coast of northern California from 2016-2018 | ABLE | Target_Z, Migration_depth_1, Migration_depth_2, Depth |
ABLE Surface 2016-18 | Surface data from ABLE deployments in the upwelling region of the west coast of northern California from 2016-2018 | ABLE | Migration_depth_1, Migration_depth_2 |
Absorption coefficients | | CDOM Optical Properties | Depth |
Acartia tonsa mortality with CTD data: RV Sharp | Acartia tonsa mortality from Niskin and associated CTD data | CopesPopDynHypoZone | Depth |
ACE-Leg 1 NO3 Isotopes | ACE-Leg 1 NO3 Isotopes | Nitrate Assimilation Phytoplankton | Depth |
Acropora hyacinthus energetics and reproduction | Acropora hyacinthus energetics and reproduction | Moorea coral bleaching | depth |
Acropora hyacinthus ITS2 amplicon sequencing | | Moorea coral bleaching | Depth |
ADCP | Shipboard acoustic doppler current profiler (ADCP) | AESOPS | depth |
ADCP - Inside Kelp Forest | | Kelp forest biogeochemistry | Zbin_Depth |
ADCP - Outside Kelp Forest | | Kelp forest biogeochemistry | Zbin_Depth |
ADCP - TRANSPORT Fixed Station Moored | Moored ADCP data from the Fixed Station cruises of the TRANSPORT program, 2011-2012 | TRANSPORT | depth, total_depth_echo |
ADCP_5minute | Five minute ADCP data | SOGLOBEC | depth |
ADCP_hourly | Hourly ADCP data | SOGLOBEC | depth |
ADCP_Weicker | Current velocities from ADCP on R/V Lowell Weicker May 2012 | CiliateSequencing | depth |
ADV Summary | Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter (ADV) collected from the surface to the bottom at 30 cm intervals from the MBL dock. | Mnemiopsis feeding in turbulence | depth |
AE1319: CTD profiles | AE1319 ctd | Biological C:N:P ratios | Depth |
AE1620 bottles: Biogeochemical and Microbial data | bottle data AE1620 | Bacterial DOC cycling | Depth |
AE1703 bottles: Biogeochemical and Microbial data | bottle data AE1703 | Bacterial DOC cycling | Depth |
AE1812 in situ Chl a | | North Atlantic Diatoms | depth |
AE1812 Redox data | AE1812 redox | North Atlantic Diatoms, Phosphorus Redox Cycling | Depth |
AE1812 Water column phosphate data | AE1812 water column phosphates | North Atlantic Diatoms, Phosphorus Redox Cycling | Depth |
AE1910 CTD Bottles | | Zooplankton Diel Rhythm | DepSM_avg, DepSM_stdev |
AE1910 CTD Profiles | CTD profiles from R/V Atlantic Explorer cruise AE1910 during May 2019 | Zooplankton Diel Rhythm | DepSM |
AE1910 MOCNESS Continuous | Continuous MOCNESS data files from AE1910 | Zooplankton Diel Rhythm | depSM |
AE1913 Clio pigments | | Nutrient Stress Responses and AUV Clio | Depth |
AE1913 CTD data | | Nutrient Stress Responses and AUV Clio | depSM |
AE1913 Macronutrients, dissolved and particulate trace metals | | Nutrient Stress Responses and AUV Clio | depth |
AE1913 Peptide Spectral Counts | | Nutrient Stress Responses and AUV Clio | depth_m |
AE1913 Protein Spectral Counts | | Nutrient Stress Responses and AUV Clio | depth_m |
AE1913 R2R ELOG | | Nutrient Stress Responses and AUV Clio | Seafloor |
AE1918 CTD Profiles | Processed CTD (1 m binned) data from AE1918 cruise | Zooplankton Diel Rhythm | depSM |
AE1918 MOCNESS Continuous | Continuous MOCNESS data files from AE1918 | Zooplankton Diel Rhythm | CTDDEPTH |
AE1926 CTD Profile Casts | AE1926 CTD profiles | InVirT | Depth |
AE2207 ADCP Current Depth Profiles | AE2207 ADCP current depth profiles | InVirT | z |
AE2207 Processed CTD with Thermodynamic Calculations | AE2207 Processed CTD with Thermodynamic Calculations | InVirT | corrected_depth, dcm |
AE2207 Unprocessed CTD | AE2207 CTD | InVirT | DEPTH |
aggregates | Aggregates | EqPac | depth |
Aleutian kelp forest density data from 2008-10 | Kelp and urchin mean densities from Aleutian habitat surveys 2008-2010 | Kelp Forest Apex Predator Collapse | Depth |
Alexandrium cell counts | Alexandrium cell counts | WHCOHH Algal Bloom Dynamics | Depth |
algal classes | ChemTax based chl-a of algal groups from the Sargasso Sea. | Trophic BATS | depth |
Algal Habitat Coverage | Algal Habitat Coverage | Urchin metapopulations | AverageDepth |
Alkalinity and dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) from water samples collected at coral reefs in the equatorial central Pacific in 1973, 2012, 2015, and 2018 | Alkalinity and dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) from sea water samples collected at coral reefs from equatorial central Pacific in 1973, 2012, 2015, and 2018 | Biophysics of Coral Reef Resilience | Depth |
All Bottle | All Bottle | ECOHAB-PNW | depth, DepS |
All Bottle | CTD bottle data (macronutrients, chlorophyll) | RISE | depth |
Alvin Dive Log (preliminary) | Preliminary log of samples collected during Alvin dives from R/V Atlantis cruise AT37-13 in the Costa Rica margin | Costa Rica Seeps | Depth |
Amazon plume POC biomarkers | Amazon plume POC biomarkers | ANACONDAS | Depth |
Amazon Plume Radium-2018 | Radium isotope (223Ra, 224Ra, and 226Ra) measurements from CTD and underway water samples. | Amazon River Plume Nitrogen | Depth |
Amazon Plume Radium-2019 | EN640 Radium | Amazon River Plume Nitrogen | Depth |
Amazon plume trap biomarkers | Amazon plume trap biomarkers | ANACONDAS | Depth |
Amino Acid Enantiomeric Ratios | Amino acid enantiomeric ratios (D/L) of high and low molecular weight (HMW, LMW) DOM collected from the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre and Central North Atlantic | DON Microbial Nitrogen Pump | depth |
Ammonia and Urea-derived-N Oxidation Rates | Ammonia and urea-derived-N oxidation rates measured using 15N additions from San Pedro Ocean Time-series (SPOT) measured between 2014 to 2016 | N-SPOT | depth |
Ammonia oxidation rate profiles | Ammonia oxidation rate profiles from cruise KM1314, Aug. 8 - Sept. 4, 2013 in the northern Pacific | Nitrification and Marine Planktonic Biodiversity | depth |
Ammonia-nitrite-nitrate assays | Ammonia-nitrite-nitrate assays | Marine Nitrogen Cycle | Depth |
ammonium | High Sensitivity Euphotic Zone Ammonium | Arabian Sea | depth |
ammonium | High-sensitivity euphotic zone ammonium data | EqPac | depth |
ammonium | Ammonium (NH4) data from CTD rosette bottles from 3 POWOW cruises. | POWOW | depth |
Amplicon sequencing of ammonia oxidizing archaea amoA gene | Amplicon sequencing of ammonia oxidizing archaea amoA gene from cruise KM1314, Aug. 8 - Sept. 4, 2013 in the northern Pacific | Nitrification and Marine Planktonic Biodiversity | depth |
anemone observations log | anemone log | Reef Fish Resilience | depth_m, depth_ft |
ANOVA means | Mean values for behavioral metrics to be used for statistical comparisons. | jellyfish predation in turbulence | depth_mean |
Apparent Quantum Yields | | Refractory DOC Recycling | Depth_Sample_Collected |
April 2018 Slover cruise data | ATP & micriobial biomass, Chesapeake Bay 2018 | ATP biomass indicator | depth |
AR16 in situ Chl a | Chlorophyll a concentrations along the cruise track of AR16 | North Atlantic Diatoms | depth |
AR16 Water column nutrients | AE1812 water column phosphates | Phosphorus Redox Cycling | Depth |
AR16_CTD | Standard CTD data. | Phosphorus Redox Cycling | depSM |
AR16_Water_Column | Phosphorus redox and water column phosphorus data | Phosphorus Redox Cycling | Depth |
Arabian Gulf Carbonate System Chemistry | | Arabian Gulf CO2 | Sampling_Depth, Total_Depth |
Arabian Sea phytoplankton | Phytoplankton and nutrients from Northern Arabian Sea, 2009-2011 | Arabian Sea Noctiluca | depth |
Arctic Nitrogen Fixation Rates | Size fractioned nitrogen fixation rates | ArcticNITRO | Collection_Depth |
Arctic water column 7Be | Arctic water column 7Be | MOSAiC | Depth |
AREAL Summary | Summary of Areal (mixed layer integrated) data | SOIREE | depth |
ARISA relative abundances | ARISA relative abundances (bacterial community structure), San Pedro Channel, 5 depths | Bacterial, Archaeal, and Protistan Biodiversity, Marine Viral Dynamics | depth, Cmax_Depth |
ARK27-3: Bulk FLA hydrolysis rates | ARK27-3: Bulk FLA | Patterns of activities | depth_m |
ARK27-3: Bulk MCA hydrolysis rates | ARK27-3: Bulk MCA | Patterns of activities | depth_m |
ARK27-3: GF FLA hydrolysis rates | ARK27-3: gravity filtered fluorescence (GF FLA) | Patterns of activities | depth_m |
ARK27-3: GF MCA hydrolysis rates | ARK27-3: gravity filtered fluorescence (GF MCA) | Patterns of activities | depth_m |
ARK27-3: Sediment MCA hydrolysis rates | ARK27-3: sediment MCA | Patterns of activities | depth_m |
Assembled genome sequence for the virus ANMV-1 | Assembled genome sequence for the virus ANMV-1 | Viruses in Methanotrophic Marine Ecosystems | Depth |
Asteroids and Holothurians - Table 1 - Asteroid species - Presence 1 and absence 0 of Asteroid species by station | Asteroids and Holothurians - Table 1 - Asteroid species - Presence (1) and absence (0) of Asteroid species by station | Deep Sea Benthic Dynamics | Depth |
Asteroids and Holothurians - Table 2 - Holothurian species - Number of individuals by station | Asteroids and Holothurians - Table 2 - Holothurian species - Number of individuals by station | Deep Sea Benthic Dynamics | Mid_Depth |
AT15-40 Porewater Geochemistry | Porewater geochemistry data for sediment samples that were included in global seep survey | Guaymas Basin Vents, Guaymas Basin Interactions | depth_target |
AT15-40 Sulfides | Sulfide data for sediment samples that were included in global seep survey | Guaymas Basin Vents, Guaymas Basin Interactions | depth_target |
AT18-02_CTD | CTD data from cruise AT18-02 in the Gulf of Mexico, Nov-Dec 2010. | DWH_Deep_Microbes | depth |
AT21-02: Jason dive event log | Jason sample event log, cruise AT21-02, June 2012 | SEEPC | depth |
AT26-14 Alvin sample logs | Sample logs for R/V Atlantis (AT26-14) Alvin dives in 2014. | Lophelia OA | depth |
AT26-15: Alvin dive event log | Jason sample event log, cruise AT21-02, June 2012 | SEEPC | depth |
AT29-04: Alvin dive event log | Jason sample event log, cruise AT29-04, July 2015 | SEEPC | depth |
AT37-12: CTD locations and bottle depths | | vent O2 NO3 roles | Btl_Depth |
AT39-01_FLOCS_SEM | Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) photographs of biofilms and mineral alteration products | North Pond 2017 | WaterDepth, FluidDepth |
AT42-05 and FK190211 hydrography | water column geochemistry AT42-05 | Guaymas Basin Interactions | depSM |
AT42-05 Water column chemistry | water column geochemistry AT42-05 | Guaymas Basin Interactions | Depth |
AT42-24 Alvin Dive Summary | AT42-24 Alvin Dive Summary | SALT | Depth |
AUV Sentry megafaunal presence | Megafaunal presence recorded from AUV Sentry phototransects conducted at sites across the Costa Rica margin from R/V Atlantis cruises AT37-13, AT42-03 in 2017 and 2018. | Costa Rica Seeps | Depth |
AUV_MontereyBay_Makai_CTD | | C-MORE | depth |
Axial Seamount hydrothermal sampling sites | Description of Axial Seamount hydrothermal sampling sites | NeMO2015 | depth |
B. elegans cold water coral lab culture: CTD | | Coral-bound N | Depth |
B. elegans cold water coral lab culture: particulate data | | Coral-bound N | Depth |
B12-Vehicle Dive Sample Log | B12: Log: DIVE SAMPLES (Rock, Fluid, Biology) | AXIAL | Depth |
bacteria | Bacterial Abundance and Production from bottle samples | SOFeX | depth |
bacteria | Total bacteria, including Archaea and Prochlorococcus, by flow cytometry; data from POWOW1 cruise. | POWOW | depth |
Bacteria Counts CTD Bottle Measurements | Bacteria Counts CTD Bottle Measurements HRS2204 | Disaggregation | Depth |
Bacterial cell counts and DOC | bacterial abundance and DOC | DOM_SeasonalDynamics | Depth |
Bacterial Growth ACTivity | New data and new versions of previous data: Bacterial growth rate ACTivity in Delaware Bay | Coastal Bacterial Growth Rates | secchi_depth, depth_sample |
bacterial production | Bacterial production data from the KN207-01 cruise. | SargassoSeaLipids | depth |
bacterial production | Bacterial production data from the KN207-03 cruise. | NA-VICE | depth |
Bacterial Productivity and Photosynthesis Rates | Bacterial Productivity and Photosynthesis Rates | BAMS | depth |
bacteria_FCM_lab | Heterotrophic (non-pigmented) bacteria abundances determined by flow cytometry (post-cruise/on-shore analysis). | CRD FLUZiE | depth |
bacteria_water | Water column bacteria data | SOGLOBEC, Sea Ice Microbes | depth |
Bacterivory | Bacterivory | AESOPS | Depth |
bact_prod | Bacterial Production Rates | VERTIGO | depth |
BAIT Bottle Data from Trace-metal CTD Casts | BAIT Bottle Data from Trace-metal CTD Casts | BAIT | Depth |
Baltic GasEx (2018) Helium isotopes and Neon | Baltic GasEx Helium isotopes and Neon | Baltic GasEx | Depth_uncorr, Depth |
Baltic GasEx 1 SF6 and Helium | Baltic GasEx SF6 and He from tracer release experiment | Baltic GasEx | Depth |
Barbados-Bermuda Th-232 Th-230 | Seawater concentrations of dissolved and total Th-232 and Th-230, Barbados to Bermuda | NSF Chief Sci Training Barbados-Bermuda | depth |
Barium-isotopic profile IrnBru | Barium concentration and isotopic data collected along the California Coastline in 2014 | GEOTRACES PMT Barium | Depth |
Barium-isotopic profile SAFe | Barium concentration and isotopic data from SAFe, collected during the 2nd GEOTRACES Intercalibration cruise. | GEOTRACES PMT Barium | Depth |
bariumVUB_mulvfs | Barium VUB - Dissolved Ba; particulate Ba, Sr, Ca, Al from MULVFS | VERTIGO | depth |
Barnacle percent cover | Barnacle percent cover in rocky subtidal habitats | RAPDGALPGS | depth |
BASIN 2019 Benthic Fluxes | BASIN 2019 Benthic Fluxes | BASIN | Water_Depth |
BASIN 2019 Microbial activity | Sulfate reduction rates and microbial activity | BASIN | Water_Depth |
BASIN 2019 Porewater geochemistry | Geochemical porewater data from sediments collected along three depth transects across the Santa Barbara Basin | BASIN | Water_Depth |
BASIN 2019 Sediment properties | Sediment parameters | BASIN | Water_Depth |
BATS CTD Profiles | Two decibar-averaged CTD profiles from BATS sites | BATS | Depth |
BATS discrete bottle data | BATS discrete bottle data | BATS | Depth |
BATS HPLC pigments | HPLC pigment concentrations from the Bermuda Atlantic Time-series Study (BATS) | BATS | Depth |
BATS primary production | BATS primary production | BATS | Depth |
BATS sediment trap particle flux | Sediment trap particle flux at BATS site from 1988-2023 | BATS | Depth |
BATS/Hydrostation S: Iodine speciation and isotope ratio values | | Iodine Redox | depth_m |
BATS/Hydrostation S: iodine speciation and superoxide concentration | | Iodine Redox | depth_m |
BATS_Feb_Aug_2012_rDNA_sample_log | sample log for 16S and 18S rDNA amplicons sequenced with 454 technology, BATS site, 2012 | DimBio NABE | depth |
BCO-DMO EPZT Master Events File | BCO-DMO-created "master" file of sampling events from the GEOTRACES EPZT cruise. | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT | SMDEPTH, FMDEPTH, CTDDEPTH |
BCO-DMO Test Dataset 2 | BCO-DMO Test Dataset 2 | BCO-DMO | depSM |
beaconII_bgc | Seawater biogeochemistry inshore and offshore the Bermuda coral reef | BEACON II | depth |
Bedford Basin 2019 - Seawater | Bedford Basin 2019 - Seawater | Bedford Basin 2019 | Depth |
Belize Acroporid temperature | Carrie Bow Caye, Belize temperature data near Acroporid corals | Coral Hybridization | depth |
Benthic community at Sitka Sound and Torch Bay | | High latitude kelp dynamics | Depth |
Benthic community composition from Heron Island (2015-2020) | Benthic community composition from Heron Island (2015-2020) | Coral Resilience | Depth |
Benthic cover quadrats and photos | | Reef Fish Resilience | Depth_end_ft, Depth_start_ft |
Benthic DO and nutrient fluxes from sediment core incubations | Benthic DO and nutrient fluxes from sediment core incubations | BBEDOS, Neotrypaea COP Effects | Depth |
Benthic flux | Benthic flux | LYRE | Depth |
Benthic Invertebrate Abundances associated with Octocoral Forests of St. John, US Virgin Islands | | Octocoral Community Dynamics, St John Coral Reefs | Quadrat_Depth |
Benthic Iron on the Oregon Shelf | Benthic Iron on the Oregon Shelf | Oregon shelf to basin transport | Depth |
Benthic organism counts - 20m | Benthic organism counts | Hurricane impacts on deep reefs | Depth |
Bergen MesoHux 2017 Bacteria and Virus Abundance | Bergen MesoHux 2017 Bacteria and Virus Abundance | Light-dependent host virus interactions | Depth |
Bergen MesoHux 2017 Dissolved Nutrients | nutrients | Light-dependent host virus interactions | Depth |
Bermuda Reefs | Time series data from multiple instruments at 4 sites in Bermuda | ECHOES Benthic Ecosystems | depth |
BH15-11 CTD | Processed CTD data from BH15-11 | Early Career Great Lakes research, Novel Nutrient Paleoproxy | DepFM |
Bigelow Bight fish and lg inverts | Benthic habitat correlates of juvenile fish - large inverts & fish | NEC-CoopRes | depth_end, depth_start |
Binned CTD data | Temperature and salinity data from CTD casts | DANCE | depth_m |
Biofloat_48 CSTAR transmissometer Profiles | Raw and derived parameters from WET Labs C-Star Beam Transmissometer | NAB 2008 | depth |
Biofloat_48 CTD Profiles | Full-resolution profiles of salinity and temperature plus derived variables from Seabird SBE41 Salinity and temperature sensor; Druck pressure sensor | NAB 2008 | depth |
Biofloat_48 Hyperspectral Downwelling Plane Irradiance - Ed - Profiles | Hyperspectral downwelling plane irradiance (Ed) from Trios ACC | NAB 2008 | depth |
Biofloat_48 Hyperspectral Upwelling Plane Radiance - Lu - Profiles | Hyperspectral upwelling radiance (Lu) Profiles from Trios ARC | NAB 2008 | depth |
Biofloat_48 LI-COR sensor PAR profiles | Photosynthetically available radiation (PAR) profiles from LI-COR 192-SA sensor | NAB 2008 | depth |
Biofloat_48 Optode dissolved oxygen sensor Profiles | Dissolved oxygen concentration and oxygen saturation from Aanderaa 3835 Optode oxygen sensor | NAB 2008 | depth |
Biofloat_48 Satlantic ISUS Nitrate profiles | Nitrate and Raw spectral profiles from Satlantic Nitrate Sensor | NAB 2008 | depth |
Biofloat_48 Seabird dissolved oxygen sensor Profiles | Dissolved oxygen profile from Seabird SBE43 Oxygen sensor | NAB 2008 | depth |
Biofloat_48 Wetlabs FLNTU chlorophyll sensor Profiles | Profiles of chlorophyll fluorescence and volume scattering function from WET Labs FLNTU sensor | NAB 2008 | depth |
Biogenic and lithogenic silica in Southern Ocean marine suspended particulate material (0-1000 m) | Biogenic and lithogenic silica in Southern Ocean marine suspended particulate material (0-1000 m) | SO-Fe-bSi | Depth |
biogenic silica | Water-column Biogenic silica concentrations | CORSACS | depth |
Biogenic Silica - Profiles | Water-column particulate biogenic silica and net rate of biogenic silica production measured on the MV1008 cruise. | CRD FLUZiE | depth |
Biogenic Silica - Sediment Traps | Particulate biogenic silica fluxes from sediment trap arrays deployed on the MV1008 cruise. | CRD FLUZiE | depth |
Biogenic Silica CTD Bottles | Biogenic Silica CTD Bottles HRS2204 | Disaggregation | Depth |
Biogenic Silicate | Biogenic silicate | C-MORE | depth |
BioGeoChem | BioGeoChem | SINC | SAMPLE_DEPTH |
BioGeoChem | BioGeoChem | CARGO | SAMPLE_DEPTH |
biogeochem and biology | Biogeochemical and biological data from the Sargasso Sea. | Trophic BATS | depth |
Biogeochemistry | Biogeochemistry Data | NP | depth |
Biogeochemistry | Biogeochemistry Data | ATP3 | Depth, CTD_bottlefire_depth |
Biogeochemistry FGBRR16 | Biogeochemical data collected during the Flower Garden Banks Rapid Response Cruise | Rapid Reefs Harvey | Depth |
biogeochemistry microbiology | Cariaco basin biogeochemistry and microbiology | CARIACO | Depth, Corrected_Depth |
biogeochem_microbes | Moorea Coral Reef algae, bacteria, DOC, inorganic and organic nutrients | MCR LTER, Coral DOM | depth |
Biological and Chemical Uptake Rate Measurements | Biological and Chemical Uptake Rate Measurements | ArcticNITRO | Depth |
Biology | Biology | NP | depth |
Biology | Biology and chemistry in Arctic surface microlayer and subsurface waters | Marine Microgels | depth |
Biomass | Biomass of phytoplankton and microzooplankton taxa groups | ECOHAB-PNW | depth |
Biomass | Biomass of phytoplankton and microzooplankton taxa groups | RISE | depth |
BIOS-SCOPE survey biogeochemical data | | BIOSSCOPE | Depth, Nominal_Depth, DCM |
biosilica | Bio Silica | SEEDS I | depth |
bio_optics | Bio Optical Profiler Data | Arabian Sea | depth |
bio_optics | Bio Optics Data | NABE | depth |
Bivalves - Table 3 - Bivalve species - Information on sampling stations from the North American Basin | Bivalves - Table 3 - Bivalve species - Presence 1 and absence 0 of Bivalve species from the North American Basin | Deep Sea Benthic Dynamics | DEPTH |
Bivalves - Table 4 - Bivalve species - Information on sampling stations from the Western European Basin | Bivalves - Table 4 - Bivalve species - Information on sampling stations from the Western European Basin | Deep Sea Benthic Dynamics | DEPTH |
BLOOFINZ-GoM flow cytometry abundance | | BLOOFINZ-IO | Depth |
BLOOFINZ-GoM nutrients and isotopes | BLOOFINZ-GoM Nutrients, Nitrate isotopes, DON isotopes | BLOOFINZ-IO | Depth |
BLOOFINZ-IO Flow Cytometry Abundance | BLOOFINZ-IO Flow Cytometry Abundance | BLOOFINZ-IO | Depth |
BLOOFINZ-IO net primary productivity (14C) | BLOOFINZ-IO net primary productivity (14C) | BLOOFINZ-IO | depth |
Bongo disp. volumes | Bongo displacement volume data, GLOBEC Georges Bank broadscale cruises, 1995-1999 | GB | depth |
bongo net zooplankton | Zooplankton counts for bongo net hauls in the Gulf of Alaska during 2004 | NEP | depth |
bot | Final version bottle cast data | EqPac | depth |
bottle | Hydrographic Data: temp, salinity, nutrients from Niskin bottles | Arabian Sea | depth |
bottle | Merged hydrographic, nutrient and Carbon/Nitrogen | NABE | depth |
bottle | Temperature, salinity, nutrients from CTD/Niskin casts | AESOPS | depth |
bottle | Niskin Bottle Data | VERTIGO | depth |
bottle | Niskin bottle data from cruise KN207-03 (NA-VICE). | NA-VICE | depth_avg |
bottle | Niskin bottle data from EN524 cruise. | OA, Hypoxia and Warming | depth_avg |
bottle | Niskin bottle data from RV/Pelagia-325 | Basin-scale Protists | depth |
Bottle | Bottle data from SR1805 cruise | N2O in ETNP | DepSM, DepSM_sdev |
Bottle AR29 | Bottle data April 2018 | SPIROPA | Dep_PP, depth |
bottle base hydrography | Niskin bottle basic CTD hydrographic data | EDDIES | depth |
Bottle chemistry data from AT37-12 | | vent O2 NO3 roles | DEPTH |
Bottle Data | CTD Bottle Data | DIAZOTROPHS | depth |
Bottle Data | Bottle Data | ALEX-GoME | depth_nominal |
Bottle Data | Stations | SoCalPlumeEx2012 | Depth |
Bottle data | bottle nutrients data | IVARS | Depth |
Bottle data - Krill cruises | | PelagicHypoxia | Depth |
Bottle Data for EN665 Gulf of Maine | Bottle Data for EN665 Gulf of Maine | Calcite Saturometer | DEPTH |
Bottle data from trace-metal CTD casts | Bottle data from trace-metal CTD casts | PIPERS | Depth |
Bottle TN368 | Bottle data, July 2019 | SPIROPA | depth |
bottle_BC_PS | salinity, SF6 and chlorophyll-a from bottle cast samples | SOFeX | depth |
bottle_data | Bottle data from CTD Rosettes from 2 cruises to the Gulf of Mexico during 2010. | DWH_Deep_Microbes | depth |
bottle_KN207-01 | Niskin bottle data from cruise KN207-01. | SargassoSeaLipids | depth_avg |
bottle_merged | Merged bottle and nutrient data | EqPac | depth |
bottle_proc | Rosette Bottle Data (nutrients, chl), 2001 and 2003 | NEP | depth |
bottle_salts_PS | Polar Star bottle salts for CTD conductivity sensor calibration | SOFeX | depth |
bottle_samples_PS | combined water sample data from variety of sampling devices | SOFeX | depth |
bottle_SIO | SIO-CTD Rosette bottle basic CTD hydrographic and nutrient data | SOFeX | depth |
bottle_summ | Niskin bottle summary product; basic hydrographic data, thorium-234, pigments and nutrients | VERTIGO | depth |
bottle_TM_RR | Trace Metal Clean Rosette bottle hydrographic and nutrient data | SOFeX | depth |
Bowdoin buoy discrete sampling | All discrete TA/DIC samples from 2008-2012 collected in Casco Bay, Maine. | OA stress in Mya arenaria | depth |
BOWLS mooring epifauna counts | BOWLS mooring epifauna counts | BOWLS | depth |
BOWLS mooring infauna counts | BOWLS mooring infauna counts | BOWLS | depth |
BOWLS Moorings | Metadata describing mooring deployment and recovery. | BOWLS | depth |
BOWLS sample log | Sample log for specimens collected for genomics analyses | BOWLS | depth |
Breviolum Symbiont Genotypes in Orbicella faveolata Adults | | SymBioSys | Depth_m |
Breviolum Symbiont Microsatellite Genotypes in Orbicella faveolata Recruits | | SymBioSys | Depth_m |
Brothers Volcano Metagenome-Assembled Genome Accession Numbers | Brothers Volcano Metagenome-Assembled Genome Accession Numbers | Brothers Volcano Microbiology | Depth |
BVAL bottle data (BATS Validation cruises) | BATS Validation cruise bottle data | BATS | Depth |
BVAL CTD profiles (BATS Validation cruises) | BVAL CTD profiles | BATS | Depth |
BVAL pigments (BATS Validation cruises) | BVAL pigments | BATS | Depth |
BVAL46: CTD profiles | BVAL46 ctd | Biological C:N:P ratios | Depth |
calcite_prod | Suspended calcite, calcification and photosynthesis | Arabian Sea | depth |
Candidatus Thioglobus autotrophica strain EF1 | Complete genome sequence - first cultured chemoautotroph from SUP05 clade | Sulfur Oxidizers | depth |
Candidatus Thioglobus singularis strain PS1 | Complete genome sequence - first cultured mixotroph from SUP05 clade | Sulfur Oxidizers | depth |
Cannon_2013_T1: Collection and locality information | Collection and locality information by taxon | Antarctic Inverts | depth |
Cannon_2014_S1: Collection and locality information | Hemichordata and Echinodermata collection and locality information | Antarctic Inverts | depth |
carb chem | Carbonate chemistry data describing the behavior of coral larvae in high pCO2 within shallow tropical reefs in Okinawa, Japan from 2016-07 to 2016-08 | OA coral adaptation | Depth |
Carbon - no POC_new | Phytoplankton carbon content by type (no POC_new) | IronExII | depth |
Carbon - with POC_new | Phytoplankton carbon content by type (w/ POC_new) | IronExII | depth |
Carbon Comparisons | Comparison of calculated µM Carbon between methods of Chavez et.al.(91) and Campbell et.al.(94) | IronExII | depth |
Carbon flux for Caribbean coral reef sponges | | Sponge_Loop | depth, ioh, iod |
Carbon Geochemistry Samples List | Inventory of fluid and filter samples collected for carbon composition and isotope analysis | Subseafloor Microbial Carbon Cycling | Depth |
Carbon NEXAFS bulk data | | Org C Sed I, Org C Sed II | water_depth |
Carbonate Chemistry 2014-2017 and 2018-2020 | Carbonate chemistry in Mission Aransas Estuary (2014-2017, 2018-2020) | CO2 Flux and Acidification in Subtropical Estuaries | Depth |
Carbonate Chemistry and CTD | Carbonate chemistry and CTD data along a North Pacific transect between Hawaii and Alaska | CDISK_4, CaCO3 dissolution | Depth |
Carbonate chemistry sample inventory | Carbonate chemistry sample inventory | Costa Rica Seeps | Depth_m |
Carbonate data from water samples | Water samples from CTD casts and vehicle-mounted bottles from 4 cruises. | Lophelia OA | depth |
Carbonate_Chemistry_2017-2018 | Effects of Hurricane Harvey in San Antonio Bay and Mission Aransas Estuary -Carbonate chemistry | CO2 Flux and Acidification in Subtropical Estuaries, Hurricane Harvey Texas Lagoons | DEPTH |
Cariaco Meta-Omics Cruises CTD data | CTD profiles collected in support of molecular samples. | CariacoMetaOmics | depth |
Carpinteria Salt Marsh Elemental and Isotope Composition Data for Sediment and Biomass | Elemental and Isotope Composition Sediment and Biomass 2020 | Mangroves OS | depth |
Cell counts - water | Cell counts from Mariana and Kermadec trenches, 2014 | Mariana Perspectives | Depth, MULTIBEAM_DEPTH |
Cell Counts CNS | Microbial cell abundance and carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur content from venting fluids and microbial mats at Axial Seamount, 2011. | AXIAL | depth |
Cellular element quotas: Si in Synechococcus cells | element quotas of individual Synechococcus cells | Si_in_Syn | depth |
Cellular trace elements from IRNBRU and Line P | Cellular trace elements from IRNBRU and Line P cruises | Diatom Iron Storage | Depth |
Cellular trace elements from TN280 | Cellular trace elements from TN280 | GeoMICS Bio, GeoMICS Chem | Depth |
Cerro Mundo Temperature 2 | Environmental temperature data collected at Cerro Mundo Bay, San Cristobal, Galapagos | Galapagos 2021 | Depth |
cgoa_ltop_nutrients | Nutrient concentrations from AK-LTOP cruises | NEP | depth |
Chemical data | Chemical data associated with field collections. | Alexandrium-isotopes | Depth |
Chemoautotrophy | LMG1801 Chemoautotrophy | Oxidation of Urea N | Depth |
Chesapeake Bay CTD 2021 | Chesapeake Bay CTD 2021 | NO2Ox_OMZs | depSM |
Chesapeake Bay CTD 2022 | Chesapeake Bay CTD 2022 | NO2Ox_OMZs | depSM |
Chesapeake Bay Nutrients 2021 | Chesapeake Bay Nutrients 2021 | NO2Ox_OMZs | Depth |
Chesapeake Bay Nutrients 2022 | Chesapeake Bay Nutrients 2022 | NO2Ox_OMZs | Depth |
Chesapeake Bay: Ammonia oxidation rates | | AmoA Archaea, N-SPOT | depth |
Chesapeake Bay: Ammonium | | AmoA Archaea, N-SPOT | depth |
Chesapeake Bay: N2 to Ar ratio | | AmoA Archaea, N-SPOT | depth |
Chesapeake Bay: Nitrate | | AmoA Archaea, N-SPOT | depth |
Chesapeake Bay: Nitrite | | AmoA Archaea, N-SPOT | depth |
Chesapeake Bay: Nitrous Oxide | | AmoA Archaea, N-SPOT | depth |
Chl | Discrete samples of extracted chlorophyll and phaeophytin. | C-MORE | depth |
CHL | Size-fractionated chlorophyll | Northern Gulf of Alaska Phytoplankton | depth |
Chl - Concentrations | Chlorophyll concentrations at sampled depths | SOIREE | depth |
Chl - Summary | Measured Chlorophyll a and Phaeopigment concentrations | SOIREE | depth |
Chla - HPLCvsFluo | Chlorophyll a (HPLC vs Fluorescence) | SOIREE | depth |
chla_fluor | Fluorometrically measured, extracted concentrations of chlorophyll a sampled from CTD hydrocasts. | CRD FLUZiE | depth |
Chloro HPLC | Chloro HPLC | ON DEQUE | Depth |
chlorophyll | Chlorophyll data from EN321 and EN325, Georges Bank, 1999 | GB | depth |
chlorophyll | Chlorophyll concentrations | SEEDS I | depth |
Chlorophyll | Chlorophyll a and Pheopigment Concentrations | GATEKEEPERS | depth |
chlorophyll | Extracted chlorophyll data from CTD rosette bottles from 3 POWOW cruises. | POWOW | depth |
chlorophyll | Extracted chlorophyll concentrations from the PICO time-series station. | PICO | depth |
Chlorophyll a - Eastern Tropical Pacific | Chlorophyll a data from the Eastern Tropical Pacific | ETP | depth |
Chlorophyll a fluorometry | Chlorophyll a fluorometry | BLOOFINZ-IO | Depth |
Chlorophyll and Phaeopigment | Chlorophyll and phaeopigment data collected in 2018 off the Oregon Coast | NCC Pyrosomes | Depth |
Chlorophyll-a | Size-fractionated chlorophyll-a data from samples collected during SAV cruises 2015-2017 | B12 Impacts on DMSP | Depth |
Chlorophyll-a concentrations in seawater near the BATS station, cruises AE2113 and AE2303 | | Carbon Flux and Aerosol Emissions | Sampling_Depth |
Chlorophyll-a: EN532 and EN538 | Chlorophyll-a concentrations from CTD cast deployments and underway seawater inflow from Endeavor 532 and Endeavor 538 | DimBio NABE | depth |
chlorophyll_profile | Fluorometric chlorophyll from Niskin and TM bottle samples | SOFeX | depth |
chloro_bottle | 1995 and 1996 fairly raw chlorophyll data, Georges Bank, 1995-1996 | GB | depth |
chloro_bottle_ctd | 1995 and 1996 temperature, salinity and fluorescence data, GLOBEC Georges Bank Broadscale cruises, 1995-1996. | GB | depth |
chloro_Daly | Chlorophyll data (CTD water bottle data) from LMG0203 | SOGLOBEC | depth |
chloro_Vernet | Chlorophyll data from bottles, buckets and ice | SOGLOBEC | depth |
chlor_phaeo | Extracted Chlorophyll and Phaeopigment, Georges Bank, 1995. | GB | depth |
chl_a_3m | chlorophyll-a from salmon trawl cruises | NEP | depth |
CICLOPS Dissolved Cobalt | CICLOPS Dissolved Cobalt | CICLOPS | Depth_m |
CICLOPS Dissolved Metals | Dissolved metal concentrations measured during the CICLOPS | CICLOPS | Depth_m |
CICLOPS Dissolved Nutrients | | CICLOPS | Depth |
CICLOPS TMR hydrography data | CICLOPS TMR Hydrography data | CICLOPS | Depth |
CICLOPS Total Zn and Cd uptake rates | Total Zn and Cd uptake rates of natural assemblages measured during the CICLOPS expedition | CICLOPS | Depth_m |
ciliate abundance and biomass | Abundance and biomass of ciliates in the Sargasso Sea from inverted microscope counts. | Trophic BATS | depth |
CLASiC CTD | | CLASiC | Depth |
CLASiC Si Kinetics | | CLASiC | Depth |
CLASiC Water Column | | CLASiC | Actual_Depth |
CLASS custom instrument EXAMPLE (draft) | | GOMP, Amazon River Plume Nitrogen | DepSM |
CliOMZ AT50-10 AUV Clio Data: Clio Dive Log | CliOMZ AT50-10 AUV Clio Data: Clio Dive Log | CliOMZ | ACTUAL_DEPTH_m |
CliOMZ AT50-10 McLane log | McLane pump logs - AUV Clio cruise | CliOMZ | Depth |
CliOMZ AT50-10 Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) event log application (ELOG) | Amended Elog - AT50-10 cruise, AUV Clio | CliOMZ | Seafloor |
CliOMZ AT50-10 Trace Metal Rosette Log | CliOMZ AT50-10 Trace Metal Rosette Log | CliOMZ | Cast_total_depth_m, program_depth, Real_depth |
CliOMZ AT50-10 Underway Sampling Log | Underway Sampling log AUV Clio Cruise | CliOMZ | Depth |
CO2 - Discrete pCO2 | CO2 - Discrete pCO2 | SO_GasEx | depth |
CO2 system data | | Nuclei CaCO3 Precip | Depth |
Coastal Maine CTD Data | Coastal Maine CTD Data | Colloidal Metals | Depth |
Coccolithophore birefringence from polarized microscopy | | Cocco-Mix | Depth |
Cocos Ridge C14 Data | Radiocarbon (C14) calendar ages measured on pelagic foraminifera species | CDISP 2021 | Water_Column_Depth |
cod bycatch redux_catch data | Groundfish Trawl Nets Designed to Reduce the Bycatch of Cod: catch data | NEC-CoopRes | depth |
Colonization sampler log | EPR colonizer sample log | Larval supply at EPR vents, EPR Functional Diversity | maximumDepthInMeters, minimumDepthInMeters |
combined CTD | Combined CTD profiles for two CTD sensor packages on R/V Knorr KN192-05 from November to December 2007 | CoFeMUG | depth |
Community | | Costa Rica Seeps | Depth |
Community survey data on invertebrate and algal density | Kelp forest community surveys on invertebrate and algal density. | Kelp_Forest_Resilience | depth |
Compilation of MULVFS size-fractionated POC, PIC, and bSi data | Compilation of MULVFS size-fractionated POC, PIC, and bSi data | VERTIGO, EqPac | zeu, depth |
Compiled Global Dataset of PIC/POC and bSi Concentrations Measured by In Situ Pumps | Compiled Global Dataset of PIC/POC and bSi Concentrations Measured by In Situ Pumps | Calcite Saturometer | depth_n |
Compound specific isotope data | Compound specific isotope data | Abyssal food web | Depth |
Continuous water level data | Continuous water level data from 3 field sites. | Oyster Reef N2O Emission | HOBO_depth |
Coral 3D scans | 3D scans of Caribbean acroporid corals | Coral Hybridization | Collection_Depth_ft |
Coral Associated Microbes on Mo'orean Coral Reefs | Bacteria and Archaea found on coral, sediment, and water in Mo’orea, French Polynesia | Moorea Virus Project, Ecosystem Impacts of Coral Bleaching | Depth |
Coral Biopsy Sample Log | Sample log of coral biopsy specimens for genetic analysis of algal symbionts | Response of ETP to ENSO | Depth |
coral colony size | annual coral colony surface area and perimeter measurements from Maui, Hawaii, 1999-2005 | HI Coral Reefs | depth |
Coral cover Jarvis | Coral cover Jarvis | Coral Bleaching Skeletal Records | depth_bin |
Coral images and accession numbers | Species images and accession numbers for tissue, mucus, and holobionts analyzed. | Coral Microbial Relationships | depth |
coral microbe T-RF - biogeography | Hawaiian coral terminal-restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) analysis | MiCoDe | depth_ft |
coral percent cover | Percent cover of coral and other sessile invertebrates at Caribbean reefs | Climate_Corals_Bleach_Disease | depth |
Coral physiology survey | | Coral Adaptation | collection_min_depth, collection_max_depth |
Coral reef seawater microbial communities | Coral reef seawater microbial communities | Coral Exometabolomes | Depth_Feet |
Coral Species Counts | Coral Species Counts | Coral microbiome resilience | Depth |
coral-microbe T-RF - development | Specificity of associations between bacteria and the coral Pocillopora meandrina during early development | MiCoDe | depth |
coral-microbe T-RF - spawning | T-RFLP, response of the microbial community to coral spawning, lagoon and reef flats, Oahu, 2006-7 | MiCoDe | depth |
Core HPLC | BULA HPLC pigment data | C-MORE | depth |
Core samples: Infauna abundance | | Habitat Fragmentation | Depth |
Core samples: Infauna biomass | | Habitat Fragmentation | Depth |
Core samples: Seagrass | | Habitat Fragmentation | Depth |
CP23S Genotypes | Breviolum symbiont CP23S genotypes in Orbicella faveolata recruits | SymBioSys | Depth_m_Spawn_site, Depth_m_outplant site |
cp_depths | AL9801 acoustic backscatter depths, Georges Bank, 1998. | GB | depth |
Cr concentration and isotope data of chelex-100 extraction method from NH1410 | Cr concentration and isotope data of chelex-100 extraction method from NH1410 | ETNP Cr Isotopes | Depth |
Cr concentration and isotope data using dissolved Cr and different Cr species from RR1805 | Cr concentration and isotope data using dissolved Cr and different Cr species from RR1805 | ETNP Cr Isotopes | Depth |
Cr concentration and isotopic composition of Cr(III) and Cr(VI) in the ETNP from RR1804-05 and KM1919-20 | Cr concentration and isotopic composition of Cr(III) and Cr(VI) in the ETNP from RR1804-05 and KM1919-20 | ETNP Cr Isotopes | Depth |
CR1994_met | Mooring meteorological data from the Georges Crest from 1994 | GB | depth |
CR1994_T_S | Mooring temperature, salinity, fluor data from the Georges Crest, 1994 | GB | depth |
CR1995_bio_opt | Mooring bio-optical data from the Georges Crest, 1995. | GB | depth |
CR1995_met | Mooring meteorological data from the Georges Crest, 1995. | GB | depth |
CR1995_T_S | Mooring temperature, salinity, fluor data from the Georges Crest, 1995. | GB | depth |
crest | Mooring data from the Georges Crest, 1994-1995 | GB | depth |
Cruise Log - R/V Gaia cruises | R/V Gaia cruise log | RAPID_Settlement_Hydrodynamics | depth |
Cruise optical properties: Absorbance | | Sargassum DOM | depth_sample |
Cruise optical properties: Fluorescence | | Sargassum DOM | depth_sample |
CTD | CTD profile data, including beam attenuation | Arabian Sea | depth |
CTD | CTD data with beam attenuation and fluorescence | NABE | depth |
CTD | CTD profile data with beam attenuation | EqPac | depth |
CTD | Final version CTD, including beam attenuation optics | AESOPS | depth |
CTD | SOFeX project CTD profile data | SOFeX | depth |
CTD | CTD station profile data | VERTIGO | depth |
CTD | CTD profile basic hydrographic data | NASB 2005 | depth |
CTD | CTD | NP | depth |
CTD | continuous downcast profile data in 1m bins | CORSACS | depth |
CTD | CTD data | ATP3 | Depth, Depth_actual |
CTD | Processed CTD data from all sensors mounted on rosette. | Deep Atlantic DOM | depth |
CTD | CTD with oxygen and fluorescence to 600 meters. | Jumbo Squid El Nino Response | depth |
CTD | CTD sensor and nutrient measurements | UpRISEE O2 upwelling | depth |
CTD | Processed hydrography data from Metzyme cruise (KM1128) collected using the ship's CTD packages | MetZyme | depSM |
CTD | CTD | Filter Feeders Physics and Phosphorus | Depth |
CTD | CTD data collected on three RAPID Plankton cruises | RAPID Plankton | Depth |
CTD - AT37-12 | AT37-12 CTD data at the Eastern Tropical North Pacific | vent O2 NO3 roles | depth |
CTD - Bottle | CTD Bottle Data (Preliminary) | TZEX | Z |
CTD - Bottle | CTD - Bottle | GoMX - NGOMEX | DepSM_avg, DepSM_sdev |
CTD - Bottle | CTD - Bottle | OA - Western Arctic | DEPTH |
CTD - Bottle - AN10 | CTD Averaged Bottle Data | ANACONDAS | Avg_Depth, Depth |
CTD - Bottle Nutrients | Bottle Nutrients | COPAS08 | Depth |
CTD - Bottle Summary | CTD - Bottle Summary | GATEKEEPERS | Depth |
CTD - Bottles - OC449-03 | CTD - Bottles - OC449-03 | SIRENA | DepSM_avg, DepSM_sdev, DepSM_min, DepSM_max |
CTD - copepod net hauls | CTD | Burgers_Vortex_Copepods | Depth |
CTD - Discrete PP and Chla | Discrete PP and Chl_a data from CTD casts | SAGE | depth |
CTD - Discrete PP and Chla Integrated Values | Integrated values for Discrete PP and Chl_a data from CTD casts | SAGE | depth |
CTD - Discrete Samples | Discrete Samples from CTD Casts | COPAS08 | Depth |
CTD - Discrete Samples | CTD - Discrete Samples | Great Calcite Belt | Depth |
CTD - DMS and DMSp | Dimethyl sulphide (DMS) and particulate Dimethylsulphoniopropionate (DMSPp) data from CTD casts | SAGE | depth |
CTD - Downcasts | CTD - Downcasts | MuLTI-2 | Depth |
CTD - Fv/Fm | Fv/Fm data from CTD casts | SAGE | depth |
CTD - Hydro Nutrients - EN496 | CTD Hydro Nutrients Data - EN496 | GoMX - N2 Fixation | DepSM, DepSM_SD |
CTD - Hydro Nutrients - EN509 | CTD Hydro Nutrients Data - EN509 | GoMX - N2 Fixation | DepSM, DepSM_SD |
CTD - Hydro Nutrients - OC468-02 | CTD Hydro Nutrients Data - OC468-02 | GoMX - N2 Fixation | DepSM_SD, DepSM |
CTD - Metals Profiles | CTD - Metals Profiles | OA - Canada Basin | Depth |
CTD - Nutrients | Colorimetric nutrient analysis from CTD Casts | SAGE | depth |
CTD - Nutrients Profiles | CTD - Nutrients Profiles | OA - Canada Basin | Depth |
CTD - pH and AT | pH and AT data from CTD casts | SAGE | depth |
CTD - Profiles | CTD Profile Data | SOIREE | depth |
CTD - Profiles | CTD Profile Data | COPAS08 | depth |
CTD - Profiles | CTD - Profiles | GoMX - NGOMEX | depSM |
CTD - Profiles | CTD Profile Data | Northern Gulf of Alaska Phytoplankton | depSM |
CTD - Profiles | CTD - Profiles | GATEKEEPERS | Depth, depSM |
CTD - Profiles - AN10 | CTD Profile Data | ANACONDAS | Depth |
CTD - Profiles - EN496 | CTD profile data - EN496 | GoMX - N2 Fixation | DepSM |
CTD - Profiles - EN509 | CTD profile data - EN509 | GoMX - N2 Fixation | DepSM, DepSM_Bin |
CTD - Profiles - ISL0109 | CTD - Profiles - ISL0109 | SIRENA | depSM |
CTD - Profiles - OC449-03 | CTD Profile Data for OC449-03 | SIRENA | depSM |
CTD - Profiles - OC468-02 | CTD profile data - OC468-02 | GoMX - N2 Fixation | DepSM, DepSM_Bin |
CTD - Pump Seacat CTD - Down Casts | CTD - Pump Seacat CTD - Down Casts | SIRENA | depth_station, Depth |
CTD - Pump Seacat CTD - Up Casts | CTD - Pump Seacat CTD - Up Casts | SIRENA | depth_station, Depth |
CTD - R/V Gaia cruises | CTD data collected during R/V Gaia cruises | RAPID_Settlement_Hydrodynamics | Depth |
CTD - SAM Data Files | CTD SAM Data Files | COPAS08 | depth |
CTD - SF6 Profiles | SF6 data from duplicate samples from CTD bottle depths | SAGE | depth |
CTD - Stations | CTD Stations | COPAS08 | depth |
CTD - Stations | CTD - Stations | GATEKEEPERS | Depth |
CTD - Stations | CTD - Stations | OA - Canada Basin | Depth |
CTD - Summary | Summary of CTD profiles | SOIREE | depth |
CTD - TRANSPORT Mapping Cruises | CTD data from TRANSPORT Mapping cruises, 2010-2012, Choptank River. | TRANSPORT | depth |
CTD - TRIAXUS - 1sec Data | CTD - TRIAXUS - 1sec Data | RISE | depSM |
CTD - TRIAXUS - 24Hz Data | CTD - TRIAXUS - 24Hz Data | RISE | depSM |
CTD - Water Column DOC Chl PN PC PON POC | Water column DOC, Chl, PN, PC, PON, POC data from CTD casts | SAGE | depth |
CTD 1m averaged profiles | CTD 1m averaged profiles | NAB 2008 | depth |
CTD 2014-2016 | CTD profiles from six cruises to the Eastern Mediterranean | HADFBA | Binned_depth |
CTD 2016 | Environmental data from CTD during the Fall 2016 ESP deployment in Monterey Bay, CA | OceanSulfurFluxBact | Depth |
CTD 2017 | CTD 2017 | HADFBA | Binned_depth |
CTD and underwater mass spectrometer data - EN575 | | ZIPP | Depth |
CTD and underwater mass spectrometer data - EN602 | | ZIPP | Depth |
CTD AR29, RB1904 and TN3638 | CTD Casts New England Shelfbreak in 2018 and 2019 | SPIROPA | depSM |
CTD Binned Downcasts - CH0508 | CTD Binned Downcasts - CH0508 | ON DEQUE | Depth |
CTD Biogenic Silica | | CICLOPS | Depth |
CTD Boothbay to Hague | CTD data from F/V Tenacious, Gulf of Maine, 2001-2003, associated with lobster larvae study | NEC-CoopRes | depth |
CTD bottle data | CTD bottle data | Diatom Group Si Prod | Depth, Depth_sd |
CTD Bottle Data - MV1101 | CTD Bottle Data - MV1101 | Great Calcite Belt | DepSM_avg, DepSM_sdev |
CTD Bottle Data - RR1202 | CTD Bottle Data - RR1202 | Great Calcite Belt | DepSM_avg, DepSM_sdev |
CTD casts - Krill cruises | CTD profiles | PelagicHypoxia | Depth |
CTD casts - Pelican 17-02 | Depth-binned CTD casts from Methane Cycling OMZs from Pelican 17-02 in July-August 2016 | Methane cycling in OMZs | depth |
CTD casts with nauplii sampling | List of all CTD casts that were sampled for nauplii during AMT24. | Plankton Population Genetics | cast_depth |
CTD casts: time-binned - Pelican 17-02 | CTD casts from Methane Cycling OMZs from Pelican 17-02 in July-August 2016 | Methane cycling in OMZs | depth |
CTD Composite Profiles | CARIACO time series composite CTD profiles | CARIACO | depth |
CTD data | CTD data collected on Ophelia out of the University of Copenhagen. | Microbial associations in zooplankton | depth |
CTD data | CTD data from AT39-01 (North Pond 2017 expedition) | North Pond Viruses, North Pond 2017, Subseafloor Microbial Carbon Cycling | depth |
CTD data - Eastern Tropical Pacific | CTD data from the Eastern Tropical Pacific | ETP | depth |
CTD data for mussel study | | GOMEPRO | Depth |
CTD data from Bongo plankton net tows | CTD up-cast data | RAPID Anchovy Response | Depth |
CTD data from Hydrostation S | CTD data from Hydrostation S | Hydrostation S | Depth |
CTD data from sediment coring events | CTD data September 2018 | Thin_Disc_Project | depSM |
CTD Data with Chemical and Biological Discrete Samples | CTD Data with Chemical and Biological Discrete Samples | GoMX - N2 Fixation | Depth |
CTD Down Casts - MV1101 | CTD Down Casts - MV1101 | Great Calcite Belt | depSM, depSM_a |
CTD Down Casts - RR1202 | CTD Down Casts - RR1202 | Great Calcite Belt | depSM |
CTD full resolution profiles | CTD full resolution profiles | NAB 2008 | depth |
CTD Hydrography | | CICLOPS | Depth |
CTD Hydrography | Basic CTD data collected during SAV cruises 2015-2017 | B12 Impacts on DMSP | Depth |
CTD Individual Profiles | CARIACO time series individual CTD profiles | CARIACO | DEPTH |
CTD KN223 | CTD data from KN223 in the western North Atlantic. | AMOC Last Glacial Max | depth |
CTD Log | CTD Log | IronExI | depth |
CTD Manganese Speciation | | CICLOPS, ROS in Hg Cycling | Depth |
CTD NPP and nutrients | | DANCE | Depth |
CTD Profile data | | CDOM Optical Properties | Depth |
CTD profiles | CTD pressure, temperature, salinity profiles | EDDIES | depth |
CTD Profiles | CTD Profiles | DIAZOTROPHS | depth |
CTD profiles | CTD cast profile data from MedFlux EN402 cruise | MedFlux | depth |
CTD profiles | CTD cast profile data from MedFlux EN416 cruise | MedFlux | depth |
CTD profiles | One decibar-averaged CTD profile data from OC443 | LipidCycling | depth |
CTD profiles | One decibar-averaged CTD profile data from cruise CB934 | Quorum-sensing and the Carbon Cycle | depth |
CTD Profiles | One decibar-averaged CTD profiles from cruise AE-X1103 | SargassoSeaLipids | depth |
CTD Profiles | CTD Profile Data | Foram Dispersal | depth |
CTD Profiles | CTD Profiles - Binned Downcasts | MuLTI | DepSM |
CTD Profiles | CTD profile data from EN524 cruise. | OA, Hypoxia and Warming | depth |
CTD profiles | CTD profiles collected on an August 2015 cruise on the NW Atlantic shelf off New England | Ciliate Diversity | depth |
CTD profiles | CTD profiles | Diatom Group Si Prod | Depth |
CTD Profiles - BATS226 | CTD Profiles - BATS226 | ON DEQUE | Depth |
CTD Profiles - CH0508 | CTD Profiles - CH0508 | ON DEQUE | Depth |
CTD profiles - Hood Canal | CTD hydrodata from Hood Canal Washington | PelagicHypoxia | depth |
CTD profiles - IC1 | CTD profiles from GEOTRACES cruise KN193-06 for Intercalibration of sensors. | GEOTRACES IC | depth |
CTD Profiles - KM1013 | One decibar-averaged CTD profiles from cruise KM1013 | Quorum-sensing and the Carbon Cycle | depth |
CTD Profiles - Upcasts - CH0212 | CTD Profiles - Upcasts - CH0212 | OMZ_Sulfur_Cycling | Depth_db, Depth_m |
CTD Profiles - Upcasts - ETNP | CTD Profiles - Upcasts - ETNP | OMZ_Sulfur_Cycling | Depth_db, Depth_m |
CTD Profiles - Upcasts - PE16-01 | CTD Profiles - Upcasts - PE16-01 | OMZ_Sulfur_Cycling | Depth_db, Depth_m |
CTD profiles 2009 | CTD cast temperature, salinity, oxygen, etc from OC454-02 | Pickled Protists | depth |
CTD profiles 2011 | CTD profiles from AT18-14 | Pickled Protists | depth |
CTD profiles near the ALOHA observatory and South Pacific Gyre | CTD profiles around the ALOHA observatory, HI and South Pacific Gyre | Hg_Biogeochemistry, SuspendSinkPart | depth |
CTD profiles RV Connecticut June 2022 | CTD profiles RV Connecticut June 2022 | Ciliate Omics | depth |
CTD Sample Log AE1319 | Event log for AE1319, Aug-Sept. 2013 | Biological C:N:P ratios | depth |
CTD sensor | CTD sensor data from two cruises | BSUCS | Depth |
CTD station log | CTD station log of RV/Pelagia-280 in the (sub)tropical Atlantic, 2007-8 | Basin-scale Protists | depth |
CTD TM_Rosette Nutrients Chl | CTD, TM Rosette CTD, nutrients and chlorophyll data | IronExII | depth |
CTD-ML | High resolution CTD and beam attenuation data | NABE | depth |
CTD-SIO | High resolution CTD and beam attenuation data | NABE | depth |
CTD_2018 | Conductivity, temperature, and water depth at 4 locations in SUSTAIN tank | Gas Exchange at SUSTAIN | Dep1, DepC1, Dep2, DepC2, Dep3, DepC3, Dep4, DepC4 |
CTD_AE1409 | CTD data from cruise AE1409. | P Processing by Tricho | depth |
CTD_BC_PS | SeaBird SeaCat SBE-19 CTD profiler data from bottle casts (BC) | SOFeX | depth |
CTD_bottle | CTD hydrography data from bottle casts for euphotic zone experiments | CRD FLUZiE | depth |
CTD_cg | CTD data from R/V Endeavor and R/V Oceanus, Gulf of Maine, 1997-1999. | GB | depth |
CTD_CH0112 | CTD data from 39 stations from CH0112 cruise. | CiliateSequencing | depth |
CTD_cruise | CTD data from the Cruise CD-ROMS | SOGLOBEC | depth |
CTD_fv | Fishing vessel CTD data, Gulf of Maine, 1998 | GB | depth |
CTD_pmel FOCI cruises | CTD files (netcdf format originally) from NOAA/PMEL FOCI cruises | NEP | depth, pressure |
CTD_Profiles | CTD Profiles from cruise KN207-03 (NA-VICE). | NA-VICE | depth |
CTD_Profiles_KN207-01 | CTD Profiles from cruise KN207-01. | SargassoSeaLipids | depth |
CTD_profiles_LIS | CTD data from 2008 Long Island Sound cruise | CiliateDivGenePop | depth |
CTD_TMR_SFX_RR | TMR CTD pressure, temperature, salinity profiles | SOFeX | depth |
CTD_transect_PS | CTD profile data from Polar Star Transect 1 | SOFeX | depth |
CTD_Weicker | CTD data from 5 stations in Fisher's Island Sound | CiliateSequencing | depth |
ctenophore sample log | Ctenophore observations collected during ROV dives | DEEPC | Depth |
Current profiles: 2014-2016 | Current profiler data for 5, 6, and 8 meters, 2014-2016 | Nearshore larval transport, RAPID_Settlement_Hydrodynamics | depth_sta, depth |
Current Speed and Direction | Current speed and direction determined by tilt current meters | Costa Rica Seeps | Depth |
d15N of PON from Net Tows | d15N of size-fractionated particulate organic nitrogen (PON) from net tows in the Sargasso Sea | N Isotopes Foraminifera | depth |
d15NOx Natural Abundance | Natural abundance of 15N and 18O from LMG1801 | Oxidation of Urea N | Sample_Depth |
d15N_d13C_susp | d15N and d13C isotopic analysis of MULVFS sample suspended particles | VERTIGO | depth |
d15N_nitrate | d15N and d18O isotopic analysis of nitrate samples | VERTIGO | depth |
DAP CTD Data from the Puerto Rico Trench | DAP CTD Data from the Puerto Rico Trench | DAP Test PR Trench | depth |
Data for ambient concentrations of three DOC compounds (acetate, glycerol, mannitol) | | Cocco-Mix | Depth |
Database Profile Data Products | Database Profile Data Products | ON DEQUE | Depth, Depth_CTD_a, Depth_Nominal, Depth_CTD_b |
Datasonde in light chamber | O2, pH, temperature, and salinity in a light chamber | ECHOES | depth_ft, depth |
Datasonde in water column | O2, pH, temperature, and salinity in the water column | ECHOES | depth |
December Atlantis Samples | Sample Log AT18-02 - December Atlantis Samples | GoMX - Microbial Response | Depth |
Deep-DOM Metaproteome | Metaproteomic dataset from DeepDOM Station 2 | DeepDom Multi-omics, Deep Atlantic DOM | depth_m |
Deep-sea benthos | Deep-sea benthos counts from cores (>300 micron), Pacific US continental rise | Species ranges | depth |
Deep-sea larvae for microbiome study | Deep-sea larvae for microbiome study | EPR Functional Diversity, Mariana Back-arc Vents, Metacommunity Dynamics | minimumDepthInMeters, maximumDepthInMeters |
del15N_PON | Organic matter and nutrients; del-15N, del-13C, POC, POM | EDDIES | depth |
delta_O_18 | Oxygen Isotope data, GLOBEC and Canadian Cruises, 1994-1998. | GB | depth |
Dendraster_Beh_OA_Expt2017 | Dendraster Behavior in OA, Expt 2017 | Climate stressors on larvae | middepth_cm |
Dendraster_pH_OA_Expt2017 | Dendraster_pH_OA_Expt2017 | Climate stressors on larvae | column_depth_cat, column_depth_cm |
Density of sea fans | | St John Coral Reefs | Depth |
DeZoZoo Cruise Data | Cruise Data from Gelatinous Zooplankton project in Chesapeake Bay in 2010 and 2011 | DeZoZoo | depth_start_nom, depth_end_nom |
DeZoZoo CTD Data | Processed CTD data from all six cruises of the DeZoZoo project | DeZoZoo | depth |
Diatom silica productivity rates | Silica production rates and concentrations quantified using 32Si and PDMPO | Diatom Group Si Prod | Actual_Depth |
diatoms | Diatoms in the surface mixed layer in the patch | SEEDS I | depth |
Diazo Distribution | Abundance and distribution of diazotrophs determined via qPCR | DIAZOTROPHS | Depth |
DIC | Dissolved inorganic carbon | POWOW | depth |
DIC and TA sediment fluxes 2017-2018 | | HarveyCarbonCycle | Overlying_Water_Depth |
DICAlk | DIC and Total alkalinity | SEEDS I | depth |
DIC_DIN_Up_Raw | Results on tracer experiments using 13C and 15N to estimate uptake rates of DIC and DIN, Raw Data | VERTIGO | depth |
Diel_Metatrans | Diel_Metatrans | C-MORE, CANON | depth |
Digitized Nutrient profiles from the Warm Core Ring Program | | Warm Core Rings | depth |
Dinitrogen fixation rates and nifH community structure | Dinitrogen fixation (N2fix) rates and nifH community structure from in situ 15N2 Gas Array | DIAZOTROPHS-CO2 | depth |
DISC: Deployment, environmental, and larval behavior information | | Elacatinus Dispersal II | depth |
DISC: Depth, Temperature, and Salinity | | Elacatinus Dispersal II | depth |
Discrete - 13C samples | 13C-productivity measurements with rate calculations as per Legendre and Gosselin | Silica Cycling, Phosphorus Bioavailability, C-MORE | depth |
Discrete - 15N2 samples | N2-fixation rate measurements employed the 15-N2 isotopic tracer method described by Montoya et al. | Silica Cycling, C-MORE, Phosphorus Bioavailability | depth |
Discrete - Surface Samples | Discrete - Surface Samples | C-MORE | depth |
Discrete bottle data from Hydrostation S | Hydrostation S bottle data | Hydrostation S | Depth |
Discrete C and N near Station P | | EXPORTS BGC Floats | Depth |
Discrete O2 Ar | Discrete O2 Ar | SO_GasEx | depth |
Discrete sample measurements | | GOHSNAP | Depth |
Discrete Samples | DIC, TA, pH from nGOM cruise conducted in April 2017 and July 2017 | nGOMx acidification | Bottom_Depth, Sample_Depth |
Discrete Samples Oct 2017 | Discrete Samples Oct 2017 | HarveyCarbonCycle | Bottle_Depth, Depth |
Discrete Samples Sept 2017 | Discrete Samples Sept 2017 | HarveyCarbonCycle | Bottle_Depth, Depth |
Discrete Seawater Samples | | Kelp forest biogeochemistry | Depth_ID, Depth_m |
Disko Bay Environmental and Biological Observations | Environmental and biological conditions characterizing Disko Bay, Greenland in April-May 2011 | Planktonic Herbivore Temp Dependence | Depth |
Dissolved and particulate elements | Trace element concentrations in dissolved and particulate fractions collected with GO-Flo bottles and analyzed with inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) | GeoMICS Chem, GeoMICS Bio | depth |
Dissolved and Particulate Trace Elements | Dissolved and particulate trace elements collected on cruise RR1604 (GO-SHIP transect IO9N) in the Eastern Indian Ocean from March to April 2016 | IO Phytoplankton | Depth |
dissolved cobalt | Dissolved cobalt and labile cobalt speciation in the Ross Sea | CORSACS | depth |
Dissolved Cobalt | Dissolved cobalt concentrations measured by cathodic stripping voltammetry from the MetZyme cruise. | MetZyme | Sample_Depth |
Dissolved Fe conc and isotopes - UK_GA10 | Dissolved (0.2 micron filtered (<75 m depth) or 0.4 micron (>75 m depth) Fe stable isotope ratios and concentrations | TMI_GEOTRACES-UK | depth |
Dissolved Inorganic Carbon | Dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) from the PICO time-series station. | PICO | depth |
Dissolved iron speciation - CoFeMUG KN192-05 | Concentrations of dissolved iron-binding ligands and their respective conditional stability constants in upper water column: CoFeMUG stations. | CoFeMUG | depth |
Dissolved Mercury Speciation in the California Current System | Dissolved Mercury Speciation in the California Current System | DMHg in the Ocean, CCE LTER | Depth_m |
dissolved O2 | Depth profiles of dissolved O2 saturation and isotopologues | CDISK_4, O2 isotopologues in the N. Pacific | Depth |
Dissolved O2 and Potential Density | Dissolved Oxygen potential density measurements from 3 cruises. | Lophelia OA | depth |
Dissolved organic carbon and amino acids | Dissolved organic carbon and amino acid data from NBP1207. | MCP | depth |
Dissolved organic Fe-binding ligand data from the FRidge (GA13) expedition | Dissolved organic Fe-binding ligand data from the FRidge (GA13) expedition | organic iron ligands in hydrothermal systems | Depth_m |
Dissolved Organic Matter Sulfur and Carbon Analysis | Dissolved Organic Matter Sulfur and Carbon Analysis | S isotopes in marine DOM | Depth |
dissolved oxygen and barometric pressure | Dissolved O2, percent O2 saturation, and barometric pressure from the PICO time-series station. | PICO | depth |
Dissolved oxygen and temperature (miniDOT) - Inside and outside kelp | Dissolved oxygen and temperature (miniDOT) – Inside and outside kelp | Kelp forest biogeochemistry | Site_depth_0_tide |
Dissolved phenols | Concentrations of dissolved organic carbon and phenols from for Polarstern cruise PS 94-ARK-XXIX/3 | Lignin phenol method development | Depth_water |
Dissolved Th/Pa - IC1/IC2 | Seawater dissolved 232Thorium, 230Thorium and 231Protactinium in the subtropical North Pacific | GEOTRACES IC | depth |
Dissolved Th/Pa - SO-202 | Depth profiles of seawater dissolved 232Th, 230Th, and 231Pa, NW Pacific | Sources-Sinks Th-Pa | depth |
Dissolved Thorium Isotopes PE17-24 | Dissolved thorium-230 and thorium-232 from the deep Northern Gulf of Mexico | PMT Thorium Isotopes | Sample_Depth |
Dissolved Thorium Isotopes PS1718 | Dissolved thorium-230 and thorium-232 from the site of the former Deepwater Horizon | PMT Thorium Isotopes | Sample_Depth |
Dissolved Trace Metal Concentrations from Depth Profiles | Dissolved Trace Metal Concentrations from Depth Profiles | Diatoms and carbon export | DEPTH |
Dissolved Trace Metals | Concentrations of total dissolved trace metals (Fe, Mn, Zn, Ni, Cd) | MetZyme | Sample_Depth |
Dissolved trace metals and macronutrients from a 2014 IRNBRU cruise GoFlo Data | Dissolved trace metals and macronutrients from a 2014 IRNBRU cruise GoFlo Data | iron limitation mosaic | Depth |
Distribution of dissolved barium in seawater determined using machine learning | Distribution of dissolved barium in seawater determined using machine learning | The Three S's | Depth_m |
Distribution of Elacatinus lori settlers | Distribution Elacatinus lori settlers on sponge habitat. | Elacatinus Dispersal II | Sp_depth, Sp_depth_m |
Distribution of new settler Elacatinus lori settlers | Distribution of new Elacatinus lori settlers arriving on sponge habitat. | Elacatinus Dispersal II | Sp_depth, Sp_depth_m |
dive log | dive log | Reef Fish Resilience | topo_m, depth_top_m, depth_bottom_m |
Diver-collected jellies RHB-0603 | Diver-collected jellies from S.W. North Atlantic | CMarZ_2004-2010 | depth |
DNA Extracts | DNA Extracts | C-MORE, HOT | depth |
DNA Time Series | HOT DNA metagenomic library statistics | C-MORE, HOT | depth |
DOC | DOC | SEEDS I | depth |
DOC TDN Nutrients | TRACERS: DOC, TDN, Nutrients | TRACERS | DEPTH |
DOC and DON Concentrations | DOC and DON concentrations of waters collected from the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre and Central North Atlantic | DON Microbial Nitrogen Pump | depth |
DOC and TOC near Station P | | EXPORTS BGC Floats | Depth |
DOC_DON_DOP | Dissolved Organic Matter, nutrients and CTD data | EDDIES | depth |
dogfish_hauldata | haul data: Spiny dogfish discard mortality using commercial hook gear - Gulf of Maine and Cape Cod | NEC-CoopRes | depth_haul_start |
Doliolid diet: CTD casts | CTD data from SAV-15-10, SAV-15-19, SAV-15-31 | Doliolid Diet | Depth1_m |
Doliolid diet: lab chlorophyll, carbon, nitrogen | Nutrients and chlorophyll-a from CTD casts 2015-2017 | Doliolid Diet | depth |
DOM during coral bleaching | | Ecosystem Impacts of Coral Bleaching | Water_Depth |
Domel_2017_T1: Pallenopsis patagonica specimen and outgroups with accessions | Pallenopsis patagonica specimen and outgroups with accessions | Antarctic Inverts | depth |
DON concentration and DON d15N | Measurements of dissolved organic nitrogen concentration and d15N | Microbial Nitrification, N2 fixation ETSP | depth |
Dongsha Atoll temperature | Temperature on Dongsha Atoll measured from June 2013 to August 2015 | Coral Reef Ecosystem OA Impact, Coral Reef Resilience | depth |
DON_Oxidation | Data collected on cruise SAV 17-16 plus related ancillary samples from the same geographic area | DON Oxidation | depth |
DOPv2021 | DOP concentration observations in the global ocean between 1990 and 2021. | DOP N2 fixation and export production | depth |
Downcore 210Pb and 137Cs data | Mud Patch sediment age dating with Lead-210 and Cesium-137 | OA, Hypoxia and Warming | depth |
Drill site CTD | Temperature, depth, and salinity from drill site at Kiritimati Island | RAPID Kiritimati | depth |
Duquette et al. 2018: Mg/Ca ratios | Mg/Ca ratios | OA_Antarctic_organisms, Antarctic Inverts | Depth |
DYEatom: CTD POC and PON | PS1312: POC, PON | Diatom Silicification | depth |
DYEatom: Metatranscriptome accessions and assembled contigs | | Diatom Silicification | depth_m |
Echosounder data (38kHz) | | Too hot to hold | BottomElevation_m |
Ecological monitoring Natividad 2006-2021: Algae | | Abalone Safe Places | START_DEPTH, FINAL_DEPTH |
Ecological monitoring Natividad 2006-2021: Fish | | Abalone Safe Places | START_DEPTH, FINAL_DEPTH |
Ecological monitoring Natividad 2006-2021: Invertebrates | | Abalone Safe Places | START_DEPTH, FINAL_DEPTH |
Ecological monitoring Natividad 2006-2021: UPC | | Abalone Safe Places | START_DEPTH, FINAL_DEPTH |
Edmunds 2020 L&O: coral cover | coral cover | St. John LTREB, MCR LTER, RUI-LTREB | Depth |
Edmunds 2020 L&O: recruitment | recruitment | MCR LTER, RUI-LTREB, St. John LTREB | Depth |
Edmunds 2020 L&O: temperature at 10m and 20m | temp_10m_20m | MCR LTER, RUI-LTREB, St. John LTREB | Depth |
Edmunds et al. 2024 Oecologia: Coral Cover | | MCR LTER | Depth |
Eelgrass Disease Metrics | | Eelgrass disease | Depth |
Eelgrass Shoot Density | Eelgrass meadow conditions assessed from eelgrass shoot density measurements | Eelgrass disease | Depth |
Eelgrass Shoot Metrics | | Eelgrass disease | Depth |
Effects of vermetids on Pocillopora | Effects of vermetids on Pocillopora growth and survival | Vermetids_Corals | surface_to_top, surface_to_base |
Elemental and isotopic noble gas ratios and N2/Ar from the North Atlantic: BATS data | Elemental and isotopic noble gas ratios and N2/Ar from the North Atlantic: BATS data | TTO NGs and O2, HPNGI | Depth |
Elemental and isotopic noble gas ratios and N2/Ar from the North Atlantic: model simulations | Elemental and isotopic noble gas ratios and N2/Ar from the North Atlantic: model simulations | TTO NGs and O2, HPNGI | z |
Elemental and isotopic noble gas ratios and N2/Ar from the North Atlantic: TTO data | Elemental and isotopic noble gas ratios and N2/Ar from the North Atlantic: TTO data | TTO NGs and O2, HPNGI | Depth |
Emerald Reef Seasonal Monitoring, 2014-2015 | Coral species sample collection log, Emerald Reef, 2014-2015 | Reef coral symbioses | depth_ft |
EN321fcmbact | Bacteria from Flow Cytometry - EN321 | GB | depth |
EN321fcmnano | Nanoplankton from Flow Cytometry - EN321 | GB | depth |
EN325fcmbact | Bacteria from Flow Cytometry - EN325 | GB | depth |
EN532 - CTD | CTD data for EN532 | DimBio NABE | depth |
EN538 - CTD | CTD data for EN538 | DimBio NABE | depth |
EN556 bulk peptidase hydrolysis rates - plate reader | Bulk polysaccharide hydrolysis rates - EN556 | Patterns of activities | depth_m |
EN556 bulk water polysaccharide hydrolysis rates | EN556 bulk water polysaccharide hydrolysis rates | Patterns of activities | depth_m |
EN556 gravity filtered particle-associated bacterial production | Bacterial protein production from gravity filtered seawater, EN556 | Patterns of activities | depth_m |
EN556 gravity filtered peptidase hydrolysis rates - plate reader | GF incubations - EN556 | Patterns of activities | depth_m |
EN556 gravity filtered polysaccharide/glucosidase hydrolysis rates | Gravity filtered polysaccharide hydrolysis rates - EN556 | Patterns of activities | depth_m |
EN556 LV incubations: DOC, bacterial cell concentration, and bacterial production | Large volume incubation: DOC, bacterial cell concentration and production, EN556 | Patterns of activities | depth_m |
EN556 seawater measurements and initial conditions | Bulk water experiment: initial nutrients, bacterial cell concentration and production, EN556 | Patterns of activities | depth_m |
EN584 LV incubation, peptidase and glucosidase activities | Large volume incubation, peptidase and glucosidase activities (plate reader), EN584 | Patterns of activities | depth_id, depth_m |
EN584 LV polysaccharide hydrolysis rates | Mesocosm hydrolysis rates with and without Thalassiosira, EN584 | Patterns of activities | depth_m |
EN589 Seawater Chlorophyll | Seawater Chlorophyll a from EN589 cruise | Refractory DOC Recycling | CTD_Sample_Depth |
EN596 discrete samples | Discrete samples and rate measurements collected aboard the RV Endeavor cruise EN596 | EAGER NitFix | Depth |
EN614 HPLC Pigments | Phytoplankton diagnostic pigments from HPLC from samples collected on R/V Endeavor cruise EN614 in the tropical North Atlantic | Amazon River Plume Nitrogen | depth |
EN614 Hydrography | Hydrographic data collected during casts with a CTD-rosette system on R/V Endeavor cruise EN614 from May to June 2018 | Amazon River Plume Nitrogen | DepSM, DepSM2 |
EN614 Nutrients | EN614 Nutrients | Amazon River Plume Nitrogen | DepSM, DepSM_SD |
EN616 CTD hydrography | | Cocco-Mix | Depth |
EN616 Discrete Data | EN616 Discrete Data | Cocco-Mix | Depth |
EN638 Bacterial Productivity | | Microbial DOC Degradation | depth_sequence, depth_actual |
EN638 Bulk Cell Counts | | Microbial DOC Degradation | depth_sequence, depth_actual |
EN638 Bulk FLA Rates | | Microbial DOC Degradation | depth_actual, depth_sequence |
EN638 LV Plate Rates | Substrate hydrolysis | Microbial DOC Degradation | depth_sequence, depth_actual |
EN640 Bottle Data | EN640 Bottle Data | Amazon River Plume Nitrogen | DepSM, DepSM_SD |
EN640 HPLC Pigments | EN640 HPLC Pigments | Amazon River Plume Nitrogen | Depth |
EN640 Hydrographic Profiles | EN640 Hydrographic Profiles | Amazon River Plume Nitrogen | DepSM |
EN640 Nutrients | EN640 Nutrients | Amazon River Plume Nitrogen | DepSM_SD, DepSM |
EN658 Handnet Deployment Summary | | SALT | Depth |
EN669 Bottle Data | EN669 Bottle Data | GoM Temperature Trends | Depthm, DepSM |
ENAB 2008 Protobranchs | Counts of Protobranch bivalves collected in a series of epibenthic sled samples taken in the western North Atlantic. | ENAB | depth |
Environmental Sensory Data | | Coral Hybridization | Depth |
Epibenthic community abundance | Epibenthic community abundance in an Aleutian Island kelp forest, 2016-2017 | Kelp Forest Ecosystem Engineer Loss | Depth_avg_ft, Depth_stdev |
Epibenthic community biomass | Epibenthic community biomass in Aleutian Island kelp forests, 2016-2017 | Kelp Forest Ecosystem Engineer Loss | Depth_stdev, Depth_avg_ft |
Epibenthic community sampling locations | Sampling locations from Aleutian Island kelp forest community study, 2016-2017 | Kelp Forest Ecosystem Engineer Loss | Depth_avg_ft, Depth_stdev |
epiflu | bacterial cell counts, biovolume, carbon biomass - EN321 | GB | depth |
Epifluorescence Microscopy Cell Size and Biomass | Epifluorescence Microscopy Water Column Samples from Subtropical and Subantarctic Waters East of New Zealand | Salp Food Web Ecology | Depth |
Epifluorescence Microscopy Reduced | | Salp Food Web Ecology | Depth |
EPR 9 North Plume Particles | Bacterial 16S rRNA sequences from hydrothermal plume particles | RESET06 | depth |
EPR 9N Inactive Sulfides | Bacterial 16S rRNA sequences from inactive sulfide chimneys | Bacwards | depth |
ESP 2014 CTD | CTD data from ESP, fall 2014 | OceanSulfurFluxBact | depth |
Estuarine Sediment Silicon Sorption Capacities | Estuarine Sediment Silicon Sorption Capacities | CLASiC | Depth_water_collection |
ETNP CTD casts 5m intervals | 5m intervals of CTD profiles from the ETNP | OMZ Viruses | Depth_db, Depth |
ETNP Dissolved and Particulate Ni Cd Fe Zn Cu | ETNP Dissolved and Particulate d60Ni, d114Cd, d56Fe, d66Zn and d65Cu | OMZ Nutrient Cycling | Depth |
ETNP dissolved Cd, Ni, Mn, and light rare earth elements (La, Ce, Pr, and Nd) | Concentrations of dissolved cadmium, nickel, manganese, lanthanum, cerium, praseodymium, and neodymium from the Eastern Tropical North Pacific Ocean on R/V Revelle cruise RR1804-1805 | OMZ Nutrient Cycling | Depth |
ETNP Frequency of Lytic Viral Infection | Estimated frequency of lytic viral infection from the ETNP | OMZ Viruses | Depth |
ETNP Iodate Reduction Experiments | ETNP Iodate Reduction Experiments | Iodine Redox | Depth |
ETNP Iodine Speciation | Iodine Speciation | OMZ Nutrient Cycling | Depth |
ETNP Microbial Abundances | Estimated abundances of viruses and bacteria via epifluorescence microscopy in the ETNP | OMZ Viruses | Depth |
ETNP ODZ Metagenomes April 2012 | Assembled metagenomes collected in the Eastern Tropical North Pacific Oxygen Deficient Zone in April 2012 on TN278 | EAGER Deep Prochlorococcus | Depth |
ETNP Viral Morphology | Morphotypes, capsid widths, and tail lengths of viruses from the ETNP | OMZ Viruses | Depth |
ETSP 15N rates | Ammonia oxidation, nitrite oxidation, and nitrate reduction rates from cruises AT15-61 and MV1104 | Microbial Nitrification | Depth |
ETSP 2013 NO3 NO2 N2O | Nitrate, nitrite, and nitrous oxide isotope measurements from the Eastern Tropical South Pacific ocean (NBP13-05) | N2O Cycling | DEPTH |
ETSP CTD processed | | Microbial Nitrification | dep |
ETSP N2O | ETSP N2O | Microbial Nitrification | Depth |
ETSP NO2 NH4 | ETSP nitrite (NO2) and ammonium (NH4) concentration data | Microbial Nitrification | Depth |
ETSP NO3 and NO2 isotopes | ETSP NO3 and NO2 isotopes | Microbial Nitrification | Depth |
ETSP qPCR | Water column amoA and Nitrospina-like 16S rRNA gene abundances from qPCR in the Eastern Tropical South Pacific | Microbial Nitrification | Depth |
Eunicea flexuosa interactions | Data from surveys of Eunicea flexusa colonies that were found in close proximity. | St. John LTREB, VI Octocorals | depth |
event log LMG11-10 | scientific sampling event log | Salp_Antarctic | depth |
eventlog | Event log from LMG0602, Southern Ocean 2006 | SouthernSalps | depth |
Eventlog AE1319 | Event log for AE1319, Aug-Sept. 2013 | Biological C:N:P ratios | depth |
eventlog FK003 | Event log for cruise FK003 | Transatlantic VPR Survey | depth |
eventlogs | Event logs from Georges Bank cruises | GB | depth |
eventlogs | Cruise Event Logs | NEP | depth |
eventlogs | Event logs from Southern Ocean cruises | SOGLOBEC | depth |
eventlogs | CMarZ Cruise eventlogs - metadata | CMarZ_2004-2010 | depth |
eventlog_CT2010 | Event log from the Krill CT2010 cruise | Krill GoME | depth |
eventlog_WB1105 | Scientific sampling event log from the WB1105 cruise | DWH Micronekton | depth |
event_log | scientific sampling event logs | EqPac | depth |
event_logs | Logs of events from cruises WS1010 and AT18-02. | DWH_Deep_Microbes | depth |
Exp and Survey Biogeochem and Microbial data | Experimental and survey biogeochemical and microbial data from SBDOM cruises in the Santa Barbara Channel. | SBDOM, SBC LTER | depth_actual, depth_target, depth_ctd |
Experimental pCO2 manipulation experiments 2010-2012 | bubbled pCO2 perturbation experiments | DIAZOTROPHS-CO2 | depth |
Export fluxes | Export fluxes of Th, POC, PON and bSi calcuated using sediment traps and thorium budget | UpRISEE O2 upwelling | depth |
Fall 2011 - Porewater Samples | Fall 2011 - Porewater Samples | East Siberian Arctic Shelf | Water_Depth |
Fall 2011 - Sample Processing Log | Fall 2011 - Sample Processing Log | East Siberian Arctic Shelf | Water_Depth, Depth |
Fall 2011 - Station Information and Core Descriptions | Fall 2011 - Station Information and Core Descriptions | East Siberian Arctic Shelf | Water_Depth |
Fall 2011 - Water Column Samples | Fall 2011 - Water Column Samples | East Siberian Arctic Shelf | Total_Depth, Sample_Depth |
Fe - Vertical | Vertical Fe GoFlo Data | SOIREE | depth |
Field collections: all data | Vibrio abundance and nutrients | Vibrio-dust deposition | depth |
Field Physiochemical Parameters and Nitrogen Specific Uptake Rates | Field Physiochemical Parameters and Nitrogen Specific Uptake Rates | Creatine Cycling | Sample_Depth |
Field Sampling: Hydrologic data | | VBLAM | YSI_Depth, PAR_Depth |
FieldData_FidalgoBay_July2017 | ADCP FidalgoBay, July 2017 | Climate stressors on larvae | depth_sample_m, depth_cat |
Fish and Invertebrate Transects | | Reef Fish Resilience | Depth_start_ft, Depth_end_ft |
Fish surveys 1999-2015 | Fish surveys, 1999-2015 | Larval Dispersal in Kelp Rockfish | depth |
fish_abund | Fish abundance data from MOC-10 trawls. | SOGLOBEC | depth_range |
FK160115 Dissolved Cobalt | Dissolved cobalt, nutrients, and hydrography from the Pacific ProteOMZ FK160115 Expedition in 2016 | ProteOMZ (Proteomics in an Oxygen Minimum Zone) | Sample_Depth |
FK160407 Biological Samples | | Eco Dyn W Pacific Vents | Depth |
FK190211 Radium Isotopes | | Guaymas Basin Interactions | Depth |
FK190211 Sediment Geochemistry | | Guaymas Basin Interactions | Collection_Depth |
FK190211 water col geochem | | Guaymas Basin Interactions | Depth |
Florida Straits 2015 CTD | Vertical profile data collected by CTD in a subtropical, pelagic environment | OSTRICH | depth |
Florida Straits ISIIS physical environment data | Physical data collected by at towed plankton imaging system in a subtropical, pelagic environment | OSTRICH | depth |
flow cytometer | Rosette Bottle Data (nutrients, chl) fcm Ev & Barry Sherr Flow Cytometry Counts of Bacteria, Synecho, and PEUK | NEP | depth |
FlowCAM imaging cytometer data from EN616 cruise | | Cocco-Mix | Depth |
FlowCam Particle Carbon Content | FlowCam Particle Carbon Content | Salp Food Web Ecology | Depth |
FlowCam Particle Sizes | FlowCam Particle Sizes | Salp Food Web Ecology | Depth |
Fluorescent in situ hybridization data from the Cariaco Basin | Fluorescent in situ hybridization data from the CAR212 and CAR216 cruises. | CariacoMetaOmics | depth |
FRRF | FRRF Fv/Fm | SEEDS I | depth |
FRRF | Fast Repetition Rate Fluorometer (FRRF) data | SOGLOBEC | FRRF_depth |
FRRFluorometry | Fast Repetition Rate Fluorometry from CTD casts | AESOPS | depth |
FRT water temperature 2014-2016 | water temperature data 2014-2016 | EMUCoReS | depth |
Fukushima Radionuclide Iodine 129 levels | 129I of total dissolved inorganic iodine | Fukushima Radionuclide Levels | Depth |
GA02 Leg 3 - Dissolved 143Nd/144Nd | Depth profiles of seawater dissolved 143Nd/144Nd | Nd Paleocirculation Proxy | depth_CTD, depth_GEOTRC_CTD_round |
Galveston Bay Carbonate Chemistry | | Hurricane Harvey Water Quality | Depth |
Gene Abundance | | Submerged Wetland Carbon | Depth |
Geochemistry | Elemental composition for 16S rRNA gene amplicon and metagenomic sequences | Methane-Hydrate Sediment Omics | depth |
GI02 dissolved thorium and protactinium isotopes | GI02 dissolved thorium and protactinium isotopes | GEOTRACES Arctic Th Pa, GP15 Nd isotopes | Sample_Depth |
GI04 Dissolved Lead and Lead Isotope Ratios | Dissolved Lead and Lead Isotope Ratios from the GEOTRACES GI04 cruise on R/V Hakuho Maru (KH-09-5) | GEOTRACES Japan Pb | Sample_Depth |
GI05 dissolved thorium and protactinium isotopes | GI05 dissolved thorium and protactinium isotopes | GEOTRACES Arctic Th Pa, GP15 Nd isotopes | Sample_Depth |
Gill 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing | GenBank Short Read Archive (SRA) sequence accession numbers for 16S rRNA gene amplicon data from the gills of Alviniconcha species, Ifremeria nautilei, and Bathymodiolus septemdierum. | Eco Dyn W Pacific Vents | Depth |
Global model dissolved Zn | Global estimated dissolved Zn using an ensemble of artificial neural networks | Fe Cycle Models and Observations | Depth |
Global model nitrate d15N | Estimated nitrate d15N | Fe Cycle Models and Observations | depth |
Global Noble Gases | Noble gas and N2/Ar (with associated CTD) data from 93 different cruises spanning the globe | Tracers of Bio Prod and Gas Exchange, OP3, C Pump in Subtropical N Pacific, Net Bio O2 Prod JGOFS, Gas Tracers O2 Prod Subtropical Pacific, N2:Ar Deep Tracer, EPZT Noble Gases He Tritium, CarboMODE, Weddell Sea Tracers, Measuring Diapycnal Mixing, NAT He and Tritium | depth |
Global observed nitrate d15N | Published and unpublished nitrate d15N measurements | Fe Cycle Models and Observations | Depth |
Global Ocean POM Data Ratios | Global Ocean POM Data Ratios | Biological C:N:P ratios, Global POM | Depth |
Global Prochlorococcus Synechococcus and picoeukaryotic phytoplankton | | Ocean Stoichiometry | Depth |
GMx_CDOM | Absorption spectra and DOC concentrations | GoMX - NACP-OCB | depth |
GN01 Arctic GEOTRACES Bottle Particles | Trace element concentrations in particles collected with GO-Flo bottles and analyzed with ICP-MS. Concentrations of labile and total metal fractions are reported. | Arctic GEOTRACES bottle particles, U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic | CTDDEPTH |
GN01 As Speciation | Arsenic Speciation Depth Profiles Arsenic Speciation | GEOTRACES Arctic Arsenic and Selenium, U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic | Depth |
GN01 As Total Particulate | 2015 GEOTRACES GN01 Healy HLY1502 Depth Profiles Total Particulate Arsenic | GEOTRACES Arctic Arsenic and Selenium, U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic | DEPTH |
GN01 CTD - GTC Bottle | CTD-GTC bottles from GEOTRACES-Arctic Section cruise HLY1502 | U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic | CTDDEPTH, ODF_CTDDEPTH |
GN01 CTD - GTC Profiles | CTD-GTC profiles from GEOTRACES-Arctic Section cruise HLY1502 | U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic | DEPTH |
GN01 CTD - ODF Bottle | CTD-ODF bottles from GEOTRACES-Arctic Section cruise HLY1502 | U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic | CTDDEPTH |
GN01 d13C-DIC | The ratio of 13C to 12C of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) measured during the GEOTRACES Arctic cruise (HLY 1502, ARC01) during Fall 2015 | U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic, GEOTRACES Arctic del13C | Depth |
GN01 Dissolved Actinium-227 | Water column profiles of dissolved 227Ac in the Arctic | GT Arctic 227Ac, U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic | Sample_Depth |
GN01 Dissolved and Labile Cobalt | Dissolved and labile cobalt from the US GEOTRACES HLY1502 section | U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic, GEOTRACES Arctic Bioactive Trace Metals | Sample_Depth |
GN01 Dissolved and Particulate Mercury | Concentrations of dissolved and particulate mercury species collected on GN01, including elemental, total, monomethyl- and dimethylmercury | U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic, GEOTRACES Arctic Mercury | Sample_Depth |
GN01 Dissolved Ba Cd Cu Ga Mn Ni and V | Dissolved Ba, Cd, Cu, Ga, Mn, Ni, and V concentration data and Ba isotopes from the US GEOTRACES Arctic Expedition (GN01, HLY1502), August - October, 2015 | GEOTRACES Arctic Methane V Ba Ga, U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic | Sample_Depth |
GN01 Dissolved Fe(II) | Dissolved Fe(II) from southbound leg of US Arctic GEOTRACES (GN01) | U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic | Sample_Depth |
GN01 Dissolved Methane (CH₄) | GN01 Dissolved Methane (CH₄) | GEOTRACES Arctic Methane V Ba Ga, U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic | Sample_Depth |
GN01 Dissolved Micronutrient Trace Metals | Concentrations of dissolved micronutrient trace metals (Fe, Zn, Ni, Cu, Cd, Pb, Mn) in seawater, sea ice, and melt ponds | Arctic GN01 Diss Metals, U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic | Sample_Depth |
GN01 Dissolved Pb - MIT | Concentration of Pb passing through a 0.2µm Acropak capsule filter | U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic, GEOTRACES Arctic Pb | Depth |
GN01 Dissolved Pb - UAF | Dissolved Pb concentration data from the US GEOTRACES Arctic Expedition (GN01, HLY1502) | GEOTRACES Arctic Pb, U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic | CTDDEPTH |
GN01 Dissolved Pb Isotope Ratios | Isotope ratios of Pb passing through a 0.2um Acropak capsule filter | U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic, GEOTRACES Arctic Pb | Depth |
GN01 Dissolved REEs LDEO | Dissolved REE concentrations from LDEO | Arctic GEOTRACES Nd/eNd, U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic | Sample_Depth |
GN01 Dissolved REEs OSU | Dissolved REE concentrations and Nd isotopes in the Western Arctic Ocean from OSU | Arctic GEOTRACES Nd/eNd, U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic | CTDDEPTH |
GN01 Dissolved Thorium and Protactinium | GN01 Dissolved Thorium and Protactinium | GEOTRACES Arctic Th Pa, U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic | Sample_Depth |
GN01 Element quotas of individual phytoplankton cells | GN01 Element quotas of individual phytoplankton cells | Arctic GEOTRACES bottle particles, U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic | Depth |
GN01 Fe Zn Cd Stable Isotopes | Concentrations and stable isotope ratios of Fe, Zn, and Cd from the US GEOTRACES GN01 cruise. | GEOTRACES Arctic Bioactive Trace Metals, U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic | Sample_Depth |
GN01 FIA Al Fe Mn Bottle | Shipboard FIA dissolved Al, Fe, and Mn (0.2 um AcroPak filter) from bottle samples | GEOTRACES Arctic Al Fe Mn | Depth |
GN01 FIA Al Fe Mn Melt Pond | Shipboard FIA dissolved Al, Fe, and Mn (0.2 um AcroPak filter) from melt pond samples | GEOTRACES Arctic Al Fe Mn | Depth |
GN01 FIA Al Fe Mn Pump | Shipboard FIA dissolved Al, Fe, and Mn (0.2 um AcroPak filter) from samples collected by pump | GEOTRACES Arctic Al Fe Mn | Depth |
GN01 FIA Al Fe Mn SUBICE | Shipboard FIA dissolved Al, Fe, and Mn (0.2 um AcroPak filter) from seawater collected from ice floes using a pump | U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic, GEOTRACES Arctic Al Fe Mn | Depth |
GN01 Ice Pond NO3 H2O | Nitrate (NO3) and oxygen & deuterium isotopic composition from ice pond samples collected on the US GEOTRACES Arctic cruise, HLY1502 | U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic, US GEOTRACES Arctic Nitrogen Flux | Sampling_Depth |
GN01 Isotope ratios of N and O in nitrate | Isotope ratios of N and O in nitrate from US GEOTRACES-Arctic cruise HLY1502 in 2015. | US GEOTRACES Arctic Nitrogen Flux, U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic | Sample_Depth |
GN01 Particulate and Dissolved Po-210 and Pb-210 | Particulate & dissolved Po-210 & Pb-210 in seawater, snow, melt ponds, ice core, ice-rafted sediments, and aerosols from Western and Central Arctic | U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic, GEOTRACES Arctic 210Po and 210Pb | Sample_Depth |
GN01 Particulate Thorium and Protactinium | GN01 Particulate Thorium and Protactinium | GEOTRACES Arctic Th Pa, U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic | Sample_Depth |
GN01 Po-Pb Dissolved and Large Particles | GN01 Po-Pb Dissolved and Large Particles | GEOTRACES Arctic Trace Metal Disequilibria, U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic | Sample_Depth |
GN01 Po-Pb Small Particles | GN01 Po-Pb Small Particles | GEOTRACES Arctic Trace Metal Disequilibria, U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic | Sample_Depth |
GN01 Radium and Thorium | Radium and thorium isotopes measured in the Western Arctic as part of the 2015 US GEOTRACES Arctic Cruise on the USCGC Healy | U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic, Arctic GEOTRACES Ra Th | Sample_Depth |
GN01 Se Particulate | 2015 GEOTRACES GN01 Healy HLY1502 Depth Profiles Total Particulate Selenium | GEOTRACES Arctic Arsenic and Selenium, U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic | DEPTH |
GN01 Se Speciation | GN01 Healy HLY1502 Depth Profiles Selenium Speciation Selenite (SeIV), Selenate (SeVI), Organic selenide (Org Se-II), and Total Se depth profiles | GEOTRACES Arctic Arsenic and Selenium, U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic | DEPTH |
GN01 Sea Ice Hole NO3 NH4 H2O | Nitrate (NO3), ammonium (NH4), and oxygen & deuterium isotopic composition from sea ice hole water sampling on the US GEOTRACES Arctic cruise, HLY1502 | U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic, US GEOTRACES Arctic Nitrogen Flux | Sampling_Depth_cm |
GN01 Sea Ice NO3 NH4 H2O | Nitrate (NO3), ammonium (NH4), and oxygen & deuterium isotopic composition from sea ice collected on the US GEOTRACES Arctic cruise, HLY1502 | U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic, US GEOTRACES Arctic Nitrogen Flux | Starting_Depth_cm, Ending_Depth_cm, Median_Depth_cm |
GN01 Seawater Be-7 | Seawater Beryllium-7 activity concentration from submersible pump samples | GEOTRACES Arctic Atmospheric TE, U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic | depth |
GN01 Silicon Stable Isotopes | Depth profiles of the isotopic composition (d30Si) of silicon within dissolved silicic acid on the US GEOTRACES Arctic cruise GN01 (HLY1502) from August to October 2015 | GEOTRACES Arctic Si Isotopes, U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic | Sample_Depth |
GN01 Size-fractionated major and minor particles | Size-fractionated major and minor particle composition and concentration from the U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic Cruise (GN01) in 2015 | GEOTRACES Arctic Particle Composition, U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic | Sample_Depth |
GN01 Snow NO3 NH4 H2O | Nitrate (NO3), ammonium (NH4), and oxygen & deuterium isotopic composition from snow collected on the US GEOTRACES Arctic cruise, HLY1502 | U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic, US GEOTRACES Arctic Nitrogen Flux | Sampling_Depth_cm |
GN01 Thorium-234 and Thorium-228 | Activities of size-fractionated particulate thorium isotopes and total Thorium-234 | Arctic GEOTRACES Ra Th, U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic | Sample_Depth |
GN01 Total Aerosol Concentrations | Concentrations of aerosol trace elements collected from bulk aerosol samples on the 2015 US GEOTRACES Western Arctic Transect | U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic, GEOTRACES Arctic Atmospheric Deposition | Sample_Depth |
GN01 Ultrapure Water Soluble Aerosol Concentrations | Concentrations of ultrapure water soluble aerosol trace elements collected from bulk aerosol samples on the 2015 US GEOTRACES Western Arctic Transect | U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic, GEOTRACES Arctic Atmospheric Deposition | Sample_Depth |
GO-SHIP A16N 2023 d13C DIC | GO-SHIP A16N 2023 d13C DIC | South Atlantic Ocean δ13CDIC | DEPTH |
Goby abundance and morphology | Geolocation, abundance and morphology data from Carrie Bow Caye | Elacatinus Dispersal I | depth |
Goby distribution and abundance | Geolocation, abundance and morphology data from Carrie Bow Caye | Elacatinus Dispersal I | depth |
Goby parentage | Data from 120 parent-offspring matches identified in fish on the Belizean Barrier Reef in 2013. | Elacatinus Dispersal I | depth |
GoCal4 | Bottle and CTD data from the CARNE ASADA project | CARNE ASADA | depth |
GoM WBTS 2012-2013 Calanus Chl a_Phaeopigment concentration | Chlorophyll a and Phaeophytin from two time series stations in the Gulf of Maine | GoM_Calanus_2012-2013 | depth |
GoM WBTS 2012-2013 Calanus finmarchicus abundance | Calanus finmarchicus stages abundance from 200um vertical ring nets TimeSeries stations | GoM_Calanus_2012-2013 | depth_net |
GoM WBTS 2012-2013 Zooplankton abundance | Zooplankton species abundance from ring nets at two times series stations in the Gulf of Maine - 2012-2013 | GoM_Calanus_2012-2013 | depth_net |
GoM WBTS 2012-2013 Zooplankton abundance Columnar View | Zooplankton species abundance from ring nets at two times series stations in the Gulf of Maine - 2012-2013 | GoM_Calanus_2012-2013 | depth_net |
GOMEPRO: CTD - Profiles | CTD profiles | GOMEPRO | Depth |
GoMex phytoplankton carbon biomass | Phytoplankton carbon biomass | BLOOFINZ-IO, GoMex Tuna Foodweb B | Depth |
GoMex pigments | CTD Fluorometer | BLOOFINZ-IO, GoMex Tuna Foodweb B | Depth |
Gorgonia ventalina growth (for PeerJ) | Gorgonia ventalina growth, 2013-2019 | RUI-LTREB | depth |
Gorgonia ventalina size and density (for PeerJ) | Gorgonia ventalina size and density, 2013-2019 | RUI-LTREB | depth |
GOVARS SG502 | GOVARS SG502 | GOVARS | depth |
GOVARS SG503 | GOVARS SG503 | GOVARS | depth |
GP09 dissolved trace elements | GP09 dissolved trace elements | Trace elements in NW Pacific | Sample_Depth |
GP12 Nitrate N and O Isotopes | Nitrate N and O isotopes from GP12 | N Isotopes Foraminifera, PMT Nitrate, GT Atlantic Nitrate | Sample_Depth |
GP15 Ba Isotope Ratios Leg 1 | GP15 d138Ba | GEOTRACES PMT Barium, U.S. GEOTRACES PMT | Sample_Depth |
GP15 Ba Isotope Ratios Leg 2 | GP15 d138Ba Leg 2 | GEOTRACES PMT Barium, U.S. GEOTRACES PMT | Sample_Depth |
GP15 Be-7 Leg 1 | PMT Leg 1 Be-7 aerosol and seawater | U.S. GEOTRACES PMT, PMT Be-7 | Sample_Depth |
GP15 Be-7 Leg 2 | Be-7 activity | PMT Be-7, U.S. GEOTRACES PMT | Sample_Depth |
GP15 Dissolved Ba Cd Cu Ga Mn Ni and Pb Leg 1 | Dissolved concentrations of Ba, Cd, Cu, Ga, Mn, Ni, and Pb from US GEOTRACES GP15-Leg 1 ("PMT") from the Aleutians to Hawaii along 152 W | U.S. GEOTRACES PMT, PMT REEs Ga Ba CH4 | Sample_Depth |
GP15 Dissolved Ba Cd Cu Ga Mn Ni and Pb Leg 2 | Dissolved concentrations of Ba, Cd, Cu, Ga, Mn, Ni, and Pb from US GEOTRACES GP15-Leg 2 ("PMT") from the Hawaii to Tahiti along 152 W. | U.S. GEOTRACES PMT, PMT REEs Ga Ba CH4 | Sample_Depth |
GP15 Dissolved Ni and Cu - Leg 1 | GP15 Dissolved Ni and Cu - Leg 1 | U.S. GEOTRACES PMT, PMT TM Stable Isotopes | Sample_Depth |
GP15 Dissolved Ni and Cu - Leg 2 | GP15 Dissolved Ni and Cu - Leg 2 | PMT TM Stable Isotopes, U.S. GEOTRACES PMT | Sample_Depth |
GP15 Dissolved Radium-226 and Radium-228 Leg 1 | Water column dissolved radium-226 and radium-228 from Leg 1 of PMT cruise | PMT Radium Isotopes, U.S. GEOTRACES PMT | Sample_Depth |
GP15 Dissolved Radium-226 and Radium-228 Leg 2 | Water column dissolved radium-226 and radium-228 from Leg 2 of PMT cruise | PMT Radium Isotopes, U.S. GEOTRACES PMT | Sample_Depth |
GP15 Dissolved Rare Earth Elements Leg 1 | GP15 Dissolved Rare Earth Elements Leg 1 | U.S. GEOTRACES PMT, PMT REEs Ga Ba CH4 | Sample_Depth |
GP15 Dissolved Rare Earth Elements Leg 2 | GP15 Dissolved Rare Earth Elements Leg 2 | U.S. GEOTRACES PMT, PMT REEs Ga Ba CH4 | Sample_Depth |
GP15 Dissolved Th and Pa - Leg 1 | GP15 Dissolved Th and Pa - Leg 1 | PMT Thorium Isotopes, U.S. GEOTRACES PMT | Sample_Depth |
GP15 Dissolved Th and Pa - Leg 2 | GP15 Dissolved Th and Pa - Leg 2 | PMT Thorium Isotopes, U.S. GEOTRACES PMT | Sample_Depth |
GP15 Event Log | Scientific sampling event log from the US GEOTRACES Pacific Meridional Transect (PMT) cruise (GP15) from September to November 2018 | U.S. GEOTRACES PMT | sample_depth_max, sample_depth_min |
GP15 Fe Zn Cd Dissolved and Stable Isotope Ratios - Leg 1 | GP15 Fe Zn Cd Dissolved and Stable Isotope Ratios - Leg 1 | PMT TM Stable Isotopes, U.S. GEOTRACES PMT | Sample_Depth |
GP15 Fe Zn Cd Dissolved and Stable Isotope Ratios - Leg 2 | GP15 Fe Zn Cd Dissolved and Stable Isotope Ratios - Leg 2 | PMT TM Stable Isotopes, U.S. GEOTRACES PMT | Sample_Depth |
GP15 FIA Dissolved Al Fe Mn Leg 1 | GP15 FIA Dissolved Al Fe Mn Leg 1 | PMT Al Fe Mn, U.S. GEOTRACES PMT | Sample_Depth |
GP15 FIA Dissolved Al Fe Mn Leg 2 | GP15 FIA Dissolved Al Fe Mn Leg 2 | U.S. GEOTRACES PMT, PMT Al Fe Mn | Sample_Depth |
GP15 He Isotope C(He) and C(Ne) - Leg 1 | GP15 He Isotope C(He) and C(Ne) - Leg 1 | U.S. GEOTRACES PMT, PMT Helium Isotopes | Sample_Depth |
GP15 He Isotope C(He) and C(Ne) - Leg 2 | GP15 He Isotope C(He) and C(Ne) - Leg 2 | U.S. GEOTRACES PMT, PMT Helium Isotopes | Sample_Depth |
GP15 Heavy Noble Gas Concentrations Leg 1 | GP15 Heavy Noble Gas Concentrations Leg 1 | U.S. GEOTRACES PMT, PMT Helium Isotopes | Sample_Depth |
GP15 Heavy Noble Gas Concentrations Leg 2 | GP15 Heavy Noble Gas Concentrations Leg 2 | U.S. GEOTRACES PMT, PMT Helium Isotopes | Sample_Depth |
GP15 Hg Aerosol Leg 1 | GP15 Hg Aerosol Leg 1 | U.S. GEOTRACES PMT, PMT Mercury air-sea exchange | Sample_Depth |
GP15 Hg Aerosol Leg 2 | GP15 Hg Aerosol Leg 2 | PMT Mercury air-sea exchange, U.S. GEOTRACES PMT | Sample_Depth |
GP15 Hg Rain Leg 1 | GP15 Hg Rain Leg 1 | U.S. GEOTRACES PMT, PMT Mercury air-sea exchange | Sample_Depth |
GP15 Hg Rain Leg 2 | GP15 Hg Rain Leg 2 | U.S. GEOTRACES PMT, PMT Mercury air-sea exchange | Sample_Depth |
GP15 Hg Underway Leg 1 | GP15 Hg Underway Leg 1 | U.S. GEOTRACES PMT, PMT Mercury air-sea exchange | Sample_Depth |
GP15 Hg Underway Leg 2 | GP15 Hg Underway Leg 2 | U.S. GEOTRACES PMT, PMT Mercury air-sea exchange | Sample_Depth |
GP15 HPLC pigments Leg 1 | GP15 HPLC pigments Leg 1 | U.S. GEOTRACES PMT | Sample_Depth |
GP15 HPLC pigments Leg 2 | GP15 HPLC pigments Leg 2 | U.S. GEOTRACES PMT | Sample_Depth |
GP15 Inert Copper and Iodine Redox Speciation Leg 1 | GP15 Inert Copper and Iodine Redox Speciation Leg 1 | U.S. GEOTRACES PMT, PMT Copper | Sample_Depth |
GP15 Inert Copper and Iodine Redox Speciation Leg 2 | GP15 Inert Copper and Iodine Redox Speciation Leg 2 | U.S. GEOTRACES PMT, PMT Copper | Sample_Depth |
GP15 Iron Ligands in Particles | GEOTRACES GP15 Iron Ligands in Particles | PMT Organic Speciation | Depth |
GP15 Nd isotopes Leg 1 | GP15 Nd isotopes Leg 1 | GP15 Nd isotopes, U.S. GEOTRACES PMT | Sample_Depth |
GP15 Nitrate d15N and d18O Leg 1 | GP15 Nitrate d15N and d18O Leg 1 | U.S. GEOTRACES PMT, PMT Nitrate | Sample_Depth |
GP15 Nitrate d15N and d18O Leg 2 | GP15 Nitrate d15N and d18O Leg 2 | PMT Nitrate, U.S. GEOTRACES PMT | Sample_Depth |
GP15 Particle birefringence photon yield and particle beam attenuation coefficient derived from McLane logging CTD | GP15 Particle birefringence photon yield and particle beam attenuation coefficient derived from McLane logging CTD | U.S. GEOTRACES PMT, OCO Development | depth, PPZ_depth |
GP15 Particle birefringence photon yield and particle beam attenuation coefficient from GTC CTD | GP15 Particle birefringence photon yield and particle beam attenuation coefficient from GTC CTD | OCO Development, U.S. GEOTRACES PMT | depth |
GP15 Particulate 210Po and 210Pb - Leg 1 | GP15 Particulate 210Po and 210Pb - Leg 1 | U.S. GEOTRACES PMT, PMT Lead-210 and Polonium-210 | Sample_Depth |
GP15 Particulate 210Po and 210Pb - Leg 2 | GP15 Particulate 210Po and 210Pb - Leg 2 | PMT Lead-210 and Polonium-210, U.S. GEOTRACES PMT | Sample_Depth |
GP15 pAVS and pCRS Leg 1 | GP15 pAVS and pCRS Leg 1 | PMT Hydrogen Sulfide, U.S. GEOTRACES PMT | Sample_Depth |
GP15 pAVS and pCRS Leg 2 | GP15 pAVS and pCRS Leg 2 | PMT Hydrogen Sulfide, U.S. GEOTRACES PMT | Sample_Depth |
GP15 Pb and Pb Isotopes Leg 1 | GP15 Pb and Pb Isotopes Leg 1 | PMT Pb and Cr, U.S. GEOTRACES PMT | Sample_Depth |
GP15 Pb and Pb Isotopes Leg 2 | GP15 Pb and Pb Isotopes Leg 2 | U.S. GEOTRACES PMT, PMT Pb and Cr | Sample_Depth |
GP15 pH Leg 1 | Water column fish and bottle pH data | U.S. GEOTRACES PMT, PMT Hydrogen Sulfide | Sample_Depth |
GP15 pH Leg 2 | Water column fish and bottle pH data | U.S. GEOTRACES PMT, PMT Hydrogen Sulfide | Sample_Depth |
GP15 Reactive Hg CEM | GP15 Hg CEM Legs 1 & 2 | U.S. GEOTRACES PMT, PMT Mercury air-sea exchange | Sample_Depth |
GP15 size-fractionated major, minor, & trace particle composition and concentration - Leg 1 | GP15 size-fractionated major, minor, & trace particle composition and concentration - Leg 1 | PMT Size-fractionated Suspended Particles, U.S. GEOTRACES PMT | Sample_Depth |
GP15 size-fractionated major, minor, & trace particle composition and concentration - Leg 2 | GP15 size-fractionated major, minor, & trace particle composition and concentration - Leg 2 | PMT Size-fractionated Suspended Particles, U.S. GEOTRACES PMT | Sample_Depth |
GP15 Surface Fish Dissolved Metals Leg 1 | GP15 Surface Fish Dissolved Metals Leg 1 | PMT Dissolved Metals, U.S. GEOTRACES PMT | Sample_Depth |
GP15 Surface Fish Dissolved Metals Leg 2 | GP15 Surface Fish Dissolved Metals Leg 2 | PMT Dissolved Metals, U.S. GEOTRACES PMT | Sample_Depth |
GP15 TDS and OCS Leg 1 | GP15 TDS and OCS Leg 1 | PMT Hydrogen Sulfide, U.S. GEOTRACES PMT | Sample_Depth |
GP15 TDS and OCS Leg 2 | GP15 TDS and OCS Leg 2 | PMT Hydrogen Sulfide, U.S. GEOTRACES PMT | Sample_Depth |
GP15 Water Column 210Po and 210Pb - Dissolved and Total - Leg 1 | GP15 Water Column 210Po and 210Pb - Dissolved and Total - Leg 1 | PMT Lead-210 and Polonium-210, U.S. GEOTRACES PMT | Sample_Depth |
GP15 Water Column 210Po and 210Pb - Dissolved and Total - Leg 2 | GP15 Water Column 210Po and 210Pb - Dissolved and Total - Leg 2 | PMT Lead-210 and Polonium-210, U.S. GEOTRACES PMT | Sample_Depth |
GP15 Water Column Dissolved 227Ac Leg 1 | GP15 Water Column Dissolved 227Ac Leg 1 | PMT Actinium-227, U.S. GEOTRACES PMT | Sample_Depth |
GP15 Water Column Dissolved 227Ac Leg 2 | GP15 Water Column Dissolved 227Ac Leg 2 | PMT Actinium-227, U.S. GEOTRACES PMT | Sample_Depth |
GP15 Water column total and particulate Th-234 Leg 1 | Water column total and particulate Thorium-234 | PMT Upper Ocean Trace Elements, U.S. GEOTRACES PMT | Sample_Depth |
GP15 Water column total and particulate Th-234 Leg 2 | Water column total and particulate Thorium-234 | PMT Upper Ocean Trace Elements, U.S. GEOTRACES PMT | Sample_Depth |
GP16 Acetic Acid Leachable Trace Metals from Aerosols | Acetic acid leachable trace metals from bulk aerosol samples collected during the 2013 US GEOTRACES EPZT section cruise | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT, EPZT Aerosol Collection | Sample_Depth |
GP16 Barium Dissolved | Dissolved Barium (Ba) in US GEOTRACES East Pacific Zonal Transect, GP16. | EPZT_Ga_V_others, U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT | SMDEPTH, FMDEPTH, CTDDEPTH |
GP16 Beryllium-7 | Beryllium-7 (Be-7) measurements from the GEOTRACES EPZT cruise | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT, EPZT Be-7 | depth |
GP16 Bidigare Pigments | Bidigare Pigments | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT | Depth |
GP16 Cellular element quotas | Element quotas of individual phytoplankton cells | South Pacific biogenic trace elements, U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT | CTDDEPTH |
GP16 CFC and SF6 | CFC-12, CFC-11, CFC-113, and SF6 concentration from US GEOTRACES EPZT cruise. | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT | CTDDEPTH |
GP16 Cobalt Total and Labile Dissolved | Total dissolved cobalt and labile cobalt concentrations measured by cathodic stripping voltammetry. | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT, EPZT Fe Cu Co | DEPTH_PI, SMDEPTH, FMDEPTH, CTDDEPTH |
GP16 Copper Speciation | Copper speciation results for dissolved organic copper binding ligand concentrations, stability constants, and free copper for the U.S. GEOTRACES Equatorial Pacific cruise | EPZT Fe Cu Co, U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT | Depth, SMDEPTH, FMDEPTH, CTDDEPTH |
GP16 Core Top Major Elements | Core-top (0-1cm) sediment data from GEOTRACES EPZT (GP16) cruise | GEOTRACES EPZT Suspended Particles, U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT | depth, CTDDEPTH |
GP16 CTD - GT-C Shipboard SBE-Processed Files | CTD - GT-C Shipboard SBE-Processed Files | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT | DepSM |
GP16 CTD - ODF DownCasts | CTD - ODF DownCasts from TN303 | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT | SMDEPTH, FMDEPTH |
GP16 Cu Ni Mn V | Dissolved copper, nickel, manganese, and vanadium from GeoFISH and bottle samples | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT, EPZT_Ga_V_others | CTDDEPTH, DEPTH_FISH |
GP16 d13C-DIC | The 13C/12C stable carbon isotopic ratio of the dissolved inorganic carbon from samples collected on the GEOTRACES EPZT cruise | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT, EPZT d13C-DIC | CTDDEPTH |
GP16 d15N NO3 | Nitrate isotope data from the US GEOTRACES EPZT cruise. | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT, EPZT Nitrogen Isotopes | DEPTH_PI, SMDEPTH, FMDEPTH, CTDDEPTH |
GP16 delta 30Si | Profiles of stable isotopes of silicon in silicic acid from the US GEOTRACES EPZT cruise | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT, GEOTRACES EPZT Silicon Isotope | FMDEPTH, CTDDEPTH, SMDEPTH |
GP16 Dissolved Aluminum | Concentrations of dissolved aluminum in samples collected on the U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT cruise | EPZT Shipboard Al Mn Fe, U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT | CTDDEPTH |
GP16 Dissolved Fe, Mn, Cd, Cu and Zn | Dissolved Fe, Mn, Cd, Cu and Zn from bottle samples | FeMnCdCuZn, U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT | PI_depth, CTDDEPTH |
GP16 Dissolved Inorganic Carbon | Seawater Inorganic Carbon Data (DIC) from the 2013 US GEOTRACES EPZT cruise, TN303 | EPZT Carbon, U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT | CTDDEPTH |
GP16 Dissolved Iron - ODU | Water-column dissolved iron (Fe) concentrations for major stations occupied during U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT cruise; post-cruise analyses conducted at Old Dominion University | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT, EPZT Shipboard Al Mn Fe | depth_pi, CTDDEPTH |
GP16 Dissolved iron speciation | Dissolved iron speciation from 2013 U.S. GEOTRACES Eastern Pacific Zonal Transect | EPZT Fe Cu Co, U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT | depth |
GP16 Dissolved Manganese | Concentrations of dissolved manganese (Mn) in water-column samples from major stations that were occupied during the U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT cruise | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT, EPZT Shipboard Al Mn Fe | depth_pi, CTDDEPTH |
GP16 Dissolved Nd Isotopes and REEs - LDEO | GP16 Dissolved Nd Isotopes and REEs - LDEO | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT, EPZT Nd REEs | Sample_Depth |
GP16 Dissolved Organic Carbon | Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC) measurements from the 2013 EPZT cruise of the US GEOTRACES Program. | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT, GEOTRACES EPZT Suspended Particles | SMDEPTH, FMDEPTH, CTDDEPTH |
GP16 Dissolved REEs - OSU | GP16 Dissolved REEs - OSU | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT, EPZT Nd REEs | DEPTH |
GP16 Gallium dissolved | Dissolved Gallium (Ga) from R/V Thomas G. Thompson cruise TN303 (GP16) in the Eastern Tropical Pacific in 2013 (U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT project) | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT, EPZT_Ga_V_others | Sample_Depth |
GP16 Helium Isotopes and Noble Gas Concentrations | Helium Isotopes and Noble Gas Concentrations from GEOTRACES 2013 Eastern Pacific Zonal Transect | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT, EPZT Noble Gases He Tritium | CTDDEPTH |
GP16 Iron Zinc and Cadmium isotopes dissolved | Dissolved (0.4 micron filtered) Fe, Zn and Cd isotope ratios and concentrations across GEOTRACES-EPZT | EPZT Diss Fe Zn Cd, U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT | depth_pi |
GP16 Lead dissolved | Dissolved Pb data from US GEOTRACES East Pacific Zonal Transect | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT | SMDEPTH, FMDEPTH, depth_PI, CTDDEPTH |
GP16 Mercury particulate | Suspended particulate total mercury and monomethylmercury across the US GEOTRACES East Pacific Zonal Transect, from cruise TN303, 2013 | EPZT Mercury, U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT | depth_pump |
GP16 Mercury speciation dissolved | Mercury speciation across the US GEOTRACES East Pacific Zonal Transect, from cruise TN303, 2013 | EPZT Mercury, U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT | depth |
GP16 Molybdenum dissolved | Dissolved molybdenum data from GeoFISH and Bottle samples | EPZT_Ga_V_others, U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT | CTDDEPTH, DEPTH_FISH |
GP16 N2O Isotopes and Concentrations | GP16 N2O Isotopes and Concentrations | EPZT Nitrogen Isotopes, U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT | DEPTH |
GP16 Nitrite Isotopes and Concentrations | GP16 Nitrite Isotopes and Concentrations | EPZT Nitrogen Isotopes, U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT | DEPTH |
GP16 Particulate Elements Geo-FISH | Trace element concentrations in suspended particles collected from the GeoFISH | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT, South Pacific biogenic trace elements, GEOTRACES EPZT Suspended Particles | depth_GEOTRC_CTD |
GP16 Particulate Elements Go-Flo Bottle | Trace element concentrations in suspended particles collected from GO-Flo bottles | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT, South Pacific biogenic trace elements, GEOTRACES EPZT Suspended Particles | depth_GEOTRC_CTD |
GP16 Particulate Iron Isotopes | Particulate iron (pFe) isotope concentrations from the GEOTRACES EPZT cruise | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT, EPZT Diss Fe Zn Cd, Fe isotope effects | depth_pi |
GP16 Pb Dissolved | Dissolved Pb passing through a 0.2 um Acropak capsule filter from US GEOTRACES EPZT cruise. | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT, EPZT Pb | SMDEPTH, FMDEPTH, CTDDEPTH, depth_pi |
GP16 Pb Isotope Ratios | Pb isotope ratios from TN303 (GP16), GEOTRACES EPZT | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT, EPZT Pb | Sample_Depth |
GP16 Polonium-210 and Lead-210 dissolved | Dissolved Po-210 and Pb-210 data from US GEOTRACES East Pacific Zonal Transect-2013 | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT, GEOTRACES EPZT Po Pb | depth_PI, CTDDEPTH |
GP16 Polonium-210 and Lead-210 particulate | Particulate Po-210 and Pb-210 data from US GEOTRACES East Pacific Zonal Transect-2013 | GEOTRACES EPZT Po Pb, U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT | DEPTH |
GP16 Radiocarbon DelC14 | Radiocarbon DelC14 from GEOTRACES 2013 Eastern Pacific Zonal Transect | EPZT Noble Gases He Tritium, U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT | CTDDEPTH |
GP16 Radium | Radium isotopes collected on the GEOTRACES EPZT cruise. | EPZT TEI Rates, U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT | DEPTH |
GP16 Selenium iodine and arsenic species from Super GeoFish | Arsenate, Iodide, Selenium depth profiles collected from the Super-GeoFish | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT, EPZT_Redox_Elements | DEPTH |
GP16 Selenium iodine and arsenic species profiles from bottle samples | Arsenate, Iodide, Selenium depth profiles collected from the Go-FLO bottles | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT, EPZT_Redox_Elements | DEPTH |
GP16 Soluble and Dissolved Fe and Fe Isotopes | Fe concentrations and δ56Fe, dissolved (<0.2 um) and soluble (<10 kDa) | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT, GEOTRACES EPZT Suspended Particles | ctd_depth |
GP16 Thorium and Protactinium dissolved | Depth profiles of seawater dissolved 232Th, 230Th, and 231Pa | EPZT_Th_Pa, U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT | CTDDEPTH, depth_pi |
GP16 Thorium-234 Particulate | Particulate Th-234 from in-situ pumps, including large size fraction (> 51 um) and small size fraction (1-51 um), during the 2013 U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT cruise. | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT, EPZT TEI Rates | Sample_Depth |
GP16 Thorium-234 Total | Water-column total Th-234 the 2013 U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT cruise. | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT, EPZT TEI Rates | Sample_Depth |
GP16 Total Particulate Aerosols | Total particulate trace element concentrations from bulk aerosol samples collected during the 2013 US GEOTRACES EPZT section cruise | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT, EPZT Aerosol Collection | Sample_Depth |
GP16 Trace Metals Dissolved | Dissolved trace metals from eastern part of the transect from GO-FLO rosette | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT, EPZT trace metals | CTDDEPTH |
GP16 Tritium | Tritium Concentrations from GEOTRACES 2013 Eastern Pacific Zonal Transect | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT, EPZT Noble Gases He Tritium | CTDDEPTH |
GP16 Water Mass Percentages | Results from Optimum Multiparameter Water Mass Analysis (OMPA) for GP16 obtained using temperature, salinity, nutrient, and oxygen data | EPZT Nitrogen Isotopes, U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT, EPZT Noble Gases He Tritium | CTDDEPTH |
GP17-OCE Beryllium-7 in seawater and aerosols | GP17-OCE Beryllium-7 in seawater and aerosols | GP17-OCE Be-7, GP17-OCE | Sample_Depth |
GP17-OCE Dissolved Gallium in the South Pacific Ocean | GP17-OCE Dissolved Gallium in the South Pacific Ocean | GP17-OCE | Sample_Depth |
GP17-OCE Dissolved Seawater Barium Concentrations | GP17-OCE Dissolved seawater barium concentrations | GP17-OCE Ra and Ba isotopes, GP17-OCE | Sample_Depth |
GP17-OCE Dissolved Total and Labile Cobalt | GP17-OCE Dissolved Total and Labile Cobalt | GP17-OCE and GP17-ANT Cobalt and Protein Biomarkers, GP17-OCE | Sample_Depth |
GP17-OCE Event Log | GP17-OCE Event Log | GP17-OCE | sample_depth_min, sample_depth_max |
GP17-OCE ODF nutrients | GP17-OCE ODF nutrients | GP17-OCE | DEPTH |
GP17-OCE Size-fractionated particulate inorganic carbon (PIC) | GP17-OCE Size-fractionated particulate inorganic carbon (PIC) | GP17-OCE, GP17-OCE Particle Composition | Depth |
GP17-OCE Water Column Radium Isotopes | GP17-OCE Water Column Radium Isotopes | GP17-OCE, GP17-OCE Ra and Ba isotopes, GP17-OCE and GP17-ANT Radium Isotopes | Sample_Depth |
GPpr09 Dissolved Th and Pa | Depth profiles of seawater dissolved 232Th, 230Th, and 231Pa | UltraPac Trace Elements | Sample_Depth |
GPpr09 Particulate Th and Pa | Depth profiles of seawater particulate 232Th, 230Th, and 231Pa | UltraPac Trace Elements | Sample_Depth |
grazing and growth rates | Protist rates based on epifluorescence counts; cyanobacteria rates based on flow cytometry data (Lomas group); bulk rates based on extracted chlorophyll-a. | Trophic BATS | depth |
Greenland experiment: microbial enzymatic activities | hydrolysis rates | Patterns of activities | depth_m |
Gridded in-situ oxygen profiles | | UpRISEE O2 upwelling | DEPTH |
Gridded in-situ profiles | | UpRISEE O2 upwelling, SHiP | DEPTH |
Gross oxygen production | All measurements used in the gross oxygen production estimates | UpRISEE O2 upwelling | depth |
Gross oxygen production | Gross oxygen production | Chief Sci KM1910 | Depth |
Groundwater Well Water Level Data | Groundwater Well Water Level Data | Subsurface cryptic N cycle | Waterlevel_m |
Groves Creek 'Omits | Metagenomic, metatranscriptomics and 16S rRNA gene sequence data from Groves Creek diel sampling | Marine priming effect | Depth |
Groves Creek: ADP current profiles | ADP | GrovesCreek | depth |
Groves Creek: temperature, depth, salinity (Seabird MicroCat CTD) | CTD-MicroC | GrovesCreek | depth |
Growth | Phytoplankton growth and grazing rates | RISE | depth |
Growth and Phyto | Growth rate and microplankton grazing rates | ECOHAB-PNW | depth |
GS02 Beryllium-7 in seawater and aerosols | GS02 Beryllium-7 in seawater and aerosols | SWINGS Be-7 | Sample_Depth |
GT10 - CDOM | Absorption coefficients of Colored Dissolved Organic matter (CDOM) | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | depth, depth_GEOTRC_CTD |
GT10 - CTD - GT-C Bottle | CTD - GT-C Bottle | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | CTDDEPTH |
GT10 - CTD - GT-C Profiles | CTD - GT-C Profiles (1 m downcasts) | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | DEPTH |
GT10 - CTD - ODF/SIOR Profiles | CTD - ODF/SIOR Profiles (1 m downcasts) | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | DEPTH |
GT10 - CTD and PUMP - Cast Events | CTD and PUMP - Cast Events | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | depth, DAB |
GT10 - Cysteine Glutathione | Dissolved cysteine and glutathione across the US GEOTRACES North Atlantic Zonal Section | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | depth_GEOTRC_CTD, depth |
GT10 - delta-O18 and Deuterium | Depth profiles of seawater d18O and dD from 8 stations of the KN199-04 cruise. | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT, GEOTRACES: Intercal Phosphate Oxygen | depth_GEOTRC_CTD |
GT10 - DOC | Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) data from the GT10 cruise KN199-04 | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | depth, depth_GEOTRC_CTD |
GT10 - Fe Soluble | Soluble iron (Fe) passed through 10 kDa cross-flow filter, from GT10 cruise. | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | depth, depth_GEOTRC_CTD |
GT10 - FIA-AlFe | Shipboard flow injection analyis (FIA) of dissolved Al and Fe. | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | depth_GEOTRC_CTD |
GT10 - HeNe_dups | Helium and Neon duplicates from station 1 of KN199-04 (GT10) cruise. | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | depth_GEOTRC_CTD |
GT10 - Nanomolar Nutrients - Profiles | Nanomolar concentrations of PO4, NO3, NO2 (profile) | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | depth, depth_GEOTRC_CTD |
GT10 - POC_PON | Particulate Organic Carbon (POC) and Nitrogen (PON) data from the GT10 cruise KN199-04 | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | depth, depth_GEOTRC_CTD |
GT10 - Spctrl_Absp | Spectral absorption coefficients of phytoplankton | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | depth |
GT10 - SPM | Suspended Particulate Matter data from the GT10 cruise KN199-04 | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | depth_GEOTRC_CTD, depth |
GT10-11 - cellular element quotas | Element quotas of individual phytoplankton cells | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | depth_GEOTRC_CTD, depth_GEOTRC_CTD_round |
GT10-11 - CFC and SF6 | Concentrations of CFC-11, CFC-12, CFC-113 and SF6 in seawater - GT11 | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT, GT NAT CFC and SF6 | depth_GEOTRC_CTD |
GT10-11 - Co Total Dissolved and Labile | Total dissolved Cobalt and labile Cobalt concentrations from KN199-04 and KN204-01. | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | depth_GEOTRC_CTD, depth |
GT10-11 - Cu Speciation | Total dissolved copper and estimates of free Cu2+, ligand concentrations, and conditional stability constants | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | depth_GEOTRC_CTD |
GT10-11 - delta 15N-NO3 | delta 15N of nitrate from GT10 and GT11 cruises. | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | depth_GEOTRC_CTD |
GT10-11 - delta 30Si | Profiles of stable isotopes of silicon (Si) in silicic acid (Si(OH)4) from GT10 and GT11 cruises. | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | depth_GEOTRC_CTD |
GT10-11 - delta_13C | delta 13C measurement of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) from GT10 and GT11 cruises. | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | depth_GEOTRC_CTD |
GT10-11 - dFe and dFe-II | Concentrations of dissolved iron and dissolved iron(II), U.S. GEOTRACES transects | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | depth_GEOTRC_CTD |
GT10-11 - DIC_TA | Inorganic Carbon data from GT10 and GT11 North Atlantic cruises | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | depth_GEOTRC_CTD |
GT10-11 - Dissolved and Particulate Th and Pa | Depth profiles of seawater dissolved and small and large particulate 232Th, 230Th, and 231Pa | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | depth_GEOTRC |
GT10-11 - Dissolved Fe Zn Cd conc and isotopes | Dissolved Fe, Zn and Cd concentrations and isotope ratios | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | depth_GEOTRC_CTD, depth |
GT10-11 - Dissolved Po Pb | Dissolved 210Po and 210Pb from US GEOTRACES North Atlantic KN199-04 and KN204-01 | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | depth_GEOTRC_CTD |
GT10-11 - Fe Mn Zn Cd and Cu | Dissolved Iron, Manganese, Zinc, Cadmium and Copper concentrations | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | depth |
GT10-11 - Fe Speciation | Profiles of concentrations of dissolved iron-binding ligands and their respective conditional stability constants | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | depth_GEOTRC_CTD |
GT10-11 - GaBa_bottles | Dissolved Ga and Ba from GEOTRACES Rosette bottles from GT10 and GT11 cruises. | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | depth_GEOTRC_CTD |
GT10-11 - GaBa_surface | Dissolved Ga and Ba from surface tows from GT10 and GT11 cruises. | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | depth |
GT10-11 - HeNe | Helium, Neon, and Helium-isotope concentrations from KN199-04 (GT10) and KN204-01 (GT11) cruises. | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | depth_GEOTRC_CTD |
GT10-11 - Hg Particulate | Particulate total mercury and monomethylmercury - US GEOTRACES NATZ | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | depth_GEOTRC_CTD |
GT10-11 - Hg Speciation | Mercury speciation across the US GEOTRACES North Atlantic Zonal Section | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | depth_GEOTRC_CTD, depth |
GT10-11 - Neodymium - LDEO | seawater Nd isotopes and concentrations from the US-GEOTRACES North Atlantic zonal transect (NAZT) | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | depth_ctd, depth_GEOTRC_CTD_round |
GT10-11 - Neodymium - UH | seawater Nd isotopes and concentrations from the US-GEOTRACES North Atlantic zonal transect (NAZT) | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | depth_ctd, depth_GEOTRC_CTD_round |
GT10-11 - Neodymium - USC | seawater Nd isotopes and concentrations from the US-GEOTRACES North Atlantic zonal transect (NAZT) | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | depth_ctd, depth_GEOTRC_CTD_round |
GT10-11 - Nitrate isotopes | Nitrogen and Oxygen isotope ratios of dissolved nitrate | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | depth_GEOTRC_CTD |
GT10-11 - Particulate composition | Size-fractionated major and minor particle composition and concentration | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | depth_GEOTRC_CTD, depth_GEOTRC_CTD_round |
GT10-11 - Particulate Fe Isotopes | Particulate Fe isotopes (d56Fe, labile d56Fe, labile[Fe], [Cd], [Ba], and [P]) from GT10 and GT11 cruises. | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | depth, depth_GEOTRC_CTD |
GT10-11 - Particulate Po Pb | Particulate 210Po and 210Pb from US GEOTRACES North Atlantic KN199-04 and KN204-01 | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | depth |
GT10-11 - Particulate Th and Pa | Depth profiles of seawater suspended dissolved and particulate 232Th, 230Th, and 231Pa | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | depth, depth_GEOTRC_CTD |
GT10-11 - Particulate trace elements | Trace element concentrations in particles | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | depth_GEOTRC_CTD |
GT10-11 - Pb Dissolved | Dissolved lead (Pb), less than 0.2 um, from GT10 and GT11 cruises. | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | depth, depth_GEOTRC_CTD |
GT10-11 - Pb isotope ratios | Isotope ratios of Pb passing through a 0.2 um Acropak capsule filter from the GEOTRACES North Atlantic Transect. | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | depth_GEOTRC_CTD, depth |
GT10-11 - Ra Th | Radium and Thorium isotopes sampled by in situ pump on GT10 and GT11 cruises. | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | depth, depth_GEOTRC_CTD |
GT10-11 - REEs | Dissolved Rare Earth Element (REE) Concentrations in NAZT Section GA03 | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT, NAT_Continue | Bottle_depth |
GT10-11 - Th234 Particulate | Particulate Thorium-234 from in situ pumps. | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | depth, depth_GEOTRC_CTD |
GT10-11 - Th234_Total_and_U238 | Water-column total Thorium-234 and Uranium-238. | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | depth_GEOTRC_CTD, depth |
GT10-11 - Thorium and Particle Cycling Inverse Model and parameter estimates | Thorium and Particle Cycling Inverse Model and parameter estimates | GEOTRACES Particle Dynamics | DEPTH |
GT10-11 - Trace Element Profiles | Trace element profiles from GT-10 and GT-11 | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | depth_GEOTRC_CTD |
GT10-11 - Transmissometer GTC | NAZT particle beam attenuation coefficient (Cp) data from GT-C (GEOTRACES carousel) rosette system | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | DEPTH |
GT10-11 - Transmissometer ODF | NAZT particle beam attenuation coefficient (Cp) data from ODF (Ocean Data Facility) rosette system | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | CTDDEPTH |
GT10-11 - Tritium | Tritium concentration from KN199-04 (GT10) and KN204-01 (GT11) cruises. | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | depth_GEOTRC_CTD |
GT11 - CTD and PUMP - Cast Events | CTD and PUMP - Cast Events | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | depth |
GT11 - As Sb AP - Profiles | Depth profiles for arsenic and antimony speciation and alkaline phosphatase activity | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | depth_GEOTRC_CTD, depth |
GT11 - CTD - GT-C Bottle | CTD - GT-C Bottle | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | CTDDEPTH |
GT11 - CTD - GT-C Profiles | CTD - GT-C Profiles (1 m downcasts) | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | DEPTH |
GT11 - CTD - ODF/SIOR Profiles | ODF/SIOR CTD Profiles (1 m downcasts) | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | DEPTH |
GT11 - Fe Soluble | Soluble Fe passed through 0.2 um Anopore filter, from GT11 cruise. | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | depth, depth_GEOTRC_CTD |
GT11 - FIA-AlFeMn | Shipboard flow injection analyis (FIA) of dissolved Al, Fe, and Mn. | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | depth_GEOTRC_CTD |
GT11 - Nanomolar Nutrients - Profiles | Nanomolar concentrations of PO4, NO3, NO2 (profile) | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | depth, depth_GEOTRC_CTD |
Guaymas Dissolved Radium AT42-05 | This dataset presents dissolved radium isotope activities around Guaymas Basin | Guaymas Basin Ra 224 Approach | Depth |
Guaymas porewater methane | Guaymas porewater methane | Guaymas Basin Interactions | Depth_Dive |
Guaymas porewater nutrients | Guaymas porewater nutrients | Guaymas Basin Interactions | Depth_Dive |
Guaymas Water Column Radium AT37-06 | This dataset presents dissolved radium isotope activities around Guaymas Basin | Guaymas Basin Ra 224 Approach | Depth |
Gulf of Alaska Al and Mn - Surface Samples | Gulf of Alaska Al and Mn - Surface Samples | EPZT Shipboard Al Mn Fe | YSI_Depth |
Gulf of Alaska Al and Mn - Vertical Profiles | Gulf of Alaska Al and Mn - Vertical Profiles | EPZT Shipboard Al Mn Fe | Depth |
Gulf of Maine time series CTD profiles | Water profile CTD from two time series stations in the Gulf of Maine: 2012-2013 | GoM_Calanus_2012-2013 | depth |
Gulf of Mexico CTD Fluorometer | CTD Fluorometer | BLOOFINZ-IO, GoMex Tuna Foodweb B | Depth |
Gulf of Mexico deckboard ammonium uptake | | BLOOFINZ-IO, GoMex Tuna Foodweb B | Depth |
Gulf of Mexico deckboard nitrate uptake | | BLOOFINZ-IO, GoMex Tuna Foodweb B | Depth |
Gulf of Mexico diel ammonium uptake | | BLOOFINZ-IO, GoMex Tuna Foodweb B | Depth |
Gulf of Mexico diel nitrate uptake | | BLOOFINZ-IO, GoMex Tuna Foodweb B | Depth |
Gulf of Mexico in situ nitrate uptake | | BLOOFINZ-IO, GoMex Tuna Foodweb B | Depth |
Gulf of Mexico net primary production | | BLOOFINZ-IO, GoMex Tuna Foodweb B | Depth |
Gulf of Mexico NO3 isotopes | | SW Pac N2 fixation | Depth |
Gulf of Mexico particulate organic matter and isotopes | | BLOOFINZ-IO, GoMex Tuna Foodweb B | Depth |
Gulf of Mexico sediment trap | | BLOOFINZ-IO, GoMex Tuna Foodweb B | Depth |
HADES-K - Deployment Log | HADES-K - Deployment Log | HADES | Target_Depth, Depth |
HADES-K - Specify Export 201305190833 Final | HADES-K - Specify Export 201305190833 Final | HADES | Depth |
HADES-K Nereus dives - bottom navigation | HADES-K - Nereus bottom navigation | HADES | Depth |
HADES-K Nereus dives - geo-referenced megafauna counts | HADES-K - georeferenced macrofauna | HADES | Depth |
HADES-K Sediment Macrofaunal Diversity | HADES-K - macrofauna raw counts | HADES | Depth |
HADES-K Sediment Meiofaunal Diversity | HADES-K - meiofauna raw counts | HADES | Depth |
Halomethane concentration profile | Concentrations of CH3Br, CH3I, CH2Br2, and CHBr3 seawater | Volatile_Hydrocarbons | Depth |
Harder_2016_T1: sea spider Pallenopsis sampling sites and COI NCBI accessions | Sea spider Pallenopsis sampling sites and COI NCBI accessions | Antarctic Inverts | depth |
Hawaii Ocean Time Series Comparison | Phosphate profile data comparison between programmable Flow Injection (PFI) and AA3 Autoanalyzer methods | pFI-SI-LOV | Depth |
herring spawng grounds_ctd | Commercial Vessel Acoustic Survey of Coastal Herring Spawning Units, 2000-2004, Gulf of Maine: CTD Data | NEC-CoopRes | depth |
Heterosigma akashiwo acclimation | Heterosigma akashiwo acclimation - BioProject PRJNA377729 | P-ExpEv | depth |
Hg Isotopes Particles | Mercury stable isotope values for marine particles | Hg_Biogeochemistry | Mean_Depth |
Hg Isotopes Zooplankton | Mercury stable isotope values for zooplankton | Hg_Biogeochemistry | Mean_Depth |
High Sensitivity DIP | Global distribution of phosphate using high sensitivity techniques | Ocean Stoichiometry | Depth |
HMS 5m Hydrography | Temperature, oxygen, pH, depth, and conductivity at 5 depth at Hopkins Marine Station | CA Current MS Abpop | depth_avg, depth_CTD |
HMW and LMW DOC 14C | HMW and LMW DOC 14C | DON Microbial Nitrogen Pump | depth |
HMW and LMW DOC Recovery | HMW and LMW DOC Recovery | DON Microbial Nitrogen Pump | depth |
HOBO U20L water level and seafloor temperature - Inside and outside kelp | HOBOU20L water level and seafloor temperature - Inside and outside kelp | Kelp forest biogeochemistry | Site_depth_0_tide |
HOBO U22 water column temperature - Inside and outside kelp | HOBO U22 water column temperature - Inside and outside kelp | Kelp forest biogeochemistry | Site_depth_0_tide |
HOE-DYLAN cruises - Diazotrophs | HOE-DYLAN cruises - Diazotrophs | C-MORE | depth |
HOE-LEGACY 2A diel_FCM | HOE-LEGACY 2A diel_FCM | C-MORE, SCOPE | depth |
HOE-LEGACY 2A Stations | HOE-LEGACY 2A Stations | C-MORE, SCOPE | depth_cast |
Hood Canal - copper | Total dissolved copper and copper speciation from Hood Canal, Puget Sound, Washington, USA | Nitrification and Marine Planktonic Biodiversity | depth |
Hood Canal - fluor and O2 | fluorescence and oxygen from Hood Canal, Puget Sound, Washington, USA | Nitrification and Marine Planktonic Biodiversity | depth |
Hood Canal - nutrients | Nutrient concentrations from Hood Canal, Puget Sound, Washington, USA | Nitrification and Marine Planktonic Biodiversity | depth |
Hood Canal Carbonate Chemistry | Hood Canal carbonate chemistry from Niskin bottle samples collected in 2017 | Zooplankton Swimming | Depth |
Hood Canal CTD | Hood Canal CTD profiles of temperature, oxygen, salinity, density, fluorescence, PAR, and pH collected in 2017-2018 | Zooplankton Swimming | Depth |
HOT CTD Profiles | Two decibar-averaged CTD profiles from the Hawaii Ocean Time-Series (HOT) | HOT | depth_max |
HOT LAVA Nitrogen | Water column nitrate+nitrite d15N and d18O and total dissolved nitrogen d15N measurements | SW Pac N2 fixation | Depth |
HOT Niskin bottle samples | Niskin bottle water samples and CTD measurements at water sample depths from the Hawaii Ocean Time-Series (HOT) | HOT | Depth_max |
HOT Particle Flux | Particle flux measurements from the Hawaii Ocean Time-Series (HOT) | HOT | Depth |
HOT Primary Production | Primary productivity measurements from the Hawaii Ocean Time-Series (HOT) | HOT | Depth |
HOT Zooplankton Community Structure | HOT Zooplankton Community Structure | HOT | Depth |
Hotmix 2014 Retinoids | Retinoid data from Mediterranean cruise, Hotmix 2014. | Marine Retinoids | depth |
HOTS & BATS Depth Profile Fluorescence | HOTS & BATS Depth Profile Fluorescence | Picocyanobacteria CDOM | depth |
HPLC | HPLC Pigments | SEEDS I | depth |
HPLC analysis | | HarveyCarbonCycle | Depth |
HPLC pigment data collected during the Tara Pacific expedition | HPLC pigment data collected during the Tara Pacific expedition | Island Mass Effect | Depth_top_m, Depth_bot_m, Depth_water_m |
HPLC Pigments | HPLC pigment analyses of CTD collected samples on KN207-03 cruise (NA-VICE). | NA-VICE | depth |
HPLC Pigments | HPLC pigment data from samples collected during SAV cruises 2015-2017 | B12 Impacts on DMSP | Depth |
HPLC Pigments - CTD | HPLC pigment analyses of CTD collected samples on NBP1302 cruise | TRACERS | Depth |
HPLC Summary - All | Concentration of photosynthetic pigments determined by HPLC | SOIREE | depth |
HPLC_BBRS | CARIACO HPLC pigments from the Bermuda Biological Research Station (BBRS) | CARIACO | depth |
HPLC_HPL | CARIACO HPLC pigments from Horn Point Laboratory (HPL) | CARIACO | depth |
HPLC_MOTE | CARIACO HPLC pigments from Mote | CARIACO | depth |
HPLC_NGSFC | CARIACO HPLC pigments from the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center | CARIACO | depth |
HPLC_pigments | Diagnostic accessory pigment data analyzed by HPLC | CiliateDivGenePop | depth |
HRR 2017 CTD | HRR ctd | HRR | depSM |
HRR cruise bottle data | HRR bottle data | HRR | Bottle_Depth, BTL_File_Depth |
HRS1610 Bottle Data | Bottle sample data from CTD casts | CyanateInTheSea | Depth |
HRS1610 CTD Data | Station CTD profiles | CyanateInTheSea | Depth |
Hudson Canyon DIC and pH | Radiocarbon DIC, DIC concentration, pH, and [CH4] in Hudson Canyon, northern US Atlantic Margin | Aerobic methane oxidation | depth |
Hurricane Harvey Coral Gene Expression | | Rapid Reefs Harvey | Depth |
Hurricane Harvey Impacts on Sediment Biogeochemistry | | Hurricane Harvey Biogeochemistry | Depth |
Hurricane Harvey Impacts on Water Biogeochemistry | | Hurricane Harvey Biogeochemistry | Depth |
Hydroacoustic Survey Data 2020 | Hydroacoustics - Jupiter from August 31 until November 30, 2020 | Storm effect on predator | Depth_mean |
Hydrocarbon Compounds | Hydrocarbon Compounds Gas Chromatography | IODP insights Fungi | Depth |
hydrocast Cesium isotopes | 137Cs and 134Cs concentrations from Fukushima Radionuclide Project | Fukushima Radionuclide Levels | depth |
Hydrocasts_nitrate | Nitrate nitrogen and oxygen isotope hydrocast data the Southern Ocean | CAREER | depth |
Hydrographic Profiles - BAR2 | Hydrographic Profiles - BAR2 | ArcticNITRO | Depth |
Hydrographic Profiles - BAR3 | Hydrographic Profiles - BAR3 | ArcticNITRO | Depth |
Hydrographic Profiles - BAR4 | Hydrographic Profiles - BAR4 | ArcticNITRO | Depth |
Hydrographic Profiles - BAR5 | Hydrographic Profiles - BAR5 | ArcticNITRO | Depth |
Hydrographic Profiles - BAR6 | Hydrographic Profiles - BAR6 | ArcticNITRO | Depth |
hydrography | Nutrient data from the western Gulf of Maine (bottles) | REACH | depth |
Hydrography Summary | Salinity and temperature data collected at the MBL dock. | Mnemiopsis feeding in turbulence | depth |
Hydrography, nutrients, and mean N2 fixation rates (SPIROPA, July 2019) | Hydrography, nutrients, and uptake rates (SPIROPA, July 2019) | SPIROPA | Depth |
HydroSwimParams_IndStats | Behavioral metrics of swimming by hydromedusae in a turbulence generator. | jellyfish predation in turbulence | depth_mean |
Hydrothermal vent parasite species reported in published literature | Literature review of deep-sea hydrothermal vent parasite, egg predator, and micropredator species | Vent Settlement Cues, EPR Functional Diversity | MAXIMUM_OR_SINGLE_REPORTED_DEPTH |
Ichthyoplankton Density - Bongo | Ichthyoplankton density and Plankton Displacement Volume data collected during the NSF RAPID Plankton Cruises using NOAA SEAMAP Bongo Plankton Nets | RAPID Plankton | D_TW |
Ichthyoplankton Density - MOCNESS | Ichthyoplankton density and plankton displacement volume data collected using MOCNESS plankton nets on the NSF RAPID Plankton Cruises in the Northwestern Gulf of Mexico in 2017-2018 | RAPID Plankton | D_TW |
Ichthyoplankton Density - Neuston | Ichthyoplankton density and plankton displacement volume data collected during the NSF RAPID Plankton Cruises using NOAA SEAMAP Neuston Plankton Nets | RAPID Plankton | D_TW |
Ichthyoplankton Density - Ring | Ichthyoplankton density and plankton displacement volume data collected using SEA-GEAR plankton ring nets on the NSF RAPID Plankton Cruises in the Northwestern Gulf of Mexico in 2017-2018 | RAPID Plankton | D_TW |
ICoMM GPS | ICoMM GPS (Global Protistan Survery) Vent-related samples | PROTISTS | depth |
IEP February and May 2017 | Nutrient and nitrate isotope data from the southern Benguela upwelling system from February to August 2017 | SBUS Hypoxia | Depth |
IFCB Image Data | Image Flow CytoBot Image Data | Project SWARM | depth |
Images of sinking particles in BATS microbial communities | | Marine Plankton Aggregation | depth |
In situ and ISCO data | S-CAN and geochemical data for Groves Creek | Marine priming effect | WaterLevel_rel_to_MSL, depth |
In situ dissolution rates of biogenic calcites | In situ dissolution rates of biogenic calcites | CaCO3 dissolution | Depth |
in situ O2 production | In situ gross/net oxygen production and respiration rates | Arabian Sea | depth |
In situ pCO2 manipulation experiments 2010-2011 | array data 2010 and 2011 | DIAZOTROPHS-CO2 | depth |
In situ seawater temperature at Heron Island (2015-2020) | In situ seawater temperature at Heron Island (2015-2020) | Coral Resilience | Depth |
In-situ pump chemical data | In-situ pump chemical data | BIOSSCOPE | Depth_m |
In-situ pump data | | Are Traps Equal | depth |
In-situ temperature profiles | Temperature Profiles | HOTFUN | Sediment_Depth |
Incubation data for N2 fixation rates (SPIROPA, July 2019) | after Selden et al. 2024 JGR Table S1 | SPIROPA | z_m |
Incubation Experiments | Incubation Experiments | Great Calcite Belt | Depth |
Indian Ocean Sediment Traps | | BLOOFINZ-IO | Depth |
Inferno vent plume proteins-Av1 | proteins from Inferno hydrothermal vent plume meta-proteome - replicate Av1 | Sulfur Oxidizers | depth |
Inferno vent plume proteins-Av2 | proteins from Inferno hydrothermal vent plume meta-proteome - replicate Av2 | Sulfur Oxidizers | depth |
Initial Methane Concentration Alteration Data | | BASIN, CASA | Depth_m |
Initial Oxygen Concentration Alteration Data | Initial Oxygen Concentration Alteration Experiment Data of the Deep Santa Barbara Basin Water Column | BASIN, CASA | Depth_m |
Inorganic Carbon Data | Inorganic Carbon Data from The Great Belt Cruises | Great Calcite Belt | Depth |
inorganic nutrients | Inorganic nutrients (PO4, SiOH4, NO3, NO2, NH4) from KN207-01 cruise. | SargassoSeaLipids | depth |
inorganic nutrients | Inorganic nutrients (NO3, NO2, PO4, SiOH4) from the PICO time-series station. | PICO | depth |
INSPIRE sea ice model simulations | Numerical model simulating the pathways and supply of dissolved iron in the Amundsen Sea (Antarctica) | INSPIRE | h |
Integrated Euphausiid Abundance and Zooplankton Biomass | Gulf Stream Warm-Core and Cold-Core Rings integrated Euphausiid abundance and zooplankton biomass from 1970s, 1980s; column view | NAtlDarkData | depth_10degISO, biomass_50 |
Integrated Euphausiid Abundance and Zooplankton Biomass restructured | Gulf Stream Warm-Core and Cold-Core Rings integrated Euphausiid abundance and zooplankton biomass from 1970s, 1980s | NAtlDarkData | depth_10degISO, biomass_50 |
Invertebrate Species Counts | Invertebrate Species Counts | Urchin metapopulations | AverageDepth |
IO Phytoplankton | Phytoplankton diversity along with carbon and nitrogen uptake rates along the GO-SHIP IO9 repeat hydrography section of the Indian Ocean | IO Phytoplankton | depth |
IODP-347 drill site locations | IODP-347 drill site locations | IODP-347 Microbial Quantification | Depth |
IODP360 - Archaeal and bacterial lipid biomarkers | | Subseafloor Lower Crust Microbiology | Depth |
IODP360 - CHNS analyses | | Subseafloor Lower Crust Microbiology | Depth |
IODP360 - iTAG and metatranscriptome data | | Subseafloor Lower Crust Microbiology | Depth |
IODP360 - Replicate Cell Counts | | Subseafloor Lower Crust Microbiology | Depth |
IRN-BRU MV1405 Transect 5 BioGeoChem | | DiatomFeMolBio, iron limitation mosaic | BOTTOM_DEPTH |
IrnBru MV1405 - Bacteria and Virus Abundance | Bacteria and virus abundance data from the MV1405 cruise. | Diatom Silicification | depth |
IrnBru MV1405 - Silicon biogeochemical data | Experimental and survey biogeochemical data from MV1405 cruise. | Diatom Silicification | depth_sample, depth_bottom, depth_target |
Iron and manganese in the ETNP | Iron and manganese in the ETNP | Ferrous iron in seawater, OMZ Nutrient Cycling | depth |
iron and nutrients - profile | iron and nutrients from water column samples | CORSACS | depth |
ISIIS Environmental Data | | Plankton Size Spectra | Depth |
Island benthic survey urchin size biomass - 2014 | island benthic survey of urchin size and biomass-2014 | OA Kelp Forest Function | depth_feet |
Island benthic survey vegetation - 2014 | island benthic survey of benthic vegetation -2014 | OA Kelp Forest Function | depth_feet |
Island grazing history | | OA Kelp Forest Function | depth_feet |
Isolates | Isolates from Mariana and Kermadec trenches, 2014 | Mariana Perspectives | Depth, MULTIBEAM_DEPTH |
Isotopes | Isotopes | OA - Canada Basin | Depth |
Isotopes in methane in natural waters of Alaska | Isotopes in methane in natural waters of Alaska | Groundwater Discharge Methane | sample_depth |
ISPP14C Synthesis | In situ primary productivity 14C | Arabian Sea Photo-Ecology, JGOFS NABE Primary Prod 20W, ON DEQUE, ARLINDO, PRPOOS Tracer Kinetics, Biowatt I, Arabian Sea, KD490 Upgrade, NABE, AESOPS Primary Production, Arabian Sea Phyto Seasonality, ISPP14C, Biowatt II, PRPOOS logistics, Arabian Sea Primary Prod, AESOPS, ML-ML | Z_incubation, Depth_m, Z_Sample |
IVARS Marine Snow profiles | Profiles of the abundance and size distribution of marine snow aggregates | IVARS | depth |
IVARS Phaeocystis | Profile of the abundance and size distribution of abandoned (ghost) Phaeocystis colonines | IVARS | depth |
Jason Dive Log - Loihi | Log of Jason Dives from cruise TN293 at the Loihi Seamount in March 2013 | Ecology of Vent Mats | depth |
Jason Dive Log - Mariana | Log of Jason Dives from cruise RR1413 at the Mariana arc in December 2014 | Ecology of Vent Mats | depth |
Jason-II sample log AT26-10 | sample log from Jason-II dives for Sievert | Microbial Communities at Deep-Sea Vents | depth |
JeDI | Jellyfish Database Initiative: Global records on gelatinous zooplankton for the past 200 years | Trophic BATS | depth |
Juan de Fuca Ridge Flank SSU rRNA gene sequences | SSU rRNA gene sequences from marine sediments, marine subseafloor, and deep seawater | microJdFR | depth |
jumbo squid time-at-depth | Time-at-depth data (to generate histograms) from tagged jumbo squid. | Jumbo Squid Vertical Migration, Jumbo Squid Physiology | depth_m |
June 2019 Slover cruise data | ATP & micriobial biomass, Chesapeake Bay 2019 | ATP biomass indicator | depth |
Kāneʻohe Bay Time-series - microbial community | Kāneʻohe Bay Time-series - microbial community | Pelagibacteromics | depth |
Kāneʻohe Bay Time-series - phytoplankton and biogeochemistry | Kāneʻohe Bay Time-series - phytoplankton and biogeochemistry | Pelagibacteromics | Depth_m |
Kelp tracking drifter data | | Linking Kelp to Beaches | z |
Kimbe Bay ADCP | Current velocities from 4 depths recorded by ADCP deployed in Kimbe Bay, New Britain, Papua New Guinea. | Pop connectivity of coral reef fishes | depth |
Kinetics of Silicon uptake | Total silicic acid, gross silica production, and biomass-normalized measurements | Diatom Group Si Prod | Actual_Depth |
kinetoplastid SSU rRNA seq. | Microbial metatranscriptomics: upper and lower halocline water column | Pickled Protists | depth |
KM1919-KM1920 hydrography and nutrients | KM1919-KM1920 hydrographic and nutrient data | ETNP_ParticleOmics, ETNP OMZ Denitrification | Depth |
Krill densities | Depth-stratified krill net samples | PelagicHypoxia | Depth_Max, Depth_Min |
La Jolla Nearshore Biogeochemistry | La Jolla Nearshore Biogeochemistry | Iron_CO2_Diatoms, Nearshore CO2 | Depth |
Lab urchin grazing assay fx size | lab urchin grazing vs. size | OA Kelp Forest Function | max_depth_grazed_mm |
LabSea_Hamme et al 2017 | Noble gas and N2/Ar | N2:Ar Deep Tracer | depth |
Lagrangian Trace Metal Concentrations | Surface and profile concentrations of trace metals and radionuclides near Station ALOHA | C-MORE | Depth |
Lake Erie Ice- physico-chemical data | Great Lakes physico-chemical data from winter 2012, 2013, and 2016 | Lake Erie Ice | Station_Depth_Feet, Station_Depth_Meters |
Lake Erie Winter Surveys 2018-2020 | Winter survey data from Lake Erie | Great Lakes Center | Max_Depth, Sample_Depth |
Lake Erie Winter Surveys 2023-2024 | Winter survey data from Lake Erie from Mar 2023 to May 2024 | Great Lakes Center | Sample_Depth |
Lake Michigan Chemistry | Lake Michigan Chemistry | Filter Feeders Physics and Phosphorus | Depth_Smp |
Lake Tahoe Pb Isotopes | Lake Tahoe Pb Isotopes | ADIMA | Depth |
Lake Tahoe Water Metals | Lake Tahoe Water metals | ADIMA | Depth |
larvae count | Larval positioning in acrylic tubes describing the behavior of coral larvae in high pCO2 within shallow tropical reefs in Okinawa, Japan from 2016-07 to 2016-08 | OA coral adaptation | Depth |
Laser Optical Plankton Counter | Laser Optical Plankton Counter | GoMX - Hypoxia and Oil Effects | Depth |
Lau Basin and Loihi Seamount microbial mats | Metegenomic sequences from Lau Basin low temperature vents and Loihi Seamount. | Vent Mn-Fe Microbes | depth |
Lau Basin Bacterial Low Temp Geomicrobiology | Bacterial 16S rRNA sequences from seafloor rocks (silicates and sulfides) | Lau Basin Geomicrobio | depth |
LB_2012_Glider_CTD | CTD data from gliders, Jan-Apr 2012 | Long Bay Wintertime Bloom | depth |
LB_2012_Glider_DO_L2 | Time series of dissolved oxygen measured on an undulating glider, Jan-Apr 2012 | Long Bay Wintertime Bloom | depth |
LB_2012_LB1_ADCP_30m | ADCP data from Long Bay Mooring #1, 30 meters, Jan-April 2012 | Long Bay Wintertime Bloom | depth |
LB_2012_LB2_ADCP_76m | ADCP data from Long Bay Mooring #2, 76 meters, Jan - April 2012 | Long Bay Wintertime Bloom | depth |
LB_2012_LB3_ADCP_171m | ADCP data from Long Bay Mooring #3, 171 meters, Dec. 2011 - April 2012 | Long Bay Wintertime Bloom | depth |
LB_2012_Mooring_CTD | CTD data from Long Bay moorings, Dec. 2011 - Apr. 2012 | Long Bay Wintertime Bloom | depth |
LB_2012_Ship_ADCP | Time series of current profiles measured with a vessel-mounted acoustic doppler current profiler | Long Bay Wintertime Bloom | dep |
LB_2012_Ship_Chl | Chlorophyll and pheopigments from filtered water samples | Long Bay Wintertime Bloom | depth_sample |
LB_2012_Ship_CTD-Optics-O2 | Long Bay vertical CTD profiles, bin-averaged, downcast | Long Bay Wintertime Bloom | depth |
LB_2012_Ship_Nutrients | Long Bay ship macronutrient concentrations: nitrate + nitrite, phosphate, silicate | Long Bay Wintertime Bloom | depth_sample |
Lead Time Series | Surface water total dissolvable lead concentrations near Station ALOHA from 1997 to 2013 | C-MORE | Depth |
Lebetimonas Genomes | Whole genome sequence data from bacterial isolates from venting fluids at NW Rota Seamount, collected in 2009 and 2010. | NP Functional Gene Div | depth |
lightProbe_OC | Satlantic light-profiling system data | EDDIES | depth |
lightProbe_WB | Satlantic profiling radiometer system (SPMR/SMSR) | EDDIES | depth |
Line Islands Diel Tents: DOC, O2 and pH | DOC, O2, pH | Coral DOM2 | Sample_depth |
Line P virus sample log | Pacific Ocean Viral Line P metagenomes with depth, temperature and oxygen | ENP viral community | depth |
Line W nutrients | Nutrient data containing NH4, SiO4, PO4, NO2+NO3 | Carbon Export | depth |
Linear growth and competitive ability of PAC, Figure 2a | Linear growth and competitive ability of PAC at St.John, USVI | RUI-LTREB, Octocoral Community Dynamics | Depth |
Linear growth and competitive ability of PAC, Figure 2b | Growth rate of Peyssonnelid Algal Crusts in August 2019 and January 2020 | Octocoral Community Dynamics, RUI-LTREB | Depth |
Linear growth and competitive ability of PAC, Tables 1 and 2 | Edmunds and Williams (2021) Coral Reefs pub Linear growth and competitive ability of PAC at St.John, VI | RUI-LTREB, Octocoral Community Dynamics | Depth |
lionfish collections LSI 09-11 | Record of lionfish handled/collected near Lee Stocking Island, Bahamas, 2009-2011. | Lionfish Invasion | depth |
lionfish sightings LSI 09-11 | Record of lionfish sighted near Lee Stocking Isalnd, Bahamas from 2009-2011. | Lionfish Invasion | depth |
lipid | Lipid content describing the behavior of coral larvae in high pCO2 within shallow tropical reefs in Okinawa, Japan from 2016-07 to 2016-08 | OA coral adaptation | Depth |
Lipids - Sediment Trap | BiG RAPA Sediment Trap Lipids | C-MORE | depth |
Lipids - Water Column | BiG RAPA Water Column Lipids | C-MORE | depth |
LIS plankton | | Phytoplankton MeHg | Depth |
LIS0507_physical_data | Temp, sal, O2, velocity, heading from cruise LIS0507 | CiliateDivGenePop | depth |
LMG1801 Sample Log | LMG1801 Sample Log | Oxidation of Urea N | Sample_Depth |
LOPC | LOPC data: microplankton size spectra from 0.1 to 35 mm | BenDiM | depth |
Lost City Fluids - Radium | Lost City Fluids - Radium | Lost City Limits to Life | Depth |
Lost City Solids - Radiochemistry | Lost City Solids - Radiochemistry | Lost City Limits to Life | Depth |
low level NO3_PO4 | Nutrients - low-level nitrite+nitrate and phosphate | EDDIES | depth |
Low-pH springs: foraminifera boron isotopes | | CalcificationLowSatSeawater | depth |
low_level_NO3 | Low level Nitrate concentrations from TM or CTD casts | Arabian Sea | depth |
LTR - Physical Characteristics | Long Term Reef Physical Characteristics | CDD_in_Reef_Fish | DEPTH |
Luminoxyscape environmental | Luminoxyscape environmental | Vision under hypoxia | Depth |
Luminoxyscape maximum depth | Luminoxyscape maximum depth | Vision under hypoxia | Depth |
LVP_pump | Carbon and Nitrogen concentration from filtered in situ LVP pump samples | SOFeX | depth |
Macroalgal carbon and nitrogen content | | High latitude kelp dynamics | depth_uncorr |
Macronutrients from a 2014 IRNBRU cruise Rosette Data | Macronutrients from a 2014 IRNBRU cruise Rosette Data | iron limitation mosaic | Depth |
Major inorganic ions in seawater near the BATS station, cruises AE2113 and AE2303 | | Carbon Flux and Aerosol Emissions | Sampling_Depth |
Mariana Back-arc Macrofauna 2014 | Macrofauna collected on colonization panels at Snail Vent Field on the Mariana Back-arc in 2014 | Mariana Back-arc Vents | minimumDepthInMeters, maximumDepthInMeters |
Marine VMR | Virus and Microbial Cell Abundances from Marine Samples | Phage-Bacteria-Nets | depth |
Maximum distances at which Stegastes planiforms attacked invasive lionfish | Max distance of Stegastes planiforms attacks towards native and invasive predators. | BiodiversityLossEffects_lionfish | depth |
May Pelican Samples | Sample Log PE10-31 - May Pelican Samples | GoMX - Microbial Response | Depth |
May Walton Smith Samples | Sample Log WS1010 - May Walton Smith Samples | GoMX - Microbial Response | Depth |
McLane Pumps - Summary | McLane Pumps - Summary | SIRENA | Actual_instrument_depth |
McMurdo Marine Benthos | Abundance and distribution of marine infauna in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica | McMurdo Marine Benthos | depth |
McMurdo Sound acoustic backscatter krill and silverfish | Acoustic backscatter from krill and silverfish in McMurdo Sound. | McMurdo Predator Prey | bin_depth, depth |
McMurdo Sound acoustic backscatter site | Acoustic backscatter from sites in McMurdo Sound. | McMurdo Predator Prey | depth_mean |
McMurdo Sound chlorophyll | Chlorophyll data from McMurdo Sound, Antarctica | McMurdo Predator Prey | depth |
McMurdo Sound CTDs | CTD casts in McMurdo Sound | McMurdo Predator Prey | depth |
mcm_ps | BIO Moored Current Meter Data from Eastern Gulf of Maine/Scotian Shelf | GB | depth |
MCR_HIGH RES_DOC | High resolution DOM, Moorea, 2016 | Coral DOM2 | Depth |
MEDEA-II CARD FISH stations | MEDEA-II stations for CARD FISH samples | Eukaryote Microbes NAtl | depth |
Megafauna counts by taxon in image surveys at inactive sulfides on the East Pacific Rise | | Inactive Sulfides | Depth_m |
MEPS_2016: Fig.3 - growth rate and depth | Data for Kollars etal (2016) MEPS Figure 3: Relative growth rate of Gracilaria with depth below the water surface in Charleston Harbor, SC | Gracilaria effects | depth |
MesoHux Chlorophyll | | E huxleyi Mortality | Sample_Depth |
Mesophotic benthic organism counts | | Hurricane impacts on deep reefs | Depth |
MesoZoo Biomass BLOOFINZ-GoM | Mesozooplankton wet-dry-C&N biomass in oceanic Gulf of Mexico | BLOOFINZ-IO | Depth |
mesozoo biomass by size class | Mesozooplankton community biomass (wet and dry weight) for 5 size classes and total. | CRD FLUZiE | depth_tow |
MesoZoo Grazing BLOOFINZ-GoM | Mesozooplankton grazing rates in oceanic Gulf of Mexico | BLOOFINZ-IO | Depth |
mesozoo grazing by size class | Mesozooplankton community grazing, expressed as micrograms pigment m-2 h-1, for 5 size classes and total. | CRD FLUZiE | depth_tow |
Metaproteome | Microbial membrane-enriched metaproteome (< 0.8 um fraction) | CoFeMUG | Depth |
Methane concentrations at Station ALOHA | Methane concentrations (depths of 5-175 m) at Station ALOHA (2008-2016) | HOT | Depth |
Methane sulfate profiles | Methane and sulfate concentration profiles - sediment cores from White Oak River estuary Station H, October 2012 | IODP-347 Microbial Quantification | depth |
Microbial 16S rRNA gene amplicon SRA numbers | Microbial 16S rRNA gene amplicon SRA numbers | DeepCCZ | sample_depth |
Microbial abundance | Microbial abundance | Salp Food Web Ecology | DEPTH |
Microbial Biomass and Productivity | Microbial Biomass and Productivity | BWZ | depth |
Microbial Counts - Eukaryote | Microbial counts - Eukaryote | IronExII | depth |
Microbial Counts - Picophytoplankton | Microbial Counts - Picophytoplankton | IronExII | depth |
Microbiology | Bacteria Microzoop/Phytoplankton Enumeration, Production, Grazing and Growth | SOIREE | depth |
Microorganisms associated with doliolids | 16S rRNA sequencing doliolids associated microorganisms | Gelatinous Grazer Feeding | depth |
Microorganisms associated with pyrosomes | 16S rRNA sequencing pyrosome-associated microorganisms | Gelatinous Grazer Feeding | depth |
microzooplankton | Microzooplankton | SEEDS I | depth |
microzoo_epi_abund | Cell abundance estimates of heterotrophic protists by size-class, based on epifluorescence microscopy. | CRD FLUZiE | depth |
microzoo_epi_biomass | Carbon biomass estimates of heterotrophic protists by size-class, based on epifluorescence microscopy. | CRD FLUZiE | depth |
MIDAS underway data | Cross shelf undulating towed vehicle (Acrobat with MIDAS) survey data | BenDiM | depth |
Middle Valley Chimney Sulfate Reduction Rates | Maximum rates of microbially mediated sulfate reduction from three hydrothermal vents along the Juan de Fuca Ridge. | Middle Valley Vents | depth |
Minor Arctic Rivers - Dissolved Radium | Minor Arctic Rivers - Dissolved Radium | PMT Radium Isotopes | Depth_collected |
MIS_Midwater_Transect | MIS Midwater Transect | SCINI | depth_m |
MIT Vane | MIT Vane | SIRENA | goal_depth, actual_depth |
Mitochondrial COI barcode sequencing data for Gigantidas childressi veligers, pediveligers, and juveniles | Mitochondrial COI barcode sequencing data for Gigantidas childressi veligers, pediveligers, and juveniles | SALT | Depth |
Mixed layer oxygen to argon | Mixed layer oxygen to argon | Chief Sci KM1910 | Target_depth, MLD |
Mixotrophic nanoflagellate abundances | | Giant virus ecology | MLD, Depth |
MLML Fe | Size fractionated particulate Fe Data | IronExII | depth |
MO - biogeochemical and microbial field surveys | Biogeochemical and microbial field surveys from the BATS site, 2009-2013 | Ocean Microbial Observatory | depth |
MO - proteomics collection | Proteomic sample collection locations | Ocean Microbial Observatory | depth |
MO - sugars | Sugar concentrations from BATS site, 2001-2004 | Ocean Microbial Observatory | depth |
MO - virioplankton abund-FISH probe | Virioplankton abundance at BATS site using FISH probe, 2003-2011 | Ocean Microbial Observatory | depth |
MO - virioplankton abundance | Virioplankton abundance at BATS site, 2000-2011 | Ocean Microbial Observatory | depth |
MOC zoop AK-LTOP | AK-LTOP MOCNESS tow zooplankton abundance/biomass | NEP | depth_min, depth_max |
MOCNESS Event Logs ETP | Date, time, location, and depth range for MOCNESS tows | ETP | Min_Depth, Max_Depth |
MOCNESS Event Logs Metabolic Index | Date, time, location, and depth range for MOCNESS tows | Metabolic Index | Min_Depth, Max_Depth |
MOCNESS plankton composition and CTD data | Species composition via MOCNESS and associated CTD information | CopesPopDynHypoZone | CTD_depth |
MOCNESS sampling depths | MOCNESS: depths of zooplankton & fecal pellet preserved samples | GATEKEEPERS | Target_Depth_Lower, Target_Depth_Upper |
Model-building biogeochemical data set from ASPIRE | 2010-2011 ASPIRE station data used to develop 1-D and 3-D numerical models of Amundsen Sea | INSPIRE | Depth |
Modern deep-sea coral (Desmophyllum dianthus) nitrogen isotopes | Deep-sea coral (Desmophyllum dianthus) nitrogen isotope data | DeepSeaCoralNitrogen | depth |
Montagna-783256-Hydrography | hydrography | Hurricane Harvey Texas Lagoons | DEPTH |
Moorea lagoon bleaching | | Fish Derived Coral Nutrients | DEPTH, TEMPERATURE_DEPTH |
Moorings - ADCP | Moorings - ADCP Data | RISE | DEPTH |
Moorings - Metadata | Moorings - Metadata | EAGER | Depth |
Moorings - Metadata | Moorings - Metadata | Meta-Eco | Depth |
Moorings - Metadata Test | Moorings - Metadata (test) | Meta-Eco | Depth |
moorings_CTD 2001 | Southern Ocean 2001 moorings: temp., salinity, density data (SLOW to LOAD) | SOGLOBEC | depth |
moorings_CTD 2001 -lowpass | Southern Ocean 2001 moorings: LOW PASS temp., salinity, density data | SOGLOBEC | depth |
moorings_CTD 2002 | Southern Ocean 2002 moorings: temp., salinity, density data (SLOW to LOAD) | SOGLOBEC | depth |
moorings_CTD 2002 -lowpass | Southern Ocean 2002 moorings: LOW PASS temp., salinity, density data | SOGLOBEC | depth |
moorings_currents 2001 | Southern Ocean 2001 moorings: current data (SLOW to LOAD) | SOGLOBEC | depth |
moorings_currents 2001 -lowpass | Southern Ocean 2001 moorings: LOW PASS current data | SOGLOBEC | depth |
moorings_currents 2002 | Southern Ocean 2002 moorings: current data (SLOW to LOAD) | SOGLOBEC | depth |
moorings_currents 2002 -lowpass | Southern Ocean 2002 moorings: LOW PASS current data | SOGLOBEC | depth |
moorings_depth and pressure 2001 | Southern Ocean 2001 moorings: depth and pressure vs. time | SOGLOBEC | depth |
moorings_depth and pressure 2001 -lowpass | Southern Ocean 2001 moorings: LOW PASS depth and pressure vs. time | SOGLOBEC | depth |
moorings_depth and pressure 2002 | Southern Ocean 2002 moorings: depth and pressure vs. time | SOGLOBEC | depth |
moorings_depth and pressure 2002 -lowpass | Southern Ocean 2002 moorings: LOW PASS depth and pressure vs. time | SOGLOBEC | depth |
moorings_GSC | Great South Channel Mooring Data, Jan. - Aug. 1997 | GB | depth |
moorings_ice profile 2001 | Southern Ocean 2001 moorings: ice profiler data | SOGLOBEC | depth |
moorings_ice profile 2001 -lowpass | Southern Ocean 2001 moorings: LOW PASS ice profiler data | SOGLOBEC | depth |
mooring_ef | Mooring data from the Eastern Flank Mooring (EF) deployed by R. Limeburner | GB | depth |
MOSAIC Expedition Ice Core Be7 | MOSAIC Expedition Ice Core Be7 | MOSAiC | SAMPLE_DEPTH |
MOSAIC Snow and Frost Flower Be7 | MOSAIC Snow and Frost Flower Be7 | MOSAiC | SAMPLE_DEPTH |
Multitracers Biogenic Concentration Data | Multitracers Biogenic Concentration Data | Multitracers Paleoproductivity, Biogenic Chemical Records, Multitracers II, Multitracers Sediment Traps | Trap_Depth |
Multitracers Metal Concentration Data | Multitracers Metal Concentration Data | Ag Flux and Export Productivity | Trap_Depth |
mulvfs | Multiple Unit Large Volume in situ Filtration System | EqPac | depth |
MULVFS Particulates ALOHA | MULVFS data from Station ALOHA | VERTIGO | depth |
MULVFS Particulates K2 | MULVFS data from station K2 | VERTIGO | depth, Target_Depth |
mulvfs_lipid_fa | Lipid/Fatty acid concentrations from MULFVS samples | EqPac | depth |
mulvfs_POC | POC from MULVFS casts | EqPac | depth |
Mumford Cove Monitoring Data | Temp, pH, DO monitoring in Mumford Cove, CT, USA, 2015-2022 | HYPOA | depth |
MUSiCC OC1504A - Bacteria Virus and Chlorophyll Containing Cell Abundance | Abundance of bacteria viruses and chlorophyll containing cells | Diatom Silicification | depth |
MUSiCC OC1504A - CTD Data | CTD data from the OC1504A cruise | Diatom Silicification | depth |
MUSiCC OC1504A - Nutrients, CTD, and silicon biogeochemical data | Molecular Underpinnings of SIlicification in the California Current - OC1504A | Diatom Silicification | depth, depth_target |
MUSiCC OC1504A - Photosynthesis data | Photosynthetic data from the OC1504A cruise. | Diatom Silicification | depth |
Mussel dataset | | Costa Rica Seeps | Depth |
Mussel Larvae Vertical Distribution | | GOMEPRO | Depth |
MV1015 Prochlorococcus FCM QPCR | | C-MORE | Depth |
MV1110 CTD Nutrient and Particle Data | | ANACONDAS | Average_depSM, depSM |
MV1405 particulate data | IronBru particulate data organized by station and transect. | Diatom Iron Storage | depth |
N and O isotopes | Nitrate (d15N and d18O) and nitrite (d15N) isotopic data, and corresponding hydrographic data. | N2O Cycling | depth |
N-uptake | N-uptake | SEEDS I | depth |
N15_uptake | N-15 uptake rate profile data | Arabian Sea | depth |
N2 excess and N species isotopic composition | Vertical profiles from the Mexican OMZ of N2 gas concentrations in excess of equilibrium values along with the isotopic composition of total N2, NO3- and NO2- | OMZ Biogeochemistry Floats | depth_ctd |
N2 Gas Excess | N2 gas concentration in excess of saturation determined by N2:Ar ratiometry | US GEOTRACES Arctic Nitrogen Flux | Depth |
N2fix_CO2 Water Samples | Water samples from DIAZOTROPHS_CO2 cruises KM1016 and KM1110 | DIAZOTROPHS-CO2 | depth |
N2O Global Reconstruction | Global reconstruction of surface oceanic N2O disequilibrium and its associated flux | Multiple Scales of Nitrogen Cycle in the Ocean | depth |
N2O Natural Abundance Isotopomers | N2O Natural Abundance Isotopomers in ETNP | N2O in ETNP | Target_Depth, CTD_Depth |
NAB08 C-14 PP | | NAB 2008 | depth |
nano_microplankton | nano- and microplankton biomass, epifluorescence microscopy | SOFeX | depth |
natural abundance N and C filter content | Natural abundance of Nitrogen and Carbon on filters | Regenerated Nitrogen | depth |
NBP1608 Station Nutrients | Dissolved macronutrient concentrations from NBP16-08 depth profiles | Diatom_Bacteria_Ligands | DEPTH |
NBP1608 STN PIGMENTS | Chlorophyll and phaeopigment concentrations from near-surface profiles collected using the conventional CTD in the Southern Drake Passage and Antarctic Peninsular region on cruise NBP 16-08 | Diatom_Bacteria_Ligands | DEPTH |
NBP1608 TMs: stations | | Diatom_Bacteria_Ligands | DEPTH |
NBP1608 Underway Nutrients | Underway dissolved macronutrient concentrations from NBP16-08 | Diatom_Bacteria_Ligands | DEPTH |
NBP1702 Dissolved Th and Pa | Depth profiles of seawater dissolved 232Th, 230Th, and 231Pa from NBP1702 | SNOWBIRDS | Sample_Depth |
NBST flux measurements | Carbon and nitrogen flux measurements. | RapAutParticleFlux | depth |
NBST flux measurements | | EAGER DNA BioPump | depth |
NCBI accession numbers for S. arcuata and S. meunieri | NCBI accession numbers for S. arcuata and S. meunieri | Ciliate Omics | depth |
NCBI accessions for RNAseq data from apparently healthy and SCTLD-affected Montastraea cavernosa | | Multi-Species Coral Disease | Reef_depth |
NEFSC Survey Adult Fish Biomass | Adult fish biomass of the Northeast U.S. Shelf Ecosystem: 1968-2012 | NEFSCBottomTrawl | depth |
Nekton - Minnow trap data | | Harvey Seagrass | Depth_set_cm |
Neocalanus Multinet | | Neocalanus Gulf of Alaska | MaximumDepth, MinimumDepth |
NEP1995_bio_opt | Data from mooring deployed 1995 on Northeast Peak | GB | depth |
NEP1995_met | Data from mooring deployed 1995 on Northeast Peak | GB | depth |
NEP1995_T_S | Data from mooring deployed 1995 on Northeast Peak | GB | depth |
NEP1996_bio_opt | Data from mooring deployed 1996 on Northeast Peak | GB | depth |
NEP1996_met | Data from mooring deployed 1996 on Northeast Peak | GB | depth |
NEP1996_T_S | Data from mooring deployed 1996 on Northeast Peak | GB | depth |
NEP1997_bio_opt | Data from mooring deployed 1997 on Northeast Peak | GB | depth |
NEP1997_met | Data from mooring deployed 1997 on Northeast Peak | GB | depth |
NEP1997_T_S | Data from mooring deployed 1997 on Northeast Peak | GB | depth |
NEP1998_bio_opt | Data from mooring deployed 1998 on Northeast Peak | GB | depth |
NEP1998_met | Data from mooring deployed 1998 on Northeast Peak | GB | depth |
NEP1998_T_S | Data from mooring deployed 1998 on Northeast Peak | GB | depth |
NEP1999_bio_opt | Data from mooring deployed 1999 on Northeast Peak | GB | depth |
NEP1999_met | Data from mooring deployed 1999 on Northeast Peak | GB | depth |
NEP1999_T_S | Data from mooring deployed 1999 on Northeast Peak | GB | depth |
NEP_adcp_1996 | Georges Bank Northeast Peak ADCP mooring 1996 data | GB | depth |
NEP_adcp_1997 | Georges Bank Northeast Peak ADCP 1997 data | GB | depth |
NEP_adcp_1998 | Georges Bank Northeast Peak ADCP mooring 1998 data | GB | depth |
NEP_adcp_1999 | Georges Bank Northeast Peak ADCP mooring 1999 data | GB | depth |
Nerissa CTD Data | Nerissa CTD | SoCalPlumeEx2012 | Depth |
Net O2 Production | All measurements used in the net oxygen production estimates | UpRISEE O2 upwelling | depth |
Net tow data | IKMT samples and underwater video recordings collected during Drake Passage transits. | DrakeBioGould | tow_depth |
Neuse River Estuary WQ | Biological, chemical, and physical water quality indicators of the Neuse River. | climate_phyto_estuaries | Depth, YSI_Depth |
Neuse River Estuary YSI Profile | YSI data from the Neuse River. | climate_phyto_estuaries | Depth, PARdepth |
NH10_ts6hr | T/S data from the Long-Term Observation Program (LTOP) NH10 Mooring | NEP | depth |
NH10_uv6hr | ADCP data from the Long-Term Observation Program (LTOP) NH10 Mooring | NEP | depth |
NH1106 CTD | Binned CTD data from NH1106 cruise. | Jumbo Squid Physiology | depth |
NH1106 Midwater Trawl | Descriptive data from Isaacs-Kidd midwater trawls (IKMT) from NH1106, Guaymas Basin. | Jumbo Squid Physiology | target_depth_max, target_depths |
NH1417 NEMO Bottles | Niskin bottle data | PhytoNsubResponse | DEPTH |
NH1417 NEMO CTD | CTD profile downcasts | PhytoNsubResponse | depth |
NH1418: CTD profiles | NH1418 ctd | Biological C:N:P ratios | Depth, DNA_Depth |
NH4 - Upper water column Ammonium measurements | Upper water column Ammonium measurements | ANACONDAS | Depth |
NH4_NO3_PO4_SiO2 | Nutrient measurements from Niskin bottle samples | EDDIES | depth |
Niskin 2016 | Environmental data from Niskin bottle sampling during the Fall 2016 ESP deployment in Monterey Bay, CA | OceanSulfurFluxBact | Depth |
Niskin bottle hydrography | hydrographic measurements from Niskin bottle samples | CORSACS | depth |
Niskin Bottle Hydrography | Niskin Bottle Hydrography from CTD Rosette | NAB 2008 | depth |
Niskin bottle sample inventory | Niskin bottle sample inventory | Costa Rica Seeps | Depth_m |
Niskin bottle samples | Niskin bottle and CTD data; nutrients, oxygen, DIC, POC, PON | EDDIES | depth |
Niskin bottle samples | CARIACO time series Niskin bottle sample data | CARIACO | Depth_real |
Niskin bottle samples | Calibrated CTD measurements of salinity and oxygen and Niskin bottle water samples | Fukushima Radionuclide Levels | depth |
Niskin bottle samples | Niskin bottle samples | Chief Sci KM1910 | targetdepth_m |
Niskin CTD hydrography | One decibar-averaged CTD values at bottle sample depths | Quorum-sensing and the Carbon Cycle | depth |
Niskin CTD hydrography | Niskin bottle basic hydrography from CTD | LipidCycling | depth |
Niskin CTD hydrography | Niskin bottle basic hydrography from CTD | SargassoSeaLipids | depth |
Niskin CTD hydrography - IC1 | Niskin bottle basic hydrography from CTD from first GEOTRACES Intercalibration cruise. | GEOTRACES IC | depth |
Niskin plankton composition and CTD data | Species composition via niskin and associated CTD information | CopesPopDynHypoZone | depth |
Nitrate 15N/14N measurements in two adjacent mesoscale eddies in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre | Nitrate 15N/14N measurements in two adjacent mesoscale eddies in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre | Biological Nitrogen Isotope Fractionation | Depth |
nitrate plus nitrite | Nitrate + nitrite concentration and d15N from the Eastern Tropical South Pacific, 2010-2011 | Microbial Nitrification, N2 fixation ETSP | depth |
Nitrate Uptake | 15NO3 uptake, 24-hour in situ incubations. | CRD FLUZiE | depth |
Nitrification Rates | Rates of water column nitrification determined from bottle incubations with 15N tracers (15NH4Cl). | MetZyme, AmoA Archaea | depth |
Nitrogen and carbon isotopes | Seawater and filter sample Nitrogen and Carbon isotopes from coastal and off-shore sites | Regenerated Nitrogen | depth |
nitrogen fixation rates | 15N2-based N2 fixation rates from the Eastern Tropical South Pacific, 2010-2011 | N2 fixation ETSP | depth |
Nitrogen isotopes in coral skeleton | Nitrogen isotopes of coral skeleton-bound organic matter | Coral climate effects | site_depth |
Nitrous Oxide Concentration | N2O concentrations from San Pedro Ocean Time-series (SPOT) measured between 2014 to 2016 | N-SPOT | depth |
NLT time series: 2014-2016 temperature and depth | NLT temperature time series: 2014-2016 | Nearshore larval transport, RAPID_Settlement_Hydrodynamics | depth_temp |
NO2_NO3 | Nitrite (NO2) and Nitrate (NO3) concentrations from 3 POWOW cruises. | POWOW | depth |
Noble gas isotope data from Oregon and Arizona groundwater | Noble gas isotope data from Oregon and Arizona groundwater | HPNGI | Mid_screen_depth_ft, Depth_to_water_ft |
Noble gas observations and model runs | Noble gas observations for ECCO model and Matlab files | Noble gas modeling | depth |
North Atlantic CDOM Absorption Coefficients | Chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) Napierian absorption coefficients for open ocean blue water samples from the North Atlantic subtropical gyre | MODIE | Sample_depth_m |
Northern California Current Microorganisms | 16S rRNA gene of microorganisms | Gelatinous Grazer Feeding | depth |
Northern Gulf of Mexico Bottle Data | Northern Gulf of Mexico Bottle Data | GOMP | DepSM2, DepSM1 |
Northern Gulf of Mexico CTD Profiles | Northern Gulf of Mexico CTD Profile Data | GOMP | DepSM2, DepSM1 |
Nutrient and hydrology data | Nutrient and hydrology CTD data | WHCOHH Algal Bloom Dynamics | Depth, Bottom_depth |
Nutrient concentrations and stable isotope values for groundwater | | SAB BMA | Depth |
Nutrient Data | Nutrient Data | Marine Nitrogen Cycling by Stable Isotope Probing | Depth |
Nutrient Summary - CH0212 | Nutrient Summary - CH0212 | OMZ_Sulfur_Cycling | Depth |
nutrients | Nutrients from bottle casts | EqPac | depth |
nutrients | Nutrients | SEEDS I | depth |
Nutrients | Nutrients | C-MORE | depth |
nutrients | Inorganic and organic nutrient data from Niskin bottles. | Deep Atlantic DOM | depth |
Nutrients | Nutrients | OA - Canada Basin | Depth |
Nutrients | Measured Nutrients from the San Pedro Ocean Time-series (SPOT) station | N-SPOT | depth_NH4 |
Nutrients | | Submerged Wetland Carbon | Depth |
Nutrients - ODF Nutrient Data | Nutrient Analysis: Nitrate, Nitrite, Silicate, Phosphate and Ammonium | GATEKEEPERS | Depth |
Nutrients - OPA NH4 Data | Nutrients - OPA NH4+ Analysis | GATEKEEPERS | Depth |
Nutrients and Flow Cytometry 2017 | Nutrients and Flow Cytometry 2017 | HADFBA | Depth |
nutrients and metals | Analysis of nutrients, Cobalt (total and labile), dissolved Iron, and dissolved Manganese from TM bottle samples. | CoFeMUG | depth |
Nutrients and Pigments | Nutrients and Pigments | BAMS | depth |
Nutrients and pigments | Nutrients and pigments | FADCO | Target_Z, Z |
Nutrients and Targeted Proteomics | Macronutrients from the trace metal rosette and targeted metaproteomics analyzed by triple quadrupole mass spectrometry calibrated with stable isotope labeled peptides. | MetZyme | depth |
nutrients metals and ctd | Analysis of nutrients, Cobalt (total and labile), dissolved Iron, and dissolved Manganese from TM bottle samples. | CoFeMUG | depth |
Nutrients: EN532 and EN538 | Dissolved inorganic nutrient concentrations from ctd cast deployments and underway seawater inflow from EN532 and EN538 | DimBio NABE | depth |
Nutrients_Chlorophyll_Ross_Sea | Nutrients and chlorophyll from Ross Sea water samples, 2013-2015 | Ross_Sea_Microb_Ecophys | depth |
nutrients_major | Concentration of major dissolved nutrients sampled from CTD hydrocasts. | CRD FLUZiE | depth |
nutrients_NBP | Nutrient data for the NB Palmer 2001-2002 cruises | SOGLOBEC | depth |
nutrients_WB | Nutrients; silicate, nitrate plus nitrite, and phosphate | EDDIES | depth |
nut_phyto | Phytoplankton chlorophyll + nutrient studies | GB | depth |
N_uptake | Nitrogen-15 uptake rates | NABE | depth |
N_uptake | Nitrogen-15 Uptake rates for labeled substrates | EqPac | depth |
O2 Rosette | Oxygen Data from Niskin Rosette samples | SO_GasEx | Requested_Depth |
OA Microbe Adaptation | Environmental and physical data associated with ocean acidification microbe adaptation. | OA microbe adaptation, PICO | depth |
OA pH Temp | Nearshore pH, temperature, (salinity, depth) at mooring sites in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica | OA pH, Temp, Calc Inverts | sensor_depth |
Observed and modeled presence 1968-2014 | | CC Fishery Adaptations | depth |
OC1703A and AT36 sediment C isotope ratios | OC1703A and AT36 sediment C isotope ratios | Deep Sediment N Fix | Water_Depth_m |
OC1703A and AT36 sediment geochemistry | OC1703A and AT36 sediment pore water geochemistry | Deep Sediment N Fix | Water_Depth_m |
OC1703A and AT36 sediment N isotope ratios | OC1703A and AT36 sediment N isotope ratios | Deep Sediment N Fix | Water_Depth_m |
OC1703A CTD | CTD | Deep Sediment N Fix | Depth_m |
OC1703A Sediment MG-MT | OC1703A Sediment MG-MT | Deep Sediment N Fix | elevation |
OC1703A Sediment nifH amplicon sequences | OC1703A Sediment nifH amplicon sequences | Deep Sediment N Fix | Seawater_depth |
October Cape Hatteras Samples | Sample Log CH1210 - October Cape Hatteras Samples | GoMX - Microbial Response | Depth |
octocoral density dependence | Density of adult and juvenile (and recruiting) octocorals on shallow reefs at multiple locations in St. John, US Virgin Islands | St. John LTREB, VI Octocorals | depth |
Octocoral Forest Composition and Canopy Parameters used in Benthic Community Analysis, St. John U.S. Virgin Islands | | Octocoral Community Dynamics, St John Coral Reefs | Quadrat_Depth |
Octocoral Sensus Data for Light Quadrats at Yawzi Point and East Cabritte sites in St. John, U.S. Virgin Islands | | Octocoral Community Dynamics, St John Coral Reefs | Depth |
Octocoral size frequency | Size frequency | St. John LTREB, VI Octocorals | Depth |
octocoral survey - literature review | Soft coral literature review | St. John LTREB, VI Octocorals | depth |
ODV and CTD | ODV and CTD | TRACERS | depth |
OFP Elemental | Mass flux and concentrations of bulk components (Carbonate, Organic Carbon/Nitrogen, Lithogenics, Opal and elements) in the flux at 500m, 1500m and 3200m depths | OFP Sargasso Sea | depth |
OFP Lipid Flux | Lipid flux data of the OFP sediment trap time-series in the N Sargasso Sea (Sep-Dec 2016). | OFP Sargasso Sea | depth_m |
OFP Primary Particle Flux | Primary particle flux data (500, 1500, and 3200m depths) of the OFP sediment trap time-series in the northern Sargasso Sea | OFP Sargasso Sea | depth |
ondeck_O2_prod | Net oxygen production as measured from on-deck incubators | Arabian Sea | depth |
OOI Argentine Basin CTD and Water Sampling Data | OOI Global Argentine Basin Array CTD and Discrete Water Sampling Data | OOI Cruise Data | CTD_Depth |
OOI Southern Ocean Array CTD and Water Sampling Data | OOI Global Southern Ocean Array CTD and Discrete Water Sampling Data | OOI Cruise Data | CTD_Depth |
opc_ccs_alt | Display of OPC data with size classes in rows, not separate columns. | NEP | depth |
opc_ccs_nonzero | OPC data where biomass values of 0 have been removed from display | NEP | depth |
opc_ccs_orig | Optical Plankton Counter data from process cruises | NEP | depth |
optics | Bio Optical Profiler Data | EqPac | depth |
optics-4 | Bio Optical Profiler Data | NABE | depth |
optics-5 | Bio-Optical data | NABE | depth |
optics_pp | Optics from primary production array | EqPac | depth |
optics_trap | Optics from floating sediment traps | EqPac | depth |
Organic carbon content | | Org C Sed I, Org C Sed II | water_depth |
Organic sulfur in the subarctic NE Pacific | Organic sulfur in the subarctic NE Pacific | DMS Dynamics | Depth_Z |
OSS_WW_2018 | | Gas Exchange at SUSTAIN | OSS_WWire1, OSS_WWire2, OSS_WWire3, OSS_WWire4 |
Ostrea_Behavior_OA_Expt2017 | Ostrea_Behavior_OA_Expt2017 | Climate stressors on larvae | middepth_cm |
Ostrea_pH_OA_Expt2017 | Ostrea_pH_OA_Expt2017 | Climate stressors on larvae | column_depth_cat, column_depth_cm |
OUTPACE - flow cytometry cell counts | Flow cytometry cell counts obtained during the OUTPACE cruise | Photoheterotrophy in unicellular cyanobacteria | depth_w |
OUTPACE - water column nitrate+nitrite | Water column nitrate+nitrite d15N measurements | SW Pac N2 fixation | Depth |
ox18 | Gross and Integrated Gross Oxygen Productivity | NABE | depth |
ox18 | Net and gross oxygen production | EqPac | depth |
Oxic sediment V isotope signature | | Vanadium Isotopes | Water_Depth, Depth |
Oyster density on restored reefs | Oyster density on restored reefs | Seagrass and Oyster Ecosystems | depth |
Oyster_Larvae_Length_FidalgoBay_2017 | Oyster_Larvae_Length_FidalgoBay_2017 | Climate stressors on larvae | depth_sample_m, depth_des |
P3axbt | Aircraft deployed XBT section | NABE | depth |
Pacific Nitrite Oxidoreductase | | MetZyme, PMT Cobalt and Metalloenzymes, TriCoLim, MM Saito, Cyanobacteria Warming Responses, ProteOMZ (Proteomics in an Oxygen Minimum Zone), CliOMZ | Depth |
Palau Coral Stress Band Data | Palau Coral Stress Band Data | Biophysics of Coral Reef Resilience | Depth_m |
Palau Environmental: 2010 | Environmental data collected in marine lakes in Palau in 2010 | PaPaPro | depth |
Palau Environmental: 2011-2015 | Environmental sensor data 2011-2015 | PaPaPro | depth |
Palau lakes physical description | Palau lakes physical description | PaPaPro | max_actual_depth_m |
Palmer Station Nitrate Uptake | Nitrate uptake rates during the 2012-2013 Palmer Field Season | WAP Carbon export | Depth |
Palmer Station Particulate Thorium | Particulate organic carbon, nitrogen, and 234Th during the 2012-2013 Palmer Field Season | WAP Carbon export | Depth |
Palmer Station Sediment Trap | Particulate organic carbon, nitrogen, and 234Th during the 2012-2013 Palmer Field Season | WAP Carbon export | Depth |
Palmer Station Size Fractionated Particulate Thorium | Palmer Station Size Fractionated Particulate Thorium during the 2012-2013 Palmer Field Season | WAP Carbon export | Depth |
Palmer Station Thorium | Total water column 234Th during the 2012-2013 Palmer Field Season | WAP Carbon export | Depth |
PAM Fluorescence Data | PAM Fluorescence Data | SoCalPlumeEx2012 | Depth |
PaPaPro benthic biodiversity | Point intercept transect surveys of benthic macro-invertebrates and macrophytes in marine lakes, Palau | PaPaPro | depth_target_ft, depth_actual_meas_ft, depth_actual_m |
PAR | Photosynthetically Available Radiation (PAR) | Arabian Sea | Zpar |
PAR | PAR UVP5 | GoA Particles | bin_depth |
Particle AA CSIA ALOHA: Amino acid specific isotopes in particles | Amino acid specific isotopes in particles, station ALOHA | Hg_Biogeochemistry | Depth |
Particle bulk d15N values | Particle bulk d15N values | EXPORTS Isotopes | Depth, Target_Depth, Actual_Depth |
Particle d15N values of amino acids | Particle d15N values of amino acids | EXPORTS Isotopes | Depth, Target_Depth, Actual_Depth |
Particle Flux | Particle Flux | EAGER DNA BioPump | depth_meters |
particle number depth profiles | Particle number depth profiles in (sub)tropical Atlantic transect | Basin-scale Protists | depth |
Particles and Zooplankton AA-CSIA | Particles and Zooplankton Amino Acid Compound Specific Isotope Analyses (AA-CSIA) and zooplankton biomass in the Equatorial North Pacific and station Aloha | SuspendSinkPart, Hg_Biogeochemistry | DepthInterval_max, DepthInterval_min, Depth |
Particulate and dissolved Lake Superior geochemistry | Particulate multi-element geochemical concentrations - Lake Superior | Early Career Great Lakes research, Novel Nutrient Paleoproxy | depth |
particulate carbon and nitrogen | Total particulate carbon and nitrogen concentration | C-MORE | depth |
Particulate Carbon Concentrations and Stable Carbon Isotopes | Particulate Carbon Concentrations and Stable Carbon Isotopes | CDISP 2021 | Depth |
Particulate matter concentration | Particulate matter concentration from filtered Niskin Bottles | AESOPS | depth |
Particulate N and NO3 isotopes: EN532 | Particulate nitrogen concentrations and N isotopic composition, and nitrate isotopic composition from EN532 | DimBio NABE | depth |
Particulate Organic Matter and Isotopes | Carbon, nitrogen, d13C, and d15N water column data from the SalpPOOP cruise | Salp Food Web Ecology | Depth |
Particulate Organic Matter from BVal58 Cruise | Particulate Organic Matter from BVal58 Cruise | oxygen-to-carbon demand | Depth_m |
Particulate Th | Particulate Th | Abyssal food web | Depth |
Particulate Th-234 Activities | Particulate Th-234 Activities | Chief Sci KM1910 | Depth |
Particulate Thorium-234 Flux | Particulate Thorium-234 Flux | Chief Sci KM1910 | Depth |
Particulate Trace Metals | Particulate Trace Metals | CLIVAR AEROSOL | Depth |
Particulate vitamin B12 profiles | Particulate vitamin B12 profiles from cruise KM1314, Aug. 8 - Sept. 4, 2013 in the northern Pacific | Nitrification and Marine Planktonic Biodiversity | depth |
PE | Discrete samples of phycoerythrin | C-MORE | depth |
PE21-18 Binned CTD | PE21-18 Binned CTD | Coastal O2 Respir | depSM |
PE21-18 Nutrients | PE21-18 Nutrients | Coastal O2 Respir | Depth |
PE21-18 Unbinned CTD | PE21-18 Unbinned CTD | Coastal O2 Respir | depSM |
PE22-03 Binned CTD | PE21-18 Binned CTD Data | Coastal O2 Respir | depSM |
PE22-03 Nutrients | PE22-03 Nutrients | Coastal O2 Respir | Depth |
PE22-03 Unbinned CTD | PE21-18 Unbinned CTD Data | Coastal O2 Respir | depSM |
PE23-20 Binned CTD | PE23-20 Binned CTD | Coastal O2 Respir | depSM |
PE23-20 Unbinned CTD | PE23-20 Unbinned CTD | Coastal O2 Respir | depSM |
PE24-03 Binned CTD | PE24-03 Binned CTD | Coastal O2 Respir | depSM |
PE24-03 Unbinned CTD | PE24-03 Unbinned CTD | Coastal O2 Respir | depSM |
Penguin glider | Glider data from southern Ross Sea, 2012 | Penguin Glider | depth |
Peptidase Activities 2013 WOR | Activities of extracellular peptidases at Station H of the White Oak River (WOR). | SEDpep | depth |
Peptide spectral counts (MetZyme 0.2) | Peptides and their spectral counts and precursor intensities from KM1128 | MetZyme, HiCO2_AdaptCyano | depth |
Percent cover of sessile invertebrates and algae | Percent cover of sessile invertebrates and algae. | Kelp_Forest_Resilience | depth |
Permafrost Borehole Geochemistry in the Barrow Permafrost Tunnel | Permafrost Borehole Geochemistry in the Barrow Permafrost Tunnel | Arctic Subzero Brines | Depth |
Persistence of Elacatinus lori settlers on sponge habitat | Persistence of Elacatinus lori settlers on sponge habitat. | Elacatinus Dispersal II | Sp_depth, sp_depth_m |
Peyssonnelia abundance | Peyssonnelia abundance along the south shore of St. John, US Virgin Islands from surveys during 2015 | RUI-LTREB | Depth |
PF_CTD | Pre Fertilization (PF) CTD profile data | SEEDS I | DepS |
pH | Spectrophotometric pH measured at 25 degrees C using the total hydrogen ion scale | POWOW | depth |
pH | pH measured at the PICO time-series station from 2010 to 2012. | PICO | depth |
pH temp sal | Nearshore pH, temperature, (salinity, depth) at mooring sites in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica, spring 2011 | OA Antarctic Sea Urchins, OA pH, Temp, Calc Inverts | depth |
pH, dissolved oxygen, temperature, and salinity from seaphox | pH, temperature, salinity, and dissolved oxygen values from seaphox sensors | Coral Calcification Physiology | Depth |
Phaeocystis counts | Phaeocystis counts | TRACERS | depth |
Phosphohydrolysis rates in the coastal western North Atlantic | Phosphohydrolysis rates in the coastal western North Atlantic | PolyP and P-minerals | Depth |
phosphorus | Phosphorus - TDP, PO4, DOP, PP | SEEDS I | depth |
Phosphorus uptake - biogeochemistry | Bulk phosphorus uptake by microbes | Biological C:N:P ratios | depth |
Phosphorus uptake - bulk | Bulk phosphorus uptake by microbes | Biological C:N:P ratios | depth |
Phosphorus uptake - taxon | Bulk phosphorus uptake by microbes | Biological C:N:P ratios | depth |
physical and chemical data | Physical and chemical metadata for microbiological samples from Guaymas Basin plumes. | Guaymas plumes | depth |
Physical data summaries at Moorea by site and depth | Physical data summaries at Moorea by site and depth | Pocilloporid Coral Diversity | Depth |
Physical Monitoring Data | Dissolved oxygen and temperature data from loggers deployed in Bahia Almirante | Coral microbiome resilience | depth |
Phyto Growth and Grazing FCM IN2019_V03 | Phytoplankton growth and grazing from flow cytometry in the eastern Indian Ocean | BLOOFINZ-IO | Depth |
Phyto Growth and Grazing FlChla GoM | Phytoplankton growth and grazing mortality from fluorometric chlorophyll a in the Gulf of Mexico | BLOOFINZ-IO | Depth |
Phyto Growth and Grazing HPLC GoM | Phytoplankton growth and grazing mortality from HPLC pigments in the Gulf of Mexico | BLOOFINZ-IO | Depth |
Phyto HPLC Pigments | Phyto HPLC Pigments | BLOOFINZ-IO | Depth |
phytobio_CTD | Phytoplankton species data and biomass data: abundance and fluxes from CTDs | VERTIGO | depth |
phytobio_NBST | Phytoplankton species data and biomass data: abundance and fluxes from NBSTs | VERTIGO | depth |
Phytoflux_BATS - Clone Library 2008-1010 | Phytoplankton clone library matches from BATS cruises 2008-2010 | Plankton particle flux | depth |
phytoplankton | Discrete phytoplankton, HPLC, flow cytometry, and nutrient data from GLOBEC NEP mesoscale cruises. | NEP | depth |
phytoplankton | Phytoplankton (Prochlorococcus, Synechococcus, and PEuks) by flow cytometry. | POWOW | depth |
Phytoplankton abundance from bottles and environmental data | Environmental and phytoplankton bottle data from Juneau, AK. | SEAK-AHAB | depth |
Phytoplankton abundance from net tows and environmental data | Environmental and phytoplankton net tow data from Juneau, AK. | SEAK-AHAB | depth |
Phytoplankton abundances | Phytoplankton abundances | IronExII | depth |
phytoplankton chl-a | CTD data, bottle nutrients, and the contribution to total Chlorophyl-a by phytoplankton taxa | BenDiM | depth |
phytopl_epi_abund | Cell abundance estimates of eukaryotic phytoplankton by taxa and size-class, based on epifluorescence microscopy. | CRD FLUZiE | depth |
phytopl_epi_biomass | Carbon biomass estimates of eukaryotic phytoplankton by taxa and size-class, based on epifluorescence microscopy. | CRD FLUZiE | depth |
phyto_growth | Phytoplankton growth rates and microzoo grazing | NEP | depth |
Pico- and nanoplankton abundance: FCM: EN532 and EN538 | Pico- and Nanoplankton concentrations from ctd cast deployments on Endeavor 532 and Endeavor 538 | DimBio NABE | depth |
Pico-cyanobacteria concentration and cell properties | Diel series of pico-cyanobacteria concentration and cell properties. | Picophytoplankton_Regulation | Depth |
picophyto_FCM_lab | Picophytoplankton abundances determined by flow cytometry (post-cruise/on-shore analysis). | CRD FLUZiE | depth |
picophyto_FCM_ship | Picophytoplankton abundances of live samples determined by flow cytometry (shipboard analysis). | CRD FLUZiE | depth |
Picoplankton | Picoplankton Abundance Data | COPAS08 | Depth |
Pigments | HPLC analyses of algal pigment concentrations. | CoFeMUG | depth |
pigments | Pigment concentrations (HPLC) from the Sargasso Sea. | Trophic BATS | depth |
Pigments - Sediment Trap | BiG RAPA Sediment Trap HPLC Pigments | C-MORE | depth |
Pigments - Water Column | BiG RAPA water column HPLC pigments | C-MORE | depth |
Pigments and Nutrients | Pigments and Nutrients | BWZ | depth |
pigments HPLC | pigments from HPLC analysis of bottle samples | SOFeX | depth |
Pigments HPLC | | CICLOPS | Depth |
pigments_CN | POC, PON and Pigments from LMG0414 and LMG0602 | SouthernSalps | depth |
pigments_HPLC | Algal pigment concentrations in the Ross Sea as measured by HPLC | CORSACS | depth |
pitdata | Particle Interceptor Sediment Trap Data | NABE | depth |
PNPC and Nitrogen Uptake Rates | Particulate Carbon and Nitrogen data from CTD casts | CyanateInTheSea | Depth |
PO4_SiOH4 | Phosphate (PO4) and Silicate (SiOH4) concentrations from 3 POWOW cruises. | POWOW | depth |
POC | POC Data | IronExII | DEPTH |
POC PON isotopes | Concentrations and stable isotope abundances of particulate organic carbon (POC) and particulate organic nitrogen (PON). | CRD FLUZiE | depth |
Pocillopora haplotypes at Moorea by site and depth | Pocillopora haplotypes at Moorea by site and depth | Pocilloporid Coral Diversity | Depth_m |
Pocillopora sequences from 2019 | | Pocilloporid Coral Diversity | Depth |
poc_pn_trap | Particulate Carbon, Nitrogen and chlorophyll pigments | EqPac | depth |
POC_PON | Particulate Organic Carbon and Nitrogen | SOGLOBEC | depth |
POC_PON | POC and PON | SEEDS I | depth |
POC_PON | Particulate Organic Carbon and Nitrogen (POC/N) | GATEKEEPERS | Target_Depth |
Polychaetes - Table 2 - Polychaetes species - Particulate Organic Carbon values by station | Polychaetes - Table 2 - Polychaetes species - Particulate Organic Carbon (POC) values by station | Deep Sea Benthic Dynamics | Depth |
Polyphosphate in the Great Lakes | Polyphosphate in the Great Lakes (USA) | Great Lakes CNP cycles | Total_Depth, Sample_Depth |
POM | Particulate Organic Matter (POM) | SOFeX | depth |
POM_MV | Particulate Organic Matter (POM) from Niskin and Trace Metal clean bottles | SOFeX | depth |
Porewater | HS- and NH4+ porewater data. | LittleLagoonGroundwater | Depth |
Porewater Composition | Biogeochemical and sediment characteristics of the Cinder Cones Methane seep site | Cinder Cone Seep | Water_depth |
Porewater Nutrients | Sediment porewater nutrients | IODP insights Fungi | Depth |
Porites astreoides Photosynthetic Induction and Octocoral Community St. Johh U.S. Virgin Islands | | Octocoral Community Dynamics, St John Coral Reefs | Depth |
Porites astreoides Photosynthetic Induction PAM data, St. Johh U.S. Virgin Islands | | St John Coral Reefs, Octocoral Community Dynamics | Depth |
Porites macrobioerosion: seawater chemistry | Porites macrobioerosion: seawater chemistry | Coral Reef Ecosystem OA Impact, Thermal Thresholds and Projections | depth |
PP | Discrete samples of Particulate Phosphorus | C-MORE | depth |
PP | Vertical Profiles of Primary Productivity | Northern Gulf of Alaska Phytoplankton | depth |
PP - Surface | Surface Primary Productivity | RISE | depS |
PP - Vertical Profiles | Vertical Profiles of Primary Productivity | RISE | depS, CorDepth |
primary production | Primary Production | SEEDS I | depth |
primary production | Size-fractioned primary production rates from the Sargasso Sea. | Trophic BATS | depth |
Primary Production | Primary production measured using H13CO3 from the San Pedro Ocean Time-series (SPOT) measured between 2014 to 2016 | N-SPOT | depth |
primary_prod | Primary Production (Carbon Assimilation) | NABE | depth |
primary_production | Primary Productivity and Chlorophyll from bottle samples | SOFeX | depth |
Prochlorococcus HOT/BATS | Five year time series of Prochlorococcus ecotype abundance at HOT and BATS sites | Prochlorococcus , C-MORE | depth |
Prochlorococcus in situ cell cycle phases | Prochlorococcus in situ Cell Cycle Phases Fractions. | Picophytoplankton_Regulation | Depth |
Prochlorococcus in situ growth rates | Prochlorococcus in situ growth rates from cell cycle analysis. | Picophytoplankton_Regulation | Depth |
Prochlorococcus_narB | Abundance of Prochlorococcus cells containing gene narB at HOT and BATS | Prochloro_ecology | depth |
Production | Production | NP | depth |
production vs. irradiance | Production vs Irradiance data from NBP0103 | SOGLOBEC | depth |
Profile data | | N2O in ETNP | Depth |
Profile data from WireWalker | | QuIPP | depth |
Prokaryotic and eukaryotic abundance in BATS microbial communities | | Marine Plankton Aggregation | depth |
Proteinaceous material content | | Org C Sed I, Org C Sed II | water_depth |
ProteOMZ Exclusive Peptide Level Spectral Counts | | ProteOMZ (Proteomics in an Oxygen Minimum Zone), MM Saito | Depth |
ProteOMZ nitrous oxide data | Falkor ProteOMZ nitrous oxide from expedition (FK160115) in the Central Pacific in 2016 | ProteOMZ (Proteomics in an Oxygen Minimum Zone) | depth |
ProteOMZ nutrient, CTD, and oxygen data | R/V Falkor 160115 McLane log from the ProteOMZ expedition in the Central Pacific. | ProteOMZ (Proteomics in an Oxygen Minimum Zone) | Depth |
ProteOMZ Peptide Level Spectral Counts | Total spectral counts of peptides from the R/V Falkor cruise 160115 in the Central Pacific for the ProteOMZ expedition in 2016. | ProteOMZ (Proteomics in an Oxygen Minimum Zone) | depth_m |
ProteOMZ Protein Level Spectral Counts | Total spectral count of proteins from R/V Falkor cruise 160115 for the ProteOMZ expedition in the Central Pacific in 2016. | ProteOMZ (Proteomics in an Oxygen Minimum Zone) | depth_m |
protist abundance and biomass | Abundance and biomass of protists (based on epifluorescence counts) and bulk biomass (based on extracted chl-a). | Trophic BATS | depth |
Protist and prokaryote cell counts | Protist numbers in subtropical North Atlantic at and below 100 m | Eukaryote Microbes NAtl | depth |
Protist Carbon | Protist Carbon | BLOOFINZ-IO | Depth |
Protist Carbon - IO | Protist carbon from microscopy samples collected in the Argo Basin of the Eastern Indian Ocean on R/V Roger Revelle cruise RR2202 from Feb to Mar 2022 | BLOOFINZ-IO | Depth |
protist cell counts | Protist numbers in subtropical North Atlantic at and below 100 m | Basin-scale Protists | depth |
Pro_ancestor | Clones of Prochlorococcus MIT9312 and link to BioProject | P-ExpEv | depth |
PRR | PRR - Attenuation coefficient of PAR | SEEDS I | depth |
Pseudo-nitzschia counts, nutrients and more | Pseudo-nitzschia counts, nutrients and more | C-AIM | Depth_m, YSI_depth_surface_m |
Pseudo-nitzschia spp. presence-absence and environmental data | | C-AIM, NES LTER, NBPTS | Depth |
PsyCalc Data | Incubation Experiments | Great Calcite Belt | Depth |
PULSE chlorophyll data | Chlorophyll data, 2003-2005 - Coop.Long-term Ecosystem Monitoring Project, Gulf of Maine | NEC-CoopRes | depth |
PULSE CTD data | CTD data from the PULSE project, 2003-2008, Gulf of Maine | NEC-CoopRes | depth |
PULSE nutrients | Nutrients, Cooperative Long-term Ecosystem Monitoring in the Gulf of Maine (PULSE) | NEC-CoopRes | depth |
PULSE zooplankton abundance | Zooplankton species abundance, 1999-2004: Coop. Long-term Ecological Monitoring Project (PULSE), Gulf of Maine | NEC-CoopRes | depth |
PULSE zooplankton dry weight | Zooplankton dry weights, 1999-2004: Cooperative Long-term Ecological Monitoring Project (PULSE), Gulf of Maine | NEC-CoopRes | depth |
PUMP CASTS | PUMP CASTS | SuspendSinkPart | Depth |
Pump CTD Profiles | Pump CTD Profiles | MnIONS | depth |
Pump mesozooplankton samples | Analysis of mesozooplankton from pump samples | GoMX - NGOMEX | depth |
Pump Profiler Casts - HRS1415 | Data from in situ pump profiler system collected on HRS1415 | Soluble ManganeseIII | depth |
Pyrosome Abundances | Pyrosome Abundances | NCC Pyrosomes | Targ_Dep |
Pyrosomes - Cam | Pyrosome counts from vertical video profiles, February - july 2018 | MEZCAL | Depth |
P_redox_AE1409 | Phosphate redox data from cruise AE1409 | P Processing by Tricho | Depth |
qPCR | LMG1801 qPCR | Oxidation of Urea N | Depth |
qPCR data for archaeal amoA ecotypes | Abundance of ammonia monooxygenase subunit A (amoA) genes determined using TaqMan qPCR. | MetZyme, AmoA Archaea | depth |
qPCR data from the Cariaco Meta-Omics Cruises | qPCR data from the CAR212 and CAR216 cruises. | CariacoMetaOmics | depth |
qPCR FCM | qPCR FCM | C-MORE | depth |
R/V Falkor 160115 ProteOMZ Trace Metal Rosette Data | Hydrographic data files from the SeaBird SBE19 CTD mounted on the trace metal rosette (TMR). | ProteOMZ (Proteomics in an Oxygen Minimum Zone) | DepSM |
Radiocarbon in Methane | 14C-CH4 in waters from Coal Oil Point seep field | Coastal Methane Emissions | SamDep |
Radiocarbon in methane at ocean margins | | Coastal Methane Emissions, Gas Hydrate Methane | StnDepth, SamDepth |
Radioisotopic rate measurements from the Cariaco Basin | Radioisotope data from the CAR212 and CAR216 cruises. | CariacoMetaOmics | depth |
Radium Data for South Atlantic Bight Bottom Waters | Radium isotope measurements from bottom waters in the South Atlantic Bight from 2015-2020 | SAB BMA | Total_Depth, Sample_Depth |
Radium in natural waters of Alaska | Radium in natural waters of Alaska | Groundwater Discharge Methane | Depth_Below_Surface |
raised web gillnets_metadata | Testing Raised-Webbing Gillnets to Reduce Bycatch of Cod While Targeting Pollock: haul data | NEC_ProjDev | depth_fath |
Ramped Pyrolysis Oxidation (RPO) isotope data from Station M | | CDP in rDOM | Depth |
Ramped Pyrolysis Oxidation (RPO) thermogram data from Station M | | CDP in rDOM | Depth |
Range_Taxonomy_LifeHistory | Database of marine invertebrate dispersal parameters and species ranges | CoastBenthBiogeo | median_depth_occur |
Range_Taxonomy_LifeHistory_Location | Database of marine invertebrate dispersal parameters and species ranges | CoastBenthBiogeo | median_depth_occur |
REACH_ctd | CTD data from the western Gulf of Maine | REACH | depth |
REACH_zooplankton | Zooplankton abundance from the western Gulf of Maine at four repeated stations from 2002-2004 | REACH | depth_net_avg, depth_net_min, depth_net_max |
Reciprocal transplant expt. - ecological survey | Reciprocal transplant expt. - ecological survey, 2017 | Varadero Reef | Depth |
Reciprocal transplant expt. - PSII of random colonies | PSII random colonies | Varadero Reef | Depth |
Reciprocal transplant expt. - PSII of transplanted corals | PSII coral transplants | Varadero Reef | Depth |
red crab_temperature data | Temperature data from the Red Crab stock assessment project, Northeast US slope waters, 2002-2005 | NEC-CoopRes | depth_psi |
Reef biogeochemistry, metabolomics, and metagenomics | Reef biogeochemistry, metabolomics, and metagenomics | Coral Exometabolomes | depth, depth_ft |
Reef seawater biogeochemistry from the Jardines de la Reina reef-system | | Coral Exometabolomes, RAPID Mass Spec for Dispersants | depth |
REU-OTO | Hydrographic, nutrient and oxygen data from CTD bottles during R/V Pelican cruises. | REU-OTO | Water_Depth, Bottle_Depth |
RHB_ostracods | Ostracod species from the Ron Brown cruise - Sargasso Sea | CMarZ_2004-2010 | depth_min |
RNA sequence accessions at NCBI | | Kleptoplasty | depth |
Rosette Samples - HRS1314 | CTD data and analyses of bottles from CTD rosette samples in 2013 | Soluble ManganeseIII | depth |
Rosette Samples - HRS1415 | CTD data and analyses of bottles from CTD rosette samples collected on HRS1415 | Soluble ManganeseIII | depth |
Ross Sea metaproteome peptide spectral counts | | CORSACS | depth_m |
Ross Sea metaproteome protein spectral counts | | CORSACS | depth_m |
Ross Sea Productivity | Ross Sea Productivity | Ross Productivity | Depth |
ROV CTD profiles | CTD profiles collected during ROV dives | DEEPC | Depth |
RR1507 Vent Fluid Chemistry | RR1507 vent fluid chemistry | Functional microbial dynamics of vent deposits | depth |
RR1804/1805 hydrographic and nutrient data | | ETNP_ParticleOmics | Depth |
RR2004 Bottle Data | RR2004 Bottle Data | Conditioning_SAMW | Depth_m |
RR2004 Dissolved Trace Metals | RR2004 Dissolved Trace Metals | Conditioning_SAMW | Depth |
RR2311 Bottle Data | RR2311 Bottle Data | NO2Ox_OMZs | Depth |
RR2311 NH4 and NO2 | RR2311 NH4 and NO2 | NO2Ox_OMZs | CTD_Depth, Target_Depth |
RTqPCR data from the Cariaco Meta-Omics cruises | qPCR data from the CAR212 and CAR216 cruises. | CariacoMetaOmics | depth |
RV Falkor 160115 CTD Log | R/V Falkor 160115 CTD log from the ProteOMZ expedition in the Central Pacific. | ProteOMZ (Proteomics in an Oxygen Minimum Zone) | target_depth, actual_depth |
RV Falkor 160115 McLane Pump Log | R/V Falkor 160115 McLane log from the ProteOMZ expedition in the Central Pacific. | ProteOMZ (Proteomics in an Oxygen Minimum Zone) | depth |
RV Falkor 160115 TMR Log | R/V Falkor 160115 TMR log from the ProteOMZ expedition in the Central Pacific. | ProteOMZ (Proteomics in an Oxygen Minimum Zone) | prog_depth, real_depth |
SAB CTD Profiles for STP, DO, pH | Vertical profiles of water quality parameters at sampling stations in the South Atlantic Bight during 2015-2020. | SAB BMA | Depth |
salinity | Salinity measurements from the PICO time-series station. | PICO | depth |
Salp and pteropod associated microorganisms | 16S rRNA sequencing salp and pteropod microorganisms | Gelatinous Grazer Feeding | depth |
Salp Gut Carbon Content | Salp Gut Carbon Content | Salp Food Web Ecology | Start_water_depth, End_water_depth |
Salp Gut Particle Sizes | Salp Gut Particle Sizes | Salp Food Web Ecology | Start_water_depth, End_water_depth |
salp_chloro | chlorophyll data associated with salp swarm collections in the Slope Waters off northeastern USA | SalpSwarmDyn | depth |
Sample key: Dcyl_Symb_2014 | Dendrogyra cylindrus 23S Illumina 2014 sample key | EMUCoReS | depth |
Sample key: Dcyl_Symb_2015-2016 | Dendrogyra cylindrus 23S Illumina 2015-2016 sample key | EMUCoReS | depth |
Sample log | Metadata from sediment samples collected at Paleochori Bay, Milos island, Greece | Hydrothermal Autotrophic Carbon Fixation | core_depth |
Sample Metadata for MOCNESS Tows | Sample Metadata for MOCNESS Tows | Chief Sci KM1910 | Target_depths_m |
Sample Stations for COP Cruises 2021-2022 | Sample Stations for COP Cruises 2021-2022 | Neotrypaea COP Effects | Depth_fa, Depth_m |
sample_information | Sampling locations and ancillary data for bulk chemical and molecular characterization of organic carriers and their partition coefficients with radionuclide marine tracers. | Biopolymers for radionuclides | Water_depth, Sampling_depth |
sampling log - internal wave events | Log of plankton sampling during internal wave events from the Nearshore Transport Spring 2014 cruises. | Nearshore larval transport | depth |
sampling log - non-internal wave events | Log of plankton sampling during non-internal wave events from the Nearshore Transport Spring 2014 cruises. | Nearshore larval transport | depth |
sampling log - swell events | Log of plankton sampling during swell events from the Nearshore Transport 2015 cruises. | Nearshore larval transport | depth |
sampling log - thermocline study | Log of plankton sampling during thermocline study from the Nearshore Transport 2015 cruises. | Nearshore larval transport | depth |
Sandusky Bay Surveys 2018 | Survey data from Sandusky Bay, Lake Erie | Great Lakes Center | Sample_Depth |
Sandusky Bay Surveys 2019 | Survey data from Sandusky Bay, Lake Erie (2019) | Great Lakes Center | Sample_Depth |
SAR11_DOM_GIO15: AE1516 sample log | Experimental and Survey of Biogeochemical and Microbial Data; SAR11 DOM Oxidation | Bacterial DOC cycling | depth |
Sargasso Sea Hydrocarbons | | Cyanobacteria Hydrocarbons | depth, depth_flowcyt |
Sargasso Sea Plankton Aggregation: Aggregate Abundances | | Marine Plankton Aggregation | Depth_m |
Sargasso Sea Plankton Aggregation: Excess Densities | | Marine Plankton Aggregation | Depth |
Sargasso Sea Plankton Aggregation: Sinking Velocities | | Marine Plankton Aggregation | Depth_m |
Sargasso Sea Plankton Aggregation: Sizes | | Marine Plankton Aggregation | Depth_m |
Sargasso Sea Plankton Aggregation: TEP | | Marine Plankton Aggregation | Depth_m |
Sargasso Sea surface bacteria accession numbers | Paired metagenomic and metatranscriptomic data from 2 cruises in the spring of 2010 and the summer of 2010 in the Sargasso Sea | Active bacteria in surface waters | depth |
SBE56 water column temperature - Inside and outside kelp | SBE56 water column temperature – Inside and outside kelp | Kelp forest biogeochemistry | Site_depth_0_tide |
ScanFish OPC | Multi year ScanFish OPC data | GoMX - NGOMEX | depth |
SCCS Bulk N2 Fixation Measurements | Bulk N2 fixation measurements | BSUCS | Depth |
SCCS Diazotroph Abundances | qPCR abundance data | BSUCS | Depth |
SCTLD rapid microbiome characterization | SCTLD microbiome | Multi-Species Coral Disease | reef_depth_m |
SCW pH Data | SCW pH Data | SoCalPlumeEx2012 | Depth |
Sea star sample information: Dutch Harbor, AK | Sea star sample information | Sea Star Microbiology | Depth |
Sea star sample information: Ketchikan, AK | Sea star sample information | Sea Star Microbiology | Depth |
Sea star specimen information: California Academy of Sciences | Sea star specimen information from the California Academy of Sciences | Sea Star Microbiology | EndDepth, DepthUnits, BegDepthMeters, EndDepthMeters, BegDepth |
Seafloor PAR - Inside and outside kelp forest | Seafloor PAR - Inside and outside kelp forest | Kelp forest biogeochemistry | Site_depth_0_tide |
Seaglider observations at Station ALOHA in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre | | Glider Ocean Metabolism | depth |
Seaglider Profiles | CTD, oxygen, and optic profile measurements from glider dives | NAB 2008 | depth |
Seagrass nutrients post-Hurricane | Nutrient content and stable isotope ratios from seagrasses in Texas over one year following Hurricane Harvey | Hurricane impacts on seagrasses | Depth_cm |
seal_dive_time_per_depth | Proportion of time spent per depth range for dives made by harbor seals near Protection Island, WA, 2009. | Seal_response_to_prey | depth |
seal_diving_depth | Number of dives per depth range made by harbor seals near Protection Island, WA, 2009. | Seal_response_to_prey | depth |
Seasonal iron biogeochemistry | Pore water and solid phase iron geochemical data | SedimentaryIronCycle | depth |
Seawater data and site descriptions | Site descriptions and physical environmental conditions of reefs where sampling occurred. | Coral Microbial Relationships | depth |
Seawater Pb in WPS | Seawater Pb in WPS | ADIMA | Depth |
sea_fan_survey | Annual health surveys of the sea fan Gorgonia ventalina in La Parguera, Puerto Rico | Climate_CoralDisease | depth |
Secchi Depth | Secchi depth water column optical clarity | WP2 | depth |
secchi depth | Secchi depth measurements from the PICO time-series station. | PICO | depth |
SECM_zoop | Zooplankton counts for the Southeast Alaska Coastal Monitoring | NEP | depth |
Sediment Bacteria Accession Numbers | Lake surface sediment and submarine canyon sediment bacterial V1-V3 iTag sequence libraries. | Buried Alive | depth |
Sediment cores (Wood Fall project) | Dataset provides information for macrofaunal cores taken with a remotely operated vehicle. | Wood Fall | depth |
Sediment grain size and radiometric data | Sediment grain size and radiometric data for RAPID response to Hurricane Harvey impacts | HarveyCarbonCycle | Be7_Depth |
Sediment NO3 reduction rates, associated genes, and environmental data | Sediment NO3 reduction rates, associated genes, and environmental data | LYRE | Depth |
Sediment porewater and particulates of Louisiana Shelf | Sediment porewater and particulates on Louisiana Shelf Dec 2021-Aug 2022 | Extreme Si | Core_Section_Depth |
Sediment Properties | Sediment Properties | Bioturbation and Ecosystem Engineering | WaterDepth_m |
Sediment push core inventory | Sediment push cores inventory | Costa Rica Seeps | Depth_m |
Sediment pushcore porewater geochemistry from southern California seeps May 2021 | Sediment pushcore porewater geochemistry from southern California seeps May 2021 | Methanosphere | Depth_m |
Sediment resuspension acoustics | | Bioturbation and Ecosystem Engineering | waterdepth, depth |
Sediment resuspension elevation | | Bioturbation and Ecosystem Engineering | waterdepth |
Sediment resuspension erosion | | Bioturbation and Ecosystem Engineering | waterdepth |
Sediment resuspension summary | | Bioturbation and Ecosystem Engineering | waterdepth, depth |
Sediment trap C N and Isotope Flux | Sediment trap carbon, nitrogen, and isotope flux | Salp Food Web Ecology | Depth |
Sediment trap chlorophyll and phaeopigment flux | Sediment trap chlorophyll and phaeopigment flux | Salp Food Web Ecology | Depth |
sediment trap flux | Sinking POC and PIC fluxes measured with PIT sediment traps on KN207-01 cruise. | SargassoSeaLipids | depth |
sediment trap flux | Sinking POC and PIC fluxes measured with PIT sediment traps on KN207-03 cruise. | NA-VICE | depth |
Sediment trap fluxes | | Are Traps Equal | depth |
Sediment Trap Locations | BiG RAPA Sediment Trap Locations | C-MORE | depth |
sediment trap PN flux | PNsink mass flux and d15N from floating sediment trap deployments | N2 fixation ETSP | depth |
Sediment trap salp fecal pellet mass flux | Sediment trap salp fecal pellet mass flux | Salp Food Web Ecology | Depth |
Sediment trap sinking particles | | CaCO3 dissolution | Depth |
Sediment Traps | Shallow-drifting sediment trap fluxes (C, N, pigments). | CRD FLUZiE | depth |
Sedimentary V isotope signatures | | Vanadium Isotopes | Water_Depth |
SedimentTraps - 13C DIC | Sediment Traps - 13C DIC | SOIREE | depth |
SedimentTraps - 13Corg Isotopes | Sediment Traps - 13Corg Isotopes | SOIREE | depth |
SedimentTraps - Bulk Pumped Particles | Sediment Traps - Bulk Pumped Particles | SOIREE | depth |
SedimentTraps - Deployments | Sediment Trap - Deployments | SOIREE | depth |
SedimentTraps - Phyto SRs_TS | Sediment Traps - CHLOROPHYLL Sinking Rates / Summary | SOIREE | Depth_Surface, Depth_Deep |
SedimentTraps - Phytopigment Flux | Sediment Traps - Phytopigment Flux | SOIREE | depth |
SedimentTraps - POC PON Water Column | Sediment Traps - Water column POC and PON results | SOIREE | depth |
SedimentTraps - PSi Water Column | Sediment Traps - Water column PSi (biogenic) results | SOIREE | depth |
SedimentTraps - Silica Dissolution Estimates | Sediment Traps - Silica Dissolution Estimates | SOIREE | depth |
SedimentTraps - Size-Frac Th POC PON 13Corg | Sediment Traps - Size-Fractionated Th, POC/PON, 13Corg results | SOIREE | depth |
sediment_cores | Results of Sediment Core Experiments in Chesapeake Bay | LiDZ | depth |
Sedtrap Metagenomes | Marine sediment trap metagenomes | C-MORE | depth |
sedtrapflux | Sediment Trap Fluxes of mass, elements and phytoplankton pigments | VERTIGO | Depth |
Seep Sediment Metagenome ANM1 - Genbank BioSample SAMN00215736 | Seep Sediment Metagenome ANM1 | Viruses in Methanotrophic Marine Ecosystems | Depth |
SEEPC ACM | Acoustic Current Meter data from SEEPC moorings | SEEPC | depth |
SEEPC CTD | CTD data from SEEPC moorings | SEEPC | depth |
SEEPC XBT | XBT data from SEEPC cruises | SEEPC | depth_xbt |
Selenium | The data include profile and underway measurements of total dissolved selenium and particulate selenium for 9 stations occupied in the tropical Pacific Ocean in 2011. | Mercury and Selenium | Depth |
Sensor calibration data | Factory and field calibration data for float oxygen, beam transmission, backscatter, chlorophyll fluorescence and CDOM sensors from the Sargasso Sea from 2013-2014 | RapAutParticleFlux | BATS_Depth |
September Pelican Samples | Sample Log PE11-07 - September Pelican Samples | GoMX - Microbial Response | Depth |
Sequencing Reads | Accession numbers | KeysCoralPopgen | Depth |
SERC 2019 viral dilution incubations | Gene copy number counts and 16S analyses of July 2019 Rhode River surface water incubated with or without viral dilution | identify cyano infections | Depth |
SERC time series | Water quality data, gene copy number counts, and 16S analyses from Rhode River samples collected at SERC | identify cyano infections | Depth |
SF_adcp_1996 | SF_adcp_1996 | GB | depth |
SF_adcp_1997 | Georges Bank Southern Flank ADCP 1997 data | GB | depth |
SF_adcp_1998 | Georges Bank Southern Flank ADCP 1998 data | GB | depth |
SF_adcp_1999 | Georges Bank Southern Flank ADCP 1999 data | GB | depth |
SH70 SAMI pCO2 | SH70 SAMI pCO2 | EAGER | Depth |
Shark dive profiles | Temperature-depth profiles from archival tags deployed on basking sharks. | Basking Shark Geochem Tracers | depth |
simulated in situ primary production | Simulated in Situ production data from NBP cruises | SOGLOBEC | depth |
Single amplified genomes | Single amplified genomes (SAGs) | Dark ocean chemoautotrophs | depth |
Sinking particle sample information for BATS microbial communities | | Marine Plankton Aggregation | depth |
sinking particles | Sinking Particles | SEEDS I | depth |
Sinking particles from traps | Sinking particles from traps | Chief Sci KM1910 | depth_m |
Siphonophore bulk stable isotopes | Siphonophore bulk stable isotopes | SiphWeb | Depth_m |
Siphonophore sample log | Siphonophore sample log | SiphWeb | Depth |
SiphWeb ROV CTD | SiphWeb ROV CTD | SiphWeb | Depth |
SIS - Summary | Simulated in situ (SIS) data summary of carbon uptake (mg/m3) | SOIREE | depth |
Site data, hydrographic measurements and seagrass cover | | Harvey Seagrass | Secchi_depth, Sonde_Depth, Depth |
Site locations and species sampled | List of species that were sampled and locations of sampling sites. | Coral Microbial Relationships | depth |
Sites and symbionts | Sites and symbionts | RUI-LTREB, St. John LTREB | Collection_Depth |
Size Fractionated Chlorophyll Dataset | | Salp Food Web Ecology | Depth |
Size Fractionated Zooplankton Carbon and Nitrogen | Size fractionated zooplankton C:N, d13C and d15N from EXPORTS | EXPORTS Isotopes | DepthInterval_min, DepthInterval_max |
Size fractionated zooplankton, C:N, d13C, and d15N from JC214 | Size fractionated zooplankton, C:N, d13C, and d15N from JC214 | EXPORTS OM Degradation Indicators | DepthInterval_max, DepthInterval_min |
Size-fractionated particulate trace element concentrations determined by ICP-MS from Ocean Station Papa during the 2018 EXPORTS cruise | | Particle aggregation | depthm |
Size-fractionated particulate trace element concentrations determined by ICP-MS from the 2021 North Atlantic EXPORTS cruise | | Particle aggregation | depthm |
SKQ201701S Event Log | Event log from Sikuliaq cruise SKQ201701S | Metabolic Index | Min_Depth, Max_Depth |
SMILE counts | SMILE counts | ProEco | depth |
snow | Abundance of aggregates >0.5 mm | EqPac | depth |
snow_pits | snow pit data: temperature, density, stratigraphy at various depths | SOGLOBEC | depth_temp, depth_dens, depth_strat, depth_wet |
SO248: Bulk FLA hydrolysis rates | SO248: Bulk FLA | Patterns of activities | depth_m |
SO248: Bulk MCAMUF hydrolysis rates | SO248: Bulk MCAMUF | Patterns of activities | depth_m |
SO248: GF FLA hydrolysis rates | SO248: GF FLA | Patterns of activities | depth_m |
SO248: GF MCAMUF hydrolysis rates | SO248: GF MCAMUF | Patterns of activities | depth_m |
Soil physicochemical properties | Soil physicochemical properties of wetland soil cores (Barataria Bay, LA) | Submerged Wetland Carbon | Depth |
SOLARIS Superoxide and Standard CTD Profiles | SOLARIS Superoxide and Standard CTD Profiles | MnIONS | depth_m |
SOLOPC - CTD Profiles | SOLOPC - CTD Profiles | GATEKEEPERS | depth |
SoMMoS dataset | Southeastern Mediterranean Monthly cruise Series | HADFBA | Depth |
Sorted Cell Quotas | Sorted Cell Quotas | Biological C:N:P ratios | Depth |
South Atlantic Bight nitro cruises 2014 | Environmental data, nitrifier abundance, ammonia oxidation rates from the South Atlantic Bight | GCE LTER | depth |
South China Sea 16S | 16S gene sequencing of microbial communities from South China Sea sediments | Edginess in the subsurface | elev |
Southern California Seeps Stable Isotopes | | Methanosphere | Depth |
Southern Ocean foraminifer N isotopes | Planktic foraminifer tissue and shell d15N from net tows in the African sector | N Isotopes Foraminifera, stable isotope instrumentation, Diatom-bound_N_Isotopes | depth_tow |
Southern Ocean seawater N isotopes | Nitrate+nitrite and nitrate-only δ15N from the Southern Ocean south of Africa | N Isotopes Foraminifera, stable isotope instrumentation, Diatom-bound_N_Isotopes | depth_sample, depth_ctd |
Southern Ocean Silicate | Programmable Flow Injection (pFI) silicate underway data | pFI-SI-LOV | Depth |
Southern Ocean zooplankton N isotopes | Size-fractionated zooplankton δ15N from net tows in the African sector | N Isotopes Foraminifera, stable isotope instrumentation, Diatom-bound_N_Isotopes | depth_tow |
soxB Sequences | soxB gene sequence data from microbial mats at Axial Seamount, 2011. | AXIAL | depth |
Spawning Cruise Data 2014-2015 | CTD profiles from cruises off Coos Bay in 2014-2015 | Storm larvae | depth |
SPE-DOC 13C from GO-SHIP cruises (2015 to 2018) | Stable carbon isotopes of DOC from GO-SHIP cruises | DOC 14C and 13C | Weighted_Average_Depth, Surface_or_Deep |
Speciation of Iodine-129 and Iodine-127 | Speciation of I129 and I127 from Fukushima water samples | Fukushima Radionuclide Levels | depth |
Species Sizes | Species Sizes | Urchin metapopulations | AverageDepth |
spherical_par | Photosynthetically available radiation | GB | depth |
Sponge density and cover | Percent cover and density of sponges at multiple sites in Caribbean and Pacific from shallow to mesophotic depths | MCESponge | Depth |
Sponge holobiont accessions and metadata | Sponge holobiont accessions and metadata | DimensionsSponge | depth |
Sponge-Associated Microbial Communities (via 16S-V4 rRNA amplicon sequencing) Following Storm-Driven Flooding | | Rapid Reefs Harvey | Depth_max, Depth_min |
SPOT Cell Counts | Microbial cell counts in seawater samples from SPOT cruises in 2017 | Volatile_Hydrocarbons | Depth |
SPOT Cobalamins | Quantification of different chemical forms of cobalamin from SPOT cruises in 2017 | Volatile_Hydrocarbons | Depth |
SPOT environmental data | Environmental measurements from ARISA samples, San Pedro Channel, 5 depths | Bacterial, Archaeal, and Protistan Biodiversity, Marine Viral Dynamics | depth, Cmax_Depth |
SPOT Environmental Data 2005-2018 | SPOT Environmental Data 2005-2018 | SPOT | DepthBin, depth |
SPOT virus environmental | Environmental data for SPOT virus sampling | Marine Viral Dynamics, Bacterial, Archaeal, and Protistan Biodiversity, Mar. Microbial Communities | cmax_depth |
SPOT Vitamins | Vitamin and methionine quantifications from SPOT cruises during different months | B-vitamin plankton succession | Depth |
SPOT- Retinoid | | Marine Retinoids | Depth |
Spring 2011 - Drill Core Methane | Spring 2011 - Drill Core Methane | East Siberian Arctic Shelf | depth |
Spring 2011 - Master Data Sheet | Spring 2011 Sediment/Permafrost Master Data Sheet | East Siberian Arctic Shelf | Mid_point_Depth |
Spring 2011 -Sediment Gas Concentrations and Stable Isotope Values | Spring 2011 -Sediment Gas Concentrations and Stable Isotope Values | East Siberian Arctic Shelf | Mid_point_Depth |
Spring 2012 - d13C and d2H Stable Isotope Composition | Spring 2012 - d13C and d2H Stable Isotope Composition | East Siberian Arctic Shelf | Sample_Depth |
Spring 2012 - Master Data Sheet | 2012 Arctic Sediment/Permafrost Master | East Siberian Arctic Shelf | drill_depth |
Spring 2012 - Sediment Gas Concentrations | Spring 2012 - Sediment Gas Concentrations | East Siberian Arctic Shelf | depth |
Spring 2012 - Turnover Rates | Spring 2012 - Turnover Rates | East Siberian Arctic Shelf | Mid_point_Depth |
Squidpop 2021 2022 | Squidpop predation data collected at various temperatures from multiple sites in San Cristobal, Galapagos | Galapagos 2021 | Depth |
Squidpop Assays 2021 | Squidpop Assays 2021 | Temperature and Herbivory | Depth |
SR2114 Fish larvae isotope data | SR2114 Fish larvae isotope data | N-loss in the ETNP ODZ | Depth |
SR2114 MOCNESS Net Data | SR2114 MOCNESS Net Data | N-loss in the ETNP ODZ | DepSM |
SRA_CH0112 metadata | Physical meta associated with marine metagenome samples collected along the New England Shelf, USA | CiliateSequencing | depth |
ssDNA-dsDNA viromes | ssDNA-dsDNA viromes from the Great Lakes, off Bermuda and the South Pacific | GOV | depth |
st2mooring | ST2 mooring parameters | GB | depth |
Stable Isotopes and Elemental Ratios | Stable isotopes and elemental ratios | DON Microbial Nitrogen Pump | depth |
Stable Isotopes of DBC in River and Ocean Samples | Stable Isotopes of DBC in River and Ocean Samples | DBC Stable Isotopes | Depth |
Station locations | Station locations for the global metaproteomic dataset from KM1128 the METZYME expedition. | MetZyme | depth |
Station Log | Station Log | SIRENA | depth |
Station logs - TRANSPORT FSBT-11 and -12 | Sample logs from the Fixed Station cruises of the TRANSPORT program, 2011-2012 | TRANSPORT | depth_TSS |
station logs - TRANSPORT Mapping Cruises | Consecutive station logs from TRANSPORT Mapping cruises, 2010-2012, Choptank River. | TRANSPORT | depth |
Stations | Stations | C-MORE | depth, chl_max_deep |
Stations - CTD Sampling | CTD Sampling Log | SOIREE | depth |
Stations - GoFlos | GoFlos Sampling Log | SOIREE | depth |
Stations - Trace Gases | Trace Gas Sampling Log | SOIREE | depth |
Stations Occupied | Lake Erie Ice - Stations Occupied - Winter 2012, 2013, and 2016 | Lake Erie Ice | Station_Depth_Feet, Station_Depth_Meters |
Stillwater Cove temperature time series | Temperature time-series data from 4 depths, 2010-2012, Central California kelp forest. | Climate Change Kelp | depth |
STING I and STING II extracted chlorophyll a and pheophytin | Chlorphyll a and pheophytin from two cruises performed as part of the STING project | Gulf of Mexico DON and Fe | Depth |
STING macronutrient concentrations | | Gulf of Mexico DON and Fe | DEPTH |
stony coral array metadata | Tile array metadata and fish identified from photos | Killer Seaweeds | depth_ctr_chart, depth_E, depth_E_chart, depth_W_chart, depth_ctr |
stony coral fragment survival expts. | stoney coral fragment survival experiment, Fiji 2013 | Killer Seaweeds | depth |
Stress bands Jarvis | Stress bands Jarvis | Coral Bleaching Skeletal Records | depth |
sublegal cod survival | Survival of sub-legal cod with different handling methods. | NEC-CoopRes | depth_water_fthm |
sublegal lobster traps | Testing of trap styles for capture of sublegal sized lobsters | NEC_ProjDev | depth_feet |
Substrate Coverage | Substrate Coverage | Urchin metapopulations | AverageDepth |
Subtidal Temperatures | Subtidal Temperatures | RAPDGALPGS | depth |
Sulfur Oxidizers Sample Collection and Nutrient Information | sample station data for analysis of microbial communities | Sulfur Oxidizers | depth |
Summary data from the Heatwaves and Coral-Recovery Database (HeatCRD) | Summary data from the Heatwaves and Coral-Recovery Database (HeatCRD) | Coral Recovery | Depth |
Suppl 2c: microbial sample metadata | Microbial sample metadata, sequencing and treatment details, temperature and salinity | HERBVRE | depth |
Suppl 2d: Microbial community metadata (water samples) | Microbial community metadata - water samples | HERBVRE | depth |
Sup_Aug-09-carbon | Sup_Aug-09-carbon | Lake Superior Radiocarbon | depth_of_sample |
Sup_June-09-carbon | Sup_June-09-carbon | Lake Superior Radiocarbon | depth_of_sample |
Sup_May-10-carbon | Sup_May-10-carbon | Lake Superior Radiocarbon | depth_of_sample |
Suspended particle total mercury and monomethylmercury in the California Current Ecosystem (CCE) | Suspended particle total mercury and monomethylmercury in the California Current Ecosystem (CCE) | DMHg in the Ocean, CCE LTER | Depth_m |
Suspended particles from in situ pumps | Suspended particles from in situ pumps from cruise KM1910 | Chief Sci KM1910 | depth_m |
Suspended particles from pumps | | CaCO3 dissolution | Depth |
Symbiont community structure in Orbicella faveolata | Symbiont community structure in Orbicella faveolata | Symbiont Shifts on Reefs | colony_depth |
Synechococcus accessions | Synechococcus accessions | Phytoplankton Community Responses | Depth |
Synechococcus Batch Culture Sampling Data | | StoichTraitD | isolation_depth |
Synechococcus_ETSP | Synechococcus counts from AT15-61 (ETSP2010) cruise. | Syne_ETSP | depth |
Synechococcus_QPCR | Q-PCR counts of Synechococcus clades | Fe_Synechococcus | depth |
Table 1. 210Pb, 210Bi, and 210Po activities in rain and lake water | Table 1: Pb, Bi, Po | Bi 210 measurement | depth |
Table 2. Suspended particulate matter (SPM) concentrations in lake water | Table 2: lake SPM | Bi 210 measurement | depth |
Table 3: 210Pb, 210Bi, and 210Po activities in mussels | Table 3: Pb, Bi, Po in mussels | Bi 210 measurement | depth |
Tagged kelp size and depth | | Linking Kelp to Beaches | Depth_ft, depth_m |
Target site benthic survey reef bioerosion - 2014 | Target site benthic survey reef bioerosion - 2014 | OA Kelp Forest Function | depth_feet, max_depth_grazed_mm |
Target site benthic survey urchin density - 2014 | Target site benthic survey urchin density - 2014 | OA Kelp Forest Function | depth_feet |
Target site benthic survey urchin size biomass - 2014 | Target site benthic survey urchin size and biomass - 2014 | OA Kelp Forest Function | depth_feet |
Target site benthic survey vegetation - 2014 | Target site benthic survey vegetation - 2014 | OA Kelp Forest Function | depth_feet |
Targeted metabolite abundances: dissolved | Targeted dissolved metabolite abundances | Deep Atlantic DOM | depth |
Targeted metabolite abundances: particulate | Targeted particulate metabolite abundances | Deep Atlantic DOM | depth |
tco2 | Total carbon dioxide and total alkalinity | EqPac | depth |
temperature | Water temperature measured at the PICO time-series station. | PICO | depth |
Temperature | Water temperature determined by tilt current meters | Costa Rica Seeps | Depth |
Temperature Profiles AT15-40 and AT15-56 | Hydrothermal sediment temperature profiles near Beggiatoa mats | Guaymas Basin Vents | depth |
Th-234 activity | Water column Th-234 activity determined using a 4-L technique. | CRD FLUZiE | depth |
Th234_activity | Thorium 234 activity in particulate and dissolved phases | NABE | depth |
th234_pump | Th-234 in particulate and dissolved phases; POC/PON | Arabian Sea | depth |
thorium | MULVFS Thorium & Radium Isotope concentrations | EqPac | depth |
Thorium Summary | Thorium isotope data summaries | Ant2006, BWZ | depth |
thorium WB bottle | Thorium-234 and Uranium-238 from Niskin bottle samples | EDDIES | depth |
Thorium-234 | Thorium 234, POC and biogenic silica | SOFeX | depth |
Thorium-234 along the Western Antarctic Peninsula (2016-2020) | Thorium-234 along the Western Antarctic Peninsula (2016-2020) | WAP Carbon export | Depth |
Thorium-234 from SalpPOOP cruise | | Salp Food Web Ecology | Depth |
Thorium-234 Uranium-238 | Thorium-234 and Uranium-238 | SOFeX | depth |
TI668 eventlog | Event log for TI-668, May 2013 | GoME OA Pteropods | depth |
TI700 eventlog | Event log for TI-700, August 2013 | Gulf of Maine Pteropods | depth |
TI715 eventlog | Event log for TI715, October 2013 | Gulf of Maine Pteropods | depth |
TI725 eventlog | Event log for TI725, January 2014 | Gulf of Maine Pteropods | depth |
TI729 eventlog | Event log for TI729, January 2014 | Gulf of Maine Pteropods | depth |
TI777 eventlog | Event log for TI777, August 2014 | Gulf of Maine Pteropods | depth |
TI787 eventlog | Event log for TI787, November 2014 | Gulf of Maine Pteropods | depth |
Tidal creeks open-water metabolism | Data on two tidal creeks, water fluxes, and oxygen metabolism flux. | Benthic_PP_at_TIDE | depthYSI, depthPGauge |
Tidal study of seawater microbial communities | | Coral Exometabolomes | Collection_Depth, Site_Depth |
Time Course Experiment Data | Time course experiment related data to assess the appropriate incubation time for methane oxidation rate measurement of the deep Santa Barbara Basin water column | BASIN, CASA | Depth_m |
Time Series Water Column Parameters | Time series of oxygen, nitrate, methane concentrations and methane oxidation rates of the Santa Barbara Basin deep water column | BASIN, CASA | Depth_m |
TMbottle | Temperature, salinity, nutrients from Trace Metal casts | AESOPS | depth |
TMCTD | Processed CTD data from TM casts | AESOPS | depth |
TMR Hydrography | Hydrography data from Metzyme cruise (KM1128) collected using the Trace Metal Rosette (TMR) | MetZyme | DEPTH |
TMs and Nuts from EXPORTS NA Incubations | | Diatoms and carbon export | DEPTH |
TMtrace_Fe_Al | Dissolved iron and aluminum concentrations; TM casts | Arabian Sea | depth |
TN327 Axial 2015 CTD Bottle Data | | NeMO2015 | Depth |
TN327 Axial 2015 MAPR Mooring Data | | NeMO2015 | Elevation, Depth |
TN376 Bottle Data | TN376 Bottle Data | Conditioning_SAMW | Depth_m |
TN391 Jason Dive Summary | TN391 Jason Dive Summary | SALT | Max_Depth |
TN391 Sentry Dive Summary | TN391 Sentry Dive Summary | SALT | Depth |
toc | Total organic carbon profile data | Arabian Sea | depth |
TOC | Total Organic Carbon from Niskin bottle casts | EqPac | depth |
TOC | | CDOM Optical Properties | Depth |
TONGA nitrate plus nitrite isotopes | TONGA NO3 d15N | DOP N2 fixation and export production | Depth |
TORCH-II | Coastal water biogeochemistry along the North Atlantic coast | ROS in Hg Cycling | Depth |
Total dissolved Cr concentration and isotopic composition in the ETNP from RR1804-05 and KM1919-20 | Total dissolved Cr concentration and isotopic composition in the ETNP from RR1804-05 and KM1919-20 | ETNP Cr Isotopes | Depth |
Total DOC 14C | Total DOC 14C | DON Microbial Nitrogen Pump | depth |
Total Organic Sulfur | Total organic sulfur (TOS) collected from Niskin bottle samples on cruise KN210-04 | Deep Atlantic DOM | depth_m |
Total spectral count of proteins (MetZyme 0.2) | Global metaproteomic dataset for KM1128 the METZYME expedition. | MetZyme | depth |
Total Th | Total Th | Abyssal food web | Depth |
Trace metal and organic iron ligand data | Trace metal and organic iron ligand data | PLUME RAIDERS | Depth_m |
trace metals | Trace Metals | SEEDS I | depth |
Trace Metals - 2004 | Trace Metals - 2004 | BWZ | Depth |
Trace Metals - 2006 | Trace Metals - 2006 | BWZ | Depth |
Trace-metals from CTD casts and underway water samples | | DANCE | Depth |
Transparent Exopolymer Particles (TEP) CTD Bottle Measurements HRS2204 | Transparent Exopolymer Particles (TEP) CTD Bottle Measurements HRS2204 | Disaggregation | Depth |
Trap Flux | Trap Flux | NP | depth |
trawl catch CTD - CGoA | CTD data collected during CGOA Trawl cruises | NEP | depth |
Trawl survey: locations and times | trawl survey locations and times | PelagicHypoxia | EQ_depth |
Trench CFUs | CFUs from Mariana and Kermadec trenches, 2014 | Mariana Perspectives | MULTIBEAM_DEPTH, Depth |
Trichodesmium field metaproteomes - peptide spectral counts | | Cyanobacteria Warming Responses, TriCoLim, MM Saito, MM Proteins and Organics Tech | depth_m |
Trichodesmium field metaproteomes - protein spectral counts | | Cyanobacteria Warming Responses, TriCoLim, MM Saito, MM Proteins and Organics Tech | depth_m |
Trichodesmium sequence accessions | GenBank Trichodesmium accessions and associated metadata | P Processing by Tricho | depth |
Tropical Pacific nitrate nitrogen and oxygen isotopes | Tropical Pacific nitrate N and O isotopes | CAREER, Diatom-bound_N_Isotopes | Depth |
Tubeworms | | Costa Rica Seeps | Depth |
tucker catch - CGoA LTOP | Zooplankton catch data from Tucker trawl from CGOA LTOP cruises, 2001-2003 | NEP | depth |
turbidity | Turbidity measured at the PICO time-series station. | PICO | depth |
Ultrahigh Resolution Mass Spectrometry of a Depth Profile | Ultrahigh Resolution Mass Spectrometry of a Depth Profile | Picocyanobacteria CDOM | Depth |
Underwater irradiance outputs from backward Monte Carlo ray tracing model | | MCESponge | z |
Underway - MET | Underway - MET | GATEKEEPERS | IP |
underway - OC471-02 | Underway data from cruise OC471-02 | SEEPC | depth_12, depth_35 |
Underway - pCO2 | Underway surface water and atmospheric pCO2 including SST and SSS | SAGE | depth |
Underway Data | Underway Data | ALEX-GoME | depth_nominal |
Underway Data | Underway Data | Great Calcite Belt | Measurement_Depth |
underway_thermosalinography | EIFEX continuous thermosalinography | EIFEX | depth |
uptake_aa_15N | Uptake of dissolved free amino acids, 15N uptake, Thymidine production | NABE | depth |
Urchin and Abalone Density Responses | Urchin and abalone density responses to caged Pycnopodia field experiment in Sitka Sound urchin barrens, February 2023 | High latitude kelp dynamics | Depth_ft, Depth_m |
Urchin diameters at Sitka Sound and Torch Bay | | High latitude kelp dynamics | Depth |
USVI Time-series | USVI Time-series | Coral Chorus | depth_m |
UVP | Particle size from the Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP) | C-MORE | depth |
V3-V4 16S rRNA sequence accessions from whole larvae and juveniles of Gigantidas childressi and co-located water samples | V3-V4 16S rRNA sequence accessions from whole larvae and juveniles of Gigantidas childressi and co-located water samples | SALT | Depth |
V4 amplicon sequencing of coral tissue | Accession numbers and locations of species analyzed. | Coral Microbial Relationships | depth |
V4 SSU rRNA gene primer validation for reef seawater | Partial SSU rRNA genes of bacteria and archaea from reef seawater samples produced using 515F/806R and 515F/806RB primers | Coral Microbial Relationships | depth |
Variability Estimates | Variability estimates | IronExI | depth |
vent chemical composition-Crab Spa | Chemical composition of diffuse flow vent fluids collected from Crab Spa, 9N on the East Pacific Rise | Microbial Communities at Deep-Sea Vents | depth |
Vent chemistry | Concentrations of anions, cations, and trace elements/metals from vents near Milos I., Greece. | Hydrothermal Autotrophic Carbon Fixation | depth_cm |
Vent Parasite Dissection Data | Species dissection rom the 9°50’N deep-sea hydrothermal vent field. | EPR Functional Diversity, Vent Settlement Cues | COLLECTION_DEPTH_M |
Vent temperature profile | Temperature profile along transect at shallow-water hydothermal vent site in Paleochori Bay, Milos Island, Greece | Hydrothermal Autotrophic Carbon Fixation | depth |
viral and bacterial counts | Viral and bacterial counts from filtered water, stained with SYBR Green and counted using epifluorescent microscopy. | Deep Atlantic DOM | depth |
Viral Consortia in Stony Corals | Viral Consortia in Stony Corals | Multi-Species Coral Disease | Depth |
Viral Counts - AN10 | Viral Counts | ANACONDAS | Depth |
Virus production at a hydrothermal vent site | | Vent Underworld | depth |
vitamin B dissolved - Hotmix 2014 | Dissolved B vitamins from Hotmix expedition, 2014 | B-vitamin plankton succession | depth |
vitamin B particulate - Hotmix 2014 | Particulate B vitamins from Hotmix expedition, 2014 | B-vitamin plankton succession | depth |
Vouchered specimens | Vouchered specimens | Costa Rica Seeps | depth_start, depth_end |
VPR AR29 | Video Plankton Recorder environmental sensor data, April 2018 | SPIROPA | depth |
VPR sensor | Underway temperature, salinity, density, fluorometry, PAR, oxygen, etc. | Transatlantic VPR Survey | depth |
VPR TN368 | | SPIROPA | Depth |
Vulnerability of coral reefs to bioerosion | This dataset contains calcification rates for Porites coral 751 from Dongsha Atoll from 1954-2012. Calcification rates were collected by analyzing the CT scan of the coral. | Coral climate effects | Water_depth |
Water column analytical data from Chile Triple Junction | Water column analytical data from Chile Triple Junction | Chile Triple Junction | Depth |
Water Column Be-7 | Be-7 from water samples from the Arctic collected on RV Polarstern ARK-XXVI/3. | Be-7 Tracer Method | depth |
Water Column Chemical and Biological Inventories | Water Column Chemical and Biological Inventories | ArcticNITRO | Sample_Depth |
Water column Chesapeake Bay 2017 | Water column Chesapeake Bay 2017 | Manganese3 | depth |
Water column Chesapeake Bay 2018 | Water column Chesapeake Bay 2018 | Manganese3 | depth |
Water column CTD - Inside and outside kelp | Water column CTD - Inside and outside kelp | Kelp forest biogeochemistry | depth, depth2 |
Water Column Data - CTD | CTD water column data from the East Siberian Arctic Shelf. | ESAS Water Column Methane | depth_sample |
Water column geochemical composition | Water column geochemical composition | Pacific Porewater Nd | Depth |
Water column methane ethylene and nutrients | | PHAT | Depth |
Water column MOx | | Guaymas Basin Interactions | Depth |
Water Column Nitrate d15N Cocos Ridge Upper 1000m | Water Column Nitrate d15N Cocos Ridge Upper 1000m | CDISP 2021 | Depth_m |
Water column production and respiration 2017 | | HarveyCarbonCycle | Bottle_sampling_depth |
water column respiration rates | Water column (community) respiration rates from changes in DO in incubations. | SargassoSeaLipids | depth |
water column respiration rates | Water column (community) respiration rates from changes in DO in incubations. | NA-VICE | depth |
Water column Th-234 activities | | Are Traps Equal | depth |
Water level data | | Subsurface cryptic N cycle | Water_Level |
Water Mass Fractions - 160 yrs | The fraction of water last ventilated in a given region in a time less than or equal to 160 years ago | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT, DWBC Obs Line W, GT NAT CFC and SF6, GT NAT RAPID CFC SF6 | Depth |
Water Mass Fractions - 39 yrs | The fraction of water last ventilated in a given region in a time less than or equal to 39 years ago | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT, DWBC Obs Line W, GT NAT CFC and SF6, GT NAT RAPID CFC SF6 | Depth |
Water Mass Fractions - Ages | Mean ventilation age reported for 7 regions of the Atlantic | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT, DWBC Obs Line W, GT NAT CFC and SF6, GT NAT RAPID CFC SF6 | Depth |
Water Mass Fractions - All Years | The fraction of water last ventilated in a given region regardless of the time elapsed since ventilation (in practice, younger than 4000 years). | DWBC Obs Line W, GT NAT CFC and SF6, GT NAT RAPID CFC SF6, U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | Depth |
water nutrients | Florida Keys - Water Nutrients | Sponge Holobiont DOM | Water_Depth |
water temperature - FHL | Water temperature at 20', 60' and 80' at Pt. Caution, Friday Harbor Lab. | Subtidal Preserves | depth |
Water_Column_AE1409 | Water column data from cruise AE1409 | P Processing by Tricho | Depth |
water_samples | Depth profiles of oceanographic parameters from Chesapeake Bay in Spring and Summer of 2010-2011 | LiDZ | depth |
WaveGlider C3 | WaveGlider C3 | SoCalPlumeEx2012 | Depth |
Wavelength- and temperature-dependent AQYs for the photochemical production of acrylate in seawater | Wavelength- and temperature-dependent AQYs for the photochemical production of acrylate in seawater | Impact Acrylate in Seawater | Depth_Sample_Collected |
WBTS CTD casts | | Calanus Persistence GoM | depth |
West Mata 2009 DOC,13C-POC, DON | | West Mata Volcano | Sampling_Depth |
Wetz-783256-Discrete | | Hurricane Harvey Texas Lagoons | Depth |
Whole genome sequence accessions from Ammonia-Oxidizing Archaea (AOA) | Whole genome sequence accessions from Ammonia-Oxidizing Arachae (AOA) | N-Cycling Microbial Communities | Depth |
Winam Gulf Metagenomic Time Series | Metagenomic Time Series of Winam Gulf, Lake Victoria from 2022-2023 | ASI Lake Victoria | Sampling_depth |
winter nitrate isotopes - hydrocast | Wintertime nitrate delta 15N and delta 18O from hydrocasts in the Southern Ocean south of Africa. | Diatom-bound_N_Isotopes | depth |
winter nitrate isotopes - underway | Wintertime nitrate delta 15N and delta 18O from the surface (underway) in the Southern Ocean south of Africa. | Diatom-bound_N_Isotopes | depth |
WireWalker Moorings | WireWalker Moorings | SoCalPlumeEx2012 | Depth |
Woodfalls (Wood Fall project) | Datasheet provides information for individual wood falls including size and deployment information. | Wood Fall | depth |
WP2 net metadata - CGoA LTOP | WP2 net - meta data, 2001-2002 | NEP | depth_start |
WS1010_CTD | CTD data from cruise WS1010 in the Gulf of Mexico, May-June 2010. | DWH_Deep_Microbes | depth |
WS1209 strains | Microbial culture collection, strain IDs, locations and depth from cruise WB1209 | CEMSB | depth |
X-ray diffraction from seafloor sulfide deposits East Pacific Rise 9-10 North | x-ray diffraction, East Pacific Rise 2019 | Hot2cold Vents | Depth_mbs |
XBT | XBT Data | NABE | depth |
XBT | XBT data (depth, temperature) | SOIREE | depth_xbt |
XBT | XBT depth, temperature, sound velocity | EDDIES | depth_xbt |
XBT_SFX_PS | SOFeX Polar Star XBT temperature profiles | SOFeX | depth_xbt |
YellowFin CTD Data | YellowFin CTD Data | SoCalPlumeEx2012 | Depth, Depth_A |
YSI Flowthrough Data | YSI Flowthrough Data | SoCalPlumeEx2012 | Depth |
ZOO | ZOO UVP5 | GoA Particles | bin_depth |
Zooplankton - Copepod Egg Production | Zooplankton - Copepod Egg Production | RISE | depth |
Zooplankton - Euphausiid Egg Production | Zooplankton - Euphausiid Egg Production | RISE | depth |
Zooplankton - Euphausiid Growth Rates | Zooplankton - Euphausiid Growth Rates | RISE | depth |
Zooplankton d13C and d15N of individual amino acids from RR1813 | Zooplankton d13C and d15N of individual amino acids from RR1813 | EXPORTS Isotopes | DepthInterval_max, DepthInterval_min |
Zooplankton from hypoxic waters of Chesapeake Bay | Zooplankton - esp. copepods - from hypoxic waters of the Chesapeake Bay | DeZoZoo | low_depth_best, high_depth_best |
Zooplankton In Situ Videos | In situ zooplankton ZooCam video captured in the Puget Sound during summer 2018 | Zooplankton Swimming | depth |
ZooProcess and Ecotaxa Output Along Physical Gradients from OAPS | | Zooplankton Gradients | sample_zmax, sample_zmin, sample_bottomdepth |
ZooProcess and Ecotaxa Output for Zooplankton Mediated Aggregates | | Zooplankton Mediation | sample_bottomdepth, sample_zmax, sample_zmin |
zoop_pelletflux | Zooplankton fecal pellet flux data from NBST deployments | VERTIGO | depth |
ZooSCAN output MOCNESS BATS: M3 to M13 | | Zooplankton Gradients, Zooplankton Diel Rhythm, BIOSSCOPE | object_depth_min, object_depth_max |
Zoo_DMC_2007-2011 | Abundance and composition of the zooplankton community at the Darling Marine Center Monitoring stations. | DMC | depth_net |
Zoo_DMC_2007-2011_Columns | Abundance and composition of the zooplankton community at the Darling Marine Center Monitoring stations - Columnar view | DMC | depth |
zoo_dv_Bongo | Zooplankton displacement volumes from Bongo tows | Arabian Sea | depth |
zoo_pump | Zooplankton counts (density) | GB | depth |
[DEPRECATED] GN01 Dissolved Mercury Species | | U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic, GEOTRACES Arctic Mercury | CTDDEPTH, ODF_CTDDEPTH, Depth |
[DEPRECATED] GN01 Particulate Mercury | | GEOTRACES Arctic Mercury, U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic | Depth |
[DEPRECATED] Properties of HMW and LMW DOM from the NPSG | Recovery parameters, isotopic composition (d15N, d13C, D14C), and elemental composition (C:N) of HMW and LMW DOM collected from the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre | DON Microbial Nitrogen Pump | Depth |
[DRAFT] Dana catch-all | | | Depth |